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A Guide to the Papers of
James Edward Church
Collection No. NC96

James Edward Church

James Edward Church, Jr., was born in Holly, Michigan on February 15, 1869 to James Edward and Mary Eisenbrey Church. He received an A.B degree in Classics from the University of Michigan in 1892, and an offer that same year to teach classics at the University of Nevada in Reno. There he taught courses in the appreciation of literature and beauty in art and nature, and Latin and German. He attended the University of Michigan in 1898-99 to work on a graduate degree and attended the University of Munich from 1899-1901, where he was awarded his Ph.D. The Churches returned to Reno in 1901 where he taught classics and art history until his retirement in 1939.

Dr. Church, called "Ward" by his friends and relatives, married his college sweetheart, Florence Humphrey on July 2, 1894. They had two children: Willis Humphrey Church, (d.1969); and Donald E. Church. Willis received a bachelor of arts degree in 1923, bachelor of architecture degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1927, and a master of architecture in 1933. In 1930 he co-authored the book Masterpieces of Architecture in the United States with Edward Hoak (Scribner). Although a brilliant artist/architect, Willis was an alcoholic who spent many years at the Napa State Hospital in California. Donald was married to Pearl Church and was a transportation expert who held a federal government position in Washington, D.C. He had one son, Russell M. Church, a professor in the Walter S. Hunter Laboratory of Psychology at Brown University.

The Churches, along with many other friends in Reno, held a small parcel of land at Tahoe City where they spent summer vacations. Later, they purchased a lot at Cedar Tract Flat, one mile south of Carnelian Bay on Lake Tahoe's northwest corner. Son Willis designed a small house and large terrace around a pine tree on the lot; it became known at the Tree House and is standing today (1998).

Dr. Church later recounted to one of his students, C.J. Thornton, how he (Church) arrived by train in Reno and started toward the University. While walking down Commercial Row past the many bars, a dead man was thrown out in the street right in front of him. Church said he came "pretty near gettin' back to the depot and gettin' back on the train and leavin' after that." (Thornton, p. 40-41).

Despite this inauspicious beginning, Church grew to love the community of Reno. He was particularly fascinated by the Sierra Nevada Mountains, so utterly different from the terrain of his native Michigan. In 1895 he made the first mid-winter ascent of Mt. Rose on a dare and in 1901 spent Christmas vacation in the open at the crest of the Carson Range of the Sierra Nevada. Florence often accompanied Ward on his mountain climbs. The Churches relied heavily on the clumsy equipment of the time, although Mrs. Church made their sleeping bag lined with rabbit skins. Their published accounts tell of treks to the summit of Mt. Shasta in California, exciting rides zipping down a frozen logging flume following the Truckee River, and Ward's winter climb of Mt. Whitney in 1905 with guide Gustaf F. Marsh. Both Florence and Ward were members of the Sierra Club and published their mountaineering adventures in the Club's Bulletin.

Ward's intellectual fascination with the mountains and the snow which provided water supplies for the Truckee Meadows lead him to explore the relation between snow and its water content. He and Samuel B. Doten of the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station established a weather observatory in 1906 on the summit of Mt. Rose to record data on snow deposits, wind velocities, and runoff. Church and his associates built the observatory by hand, carrying all materials to the summit either by horseback or in backpacks.

Church developed the Mt. Rose snow sampler to accurately measure the water content of snow. The sampler consisted of a long hollow metal tube fitted with a serrated collar which removed a core of the snow pack. The core and tube then could be weighed to calculate the water content.

Between 1905-1912 Dr. Church established a system of snow courses around Mt. Rose and Lake Tahoe which allowed samples to be taken regularly at given points. Comparison of the snow and water content figures against the flow of streams in the area allowed him to forecast water availability. The wide-area forecasting of streamflow, known as the percentage or Nevada system became a standard in western North America. In 1935, Congress created the Federal-States Co-Operative Snow Survey based on Church's method; it continues in use today.

Because of his involvement in and expertise with snow surveying, Dr. Church traveled around the world as a consultant. In 1926-1927 and 1927-1928 he accompanied the University of Michigan Greenland Expedition to observe effects of Greenland's weather on the North American Continent. In 1936 he journeyed to Europe to attend a conference on snow and glaciers in Edinburgh. Prior to the meeting he visited many northern countries and then went on to Moscow. Unfortunately he became gravely ill with pneumonia and was hospitalized five weeks. While there he was cared for by Marian Stone and Bob Merriman, University of Nevada students studying in Moscow. He also received excellent care from Russian medical personnel which made a life-long impression on Dr. Church.

Church returned to Russia in 1945 at the invitation of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. There, he conducted a session of re-building Russia's ice-snow science, visited a collective farm, and made many friends.

The Indian government requested Dr. Church's help in 1947 in establishing snow surveys which could provide forecasts to regulate its large reservoirs at the southern base of the Himalaya Mountains. This project was fraught with difficulties: there were few statistics on previous snowfall and streamflows, equipment had to be ordered from out of the country, transportation to the proposed survey sites was difficult, and most important, it required the cooperation of India and Nepal (which possessed most of the stream sources) and Pakistan (which had the streamflow). Church utilized a party of young scientists for his expedition. Called his "Church Boys," many corresponded with Ward for the rest of his life. The physical difficulties were great, especially considering that Dr. Church was 78 years old but his sense of humor was not impaired. His diary entry of April 20, 1947, relates: "Rode every foot. Paths as steep, bridges as rickety as ever, and doctors and undertakers remote" (Boardman, p. 14). Dr. Church demonstrated that snow surveys were feasible in India and Nepal and succeeded in laying out a complete snow course to provide high level precipitation records to compare with those of lower hill stations.

In 1948 Dr. Church traveled to Argentina to consult with the government's Division of Water Resources. His initial ten day contract was extended to eleven months and his visit encompassed the entire stretch of the Argentine Andes. Snow surveying in the Andes was, like that of India, an international venture with water sources in one country and their outlets in another. Dr. Church, a peace-loving man, noted:

"Thus, barrier ranges and trunk streams merge national interests like children in a family. My wanderings have become adventures in international peace. At the end of the rainbow I sought snow and found friendship." (Boardman, p. 19)

Dr. Church held many important positions related to the science of snow surveying and received many honors.. In 1905 he was appointed meteorologist by the University of Nevada at the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station. He was director of the Nevada Cooperative Snow Survey from 1918-1926. He was a member of the American Geophysical Union and Chairman of the Research Committee on the Hydrology of Snow. Church was the founder and first president of the International Commission of Snow, organized in 1933. He spoke extensively and was a prolific author of articles recounting his findings (see Special Collections for a list of his articles). He was given an honorary L.L.D. from the University of Nevada in 1937 and in 1958 received the Distinguished Nevadan Award. In 1980, the U.S. Board of Geographic Names, named the north summit of Mt. Rose "Church Peak," in honor of Dr. Church and a marker was erected on the Mt. Rose Highway, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Mt. Rose Weather Observatory.

Dr. Church worked for many years to establish an art museum on the campus of the University. He was opposed in this effort by University Regent, Silas Ross, who was able to prevent the establishment of a campus art gallery. Dr. Church was a principal figure in the subsequent effort to found an art museum off-campus, called the Nevada Art Gallery (Terry, pp. 232-233). When a new fine arts building was constructed on campus, the ashes of Dr. and Mrs. Church were interred in the cornerstone and the building named the Church Fine Arts Building (Ross, p. 544).

Quiet and unassuming, he was the essence of the Renaissance Man, with his interests in science, the classics and art. Dr. Church died in Reno on August 5, 1959 at the age of 90.


