National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program
Natural Resources and the Environment
Watershed Processes and Water Resources

Projects funded for FY 2002

Note: Each proposal number is linked directly to its respective
CSREES Current Research Information System (CRIS) record.

Principal Investigator: Durnford, D.S., Sanford, W.E., Stednick, J.D.
Proposal Number: 2002-01194 external link
Performing Institution: Colorado State University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12471; $300,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Influence of Flow Augmentation of Water Quality and Quantity in the South Platte River Basin

Principal Investigator: Dosskey, M.G.; Hoagland, K.D.; Brandle, J.R.
Proposal Number: 2002-01076 external link
Performing Institution: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12501; $75,000; 2.5 Years
Title of Award: Change in Filter Strip Performance Over Time

Principal Investigator: Elimelech, M.; Walz, J.Y.; Edberg S.C.
Proposal Number: 2002-01081 external link
Performing Institution: Yale University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12600; $275,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in Subsurface Environments: Mechanisms and Modeling

Principal Investigator: Isenhart, T.M.; Schultz, R.C.; Simpkins, W.W.
Proposal Number: 2002-01206 external link
Performing Institution: Iowa State University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12536; $312,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Assessment and Prediction of the Fate of Nitrate in Re-Established Riparian Buffers

Principal Investigator: King, B.A.; Stark, J.C.; Wall, R.W.
Proposal Number: 2002-01019 external link
Performing Institution: University of Idaho
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12470; $156,000; 2 Years
Title of Award: Conjunctive In-Season Water and Nitrogen Management for Improved Production

Principal Investigator: Gray, K.A.; Packman, A.I.
Proposal Number: 2002-01199 external link
Performing Institution: Northwestern University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12373; $324,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Engineering an Artificial Substrate System to Accelerate the Denitrification of Agricultural Runoff by Naturally-Occurring Periphyton

Principal Investigator: Hanson, G. M.
Proposal Number: 2002-01204 external link
Performing Institution: Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12372; $24,500; 1 Year
Title of Award: A Geographical Information System (GIS) for Red River Watershed Management Research

Principal Investigator: Palik, B.J.; Goebel, P.C.; Koch, R.W.
Proposal Number: 2002-00843 external link
Performing Institution: USDA Forest Service
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12509; $294,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Influence of Stream Geomorphology and Large Wood Dams on Organic Matter Processing and Aquatic Foodwebs in Northern Hardwood Watersheds

Principal Investigator: Woods S.W.; DeLuca T.D.
Proposal Number: 2002-01312 external link
Performing Institution: University of Montana
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12371; $17670; 1 Year
Title of Award: Acquisition of a Norton Rainfall Simulator for Runoff and Erosion Studies in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region

Principal Investigator: Noble, R. T.
Proposal Number: 2002-00829 external link
Performing Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12408; $265,000, 3 years
Title of Award: Use of Viral Pathogens as Tools to Differentiate between and Quantify Sources of Fecal Contamination in Three Different Watersheds

Principal Investigator: Inamdar, S.P.
Proposal Number: 2002-00847 external link
Performing Institution: State University of New York (SUNY) College at Buffalo
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12490; $170,000; 2 Years
Title of Award: Catchment-scale Nutrient Export Patterns during storm events – Investigating the Controls of Variable Source Area (VSA) dynamics and connectivity

Principal Investigator: Whiting, P.J.; Matisoff, G.
Proposal Number: 2002-01444 external link
Performing Institution: Case Western Reserve University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12489; $250,000; 2.5 Years
Title of Award: Quantifying Sheetwash and Rill Erosion with Radionuclide and Geochemical Tracers

Principal Investigator: Lin, H.S.
Proposal Number: 2002-00597 external link
Performing Institution: Pennsylvania State University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12547; $266,500; 3 Years
Title of Award: Hydropedology – Bridging Disciplines, Scales, and Data

Principal Investigator: Dunbar, J. A.; Allen, P.M. Bennett, S.J.
Proposal Number: 2002-00593 external link
Performing Institution: Baylor University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12383; $204,862; 3 Years
Title of Award: Variable-Frequency Acoustic Profiling for Sediment Surveys of Flood Control Reservoirs

Principal Investigator: McInnes, K.J.; Senseman, S.A.; Simanek, E.E.
Proposal Number: 2002-00830 external link
Performing Institution: Texas A&M University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12504; $200,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Novel Polymeric Soil Amendments to Remove Pesticides and Protect Buffer Zones, Filter Strips and Waterways

Principal Investigator: Schreiber, M.E.
Proposal Number: 2002-01296 external link
Performing Institution: Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12690; $290,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Fate and Transport of Organoarsenic Poultry Feed Additives in an Agricultural Watershed

Principal Investigator: Watzin, M.C.
Proposal Number: 2002-00595 external link
Performing Institution: University of Vermont
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12491; $197,919; 3 Years
Title of Award: Improving Tolerance-based Biotic Indices in Agricultural Watersheds: Assessing Macroinvertebrate Responses to Agricultural Pollutants

Principal Investigator: Call, D.R.; Loge, F.J.; Gay, J.M.
Proposal Number: 2002-01078 external link
Performing Institution: Washington State University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12374; $314,000; 3 Years
Title of Award: Identifying Host-Specific Markers of Fecal Pollution using Mixed Genome Microarrays.

Principal Investigator: Wu, J.Q., McCool, D.K., Flury, M., Flanagan, D.C.
Proposal Number: 2002-01195 external link
Performing Institution: Washington State University
Amount of Award: Grant 2002-35102-12570; $298,549; 3 Years
Title of Award: Modeling Hydrology and Erosion under Winter Climatic Conditions of the Pacific Northwest: Modifying WEPP