Public Utilities Commission

Colorado's 2007 New Energy Economy Conference Presentations -- The Path Forward
More than 40 state energy leaders discuss Colorado’s energy future at this 2007 conference sponsored jointly by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, the Governor’s Energy Office, the Office of Consumer Counsel, partnering with Energy Outreach Colorado

Presentations of Conference Speakers

Welcome: D. Rico Munn, Executive Director, Department of Regulatory Agencies  

Colorado’s New Energy Economy: Governor Bill Ritter, Jr. 

Colorado’s Energy Profile:  Where Are We Now?

Ron Binz, Chairman, Colorado Public Utilities Commission

Background: Electricity in Colorado - PDF

Jim Greenwood, Director, Office of Consumer Counsel

Colorado's Energy Profile: Where Are We Now? A Consumer Advocate's Look At The New Energy Economy - PDF

Tom Plant, Director, Governor’s Energy Office

Colorado’s New Energy Economy - PDF

Break-Out Sessions

Coal & Gas: What are the Challenges to Utility Fuel Supplies

Moderator:  Vincent Matthews, State Geologist & Director of Colorado Geological Survey

Challenges Coal, Gas - PDF

John A. Harpole, President, Mercator Energy

Natural Gas:  From Western Colorado To Western Europe - PDF

Rick Smead, Director of Regulatory and Fuels Resources, Navigant Consulting

Natural Gas Infrastructure, The Importance, the Economics,
and Some of the Challenges

Stuart A. Sanderson, President, Colorado Mining Association

Colorado Coal:  Overcoming Challenges, Meeting Future Needs - PDF

Bruce Driver, Consultant, Western Resource Advocates

Coal and Gas: Challenges to Utility Fuel Supplies - PDF

Consumer Demand: What Do Consumers Want and at What Price?
Moderator: Patricia Limerick, Faculty Director & Chair of the Board, Center of the American West at the University of Colorado

Floyd Ciruli, President, Ciruli Associates

Consumer Demand: What do Consumers Want and at What Price? - PDF

Jeff Lyng, Commercial Sector Program Manager, Governor’s Energy Office

Commercial Buildings Program - PDF

Eric Wittenberg, President & CEO, McStain Neighborhoods

Consumer Demand: What do Customers Want and at What Price?- PDF

New Generation Technologies:  What is Feasible and at What Cost?

Moderator: Craig Cox, Director, Interwest Energy Alliance

New Generation Technologies: What is Feasible and at What Cost?- PDF

Douglas J. Arent,  Director of Strategic Energy Analysis & Applications Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Renewable Energy Technologies: A Status Update - PDF

Steve Jenkins, Vice President of Gasification Services, CH2M Hill

IGCC 101 - PDF

Colorado’s Energy Resources:  What are the Opportunities for the State?
Moderator: Representative Bernie Buescher, Vice-Chairman, Joint Budget Committee, Colorado Legislature
Don Elliman, Director, Colorado Economic Development & International Trade

Paul Jerde, Executive Director of the Robert H. & Beverly A. Deming Center for Entrepreneurship, CU Leeds Business School

Colorado’s Energy Resources: What are the Opportunities for the State? - PDF

Tucker Hart Adams, Regional Economist of Energy Industries Division, U S Bank

Keynote Speaker

Chuck Kutscher, Principal Engineer & Manager of the Thermal Systems Group, National Renewal Energy Laboratory

Climate Change and The Role of Renewable Energy
and  Energy Efficiency

Break-Out Sessions

Electric Transmission: How Do We Get Power to the People

Moderator: Doug Larson, Executive Director, Western Interstate Energy Board

Electric Transmission: How Do We Get Power to the People - PDF

Joel Bladow, Senior Vice President for Transmission, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association

Transmission: How Do We Get Power to the People - PDF

Ron Lehr, Attorney, American Wind Energy Association

Electric Transmission: How Do We Get Power to the People - PDF

Jim Tarpey, of Counsel, Holland & Hart

Electric Transmission: How Do We Get Power to the People - PDF

Going Green:  Will the Benefits Exceed the Costs to Consumers
Moderator: Robert Hix, Former Chairman, Colorado Public Utilities Commission

Thor Nelson, Partner, Holland & Hart

Going Green:  Will the Benefits Exceed the Costs to Consumers - PDF

Howard Geller, Execitive Director, Southwest Energy Efficiency  Project

Energy Efficiency: Colorado’s Most Cost-Effective Energy Resource - PDF

Clean Energy Initiatives: Who’s Doing What?
Moderator Mark Ruzzin, Mayor, City of Boulder

Heidi VanGenderen, Climate Change & Energy Advisor for Governor Ritter

Clean Energy Initiatives:  Who’s Doing What?- PDF

Michele Weingarden, Director, Greenprint Denver

Judy Dorsey, Executive Director, Northern Colorado Clean Energy Cluster

Clean Energy Initiatives: Who’s Doing What - PDF

Dan McClendon, General Manager, Delta-Montrose Electric Association

Colorado’s New Energy Economy - PDF

Land Use Issues: Not in My Backyard
Moderator:James van Hemert, President Elect, Colorado American Planning Association

Marc Smith, Executive Director, Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States

Energy Development and NIMBYISM - PDF

Tresi Houpt, Commissioner, Garfield County

Land Use Issues:“Not in my Backyard” - PDF

Ken Reif, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association

Challenges in Permitting Transmission Projects - PDF

Mary Ellen Denomy, Representative, Western Colorado Congress

Meeting Future Demand: What Strategies Will Work
Moderator: Harris Sherman, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Natural Resources

Jim Sims, Executive Director, Western Business Roundtable

Meeting Future Energy Demand: Finding The Balance - PDF

Matt Baker, Executive Director, Environment Colorado

Challenges and Opportunities in Colorado’s Energy Sector - PDF

Changing Consumer Behavior: Do Incentives & Price Signals Work?
Moderator: Skip Arnold, Director, Energy Outreach Colorado

Janee Briesemeister, Senior Legislative Representative, State Consumer Issues Team, AARP

Changing Consumer Behavior: Do Incentives and Price Signals Work? - PDF

Bernie Neenan, Technical Executive, Electric Power Research Institute

Changing Consumer Behavior: Do Incentives & Price Signals Work? - PDF

Financial Markets: What is the Reaction to a Carbon-Constrained World?
Moderator Doug Dean, Director, Colorado Public Utilities Commission

Richard Kelly, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, Xcel Energy

Financial Markets: What is the Reaction to a Carbon-Constrained World? - PDF

Consumer Protection