Boardman, Horace P. "Dr. Church's Foreign Travels." Speech presented to the Western
Snow Conference, Reno, Nev., 1948. Dr. Church was to receive a special citation of merit for his contribution to snow surveys and the hydrology of snow at this conference but was unable to be present because of his work in Argentina. Boardman accepted the award on behalf of Dr. Church and recapped Church's travels.
Correspondence, reports, and other items within the J.E. Church collection.
Gorelangton, Tim. "The Snowman: Dr. James Church Jr.," in Washoe County Historical Society
Rambler. Vol. 3, no. 3, Fall, 1979, pp. 68-71..
Ross, Silas E. Recollections of Life at Glendale, Nevada, Work at the University of Nevada
and Western Funeral Practices. Reno: Oral History Project, University of Nevada System, 1970.
Terry, Alice. Recollections of a Pioneer: Childhood in Northern Nevada, Work at the
University of Nevada, Observations of the University Administration, 1922-1964, WICHE, and Reno Civic Affairs. Reno: Oral History Project, University of Nevada System, 1976.
Thornton, Clarence J. C.J. Thornton, Entrepreneur: Agriculture, Business, Politics. Reno: Oral
History Program University of Nevada System, [1983].

Florence Humphrey Church

Florence Humphrey Church was born in Michigan in 1869. She attended the University of Michigan until her junior year when she left to enter the newly developing Y service as secretary at Bay City, Michigan. In 1894 she married James Edward Church, Jr. and moved with him to Reno, Nevada. She received her B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Nevada.

Florence and Ward had two children, Willis and Donald.

In 1897 Florence's mother, Mrs. Phebe Humphrey, also moved to Reno where she lived with the Church family until her death on May [1], 1933 at age 85. Phebe was a native of St. Clair, Michigan, born on May 28, 1848. Mrs. Humphrey was a member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Women's Relief Corps, the Elderberry Club, and several women's "circles" at the Reno First Baptist Church. Her husband Willis, who died in 1896 or 1897, was for many years the assistant adjutant general of Michigan and held the commission of captain in the Civil War. He was the author of a history of the Civil War, called The Great Contest.

Florence was deeply religious and she and Dr. Church were active members of the First Baptist Church. Florence was a leader in civic and community affairs and was a moving force in women's suffrage campaigns in Nevada. She was founder and president of the Nevada Woman's Faculty Club, vice-president of the University of Nevada Alumni Association, president of the Reno Twentieth Century Club, and vice-president of the Nevada Suffrage Association and Women's Christian Temperance Association. She was president of the Nevada Federation of Women's Clubs and their national director, founder and vice-president of the Intermountain and Coast Federation of Women's Clubs, and active in the Mary S. Doten Mother's Club.

Florence often accompanied her husband on his winter camping trips in the mountains and wrote of her experiences in the Sierra Club Bulletin.

Florence died on Feb. 5, 1922. The Reno Evening Gazette (Feb 6, 1922, p. 8) reported that she was stricken with paralysis in the fall of 1921 while watching a football game and was confined to her bed until her death. Her ashes, along with those of her husband, were entombed in the cornerstone of the Church Fine Arts Building. Her mother lived on after her and helped Dr. Church care for his children and household.


Nevada State Journal. February 6, 1922, p. 4.
Nevada State Journal. May 2, 1933, p. 6.
Reno Evening Gazette. February 6, 1922, p. 8.
Reno Evening Gazette. May 1, 1933, p. 10.
"In Memoriam: Florence Humphrey Church, 1869-1922." Nevada Historical Society Papers III
(1921-1922): pp. 185-187.


Scope and Content

The James Edward Church papers were donated to the Special Collections Department after Dr. Church's death. They consist of 72 cubic feet, dating from 1869-1964. There are no restrictions on access to the collection. One series, photographs, has been transferred to the photographic archives of the Special Collections Department.

The Church papers represent the life's work and love of James Edward Church, professor of Classics at the University of Nevada and the man known as the "father of snow science." Represented are materials documenting his teaching career at the University, his love of art and art history, and the science of snow surveying and stream forecasting. The collection also contains some of his personal papers, including correspondence and awards. A small grouping of papers of Florence Humphrey Church is included.

The collection was divided into twenty-two series, including personal and scientific correspondence; series representing major organizations to which Church belonged such as the American Geophysical Union, International Commission of Snow, and Western Snow Conference; snow survey activities for Mt. Rose, Soda Springs, Humboldt River, and the Nevada Cooperative Snow Surveys; international snow survey projects for India, Argentina, Russia, and Switzerland; materials related to Church's classes in classics and art history; manuscripts of articles by Dr. Church and other scientists; some personal materials; papers of Florence Humphrey Church; artifacts, mostly related to snow surveying; and photographs.

Dr. Church was a prolific correspondent who kept copies of his outgoing letters as well as those he received. Correspondence is scattered throughout the whole collection but the bulk is located in Series 1 and 2, Personal and Professional Correspondence. "Personal" correspondence is somewhat of a misnomer as the series also includes some letters from colleagues which were not associated with any particular professional project or organization. Nevertheless, Series 1 does provide much information about Dr. Church's personal life through communication with his family, friends, former students, and his activities outside the University. His family letters also provide indirect insight into his professional life through discussion of his oversees adventures. Family correspondents included Florence Humphrey Church (who vacationed with the children in California on several occasions); his sons, Willis and Donald, and occasionally their wives; and his parents and siblings in Michigan.

In addition to formal letters, Series 1 includes Dr. Church's unique series of New Year's cards which were sent to an extensive list of recipients. The earliest card in the collection dates from 1927 and includes a quotation from Knud Rasmussen. The cards always featured either a small piece of Dr. Church's prose or fragment of literature which reflected his activities and philosophy. They were inspirational in nature, although not religious. Occasionally the card had a photographic or sketched image - once the Tahoe Tree House appeared; another featured a portrait of Dr. Church.

Series 2, Professional Correspondence, also includes both incoming and outgoing letters, all from professional colleagues. There is some overlap between correspondence in this series and those that follow, for example, with Series 3, "American Geophysical Union" so researchers should consult all appropriate sections.

Following these two series of correspondence are sections corresponding to the many professional interests of Dr. Church, including professional organizations, individual snow surveys, the Mt. Rose Observatory, and international snow survey projects. These series include correspondence, professional papers, conference proceedings and reports, and material related to administration of the organizations. In addition, there is a series containing materials related to Dr. Church's teaching activities at the University of Nevada. The collection contains an extensive collection Dr. Church's manuscripts, as well as many articles written by other authors in his field.

Some personal materials are included in this collection. Personal letters were filed in Series 1 while other personal materials are in Series 18. They include date and address books; awards, honors and tributes, including Dr. Church's Distinguished Nevadan award; financial records; Ward and Florence's marriage certificate; high school and college school records; early school teaching contracts from Michigan; diplomas; clippings and biographical notes about Dr. Church; information about the Nevada Art Gallery; and some correspondence with Nevada Suffragist, Anne H. Martin.

Mrs. Church played an important leadership role in women's organizations in Reno and at the state level. Series 19 contains records she created or received from the National Federation of Women's Clubs, Nevada Federation of Women's Clubs, and the Nevada State Equal Suffrage Association conference (1895). The series includes a manuscript written by Mrs. Church about her winter trip to Mt. Rose in 1904. A few pieces of Florence's personal correspondence were integrated into Series 1, Personal Correspondence of J.E. Church.

Two last series are significant. Series 21 contains artifacts, primarily snow surveying equipment. Additional artifacts are on display in the lobby of the Church Fine Arts Building on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno. The collection contains several hundred photos illustrating Church's professional activities, especially snow surveying. These photos have been transferred to the photo archives of the Special Collections Department.

