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Jeffrey  Prestemon
Jeffrey Prestemon 

Employee Information

Name: Jeffrey Prestemon 
Title: Research Forester
Unit: Forest Economics and Policy (4804)
Phone: 919-549-4033
Fax: 919-549-4047 - Location Fax

Location Information

USDA-Forest Service
Southern Research Station

Forestry Sciences Laboratory
P.O. Box 12254
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
3041 E. Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park NC 27709

Research Information


B.S., Iowa State University, Forest Resource Management, 1983; M.S., North Carolina State University, Forest Economics, 1989; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Forest Economics, 1994

Current Research:

Principal study areas: (i) economic and statistical analysis of forest-based disturbances, (ii) international trade, and (iii) timber market structure and function. A major focus of disturbance research is to understand the economic effects of timber salvage and characterizing the production of wildfire. Markets research evaluates domestic and international forest product and timber price relationships. Trade research primarily seeks to identify the role of the U.S. forest sector in world markets.

Collaborative Research:

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Jeffrey Prestemon

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