Information Management Band

Welcome to the web page to access documents on the official archive web site for the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Information Management Band.


Quick Index:                                              Last revision: August 17, 2006

1.    Pending Band Issues

2.    Basic Band Business

3.    Past Band Meeting Notes - Updated (02/24/06)

4.    Conference Call Agendas & Notes - Updated (08/17/06)

5.    Code Documentation - Updated (12/22/03)  National Algorithms

6.    FIA Glossary Documentation (Analysis Band is now in charge) - V2.3 (12/08/03)

7.    PDR Team   - Updated (07/09/03)

8.    D-Team -- NIMS; FIADB - Updated (12/21/04)  FIADB V1.7 guide (Dec, 2004)

9.    Data Distribution Team (DDT)  - Updated (12/15/04)

To go directly to a section, click on it within the Quick Index above. 

Available Files:

1.   Pending Band Issues

Development of the FIA Information Management Vision:

·         Vision document  (01/03/00)

·         One Track Proposal (01/07/00)

·         Two Track proposal  (01/07/00)


2.   Basic Band Business

  • IM Band Charter: What is the purpose of the band? (03/23/99 version, Currently in revision)


3.   Past Band Meeting Notes   Updated (02/24/06)

Month/Year (Place) Type of meeting


·        10/2005 (Las Vegas) IM Band Meeting




Final NOTES - all sessions



§         FIA IRM Project Update

§         Flexibility in NIMS

§         High Priority Issues and Tasks

§         NIMS Data Warewolf/Data Mart

§         ePlot Overview

§         Web Services

·        Web Services Technical Presentation

·        FIA Symposium 2005

·        FIDA

§         Why A Snapshot Database?


·        10/2004 (Las Vegas) IM Band Meeting


LOAD tables -- Dave Polak & Charles Washington;   Monday PM & Tuesday AM (10-12 hours requested)

            PDR objectives

            PDR- D-team issues

            PDR tasks

Timing of releases --  Larry Royer & Rich Teck ; Tuesday PM  (4-6 hours requested)

            D-team release timing

            D-team release timing update (10/12/04)

Define roles of units vs. NC RPA staff and National FIADB repository --  Pat Miles;  Wed AM (2 hours requested)


FIA Data Warehouse & Data Mart -- Ty Wilson;  Wed PM & Thurs AM

            Data Warehouse


            Medium Priority:

Cycle/subcycle. -- George & Sharon

                  Pre-field --  Gary Brand


·        02/2004 San Diego Joint Band

IMB summary presentation (Power Point)

Notes from sessions:     IM-AB                   IM-RS                   IM-Mteam   IM-DAB       IM-SB             

                                      IM-IA           IM alone 1st 2nd    3rd    


1.   Conference Call Agendas & Minutes Updated (08/17/06)


          Minutes:                      Agenda:

·        07/27/06                       07/27/06

·        06/15/06                       06/15/06

·        05/25/06                       05/25/06

·        04/20/06                       04/20/06

·        03/21/06                       03/21/06

·        02/14/06                     02/14/06

·        01/10/06                       01/10/06

·        12/06/05                       12/06/05

·        09/13/05                       09/13/05

·        08/02/05                       08/02/05

·        06/23/05                       06/23/05

·        05/16/05                       05/16/05

·        04/18/05                       04/18/05

·        03/29/05                       03/29/05

·        01/18/05                       01/18/05


·        12/14/04                       12/14/04

·        09/28/04                       09/28/04

·        08/25/04                       08/25/04

·        07/06/04                       07/06/04

·        06/07/04                               06/07/04

·        04/20/04                               04/20/04

·        03/23/04                               03/23/04


·        10/21/03                        10/21/03

·        09/16/03                        09/16/03

·        08/12/03                        08/12/03

·        07/08/03                        07/08/03

·        06/03/03                        06/03/03

·        04/29/03                        04/29/03

·        03/18/03                        03/18/03

·        01/14/03                        01/14/03



2.   Code Documentation

·         National Stocking algorithm PL/SQL code (11/01/01)

·         SAS code for the National forest typing algorithm (11/07/01)

·        National Algorithms for Determining Stocking Class, Stand Size Class, and Forest Type for Forest Inventory and Analysis Plots, May 21, 2003.  Stanford L. Arner, et. al.


3.   FIA Glossary Documentation:

     (Analysis Band (AB) is the keeper of the glossary as of 12/08/2003)

·        AB web site  - Click here for the latest glossary


Previous versions:

·        FIA Glossary - (12/08/03 Version 2.3)

·        FIA Glossary Guidelines (07/18/03)

·        Proposals  for V2.2


Resolution of proposal - 12/03/03

Un-resolved terms - 12/03/03

·        12/08/03 - Analysis Band has taken control so all activities are to be directed to them.

·        Glossary Archives - (12/08/03)


4.     Portable Data Recorder Team  (PDR)


·        PDR_History_Fields_2_26_03.xlsMore information

·        Build_Plan_2-26-03.xls   More information


PDR evaluation: Southern Region (Dave Polak) power point presentation (large)

          SRS Evaluation


Please contact Dave Polak (PDR Team coordinator, or Chuck Liff (IM band leader, if you have any questions on the above PDR Team business).


5.   D-Team (Development Team) -- NIMS (National Information Management System)

·        FIADB Version 1.7; Updated December 21, 2004  (Caution: these pdf’s are large documents so be patient)    


User Guide - December 21, 2004 - pdf format [193 pages]

                        Changes from previous version February 18, 2004


                  Previous Draft versions:

User Guide - February 18, 2004 - pdf format

                        Changes from previous version October 21, 2003

                        October 21 2003 Version - (Except for Appendices C,D,E,F,G)

(October draft version available for review until January 31, 2004)

                        October 21 2003 Appendices C,D,E,F,G

                         Review guidelines

                         Trees per acre definition - updated November 19, 2003


·        FIADB Version 1.7 released on July 24, 2003   (cover letter)

·        NIMS Version 1.0 released on July 1, 2003.  Announcement.

·        August 2003 Report - NIMS update, FIADB, P3, Regional enhancements, Field Guide version 2.0, Component of change, FSVeg interactions, Data Dictionary, Data archiving

·        NIMS Development Plans - September 17, 2003; Build 1(July, 2003), Future, Builds 1A(regions) &1B(P3).

·        National Algorithms for Determining Stocking Class, Stand Size Class, and Forest Type for Forest Inventory and Analysis Plots, May 21, 2003.  Stanford L. Arner, et. al.


 Please contact Larry Royer (D-Team coordinator, or Chuck Liff (IM band leader, if you have any questions on the above D-Team business).


6.   Data Distribution Team (DDT)

·        Objective:  Develop a fully functioning FIA Data Distribution subteam, as part of the FIA Information Management band, to provide leadership and coordination in helping FIA achieve better public access to FIA data and information products. 


·        Background:  As the FIA program gets up to speed in the collection, compilation, management, and analysis of FIA information; we need more and better tools to facilitate the distribution of that information.  In particular, FIA needs to take full advantage of existing and future technology, to facilitate easy access to FIA data by a wide array of clients.


          Charter - 03/26/2002 - in process of review and updating

Projects link

          White paper - FIA Data Distribution Team Systems Architecture - May 2004

DDT Conference Call Agendas & Notes

Month/Day/year (ascending date)


·        12/11/03

·        01/08/04

·        08/06/04

·        09/17/04

·        12/09/04

Please contact B. Tyler Wilson (DDT Team coordinator, or Chuck Liff (IM band leader, if you have any questions on the above DDT Team business).


Send Comments to: Chuck Liff

Last revision: August 17, 2006                                 
