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Education Committee

Today’s schools have a need for environmentally-based curricula that can help future citizens understand issues of ecological health and social justice confronting our nation and the world. Students and teachers benefit from content-rich instruction integrating social studies, humanities, and science at the K-12 level. The Education Committee addresses these needs and capitalizes on the accumulated knowledge and resources of its membership to focus on issues relating to the teaching and learning of environmental history from the primary grades through graduate education. The committee will help fulfill the obligation a learned society should uphold to the educational systems that make our work possible and necessary; it will also help expand ASEH membership, enhance its public profile, and magnify its social significance. This committee fosters networks among environmental history scholars with professional or personal interest in K-12 education, encourages engagement between scholars, K-12 educators, and other education professionals, and urges K-12 educators to join and participate in ASEH. A list of objectives is provided in this section of the website.


Aaron Shapiro, Auburn University, Chair

Thomas Andrews, University of Colorado-Denver

Vicki Garcia, St. Agnes Academy, Houston

In 2008, ASEH's Education Committee received a grant from the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies to bring a middle school teacher, Elizabeth Caughlin, to our annual conference in Boise. Liz is now developing a teaching unit, which will be posted on our website in December 2008.

Education Committee Report