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Building on the Legacy for Wildlife Conservation

The Opportunity

On August 16, 2007, President George W. Bush signed the Facilitation of Hunting Heritage and Wildlife Conservation Executive Order that called for federal agencies to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of hunting opportunities and the management of game species and their habitat. In addition the executive order calls for a wildlife policy conference to lay the foundation for a ten-year Recreational Hunting and Wildlife Resource Conservation Plan. The opportunity to shape the next decade of hunting and wildlife conservation - and beyond - is upon us. With a solid non-partisan plan, designed to build on and enhance the successful North American Wildlife Conservation Model, we can chart the course for the future of wildlife conservation.

The Meeting

Scheduled to convene in the fall of 2008, the White House Conference on North American Wildlife Policy will focus on five core areas:

Working groups made up of some of the leading experts on wildlife management and hunting are crafting recommendations that will lead the way for the final plan.

The recommendations put forward by the wildlife community will be used by the current Administration, Governors and members of Congress to ensure that the final plan is non-partisan and will be successful no matter who is in the White House or controls Congress.


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White House Conference Home Background History White House Conference News Links AWCP HOme