Collection reprocessed by: Susan Searcy
Collection guide compiled by: Susan Searcy, with assistance of Becky Richards
Date: February 11, 1998


Donors to J.E. Church Processing Project

The Special Collections Department would like to thank the following individuals, businesses, and organizations for their financial assistance in 1963 for the initial processing the J.E. Church papers:

F.R. Albert
L. Harold Anderson
Manes Barton
John Dierdorff
Fred Fletcher
M.M. Ilch
Joseph F. McDonald
Fred Oldendorf
Wilbur D. Simons
Ed Slingland
Paul A. Yetter

California Electric Power Company
California-Pacific Utilities Company
Idaho Power Company
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pacific Power and Light Company
Public Service Company of Colorado
Sierra Pacific Power Company
Utah Power and Light Company
Western Snow Conference


The James Edward Church collection is arranged into the following series:

  1. Personal Correspondence. Page 15
  2. General and Scientific Correspondence. Page 16
  3. American Geophysical Union. Page 27
  4. International Commission of Snow. Page 32
  5. Western Snow Conference. Page 38
  6. Other Conferences. Page 41
  7. Mount Rose Observatory and Agricultural
    Experiment Station. Page 42
  8. Soda Springs Snow Survey Project. Page 45
  9. Nevada Cooperative Snow Surveys. Page 52
  10. Humboldt and Little Humboldt River Projects,
    Nevada Cooperative Snow Surveys. Page 61
  11. California Cooperative Snow Surveys. Page 66
  12. Other National and Canadian Snow Surveys. Page 72
  13. International Snow Survey Projects. Page 78
  14. Hydrology. Page 86
  15. Classics Studies and Art History. Page 90
  16. Church's Manuscripts. Page 99
  17. Other Manuscripts. Page 103
  18. Personal Materials. Page 125
  19. Florence Humphrey Church Materials. Page 128
  20. Postcards, Scrapbook. Page 131
  21. Artifacts, primarily snow surveying equipment. Page 132
  22. Photographs. Page 133

NC96/1 SERIES 1. PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE. 1886-1959. 2.5 cu. ft.

This series consists of letters of a mostly personal nature, and includes correspondence from Dr. Church's students and former students; his extended family; the University of Nevada, Reno, both administration and co-workers; letters from Dr. Church to family members, including those from his visits to Europe; and letters to his scientific and university colleagues. Although this series is labeled "Personal Correspondence," there are letters both to and from Dr. Church which concern his scientific studies and which contain mention of other scientists. The earliest letters are those of his students, whom he taught in Michigan before moving to Nevada; his father, J.E. Church, and a letter from S.A. Jones informing Dr. Church that he had been elected instructor in Latin at Nevada State University for a salary of $1200 per year.

Dr. Church designed his own Christmas cards which featured phrases from his diaries. This series contains an extensive collection of those cards; they are grouped together in Box 3.

This series is arranged in chronological order.

Box 1

1/1-34 Correspondence. 1886-1936. Included are letters from or to the following individuals: J.E. Church, Florence Humphrey Church, and Willis Humphrey Church. Also, letters from friends and members of the local Reno/Carson City community.

Box 2

1/35-62 1937-1949.

Box 3

1/63-81 1950-1959; mailing lists, New Year's Cards.



This series contains professional correspondence both sent and received by Dr. Church. A preponderance of these letters deal with various aspects of the developing science of snow surveying and include letterpress copybooks of the Mt. Rose Observatory. The series is in two different methods of arrangement; it is arranged chronologically for letters of 1904-1924 and alphabetically for materials dated after 1924. Other professional correspondence specific to various organizations is found in series 3-4, and 8-15.

Box 3

2/1-14 1904-1910.

Box 4

2/15-48 1911-1919.

Box 5

2/49-67 General correspondence, 1920-1924.
2/68 Aeroarctic.
2/69 Agricultural Engineering.
2/70 American Association for the Advancement of Science.
2/71 American Geographical Society.
2/72-73 American Institute of Genomy and Natural Resources.
2/74 American Meteorological Society.
2/75-76 American Philosophical Society.
2/77 American Society of Civil Engineers.
2/78 Antarctic/Arctic Ice & Snow.
2/79-80 Miscellaneous "A".

Box 6

2/81 Miscellaneous "A".
2/82 Andrews, Frank.
2/83 Arctic Institute of North America.
2/84 Astronomical Society of Nevada.
2/85 Baldwin, Henry I.
2/86 Barnes, Bertram S.
2/87 Barnes, Howard T.
2/88-89 Bernard, Merill.
2/90 Blue Hill Observatory.
2/91-92 Boardman, H.P.
2/93 British Glasiological Society.
2/94 Brooks, Charles F.
2/95-96 Bureau of Agricultural Engineers [U.S. Department of Agriculture].
2/97-102 Miscellaneous "B".
2/103 California State Engineer.
2/104 Chatillon & Sons.
2/105 Clyde, George D.
2/106 Codd, Austin R.
2/107a Companies & manufacturers, miscellaneous.

Box 7

2/107b Companies.
2/108-110 Miscellaneous "C".
2/111-113 Doten, Samuel B.
2/114-116 Miscellaneous "D".
2/117 Eclipse.
2/118-119 Elges, Carl.
2/120 Embassy Letters.
2/121 Engineers, general.
2/122 Ewing, Paul A.
2/123 Expeditions.
2/124 Experiment Station, U.S.
2/125 Explorers Club.
2/126-127 Miscellaneous "E".
2/128 Fergusson, "The Boys" and Northern Friends.
2/129-131 Fergusson, S.P.
2/132a Fleming, Charles E.

Box 8

2/132b Ford Foundation Fellowships.
2/133-169 Foreign:
2/133-136 Argentina
2/137 Australia
2/138-142 Canada
2/143 Chili
2/144 China
2/145 Czechoslovakia
2/146 Danzig
2/147 Denmark
2/148 Estonia
2/149 Finland
2/150 France
2/151-152 Germany
2/153-155 Great Britain
2/156-160, 163-164 India
2/161-162 Omkar Dhar
2/165 Ireland
2/166 Italy
2/168 Lithuania
2/169 Mexico

Box 9

2/170-181 Foreign:
2/170 Netherlands
2/171 Newfoundland
2/172 New Zealand
2/173 Norway
2/174 Peru
2/175 Poland
2/176 South Africa
2/177 Spain
2/178 Sweden
2/179-181 Switzerland
2/182-183 Friez, Julien P., & Sons.
2/184-185 Miscellaneous "F".
2/186-187 Garstka, W.U.
2/188 Geographic Review.
2/189-190 Gerdel, R.W.
2/191-193 Miscellaneous "G".
2/194 Hansen Machine Works.
2/195 Hardman, George.
2/196-198 Hobbs, William H.
2/199 Hopkins, Walt.
2/200 Horton, Robert E.
2/201 Miscellaneous "H".

Box 10

2/202-203 Miscellaneous "H".
2/204 Miscellaneous "I".
2/205-206 Jones, James E.
2/207 Miscellaneous "J".
2/208 Kittredge, Jr., J.
2/209-211 Miscellaneous "K".
2/212-215 Leupold, Volpal & Co.
2/216 Lewis, George A.
2/217-218 Libraries and Librarians.
2/219-223 Los Angeles City, Department of Water and Power.
2/224-226 Miscellaneous "L".
2/227 McCrory, S.H.
2/228-237 McLaughlin, W.W.

Box 11

2/238-239 "Mc General"
2/240-243 Marr, James C.
2/244 Marsh, G.F.
2/245 Meinzer, O.E.
2/246-248 Mitchelson, A.T.
2/249 Monson, O.W.
2/250 Moody Institute of Science.
2/251 Morris, Samuel B.
2/252 Munson, Spencer.
2/253-257 Miscellaneous "M".
2/258-261 Nakaya, U.
2/262 National Academy of Science.
2/263-264 National Research Council.
2/265-271 Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station on Equipment in the Field.
2/272-273 Nevada State Engineer.

