Data Acquisition Band



Welcome to the web page to access documents on the official archive web site for the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Data Acquisition Band.

To download a file, click on the file you want to download.  Unless otherwise specified, files are in Rich Text Format (RTF).

Quick access is available to the following subjects:
1. Next Band Meeting                                    7.   Past Band Meeting Notes
2.  Pending Band Issues                                 8.   Conference Call Agendas and Notes
3.  Basic Band Business                                 9.   Other Stuff
4.  Current National Core Field Guides           10.  Portable Data Recorder (PDR) Information
5.  Regional Field Guides
6.  Archived National Core Field Guides

Available Files:
1.  Next Band Meeting:  TBD

2. Pending Band Issues


·  Schedule for Revision   Schedule for Revising the Phase 2 and Phase 3 field methods guides (5 Kb)

· Cover Sheet (explanation)   (25 Kb) Cover sheet for Draft Species Code List Supplemental Change Management form, 02/16/2005 (.doc file);

·  Spreadsheet for Species Code List Change Proposals  (39 Kb) Draft Species Code List Supplemental Change Management Form Spreadsheet, 10/11/2007 (.xls file)   




3.  Basic Band Business

· FIA Technical Bands:  The Big Picture (HTML)

· Data Band Charter   What is it that we are trying to accomplish?

· Data Band Membership - Current list of Band members.

· Dealing with contentious issues - how we resolve and revisit contentious technical issues



4.  Current National Core Field Guides

  Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), version 4.0 (to be implemented in October, 2007)   

· Version 4.0 Master Document, 10/2007  (revised 05/01/2007)   (157 Kb) Master document for version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Changes from ver. 3.0 to 4.0, 10/2007  (revised 09/28/2007)  (107 Kb) Major changes from P2 Field Guide Version 3.0 to version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section00, 10/2007 (revised 05/01/2007)  (483 Kb) General Description, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section1, 10/2007 (revised 07/26/2007, eliminating an incorrect page header)  (220 Kb) Plot Level Data, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section2, 10/2007 (revised 05/07/2007)  (510 Kb) Condition Class, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section3, 10/2007  (revised 05/07/2007)  (127 Kb) Subplot Information, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section4, 10/2007  (revised 06/06/2007)  (285 Kb) Boundary References, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section5, 10/2007 (revised 05/1/2007)  (7,817 Kb) Tree and Sapling Data, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002  OR as a zipped file (5,597 Kb) Section5 (zipped)

· Section6, 10/2007  (revised 04/30/2007)  (31 Kb) Seedling Data, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Section7, 10/2007  (revised 05/01/2007)  (47 Kb) Site Tree Information, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix1, 10/2007 (revised 04/30/2007)  (429 Kb) State and County, Parish, or Borough FIPS Codes, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix2 10/2007 (revised 09/28/2007)  (545 Kb) FIA Forest Type Codes, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix3, 10/2007  (revised 04/30/2007)  (1,404 Kb) FIA Tree Species Codes, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix4, 10/2007  (revised 04/30/2007)  (185 Kb) Site Tree Selection Criteria and Species List, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix5, 10/2007 (revised 05/01/2007)  (867 Kb) Determination of Stocking Values for Land Use Classification, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix6, 10/2007  (revised 04/30/2007)  (133 Kb) Glossary, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix7, 10/2007 (revised 05/07/2007)  (288 Kb) Tolerance / MQO / Value / Units Table, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Appendix8, 10/2007  (revised 04/30/2007)  (98 Kb) Tree Coding Guide, version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002

· Citation for Ver. 4.0, 10/2007  (24 Kb) Correct citation for version 4.0 of the FIA National Core Field guide (Phase 2), version 4.0, 10/2007, MS Word 2002


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 3), version 4.0 (to be implemented in October, 2007)

· Changes from ver. 3.0 to 4.0 for P3, 10/2007 (revised 12/12/2007)   (67 Kb) Major changes from P3 Field Guide Version 3.0 to version 4.0,  MS Word 2003

