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Title: Forest science in the South - 2006
Author(s): USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station
Date: 2007
Source: Science Update SRS-010. Asheville, NC : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.
Station ID: SU-SRS-010
Description: Welcome to the Southern Research Station's 2006 Forest Science in the South. Our summary highlights key accomplishments and activities from this past fiscal year, October 1, 2005, through September 30, 2006.
This was a dynamic year for the Station! We recently realigned our 28 research work units (RWUs) into 15 RWUs grouped under five science areas – forest values, uses and policies; natural resources inventory and monitoring; threats to forest health; forest watershed science; and forest ecosystem restoration and management. These areas clearly define our core research strengths and allow us to focus on research relevant to current issues. We feel these changes will enhance our mission “to create the science and technology needed to sustain and enhance southern forest ecosystems and the benefits they provide.”
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