Box 12

2/274-279 Nevada State Engineer.
2/280 Nevada State Governors.
2/281 Nevada State Highway Department.
2/282 Nevada Water Committee.
2/283-284 Miscellaneous "N".
2/285 Oregon State Engineer.
2/286 Miscellaneous "O".
2/287 Pagliuca, Salvatore.
2/288-290 Parshall, R.L.
2/291 Phi Kappa Phi.
2/292 Pollak, Leo W.
2/293 Press Correspondence.
2/294 Price, R.C.
2/295, 306 Miscellaneous "P".
2/296-305 Publishers Correspondence.
2/307 Miscellaneous "Q".
2/308 Radio Broadcasts.
2/309 Rupp, Vernon.

Box 13

2/310 Miscellaneous "R".
2/311 Salo, John V.
2/312 Saville, Thorndike.
2/313 Shaver, A.J.
2/314 Sherman, Leroy K.
2/315 Sierra Club.
2/316 Sigma XI.
2/317-322 Smith, A.L.
2/323 Smithsonian Institute.
2/324-325 Southern California Edison Co.
2/326 Southern Pacific Company
2/327 Stafford, H.W.
2/328 Stearns, M.
2/329-330 Stone, Robert G.
2/331-334 Swiss Film on Snow and Avalanches.
2/335-336 Miscellaneous "S".
2/337 Tahoe, maps and general.
2/338 Tallman, N.V.
2/339-341 Miscellaneous "T".
2/342 U.S. Army Engineers.
2/343 U.S. Department of the Interior.
2/344 U.S. Department of the State.
2/345-346 U.S. Forest Service.

Box 14

2/347-353 U.S. Forest Service.
2/354-355 U.S. Forest Supervisor.
2/356-363 U.S. Geological Survey.
2/364 U.S. National Park Service.
2/365 U.S. Navy.
2/366 U.S. Patent Office.
2/367-368 U.S. Reclamation Service.
2/369-372 U.S. Senators and Representatives.
2/373 U.S. Soil Conservation Service.

Box 15

3/374-377 U.S. Soil Conservation Service.
2/378 U.S. War Department.
2/379-389 U.S. Weather Bureau.
2/390 U.S. Government, miscellaneous.
2/391-396 University of Nevada Correspondence.
2/397 Miscellaneous "U".
2/398 Miscellaneous "V".
2/399 Walker Basin.
2/400 Water and Power Resources.
2/401 Wenzel, L.K.
2/402 Wildlife Refuges.
2/403 Wilm, H.G.
2/404 Work, R.A.

Box 16

2/405-409 Work, R.A.
2/410 Wrigley, Gladys M.
2/411-414 Miscellaneous "W".
2/415 General Correspondence "X-Y-Z".
[# not assigned] Mt. Rose Observatory Copybooks, 1910-1918. Located at back of box, behind 2/415.

NC96/3 SERIES 3. AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. 1931-1950. 5 cu.ft.

Dr. Church was an active member of the American Geophysical Union, attending and presenting papers at conferences, attending to committee work, and corresponding with many members. This series contains programs, speeches, minutes and correspondence. There is also an extensive section related to a bibliography of snow which Church was compiling. The correspondence is arranged alphabetically.

Box 17

3/1-28 Programs, addresses, bibliography, fliers, minutes, to 1949.

Box 18

3/29-41 AGU commissions and committees.
3/42-74 Correspondence:
3/42 Bader, Henri.
3/43 Baver, L.D.
3/44-48 Beij, K. Hilding.
3/49 Bjerknes, D.J.
3/50 Bowers, N.A.
3/51 Bowie, William.
3/52 Brockett, Paul.
3/53-56 Brooks, Charles F.
3/57 Casagrande, Arthur.
3/58 Church, Phil E.
3/59 Collins, E.H.
3/60 Cullings, E.S.
3/61 Davenport, R.W.
3/62a Debler, E.B.
3/62b Faegri, Knut.
3/63-66 Farrow, R.G.
3/67-68 Field, Richard M.
3/69-74 Fleming, John A.

Box 19

3/75-116 Correspondence:

3/75-87 Fleming, John A.
3/88 Fry, A.S.
3/89 Gould, Laurence M.
3/90 Grover, N.C.
3/91 Harding, S.T.
3/92 Heck, N.H.
3/93 Hertzler, R.A.
3/94 Horner, W.W.
3/95-96 Horton, Robert E.
3/97 Howard, C.S.
3/98 Hoyt, W.G.
3/99 Huberty, M.R.
3/100 Jacobs, Joseph.
3/101 Jacobs, C.E.
3/102 Kittredge, Joseph.
3/103 Krimgold, D.B.
3/104 Lamb, W.A.
3/105 Langbein, W.B.
3/106 Lee, Frederick W.
3/107 Legget, R.F.
3/108 Linsley, Ray K.
3/109 Lohman, S.W.
3/110 Lowdermilk, W.C.
3/111 Lundquist, Roy E.
3/112 Marble, John P.
3/113-116 Matthes, Francois and Gerard.

Box 20

3/117-158 Correspondence.
3/117-120 Matthes, Francois.
3/121-124 Meinzer, O.E.
3/125-127 Monson, O.W.
3/128 Morris, Samuel B.
3/129-131 Musgrave, G.W.
3/132 O'Brien, M.P.
3/133 Parker, Glen L.
3/134 Richards, L.A.
3/135 Schaefer, Vincent J.
3/136-138 Sherman, L.K.
3/139 Shulitz, Samuel.
3/140-145 Smith, Waldo E.
3/146 Stafford, Harlowe M.
3/147 Stevens, J.C.
3/148-150 Straub, Lorenz G.
3/151 Thompson, David G.
3/152 Thomson, M.T.
3/153 Thornthwaite, C.W.
3/154-156 Tipton, R.J.
3/157 Tuttle, A.H.
3/158 Veilhmeyer, F.J.

Box 21

3/159-182 Correspondence:

3/159-161 Veilhmeyer, F.J.

3/162 VonEngeln, O.D.

3/163 Warnick, C.C.

3/164 West, G.G.

3/165 Whitney, Paul C.

3/166 Wilm, H.G.

3/167 Wilson, Ralph N.

3/168 Wilson, Walter T.

3/169-182 AGU miscellaneous (correspondence, illustra-tions, reports, notes, surveys, etc.)

3/183-204 Committee on Snow reports, 1935-1942.



In 1930 the American Geophysical Union asked Dr. Church to organize a Committee on Snow. Almost immediately it became international in membership and the name became the International Commission of Snow and Glaciers. Dr. Church served as president.

This series contains correspondence, membership lists, ballots, newsletters, manuscript reports, programs (1936, 1939, 1948) and transactions.

Box 22

4/1 AGU - articles from Transactions.
4/2-27 Correspondence:
4/2 AGU International Geophysical Year.
4/3-5 Dienert, M.
4/6-10 Lutschg, O.
4/11-12 Matthes, Francois (ICS Oslo meeting).
4/13 Provisional Personnel.
4/14-19 Seligman, Gerald.
4/20 Stagg, J.M.
4/21-24 Stakle, Peter.
4/25-27 ICS miscellaneous.
4/28-35 Foreign correspondence:
4/28 Argentina
4/29 Canada
4/30 Chile
4/31 France
4/32 Italy
4/33 New Zealand
4/34 Peru
4/35 Poland
4/36-38 ICS Personnel Lists.
4/39 Death Announcements of ICS members.
4/40 Dr. Church's European travel budget.
4/41 National Committees of the Association of Scientific Hydrology.
4/42 Minutes of Executive Committee.
4/43 International Newsletter.
4/44 Letter Ballots.
4/45 Tentative Snow Classification. n.d.
4/46 Report by Dr. Church.
4/47 "Plans and Ideals of the ICS".
4/48 Memo of activities and future plans of International Scientific Organizations.
4/49 Distribution of Publications.
4/50 Cosmic-Terrestrial Relationships to Continental and Oceanic Structure.
4/51 Bibliography Report of ICS.
4/52 Minutes of 1936 Edinburgh meeting.