· Ozone (east and west combined), 10/2007 (revised 12/07/2007)  ( 1,661 Kb) Ozone Bioindicator Plants (East and West combined), version 4.0, MS Word 2003 OR as a zipped file (577 KB) Ozone (zipped)

· Lichens, 10/2007 (revised 11/28/2007)  (485 Kb) Lichen Communities, version 4.0, MS Word 2003

· Soils, 10/2007 (revised 12/07/2007)  (438 Kb) Soil Measurements and Sampling, version 4.0, MS Word 2003

· Crowns, 10/2007 (revised 05/11/2007)  (5,951 Kb) Crowns, Measurements and Sampling, version 4.0, MS Word 2002   OR as a zipped file ( 5,075 Kb)  Crowns (zipped)    

· Vegetation, 10/2007 (revised 12/07/2007)  (557 Kb) Vegetation Diversity and Structure, version 4.0, MS Word 2003

· Down Woody Materials, 10/2007 (revised 12/07/2007)  (1,294 Kb) Down Woody Materials, version 4.0, MS Word 2003   OR as a zipped file ( 380 Kb)  DWM (zipped)



5.  Regional Field Guides

·   Northeast version 2.0

·   North Central multiple versions

·   Southern version 2.0

·   Interior West multiple versions

·   Pacific Northwest multiple versions



6.  Archived National Core Field Guides
Versions 1.3 and 1.4 are also posted as archive documents.  The FIA Phase 3 indicator field methods for 2000 are posted as individual chapters.  Note that there are two section 9 files, one for the eastern States (e) and one for the western States (w).


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), archived versions:

·   core_1.3.doc (577 Kb)  MS Word 2000 version, showing edits from prior version.

·   core_1.3.rtf  (1247 Kb)  Rich Text Format version, with no graphics

·   core_1.3.word6.doc   (611 Kb)   MS Word 6.0 version, showing edits from prior version

·   Glossary for National Core Field Guide  (21 Kb)

· core_v1.4_2_11_00.doc (8377 Kb)  Main text, MS Word 2000 version, showing edits from prior version.

· appendix1.doc (205 Kb)  FIPS codes for all States and Counties, MS Word 2000 version

· appendix2.doc  (92 Kb)  Forest type codes, MS Word 2000 version

· appendix3.doc  (19 Kb)  Invasive plants/noxious weeds checklist species, MS Word 2000 version

· appendix4.doc  (278 Kb)  Tree species list, MS Word 2000 version

· appendix5.doc  (53 Kb)  Site tree selection criteria and species by region, MS Word 2000 version

· appendix6.doc  (157 Kb)  Determination of stocking values for land use classification, MS Word 2000 version

· appendix7.doc  (60 Kb)  Glossary, MS Word 2000 version, showing edits from prior version.

· appendix8.doc  (7810 Kb)  Figures - easy reference pages, MS Word 2000 version

· Citation for v1.4  (19 Kb) Correct citation for version 1.4 of the FIA National Core Field Guide (Phase 2)

· User-friendly appendix 6  (127 Kb)  User-friendly version of Appendix 6, Stocking, MS Word 2000 version

The FIA Phase 3 indicator field methods for 2000:

·   P3sec9e_2000.doc (333 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (east version), MS Word 2000 version

·   P3sec9w_2000.doc  (384 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (west version), MS Word 2000 version

·   Important Notice for Ozone Chapter Use!  (24 Kb)  Read this file if you are using either chapter 9e or 9w,  MS Word 2000 version

·   P3sec10_2000.doc (314 Kb)  Lichen Communities, MS Word 2000 version

·   P3sec11_2000.doc (5092 Kb)  Soil Measurements and Sampling, MS Word 2000 version

·   P3sec12_2000.doc  (2576 Kb)  Crown Condition Classification, MS Word 2000 version


Forest Inventory and Analysis Phase 2 / Phase 3 additional information for 2000:

·  Comparison   (39 Kb)  Changes in the 1.4 version of P2 field guide from the previous version, Excel file

· Forest Type Flow Chart, rtf  (766 Kb)  Flow chart to aid crews in determining Forest Type

·  Forest Type Flow Chart   (46 Kb) Flow chart to aid crews in determining Forest Type, MS Word 2000 version

