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Repower Washington

By repowering and rebuilding Washington with clean energy, efficient buildings, and transit-oriented communities, we can stimulate our economy while cleaning up the pollu… more

Let’s profit from green energy

The clean energy transition represents a tectonic shift in the global economy, promising every bit as much economic opportunity as the industrial and information revoluti… more

Sustainability – Your Businesses Best Defense Against Recession

In these uncertain economic times, companies often gravitate towards budget cuts and to scale back sustainability or “green” programs because of the notion that they take… more

Working High in the Sky

The first few times Rose Kelly climbed the 300 foot wind turbine tower she had white knuckles. And it took her several more climbs before she could look down. Now, after … more

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Cities Use Creative, Targeted Lending to Speed Energy Projects

The biggest challenge to large-scale community energy projects is demonstrating a consistent return on investment that attracts the right mix of public and private fina… more

Job opportunity with Climate Solutions

Climate Solutions seeks a Field Representative based in Oregon, preferably Portland, who will coordinate efforts to engage and mobilize people to advocate for the 1Sky so… more

Curbing climate change in Washington

A task force created by Gov. Christine Gregoire has released final recommendations on how to curb climate change in Washington state.The final report of the Climate Actio… more

National green-economy jobs plan

President-elect Barack Obama and leaders in Congress are fashioning a plan to pour billions of dollars into a jobs program to jolt the economy and lay the groundwork for … more

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CS Journal

06 January 09, 02:42 PM Exciting New PSU Course on OR Energy Transmission

Climate Solutions has been working to promote a “smart grid” for many years.   Now we are proud to support an exciting new course … more

18 December 08, 03:05 PM NW Priorities for Sustainable Economic Recovery

Our economy is in freefall.  Both nationally and here in the Pacific Northwest, the financial crisis is cutting jobs, foreclosing homes… more

02 December 08, 05:20 PM Calling for EPA to Act on Global Warming Court Case

On November 26, Climate Solutions joined several other regional organizations in urging the Environmental Protection Agency to act on a May,… more

01 December 08, 07:06 PM Greening the economic bailout

Could the economic bailouts that seem to pour endlessly out of Washington become clean, green stimulus for our nation’s economy? Host Mike T… more

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