Box 23

4/53 1936 Edinburgh meeting - formal invitations.
4/54 1936 program, circulars, correspondence about program.
4/55 Organization of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology "Regalement Interieur".
4/56 Transactions of ICS; minutes of meetings of ICS.
4/57 Distribution of [1936] proceedings in Russia.
4/58-75 Transactions of ICS:
4/58 Manuscript. c.1937.
4/59 Brooks, C.F. "Need for Universal Standards for Measuring Precipitation, Snowfall and Snow-cover".
4/60 Church, J.E. and Elges, Carl. "Snow Surveying: Principles and Possibilities".
4/61 Dobrowolski, A.B. "Sur le Probleme de la Realisation d'une Organisation Cryologique International".
McClean, W.N. "The Influence of Ice and Snow on River Flows...".
4/62 Bonacina, L.C.W. "Snow as a Form of Precipi-tation and Factors Controlling Distribution Over the Globe" and "Drift Problems Suggested by Severe Snowstorms in the British Isles with Special Reference to the Permanent Scottish Snowbeds".
4/63 Wagner, A. "Gibt es im Gebirge Eine Hohen Maximalen Neiderschlages?"
Slettenmark, G. "The Snow Cover in Sweden".
Melin, Ragnar. "Snow Cover in Sweden".
Gherzi, Fr. E. "Quelque Donnes sur la Distri- bution de la Neige en Chine".
4/64 Smetana, Jan. "Les Previsions des Hauteurs du Niveau et..."
Melin, Ragnan. "Forecasting Spring Runoff of the Forest-Rivers of Sweden".
Lewis, George A. "Snow Surveying in the High Sierras, A Movie".
4/65 Lutschg, O. "Niederschag und Abfluss...".
4/66 Lamb, W.A. and Hoover, O.H. "International Forecasting and Distribution of Runoff by U.S. and Canada in St. Mary River Drainage Basin".
4/67 Hinton, Eric. "Forecasting Runoff in New Foundland by International Paper and Power Co. of New Foundland, Ltd.".
4/68 Guy, L.T. "Snow Studies on Bogong High Plains...".
4/69 Bydin, F.I. "Thermal and Ice Regime of Some Rivers in U.S.S.R. and the Conditions of Forecasting Same".
4/70 Coutange, Aime. "De la Temperature Qu'il Fait - De L'eau qui Coule...".
Kolupaila, Stephonas. "The River Flow Beneath the Ice".
Ogijewski, A.W. "Hydrometeorologische Methode der Berechnung...".
4/71 Melin, Ragnar. "Investigations Regarding the Formation and Breaking up of the Ice and of Its Thickness on Lakes and Rivers of Sweden".
4/72 Timonoff, V.E. "On the Establishment of a Working Hypothesis of Ice Phenomena in Lakes and Rivers".
Altberg, W.J. "Twenty Years of Work in the Domain of Underwater Ice Formation (1925-35)".
4/73 Mercanton, P.L. and Lugeon, J. "L'Electrosonde MZA Pour la Mesure du Contendue des...".
Loewe, Fritz. "The Amount of Snowdrift and Rime and Factors in the Mass Balance of Glaciers".
4/74 Extra Manuscripts. [some duplicate material in previous folders; others are texts of papers mentioned but not printed in the Transactions].
4/75 Comments and responses to papers presented.
4/76-78 Report of Research Committee on Snow, c.1945. [Incomplete]
4/79 Foreign Reports on Snow and Ice from the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice.
4/80 Miscellaneous Notes.
4/81 Washington Meeting minutes.
4/82-83 Washington Meeting correspondence.
4/84 1939 meeting, Washington, D.C. "Outline for Talk at University".
4/85-89 Washington meeting (1939) - programs, list of delegates, invitations and Reports.
4/90 Oslo meeting 1948. Conference information, tickets, brochures.
4/91-93 Oslo, Reorganization. 1948.
4/94 Boardman, H.P. Radio Talk - "International Snow Survey Commission". 1936.

NC96/5 SERIES 5. WESTERN SNOW CONFERENCE. 1933-1964. 2 cu.ft.

The Western Snow Conference was organized by Dr. Church and Horace Boardman in Reno in 1933. Membership was composed of individuals and organizations representing public and private agencies interested in snow and water supplies derived from mountain snow cover. Annual meetings were held in different West Coast cities. The organization is still active. For office records of WSC, see Special Collections manuscript collection NC442.

This series is arranged chronologically.

Box 24

[# not assigned] 1933 Reno.
5/1 1934 Berkeley meeting.
5/2 1935 Snow Survey Conference, Reno.
5/3 1936 Pasadena meeting.
5/4-5 1938 Los Angeles meeting. Minutes, reports, correspondence, program.
5/6 Ms for [Proceedings Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference, 1938].
5/7-8 1938 Davis Meeting.
5/9 Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 20th Annual Meeting, 1939. Washington, D.C. and Regionals & WSC for L.A.
5/10-11 1939 Los Angeles and Spokane Meetings.
5/12 1940 Stanford Meeting.
5/13-15 1940 Seattle Meeting.
5/16-21 [Proceedings Snow Survey Conference, Seattle. 1940.
5/22-26 1941 Sacramento Meeting.

Box 25

5/27 1941 Sacramento Meeting.
5/28 Central States Snow Conference. 1941-1946.
5/29 1942 Pasadena Meeting.
5/30-32 1943 Corvallis Meeting.
5/33-34 1944 Berkeley Meeting.
5/35 1945 Portland Meeting.
5/36 1946 Sacramento Meeting.
5/37 1948 meeting.
5/38 1950 Davis meeting; 1951 Victoria, B.C.; 1953 Idaho.
5/39 Tribute to Dr. Church by Walt Hopkins. 1959.
5/40 1959 Reno meeting correspondence.
5/41-42 Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference correspondence. 1933-1949.
5/43-48 Correspondence:
5/43 Letters to contributing organizations. 1939.
5/44 1940-1956.
5/45 1942-1957.
5/46 Criddle, Wayne D. 1946-1948.
5/47 1951-1958.
5/48 1956-1964.
5/49-51 Transactions - letters to contributing organizations, and orders.
5/52 Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference financial notes. 1938-1941.

NC96/6 SERIES 6. OTHER CONFERENCES. 1916-1958. 1 cu.ft.

This series contains material gathered at other conferences that Dr. Church attended.

Box 25

6/1-2 Eastern Snow Conference.
6/3 American Institute of Architects, Reno Chapter.
6/4 Association for the Advancement of Science.
6/5 Association for the Study of Snow and Ice.
6/6 Institute of Irrigation Agriculture.
6/7-8 Nevada Snow Survey Conference.
6/9 Pan American Scientific Conference, 1916.
6/10-11 Reclamation Association Meeting.
6/12 SPIRE Conference.
6/13 Societe Hydrotechnique de France.
6/14 Symposium on Problems of Lake Lahontan.


Dr. Church observed that the weather on Mt. Rose, to the Southwest of Reno influenced the availability of water in Reno and vicinity. In 1905 he and colleagues at the University of Reno established an observatory on the summit of Mt. Rose, hauling all building supplies on horse back and by backpack. Church and his students checked the data gathering devices year-round, no easy task in the winter as it was a 2-day trip uphill involving an overnight stay in a stone hut.

Weather observation activities, including the snow surveys, were officially under the auspices of the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Nevada. The Station later conducted snow surveys in other Nevada sites: Beowawe, Carlin, Cherry Creek, etc. The Station also cooperated with snow surveys in California.

This series contains annual reports from 1907-1940, budgets, financial materials, preliminary surveys, field notes, compiled data, inventories, time sheets, and miscellaneous observations. Also see box 41 for more materials, received after this series was arranged.