·  P3 debriefing Form, 2000  (21 Kb)  P3 Debriefing form as modified at pre-training

·  P3 Debriefing Form, 2000  (38 Kb)  P3 Debriefing form as modified at pre-training, MS Word 2000 version

·  P3 Audit Form, 2000   (154 Kb)  P3 Audit form as modified at pre-training

·  P3 Audit Form, 2000   (66 Kb)  P3 Audit form as modified at pre-training, MS Word 2000 version

·  P2/P3 Audit Sheets ver. 1.4   (348Kb)  Phase 2 / Phase 3 Audit Sheets (version 1.4), MS Word 2000 version, self-extracting zipped file

·  P2/P3 Tally Sheets ver. 1.4    (860Kb)  Phase 2 / Phase 3 Tally Sheets (version 1.4), MS Word 2000 version, self-extracting zipped file

·  Pretraining Mensuration Notes, 2000    (17 Kb)  Pretraining Mensuration Notes for 2000

·  P3 Mensuration Test, 2000    (77 Kb)  P3 Mensuration Test for 2000



 Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), version 1.5:

·  Changes in version 1.5   (177 Kb)  Changes in the 1.5 version of P2 field guide from version 1.4

·  Instructions  (25 Kb) Instructions to the DAB on how to use the master and subdocuments of the version 1.5 guide, MS Word 2000

·  Version 1.5 Master Document   (94 Kb) Master document for version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section00   (615 Kb) General Description, version1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section1   (148 Kb) Plot Level Data, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section2  (684 Kb) Condition Class, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section3   (232 Kb) Boundary References, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section4   (35 Kb) Subplot Information, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section5   (7,521 Kb) Tree and Sapling Data, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section6   (23 Kb) Seedling Data, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section7   (33 Kb) Site Tree Information, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Section8   (144 Kb) Nonforest/Denied Access/ Hazardous Plots, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix1   (246 Kb) State and County FIPS Codes, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix2   (207 Kb) U.S. Forest Type Codes, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix3   (20 Kb) Invasive Plants / Noxious Weeds Checklist Species, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix4   (319 Kb) U.S. Tree Species Codes, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix5   (93 Kb) Site Tree Selection Criteria and Species List, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix6    (195 Kb) Determination of Stocking Values for Land Use Classification, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix7   (87 Kb) Glossary, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix8   (8,141 Kb) Figures - Easy Reference Pages, version 1.5, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix9   (147 Kb) Tolerance / MQO / Value / Units Table

·  Citation for v1.5   (20 Kb)  Correct citation for version 1.5 of the FIA National Core Field Guide (Phase 2)


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Field Guide (Phase 3), for 2001:  

·  p3sec9e_2001.doc    (306 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (east version), MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec9w_2001.doc   (351 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (west version), MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec10_2001.doc   (324 Kb)  Lichen Communities, MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec11_2001.doc    (5082 Kb)  Soil Measurements and Sampling, MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec12_2001.doc   (2613 Kb)  Crowns: Measurements and Sampling

·  p3sec13_2001.doc    (854 Kb)  Vegetation Diversity and Structure, MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec13_2001_may01.doc   (1211) Vegetation Diversity and Structure (May 2001 version used by field crews), MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec14_2001.doc    (1058 Kb)  Down Woody Debris and Fuels, MS Word 2000 version

·  Readme for p3sec14_2001    (24Kb)  Read this file if using p3sec14_2001, Down Woody Debris and Fuels


Forest Inventory and Analysis Phase 2 / Phase 3 additional information for 2001:

·  DWD Card   (34 Kb) Down Woody Debris Card for crews, MSWord 2000

·  DWD Card   (371 Kb) Down Woody Debris Card for crews, .rtf file  


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), version 1.7:

· Instructions  (25 Kb) Instructions on how to use the master and subdocuments of the version 1.7 guide, MS Word 2000

