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Thomas P.  Holmes
Thomas P. Holmes 

Employee Information

Name: Thomas P. Holmes 
Title: Research Forester
Unit: Forest Economics and Policy (4804)
Phone: 919-549-4031
Fax: 919-549-4047 - Location Fax

Location Information

USDA-Forest Service
Southern Research Station

Forestry Sciences Laboratory
P.O. Box 12254
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
3041 E. Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park NC 27709

Research Information


Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1986

Current Research:

My current research is focused on two general areas. First, I am testing new methods and conducting field experiments in the area of non-market valuation.This research program is focused on identifying linkages between public preferences, values and attitudes and characteristics of public and private forest management over large spatial and temporal scales.My research in this area has included studies of the high elevation spruce-fir ecosystem in the southern Appalachian Mountains, wilderness recreation in the southern Appalachian Mountains, protection and restoration of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker, timber harvesting characteristics on public and private land in Maine, ecosystem management benefits on the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests, and the demand for ecotourism in three regions of Brazil.My second research focus is the development of methods and models for investigating sustainable forest management opportunities in tropical forests.This research has focused on timber harvesting and forest management options in the Brazilian Amazon.The development of spatial simulations and statistical models are emerging components of this research program.

Collaborative Research:

I am actively seeking collaboration with other scientists interested in integrating the social sciences with forest ecology and management to evaluate policy issues such as the protection of biological diversity, the maintenance of ecosystem integrity and the restoration of critical ecosystem structures and functions.

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Thomas P. Holmes

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