Box 26

7/1 Annual Reports 1907-1911.
7/2 Annual Reports 1913-1917.
7/3 Report of Department of Meteorology, 1939-1940.
7/4 1940 Report.
7/5 Annual Reports: Outlines and undated drafts.
7/6 Budgets, 1910-1918.
7/7a Supply Requisitions, 1912-1913.
7/7b Expenses, 1910-1913.
7/8 1920-1921 Expense account correspondence.
7/9 1923 Expenses.
7/10 Expenses for 1925-1926.
7/11 Fitch, G.A. "Record of Ascent, August 27, [1905 or 1911]".
Miscellaneous weather and water observations. n.d.
7/12 Fergusson, S.P. Plan and Details for Meteorograph for Mt. Rose. n.d.
7/13 "Preliminary Survey [Late Frost Conditions and Effects]", c.1901-1911.
7/14a Data on temperature and frost conditions March-July, 1901-1911.
7/14b Data concerning frosts and storms, March 1, 1912.
7/15-17 Recordings of temperatures below 32 degrees (springs and summers) for Reno (1903-1911), Mt. Rose Ranch (1910), Beowawe (1901-1911), Carlin (1901-1911), Cherry Creek (1908-1910), and many other Nevada sites, 1901-1911.
7/18 Memoranda on Evaporation, 1908-1910.
7/19 Monthly discharges of various rivers in Nevada and Eastern California, c. 1896-1907.
7/20-21 Snow and rain measurement reports from other regions, and Tahoe; also, rough notes, c.1915-1920.
7/22 Miscellaneous weather notes and observations.
7/23 Memoranda and data for correcting Mt. Rose records, 1905-1914.
7/24 Miscellaneous weather observations.
7/25 Church's notes on weather conditions in Truckee Meadows' creeks: Galena Creek, White's Creek. c.1905.
7/26 Misc. observations from White's Creek and Galena Creek, Ruby Mountains/Lamoille, Floods of March 1907 and January 1909. c.1901-1909.
7/27 Inventories, time sheets, miscellaneous. 1900-1914.


NC96/8 SERIES 8. SODA SPRINGS SNOW SURVEY PROJECT. 1912-1952. 4.50 cu.ft.

Dr. Church helped to organize a snow survey on the California side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to help the state predict water availability in the South Yuba River watershed. This survey was centered at Soda Springs, west of Donner Lake. Dr. Church was especially active during the early to mid-1940s at this station.

This series contains correspondence, reports, field notes, notebooks, survey charts, and meteorological charts. Also see box 41 for more materials, received after this series was arranged.

Box 26

8/1-27 Correspondence:
8/1 Cooperators, 1942-1945. (Southern Pacific Co., Army, Telephone Co., etc)
Annual Report, 1943-1944.
8/2 Equipment, 1943-1945.
8/3 1943-1948.
8/4 General, 1946, and misc. clippings.
8/5 1942 Battery Test.
8/6-7 Finances, 1944-1947.
8/8 Bernard, Merrill.
8/9 Bowie, E.H.
8/10 Central Scientific Co.
8/11 Codd, Ashton R.
8/12 Couillard, Arthur.
8/13 Friez, Julian P.
8/14 Gerdel, Robert W.
8/15 Hand, I.F.
8/16 Light, Phillip.
8/17 Linsley, Ray K.
8/18 Lundquist, Roy E.
8/19 Mack, Ernie.
8/20 Observers (Sanders, Buck, Jones, Couillard).
8/21 Grubb, D. Hanson (Pacific Scientific Co.).
8/22 Polos, Anthony J.
8/23 Redman Scientific Co.
8/24 Reichelderfer, F.W.
8/25 Rupp, Vernon.
8/26 Smith, J.C.
8/27 Staples, L.A.

Box 27

8/28-30 Correspondence:
8/28-29 Stevens, J.C. and Leupold.
8/30 Thickstun, William R. (Chief, Instrument Division, U.S. Weather Bureau).
8/31 Payroll, U.S. Weather Bureau, 1943-1944.
8/32 U.S. Weather Bureau time sheets for fiscal year, 1945-1946.
8/33 Report of Committee on Snow, 1943-1944.
8/34 Snow Report and Conference material - Tables.
8/35 Church, J.E. and Gerdel, Robert W. "Comparison of Different Types of Precipitation Gages and Snow Survey Measurements at Soda Springs, CA". [Incomplete]
8/36-37 Semi-annual Reports, 1944-1947.
8/38 Annual Report, Snow Studies at Donner Summit. [Draft outline]. n.d.
8/39 Snow sleds and Skiis (miscellaneous), c.1912.
8/40 Turning of Winds with Altitude.
8/41 Miscellaneous.
8/42 Memorandum for Dr. Church re: forecasting, South Yuba River.
8/43-62 Notebooks:
8/43 Snow studies, Book #1a; January 14-April 5, 1942.
8/44 Snow studies, #1b; April 18-May 7, 1942.
8/45 Snow studies, #1c; May 11-24, 1942.
8/46 #1d; November 11-December 17, 1942.
8/47 Book 2. December 22, 1942 - January 24, 1943.
8/48 Book 3. January 30-February 18, 1943.
8/49 Book 4. February 20-March 12, 1943.
8/50 Book 5. March 15-April 10, 1943.
8/51 Book 6. April 10-26, 1943.
8/52 Book 7. April 26-July 13, 1943.
8/53 Book 8. July 13-October 31, 1943.
8/54 Book 9. November 1-December 10, 1943.
8/55 Book 10. December 10, 1943 - February 10, 1944.
8/56 Book 11. February 11-March 14, 1944. [Includes Koch Conference, 2/26/44 - 3/3/44]
8/57 Book 12. March 15-31, 1944.
8/58 [MISSING]
8/59 Book 13. April 1-14, 1944.
8/60 Book 14. April 14-30, 1944.
8/61 Book 15. May 1-July 2, 1944.
8/62 Book 16. July 3-November 6, 1944.

Box 28

8/63-77 Notebooks:
8/63 Book 18. December 3, 1944 - January 11, 1945. "Dye in Winter and on Soft Snow".
8/64 Book 17. November 7-December 2, 1944.
8/65 Book 19. January 12-April 1, 1945.
8/66 Book 20. April 2-30, 1945.
8/67 Book 21. May 1-21, 1945. (Mt. Washington)
8/68 Rough Notes, January 10-April 27, 1947.
8/69 Rough Notes, April 27, 1943 - March 18, 1944.
8/70 Harry Clark Hunter Survey.
8/71 Loose documents.
8/72 Rough Notes, March 24-October, 1944.
8/73 Rough Notes, November 6, 1944-May 11, 1945.
8/74 Snow Melt Project, December 2, 1948 - March 17, 1949.
8/75 Snow Melt Project Rough Notes, December 10, 1948 to February 6, 1950.
8/76 Snow Melt Project survey charts and rough notes, March 1949 - December 19, 1951.
8/77 "Trip to Northern Snow Courses", July 19-27, 19-- [1941-45 ?]
8/78 Notes: miscellaneous unidentified survey notes. 1946, 1948 and n.d.
8/79a Snow Survey Notes by Dr. Church. n.d.
8/79b Nevada Cooperative Snow Survey - Donner. Notes, n.d. [1940s]
8/80 Weather records. n.d.
8/81 Drip tank measurements. 1945-1948.
8/82 Friez Precipitation Gage graphs, 11/15/42 to 6/5/43.
8/83 Friez Gage charts, 6/12/43 to 7/20/44.
8/84 Friez Gage charts, 8/12/44 to 4/15/46.
8/85 Friez Gage charts, 5/2/46 to 5/31/47.
8/86 Gale at Donner Summit. January, 1943 ? [instruments charts]
8/87 Instrument charts.
8/88 Instrument charts. 1943.
8/89 Instrument charts. 1942-1943.