· Version 1.7 Master Document   (93 Kb) Master document for version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section00   (560 Kb) General Description, version1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section1  (107 Kb) Plot Level Data, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section2  (630 Kb) Condition Class, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section3   (229 Kb) Boundary References, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section4   (33 Kb) Subplot Information, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section5   (7,470 Kb) Tree and Sapling Data, version 1.7, MS Word 2000  OR as a zipped file (5,393 Kb)   Section5 (zipped)

· Section6   (23 Kb) Seedling Data, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section7   (29 Kb) Site Tree Information, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Section8   (105 Kb) Nonforest/Denied Access/ Hazardous Plots, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix1   (241 Kb) State and County FIPS Codes, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix2   (166 Kb) U.S. Forest Type Codes, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix3   (20 Kb) Invasive Plants / Noxious Weeds Checklist Species, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix4   (319 Kb) U.S. Tree Species Codes, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix5   (93 Kb) Site Tree Selection Criteria and Species List, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix6    (193 Kb) Determination of Stocking Values for Land Use Classification, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix7   (85 Kb) Glossary, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix8   (8,139 Kb) Figures - Easy Reference Pages, version 1.7, MS Word 2000

· Appendix9   (145 Kb) Tolerance / MQO / Value / Units Table

· Citation for v1.7   (25 Kb)  Correct citation for version 1.7 of the FIA National Core Field Guide (Phase 2)


· Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), version 1.6:

·  Instructions  (24 Kb) Instructions on how to use the master and subdocuments of the version 1.6 guide, MS Word 2000

·  Version 1.6 Master Document   (92 Kb) Master document for version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section00   (565 Kb) General Description, version1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section1  (107 Kb) Plot Level Data, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section2  (630 Kb) Condition Class, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section3   (229 Kb) Boundary References, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section4   (32 Kb) Subplot Information, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section5   (7,474 Kb) Tree and Sapling Data, version 1.6, MS Word 2000  OR as a zipped file (5,394 Kb)   Section5 (zipped)

·  Section6   (22 Kb) Seedling Data, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section7   (29 Kb) Site Tree Information, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Section8   (103 Kb) Nonforest/Denied Access/ Hazardous Plots, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix1   (241 Kb) State and County FIPS Codes, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix2   (166 Kb) U.S. Forest Type Codes, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix3   (20 Kb) Invasive Plants / Noxious Weeds Checklist Species, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix4   (318 Kb) U.S. Tree Species Codes, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix5   (92 Kb) Site Tree Selection Criteria and Species List, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix6    (192 Kb) Determination of Stocking Values for Land Use Classification, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix7   (84 Kb) Glossary, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix8   (8,138 Kb) Figures - Easy Reference Pages, version 1.6, MS Word 2000

·  Appendix9   (144 Kb) Tolerance / MQO / Value / Units Table

·  Citation for v1.6   (19 Kb)  Correct citation for version 1.6 of the FIA National Core Field Guide (Phase 2)


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Field Guide (Phase 3), for 2002:  

·  p3sec9e_2002.doc   (392 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (east version), MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec9w_2002.doc  (433 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (west version), MS Word 2000 version

·  p3sec10_2002.doc   (296 Kb)  Lichen Communities, MS Word 2000 version

·    (1,210 Kb)  Soil Measurements and Sampling, MS Word 2000 version, zipped

·  p3sec12_2002.doc   (2,575 Kb)  Crowns: Measurements and Sampling

·  p3sec13_2002.doc   (466 Kb)  Vegetation Diversity and Structure, MS Word 2000 version

·    (377 Kb)  Down Woody Debris and Fuels, MS Word 2000 version, zipped

·  DWD Help Card (MSWord)    (28 Kb) Down Woody Debris Help Card for 2002, MS Word 2000 version, front and back sides are in the file, to print 1-side at a time (if you want a Microsoft Publisher file ready to print 2-sided, 4 to a page, contact Barbara Conkling at


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Field Guide (Phase 3), for 2003:

·  Ozone Chapter - East   (663 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (east version), MS Word 2000 version

·  Ozone Chapter - West  (662 Kb)  Ozone Bioindicator Plants (west version), MS Word 2000 version

·  Lichen Chapter   (296 Kb)  Lichen Communities, MS Word 2000 version

·  Soils Chapter, zipped    (1,210 Kb)  Soil Measurements and Sampling, MS Word 2000 version, zipped

