Carman Valley Watershed Restoration Project reports and photos are online

Above, Loyalton High School students are readying for planting.

Restoration work has been completed in three meadow systems

within the overall Carman Valley watershed. A great partnership

produced improved conditions and monitoring data that can

be utilized for other projects as well.

View the Final Executive Report and before and after photos

and text of the restoration.

Latest News

Sierra Valley Watershed Assessment

An existing conditions report for the entire hydrologic unit of Sierra Valley will be published early in 2005. Currently, VESTRA Resources, Inc. is preparing the Report which will be a collection of published data relating to the watershed and its resources.

The report will provide a comprehensive and complete assessment of existing watershed conditions which is necessary to formulate decisions and set priorities regarding land management.

California Department of Food & Agriculture

The SVRCD has been awarded for Plumas County, a Noxious Weed Project Grant, Under Agreement No. 07-0872, for a two season project. The priority Topic Area Being area #2, to stop the spread of Perennial Pepperweed (tall whitetop), a B rated weed from moving further out into Sierra Valley, and to stop it from moving further down into the Middle Fork Feather River. This area will include in this grant only the Northwest Region of Sierra Valley. Control the spread of Perennial Pepperweed in the Sierra Valley by treating populations on private lands that drain directly to the Middle Fork of the Feather River at the Northwest corner of the valley. All of the surveying, detection and eradication will be conducted on private lands, located on the northwest corner of the valley, adjacent to A-23 & Hwy 70. The private lands (landowners) that will be treated within this agreement have agreed to this project during the Fall of 2007. Agreements between the SVRCD & Private Landowners have been fully executed prior to the submission of the grant proposals.

RAC Cycle 7

The RAC has awarded the SVRCD and the FRRCD a grant for one season for Noxious Weeds. This project is to stop and eradicate the spread of the Perennial Pepperweed (tall whitetop). This grant was awarded to both the FRRCD and the SVRCD whom are partnering together to make an effort to stop the spread of the Perennial Pepperweed. The FRRCD has executed an MOU allowing the SVRCD to perform all work involved with this project.

SVRCD Watershed Outreach Event Proposal

The SVRCD has been awarded a grant Application No. SNC 070311, by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy. The SVRCD shall provide for a Sustainable Agriculture Workshop to expand the knowledge of farmers and ranchers in the Sierra Valley to protect the water quality and supply of the Feather River watershed through more sustainable agricultural pratices. The Workshop will be held this September 2008, at the Vinton Grange Hall. As more information is available it will be posted on the SVRCD web site.

Sustainable Ag Workshop Sept. 28th '07

The SVRCD is hosting its 2nd Annual Sustainable Agriculture Workshop on Friday September 28th,2007. At the Vinton Grange Hall, time is 7:40am to 4:40pm. Registration Deadline for the Workshop is September 27th. PLease call (530) 993-4580 and leave your name, e-mail address and phone number. There is a $10 Registration fee for the workshop. Payment accepted at the door - check and cash only, please. You can also register by e-mail @ The Workshop includes a continental Breakfast, lunch and an informational packet. Who's invited: Land Owners, Farmers, Ranchers, those interested in sustainable agriculture practices. SPEAKERS: Roger Ingram, UCCE. Rob Wilson, UCCE. Rex Dufour, NCAT/ATTRA. Peggy McKie, Agriculturalist for Nevada Organic Foods Program. Kendra Johnson, California Farmlink. Tim Gibson, P-S Dept. Ag. Jesse Smith, Smith Ecological Services. Terry Popish, Snowny Pine Ranch. Marcia Litsinger, Churchill Butte Organics. And more to be announced. For more information on: Registration Program Outline Lodging Contact the SVRCD, Phone (530) 993-4580 or E-mail:

More news...

Upcoming Events

SV Watershed Questionnaire

We are currently asking for input on the watershed of Sierra Valley.

Please provide your input regarding the following:

1. My main concern(s) for the health of the watershed are: __ flooding __ wildfire __noxious weeds __ poor management (specify) __ wildlife __ soil erosion __

soil deposition __ water quality/quantity __ over-regulation __ fuels buildup

__ development __ other (specify)

2. I think the best solution for addressing my concerns are:____________________


3. I think these persons/entities/agencies should be involved to address my concern(s):


Please send your responses to the SVRCD Watershed Coordinator.

Thank You for your help.

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