Box 29

8/90 Instrument charts. 1943-1944.
8/91 Instrument charts for temperature at varying heights above snow. 1942-1943.
8/92 Instrument Gage charts. 1943-1944
8/93 Compiled readings, rough drafts. 1943-1946.
8/94 Summation of Precipitation Charts. 1944-1945.
8/95 Gage charts. 1944-1945.
8/96 Field notes, telethermascope tests. March to May, 194-.Compiled wind velocity charts, April to May, 1943.
8/97-98 Misc. field notes, compiled tables, partial report. c.1943.
8/99-101 Charts, 1942-1948.
8/102-111 Hygro-Thermograph Charts. 1946-1948; 1952.
8/112 Compiled field notes: Chart of Precipitation.
8/113-114 Hotel Platform Hygro-Thermograph charts. 1947.
8/115-127 Hotel Hygro-Thermograph. 1942-1947.

Box 30

NC8 Meteorological charts.

NC96/9 SERIES 9. NEVADA COOPERATIVE SNOW SURVEYS. 1879-1880; 1909-1959. Bulk 3.5 cu.ft.

As a result of Dr. Church's studies in measuring the water content of snow and its effect on the future availability of water, the Nevada Cooperative Snow Survey was established. This program set up snow surveys for other regions of Nevada, especially northeastern Nevada. Dr. Church was very active in the early phases of this project.

This series includes information on the location and establishment of Nevada survey courses, equipment and costs, field notes, data gathered from individual courses, yearly water runoff and stream flow forecasts and notes and manuscripts of research papers based on the surveys.

Types of materials include correspondence, equipment materials, financial data, snow survey reports, manuscript "Snow Surveying in Relation to Stream Flow", forecasts, reports, surveys, tables and data. See also box 41 for more materials, received after this series was arranged.

Box 31

9/1 Correspondence and field notes/data. c.1917-1921.
9/2 Correspondence 1920-1921.
9/3 Data, notes, correspondence. 1920.
9/4 Correspondence, charts. c.1922-1948.
9/5-7 Correspondence and reports, 1923-1927.
9/8- Correspondence:
9/8 1932.
9/9 1955.
9/10 Alciatore, H.F. Report and snow data, 1909-1916.
9/11 Simmonds, W.A.
9/12 Snow Sampler Patent, 1910-1911.
9/13 Snow Sampler, 1935-1951.
9/14 Trucker Sno-Cats, 1940-1950.
9/15 Descriptions of Courses. c.1930-1937.
9/16 Nevada Snow Courses, 1947.
9/17 Report - "Snow Survey Courses, Location, Assembly, and Description, Carson Basin". n.d.
9/18-19 Maps of Snow Courses. 1929, 1936, 1939, 1940.
9/20 Snow Courses maps and descriptions, 1936.
9/21 Shelter Hut Locations - correspondence. 1942. [maps placed in ms mapcase drawer]
9/22 Inventory of Snow Survey Equipment. c.1922.
9/23 Mt. Rose Snow Sampler blueprint; calculations for other equipment.
9/24 [Mt. Rose Observatory - drawings and specifications for construction of shelter and instruments]. 1907-1914.
9/25 Test of Instruments.
9/26 Snow Surveying Apparatus.
9/27 Technical drawings of Snow Samplers and other equipment.
9/28 Snow Surveys - Psychometric Slide Rule.
9/29 Instructions for use of the Atmospheric Radiation Chart.
9/30 Specifications for Recorder Shelter.
9/31 Snow Stations, shelters, etc. 1922-1923.
9/32 Snow Sampler/Tubes and Cutter.
9/33 Snow motor vehicles. 1945-1946.
9/34 Motorized snow vehicles, c.1940s, used in 1942 article by Church.
9/35 Snow sampling equipment.
9/36 Equipment. Cutter for Snow Samplers designed and made by J.J. Ryan.
9/37 Equipment.
9/38 Plans for Sacramento Precipitation Gage. 1949.
9/39 Plans for Seasonal Storage Precipitation Gage. 1945.
9/40 Sacramento Precipitation Gage plans, spec. 1947.
9/41 Engineering survey for Dr. Church by College of Engineering, January 1931.
9/42 Miscellaneous costs and notes.
9/43 Costs. c.1922.
9/44 General Correspondence: survey expenses, 1924-1925.
9/45 Financial - Snow Survey Expenses of Church's.
9/46 Ms: "Estimated Cost and Income for Snow Surveys in Nevada for the Years 1937-1938 and 1938-1939".
9/47 Miscellaneous Reports, 1908-1948.
9/48 Reports, 1920 and 1922.
9/49 Church, J.E. Ms: Report of Dept. of Meteorology, 1935-1936.
9/50 Proposal for Snow Surveying Project, 1932-1940.
9/51 Financial Budget, Plans. 1929-1934; 1939-1940.
9/52 Solar Observations at Flowery Mine, near Virginia City, Nevada, by H.P. Boardman. February-June, 1929.
9/53 "Re; Truckee River Flood Control". 1945.
9/54 "Chapter-- Forecasting for Large Areas". n.d.
9/55 Snow Surveying in Nevada.
9/56 Miscellaneous notes.

Box 32

9/57 Snow Surveys: "Season of 1922-1923: Tendency of Super-dense Snow to Melt Prematurely; Its Effect Upon the Run-off from Basins of Low Elevation", by J.E. Church.
9/58 Summary of Snow Melt ms notes.
9/59-65 "Snow Surveying in Relation to Forecasting Stream Flow: Its Principles and Problems", by J.E. Church and Arthur L. Smith. Draft, 1946.
9/66-67 California and Nevada Cooperative Snow Surveys. Data, and Reports 1909-1916; also, 1915 report/forecast.
9/68 Federal-State Cooperative Snow Surveys, Summary for Nevada, 1910-1948.
9/69 Seasonal Snow Survey and Forecast of Stream Flow, 1913.
9/70 NV and CA Snow Surveys. Ms - "Seasonal Snow Survey and Forecast Stream-Flow Conducted Jointly by... Nevada...and California". June, 1920.
Data from c.1916-1919.
9/71 Snow Survey Report for S.E. Tahoe, Carson, Walker Basins. 1915-1916. Walker Basin, 1918-1919.
9/72 Stream Forecasts, 1919-1920.
9/73 Snow Survey Report, 1919-1920.
9/74 Nevada Snow Survey, 1919-1920. [Summary for all of Nevada, with Dr. Church's remarks from field notes.]
9/75 Reports, 1920-1929.
9/76 Forecasts for Central Sierra Quadrangle. 1921-1936.
9/77 Forecasts, 1921-1937.
9/78 NV and CA Coop. Snow Surveys. Forecasts, 1921-1924.
9/79 Comparison of Forecast and Actual Run-off for 1923-1924.
9/80 Snow Survey Forecasts, 1923-1925. {Reports and correspondence)
9/81 "Special Problems, 1923-1925". [Reports]
9/82a,b Forecasts, 1923-1925.
9/83 Forecasts, charts. 1923-1926.
9/84 Reports, 1923; 1935-1937.
9/85 Forecasts, 1925.