·  Crown Conditions Chapter   (2,575 Kb)  Crowns: Measurements and Sampling

·  Vegetation Structure Chapter   (466 Kb)  Vegetation Diversity and Structure, MS Word 2000 version

·  Down Woody Debris and Fuels Chapter    (377 Kb)  Down Woody Debris and Fuels, MS Word 2000 version, zipped

·  DWD Help Card (MSWord)    (28 Kb) Down Woody Debris Help Card for 2002, MS Word 2000 version, front and back sides are in the file, to print 1-side at a time (if you want a Microsoft Publisher file ready to print 2-sided, 4 to a page, contact Barbara Conkling at


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), version 2.0:


· Version 2.0 Master Document, 01/23/2004, (revised 01/23/2004)   (130 Kb) Master document for version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Changes from ver. 1.7 to 2.0, 03/25/2004   (96 Kb) Updated list 03/25/2004. Added changes to Appendix 2.    Changes from ver. 1.7 to 2.0, 01/23/2004  (74 Kb) Major changes from P2 Field Guide Version 1.7 to version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section00, 01/23/2004 (revised 01/23/2004)  (647 Kb) General Description, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section1, 01/23/2004 (revised 09/30/03)  (196 Kb) Plot Level Data, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section2, 01/23/2004 (revised 01/23/04)  (1,084 Kb) Condition Class, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section3, 01/23/2004  (137 Kb) Subplot Information, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section4, 01/23/2004  (287 Kb) Boundary References, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section5, 01/23/2004 (revised (01/23/2004)  (7,823 Kb) Tree and Sapling Data, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002  OR as a zipped file (5,513 Kb) Section5 (zipped)

· Section6, 01/23/2004  (30 Kb) Seedling Data, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section7, 01/23/2004  (41 Kb) Site Tree Information, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section8, 01/23/2004 (revised 09/30/03)  (203 Kb) Nonforest/Nonsampled Plots, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix1, 01/23/2004 (revised 01/23/2004)  (509 Kb) State and County, Parish, or Borough FIPS Codes, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix2 01/23/2004 (revised 06/23/03)  (353 Kb) FIA Forest Type Codes, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix3, 01/23/2004  (1,292 Kb) FIA Tree Species Codes, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix4, 01/23/2004  (190 Kb) Site Tree Selection Criteria and Species List, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix5, 01/23/2004 (revised 06/23/03)  (1,029 Kb) Determination of Stocking Values for Land Use Classification, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix6, 01/23/2004  (132 Kb) Glossary, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix7, 01/23/2004 (revised 01/23/2004)  (342 Kb) Tolerance / MQO / Value / Units Table, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Citation for Ver. 2.0, 01/23/2004  (24 Kb) Correct citation for version 2.0 of the FIA National Core Field guide (Phase 2), version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Readme, 01/23/2004  (29 Kb) Instructions for using the version 2.0 master and subdocuments, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Easy Reference Figures, 01/23/2004  (8,414 Kb) File of all figures used in Phase 2 field guide, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002  OR as a zipped file (6,262 Kb)  Figures (zipped)

· Version 2.0 FIA National Core Field Guide (.pdf), 01/23/2004  (3,883 Kb) .pdf file of the National Core Phase 2 Field Guide version 2.0, 01/2004

· Appendix 3, full track changes  (1.099 Kb) Species code list (Appendix3) with full changes indicated by track changes feature, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

      Minor "fixes" to the field guide text made between versions:

· Appendix3, 01/23/2004 (revised 08/16/2004)  (1,293 Kb) Addition of header text to the FIA Tree Species Codes (version 2.0), 08/2004, MS Word 2002

· Appendix3, full track changes, 01/23/2004 (revised 08/16/2004)  (1,099 Kb) Addition of header text to the Species code list (Appendix 3) with full changes indicated by track changes feature, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

· Section5, 01/23/2004 (revised (08/17/2004)  (7,825 Kb) Addition of header text from Appendix 3 to SPECIES variable in Tree and Sapling Data, version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002  OR as a zipped file (5,513 Kb) Section5 (zipped)

