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Delaware Center for Enterprise Development

The Delaware Center for Enterprise Development (DCED) and the Small Business Development Center are located in Suite 108 of the Bank of America Building.

The Delaware Center for Enterprise Development’s mission is to educate current and future entrepreneurs through training programs, technical and managerial assistance and by providing access to private capital.

Delaware Center for Enterprise Development's initiatives include: adult and youth entrepreneurship and child care development services, train-the-trainer, rural and economic community development, support of student organizations, applied business research, and small business consulting and access to market services.

DSU Alumni Business Owners

There are many DSU Alumni business owners who are willing to support the Delaware Center for Enterprise Development in assisting small businesses and developing entrepreneurial inspired students. The staff of the Delaware Center for Enterprise Development will establish and cultivate a formal alumni-to-university affiliation with the Alumni, College of Business, and DSU.

DCED Newsletter