This component of the National Integrated Water Quality Program seeks to provide a common base of knowledge in support of individuals and communities grappling to formulate public policy and management strategies that will allow growth and increased profitability while protecting water resources.

National Water Resources Projects develop and initiate nationally coordinated programs that increase public understanding and involvement in community decision-making and facilitate the development of public policy on water resources issues (e.g., decisions about land use, land management practices, waste water management alternatives for areas without sewers, storm water controls, and the protection and restoration of riparian zones). These projects result in more citizen involvement, wider dispersal of information, and more rational analysis of environmental decisions in the community and the nation.

National Water Resources Projects:

Project Title
Year Funded
Other Links
Addressing the impacts of land use on water quality: Continued and enhanced coordination of the National NEMO Network D. Dickson and C. Arnold and University of Connecticut 2003 & 2007 CRIS03
Moving the Extension Volunteer Monitoring Network to the Next Level: A National Water Resource Project L. Green, E. Herron, K. Stepenuk, F. Finley, K. Genskow and A. Gold University of Rhode Island 2008


National Facilitation for Pollution Assessment and Prevention Theme Team E. Andrews University of Wisconsin 2001 CRIS
Water Outreach Education-Facilitating Access to Resources and Best Practices E. Andrews University of Wisconsin 2000 CRIS
The Environmental Pathogens Information Network (EPINET ) R. Turco Purdue University 2004 CRIS
Tribal Colleges and Universities National Facilitation Project for Increasing Tribal Involvement in the Water Quality Network V. Dupuis and D. Young Salish Kootenai College 2004 CRIS
Facilitation of 1890 Institutions' Water Resource Education, Extension and Research Efforts S. Dennis Tennessee State University 2005 CRIS
Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center R. Koelsch, J. Harrison, M. Risse, and F.Hummenik University of Nebraska 2005 CRIS
Agriculture, Land Use and Water Quality Reporting and Evaluation by Great Lakes Radio Consortium M. Brush University of Michigan 2005 CRIS
Changing Public Behavior - Increasing Citizen Involvement through Use of Target Audience Information E.L. Andrews University of Wisconsin 2006 CRIS
Facilitating the Development of Stakeholder-Driven, Performance-Based Policies for Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Control F. Schmidt and J. Winsten. University of Vermont 2006 CRIS
Energy independence, bioenergy generation and environmental sustainability: The role of a 21st Century engaged university R. Shepard and J. Erickson University of Wisconsin 2007 CRIS
Public values and attitudes toward agricultural water use in the West A. Bright, J. Prichett, R. Waskom, T. Bauder, and M. Neibauer Colorado State University 2007 CRIS
Water requirements and economics for growing perennial warm-season grasses for ethanol under irrigation in the arid-West S.C. Fransen, M.J. Ottman, and R.T. Peters Washington State University 2007 CRIS
Assessing and Managing the Health Risks of Irrigation Water in the Lower Colorado River Basin Jorge M. Fonesca, C.A. Sanchez, and S. Ravishankar University of Arizona 2008 CRIS