· Changes from ver. 1.7 to 2.0 (revised 08/17/2004)  (99 Kb)  Two additions to the list of major changes from P2 Field Guide Version 1.7 to version 2.0, 01/2004, MS Word 2002

Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 3), version 2.0:

· Changes from ver. 1.7 to 2.0, 04/16/2004  (81 Kb) Major changes in the Phase 3 chapters from version 1.7 to 2.0 (excepting Vegetation Diversity and Structure), Version 2.0, MS Word 2002

· Ozone Bioindicator Plants, 03/2004  (804 Kb) Ozone Bioindicator Plants (east version), version 2.0, MS Word 2002

· Ozone Bioindicator Plants, 03/2004  (809 Kb) Ozone Bioindicator Plants (west version), version 2.0, MS Word 2002

· Lichen Communities, 03/2004  (789 Kb) Lichen Communities, version 2.0, MS Word 2002

· Soils, 03/2004  (673 Kb) Soil Measurements and Sampling, version 2.0, MS Word 2002

· Soil forms: Labels  (35Kb) Labels;  Sample Shipment (55 Kb) Sample Shipment Form;  Data sheets  (59 Kb) Soil Data Sheets; Audit Form (78 Kb) Audit Form

· Crowns, 03/2004 (revised 04/04)  (3,223 Kb) Crowns, Measurements and Sampling, version 2.0, MS Word 2002   OR as a zipped file (2,872 Kb) Crowns zipped

· Vegetation, 04/30/2004  (845 Kb) Vegetation Diversity and Structure, version 2.0, MS Word 2002,

· Down Woody Materials, 03/2004 (revised, corrected typo, 6/3/2004) (1,540 Kb) Down Woody Materials, version 2.0, MS Word 2002   OR as a zipped file (382 Kb) DWM zipped


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 2), version 3.0:

· Version 3.0 Master Document, 10/2005  (revised 07/28/2005)   (138 Kb) Master document for version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Changes from ver. 2.0 to 3.0, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (70 Kb) Major changes from P2 Field Guide Version 2.0 to version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section00, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (684 Kb) General Description, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section1, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (230 Kb) Plot Level Data, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section2, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (504 Kb) Condition Class, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section3, 10/2005  (revised07/14/2005)  (125 Kb) Subplot Information, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section4, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (284 Kb) Boundary References, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section5, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (8,821 Kb) Tree and Sapling Data, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002  OR as a zipped file (6,416 Kb) Section5 (zipped)

· Section6, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (27 Kb) Seedling Data, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Section7, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (127 Kb) Site Tree Information, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix1, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (429 Kb) State and County, Parish, or Borough FIPS Codes, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix2 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (345 Kb) FIA Forest Type Codes, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix3, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (1,070 Kb) FIA Tree Species Codes, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix4, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (185 Kb) Site Tree Selection Criteria and Species List, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix5, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (1,086 Kb) Determination of Stocking Values for Land Use Classification, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix6, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (126 Kb) Glossary, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix7, 10/2005 (revised 07/14/2005)  (359 Kb) Tolerance / MQO / Value / Units Table, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Appendix8, 10/2005  (revised 07/14/2005)  (99 Kb) Tree Coding Guide for RECONCILE, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Citation for Ver. 3.0, 10/2005  (24 Kb) Correct citation for version 3.0 of the FIA National Core Field guide (Phase 2), version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Readme, 10/2005  (30 Kb) Instructions for using the version 3.0 master and subdocuments, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002

· Easy Reference Figures, 10/2005  (8,658 Kb) File of all figures used in Phase 2 field guide, version 3.0, 10/2005, MS Word 2002  OR as a zipped file (6,518 Kb)  Figures (zipped)

· Version 3.0 FIA National Core Field Guide (.pdf), 10/2005  (revised 7/14/2005)  (4,281 Kb) .pdf file of the National Core Phase 2 Field Guide version 3.0, 10/2005


Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide (Phase 3), version 3.0:

· Changes from ver. 2.0 to 3.0 for P3, 10/2005 (revised 12/22/2005)  (101 Kb) Major changes from P3 Field Guide Version 2.0 to version 3.0,  MS Word 2002

· Ozone (east), 10/2005 (revised 11/17/2005)  (1,221 Kb) Ozone Bioindicator Plants (East), version 3.0, MS Word 2002

· Ozone (west), 10/2005 (revised 11/17/2005)  (1,147 Kb) Ozone Bioindicator Plants (West), version 3.0, MS Word 2002

· Lichens, 10/2005 (revised 10/26/2005)   (707 Kb) Lichen Communities, version 3.0, MS Word 2002

· Soils, 10/2005  (revised 01/23/2006)  (445 Kb) Soil Measurements and Sampling, version 3.0, MS Word 2002

· Crowns, 10/2005  (revised 09/14/2005)  (3,406 Kb) Crowns, Measurements and Sampling, version 3.0, MS Word 2002   OR as a zipped file (3,078 Kb)  Crowns (zipped)   

· Vegetation, 10/2005 (revised12/22/2005)  (882 Kb) Vegetation Diversity and Structure, version 3.0, MS Word 2002

· Down Woody Materials, 10/2005  (revised 09/14/2005)  (1,281 Kb) Down Woody Materials, version 3.0, MS Word 2002   OR as a zipped file (356 Kb)  DWM (zipped)





7.  Past Band Meeting Notes

· 03/06 Meeting, Monterey, CA  Meeting Agenda  (4 Kb)     Meeting Notes   (41 Kb)

· 11/05 Meeting, Blackwater Falls, WV  Meeting Notes   (43 Kb)

· 3/05 Meeting, Las Vegas, NV  Meeting Agenda   (5 Kb)    Meeting Notes    (72 Kb)

· 2/05 Joint Band Meeting, San Antonio, TX   Species Code Session Notes  (41 Kb)

· 8/04 Meeting, Asheville, NC  Meeting Notes  (43 Kb)

· 2/04 Meeting, San Diego, CA  Meeting Agenda  (14Kb)     Meeting Notes     (69Kb)

· 8/03 Meeting, Girdwood, AK  Meeting Notes  (11Kb)

· 4/03 Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ  Meeting Notes  (11 Kb)

· 2/03 Meeting, (Joint Band Meeting) Charleston, SC   Meeting Notes  (19 Kb)

· 10/02 Meeting, Duluth, MN   Meeting Agenda and Notes   (36 Kb)

· 3/02 Meeting, Tucson, AZ    Meeting Notes  (107 Kb)

· 1/02 Meeting, (Combined Band Meeting), Tucson, AZ    Meeting Notes (78 Kb)

· 9/01 Meeting, Coeur d'Alene, ID  Meeting Notes (90Kb)

· 4/01 Meeting (Combined Band Meeting), Boulder, CO  Meeting Notes  (148 Kb)

· 9/00 Meeting, Portland, OR    Meeting Agenda and Notes   (83 Kb)

· 3/27/00 Meeting (Combined Band Meeting), Salt Lake City, Utah  Meeting Notes   (79Kb)

· 12/14/99 Meeting, Charleston NC    AgendaMeeting Notes  (566 Kb)

· 8/31/99 Meeting, Bangor, Maine (102 Kb)

· 3/17/99 Meeting, Kansas City, Kansas (8 Kb)

· 12/98 Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico (29 Kb)

· Draft Agenda   (14 Kb) Draft agenda for the DAB meeting in Portland, OR


8.  Conference Call Agendas and Notes

Includes notes from calls starting in 1999 (most recent calls are listed first)

· 07/11/06 Conference Call        Results  (7 Kb)

· 05/11/06 Conference Call        Results  (14 Kb)

· 04/19/06 Conference Call        Results  (15 Kb)

· 02/08/06 Conference Call        Results  (57 Kb)

· 01/18/06 Conference Call        Results  (19 Kb)

· 10/18/05 Conference Call        Results  (5 Kb)

· 09/07/05 Conference Call        Results  (8 Kb)

· 08/09/05 Conference Call        Results  (7 Kb)

· 07/06/05 Conference Call        Results  (20 Kb)

· 05/13/05 Conference Call        Results  (8 Kb)

· 04/12/05 Conference Call        Results  (12 Kb)

· 12/16/04 Conference Call        Results  (10 Kb)

· 11/02/04 Conference Call        Results  (25 Kb)

· 09/28/04 Conference Call        Results  (13 Kb)

· 07/08/04 Conference Call        Results  (16 Kb)

· 06/16/04 Conference Call        Results  (41 Kb)

· 05/18/04 Conference Call        Results (77 Kb)

· 02/06/04 Conference Call        Results  (87 Kb)

· 01/09/04 Conference Call        Results  (18Kb)

· 12/05/03 Conference Call        Results  (30 Kb)

· 11/10/03 Conference Call        Results  (15Kb)

· 10/20/03 Conference Call        Results  (15 Kb)

· 09/24/03 Conference Call        Results  (10 Kb)

· 09/17/03 Conference Call        Results  (7 Kb)

· 07/24/03 Conference Call        Results  (17 Kb)

· 06/17/03 Conference Call        Results  (13 Kb)

· 05/19/03 Conference Call        Results  (24 Kb)

· 01/13/03 Conference Call        Results  (11 Kb)

· 12/16/02 Conference Call        Results  (6 Kb)

· 08/19/02 Conference Call        Results  (21 Kb)

· 07/22/02 Conference Call        Results  (12 Kb)

· 06/24/02 Conference Call        Results  (10 Kb)

· 05/20/02 Conference Call        Results  (7 Kb)

· 02/20/02 Conference Call        Results  (143 Kb)

· 01/29/02 Conference Call        Results  (145 Kb)

· 12/10/01 Conference Call        Results  (173 Kb)

· 11/20/01 Conference Call        Results  (133 Kb)

· 10/15/01 Conference Call        Results  (183 Kb)

· 08/13/01 Conference Call        Results  (100 Kb)

· 07/23/01 Conference Call        Results  (99 Kb)

· 05/15/01 Conference Call        Results  (121 Kb)

· 02/21/01 Conference Call        Results  (75 Kb)

· 10/23/00 Conference Call        Results  (37 Kb)

· 08/28/00 Conference Call        Results  (37 Kb)

· 07/24/00 Conference Call        Results  (520 Kb), self-extracting zip file

· 06/26/00 Conference Call        Results  (17 Kb)

· 04/24/00 Conference Call        Results  (44Kb)

· 03/16/00 Conference Call        Results  (39 Kb)

· 01/13/00 Conference Call  Agenda (  3 Kb)  Results  (24 Kb)

· 11/09/99 Conference Call  Agenda (25 Kb)  Results  (15 Kb)

· 10/20/99 Conference Call  Agenda (13 Kb)  Results  (44Kb)

· 10/01/99 Conference Call  Agenda (23 Kb)  Results  (24Kb)

· 09/17/99 Conference Call  Agenda (45 Kb)  Results  (8Kb)

· 08/18/99 Conference Call  Agenda (19 Kb)  Results  (3 Kb)

· 08/11/99 Conference Call  Agenda (32 Kb)  Results  (16 Kb)

· 08/04/99 Conference Call  Agenda (19 Kb)  Results  (7 Kb)

· 07/22/99 Conference Call  Agenda (21 Kb)  Results  (13 Kb)

· 02/02/99 Conference Call        Results  (12 Kb)

· 01/26/99 Conference Call        Results  (13 Kb)


9.  Other Stuff

· Cull-MSWord     (301 Kb)  All regional cull procedures for comparison, self-extracting zip file, MSWord files

· Cull - WP files    (359 Kb)  All regional cull procedures for comparison. Contact Barb Conkling if you want the figures that did not convert, self-extracting zip file, wpd files

· Tree Species List occurring on forest lands in the United States (native and introduced)   (250 Kb)  Excel file

· FIA Quality Assurance Plan (1993)  (162 Kb)


10.  Portable Data Recorder (PDR) Information

·  Interim file (3,757 Kb) interim version 2.0 for pdr group



 Send comments about the site to:  Barbara Conkling         updated 12/14/07