Box 33

9/86-87 Forecasts, 1925-1926.
9/88 "Normals" by H.P. Boardman. [c.1928, includes Western Snow Survey Normals.]
9/89 Surveys and Run-offs. 1929-1944.
9/90 Seasonal Snow Survey and Forecast of Stream Flow. March 1, 1930 - 1935.
9/91 Reports of Department of Meteorology. 1932-1933.
9/92 Seasonal Snow Survey... 1932; 1936-1941.
9/93 Snow Survey and Forecast of Stream Flow. 1933, Humboldt Quadrangle.
9/94 Forecasts, 1932-1941.
9/95 Progress Report, Dept. Of Meteorology. 1936-1937.
9/96 Church's Report to Weather Bureau. 1942-1947.
9/97 Seasonal Snow Survey... 1942-1944.
9/98 Report, 1944-1946.
9/99-100 Seasonal Snow Survey... 1945-1951; 1959.
9/101 Weather and Run-off clinical chart.
9/102 Snow Course Data Compilations, some field notes, eastern Sierra. 1926-1927; 1937.
9/103 Snow Melt Rough Notes.
9/104 Precipitation Records in [for] Kyle Canyon. 1944-1947.
9/105 Snow Survey data from W.S. Coyan. 1920-1921. [Blue Lakes]
9/106 Snow Surveys, Cisco to Fardyce Lake and Blue Lakes. 1918, 1917-1918, 1919.
9/107 Climatological Data, Nevada Section. November - December, 1928.
9/108 Precipitation and Temperature records, Carson City. 1880-1896. [placed in ms mapcase drawer]
9/109 Carson Basin Tables, 1915-1923.
9/110-111 Tahoe Data Sheets, 1920. [from A.L. Smith, Tahoe, CA, March-July, 1920]
9/112 Stream Flow data, Walker River, 1925-1926.
9/113-114 Hygro-Thermograph Readings, Truckee. 1945-1947.
9/115 Precipitation and Temperatures, 1925-1926.
9/116 Fallon Meteorological Records, 1918.
9/117 Field notebook of record of evaporation. 1928-1929.
9/118 Misc. notes and data.
9/119 Walker River Irrigation District - Water Allocation Priorities, 1869-1925.
9/120a Walker River flow data, 1925.
9/120b Temperature, Humidity and Precipitation Data, Reno. 1918-1919.
9/121 Water Supply Forecast, 1949.
9/122 Snow Survey data, 1931-1936.
9/123-125a Snow Measurements, 1879-1880; 1909-1916.
9/125b Tahoe Weather Record. April-June, 1911; January and February, 1912.
9/125c-e Lake Tahoe Field notes on Evaporation. January - April, 1917.

Box 34

9/126-128 Hygro-Thermograph Charts, Truckee. 1949-1951.
9/129 Lake Tahoe elevations and discharges. 1909-1936.
9/130 "Seasonal Snow Survey of the Lake Tahoe Basin and Estimate of the Maximum Rise of the Lake". 1915-1916.
9/131 Precipitation Totals for Northern California and Nevada, 1909-1920.
9/132 Precipitation Charts, various, California and Nevada. 1919-1935.
9/133 Donner Summit Data, 1945-1946.
9/134 Donner and Tahoe Data, c.1920-1921.
9/135 Tahoe Levels, c.1934; Run-off charts, 1900-1930. [Blueprint map of Lake Tahoe watershed in oversize mapcase drawer]
9/136-138 Meteorological Records, Tahoe City. November, 1909 - December, 1913; January, 1910 - December, 1913 (other stations).
9/139 Snow & Water Storage [in Nevada]. 2/1/44.
9/140 Run-off levels, 1929.
9/141 Hygro-Thermographic charts, Soda Springs and Truckee. 1948-1949.
9/142 Meteorological charts, Tahoe, Truckee-Carson Experimental Farm in Fallon. 1919-1921.
9/143 Donner Summit Reports. 1945-1947.


This series contains correspondence, surveys, Church's manuscripts related to the project to provide data on water run-off available from the Humboldt and Little Humboldt River projects in northern and eastern Nevada. Included is information about equipment, financial data, run-off data, gage readings, graph charts and field notes.

Box 34

10/1-22 Correspondence:
10/1 1929-1934.
10/2-3 Topographic Survey, 1930-1936.
10/4 1936-1937.
10/5-7 January, 1938 - May, 1940.
10/8 1941 -.
10/9 Little Humboldt, 1931-1933.
10/10-17 Forest Supervisor, 1937-1941.
10/18 Snow Surveyors & miscellaneous, 1942-1943.
10/19-20 Humboldt Project Conference, 1933-1934.
10/21 Surveyors: Toyn, Butler, Hansen, McKenzie, Rohwer. 1932-1934.
10/22 Elko Lamoille Power Company. Bonnie McBride. 1929-1930.
10/23 Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, runoff forecasts, 1934-1939.
10/24 Miscellaneous correspondence and reports. 1940 --.
10/25 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1932.

Box 35

10/26-34 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1936-1946.
10/35 Equipment.
10/36 Misc. 1933; 1946-1948.
10/37 Elevations.
10/38 Church, Dr. J.E. "Snow Surveys in the Humboldt Basin". c.1931.
10/39 Church, J.E. "Forecasting Stream Flow - Report of Progress...for Water Season 1931-1932".
10/40 Church, J.E. "Snow Survey Problems in the Humboldt Basin, Nevada". 1932.
10/41 "Notes on a Preliminary Survey of the Topography, Soils, and Ground Water Conditions of the Humboldt River Basin". 2/28/34.
10/42 Elges, Carl. "Improvements in Forecasting The Flow of the Humboldt River, Nevada". 1934.
Malone, George. "Humboldt River Distribution System". 1930.
10/43 "Study of Optimum Conditions for Maximum Floods".
10/44 Miller, M.R. "The Quality of the Water of the Humboldt River". 1942.
10/45 Shaver, A.J. (Jimmie). "Diary Course Descriptions and Maps, Humboldt Basin, October 1932, and February -March, 1933".
10/46 "Humboldt ms". 1935.
10/47 "Progress Report, Cooperative Humboldt Forecast Committee". 1934-1935.
10/48 Seasonal Snow Survey and Forecast of Stream Flow. Humboldt Quadrangle, 1938.
10/49 Trescartec, Gerald F. "Runoff Report of the Upper Humboldt River Basin for the Season of 1938".
10/50 Reservoir Storage. 1940-1944.
10/51 "Report of Silver Creek and Tributaries Distri-bution". 5/21/34 to 6/19/34.
10/52 Church, J.E. "Snow Survey Problems of the Humboldt Basin, Nevada". 1932.
10/53 Invoices, 1935.
10/54 Financial material, 1932-1934.
10/55-56 Equipment, 1935-1942.
10/57 Humboldt Basin data, 1919-1920; Eastern Nevada, 1919-1920.
10/58 Revised Humboldt Quadrangle Forecast, 1933.
10/59 Humboldt Project Field Notes, 1930.
10/60 Field Notes: Humboldt Basin. 5/18/43 to 7/8/43.
10/61 Run-off Data, 1894-1916.
10/62 Monthly Run-off charts, 1894-1917.
10/63 Charts of gage data. 1919-1922.
10/64 Run-off and survey reports. 1922-1929.
10/65 Little Humboldt Project Run-off Data, 1922-1936.
10/66-69 Humboldt Project Run-off Data, 1925-1942.
10/70 Humboldt Project Gage Readings, 1934-1938.

Box 36

10/71-72 Recorder [Hygro-Thermograph?] Sheets for Eastern Nevada. 1939.
10/73-74 Humboldt Project Run-off Data. 1939, 1944.
10/75 Run-off Data (Palisade), 1921-1926.
10/76 Well Measurements along Main Humboldt River Valley. 1938-1944.
10/77 Run-off Data, 1940.
10/78 Humboldt Hydrographs. 1935-1940.
10/79 WC-RO Studies, Sierra and Little Humboldt. 1932-1940.
10/80 Field Notes for Humboldt Snow Courses, 1931-1932.
10/81 Humboldt Project field notes. 1937.
10/82 Precipitation Records in Lamoille Canyon. 1943-1946.
10/83 Lamoille Canyon Precipitation Records, 1940-1943.
10/84 Well Measurement Summaries, Lamoille. 1934-1941.
10/85 Elko Valley Wells, 1944-1947.
10/86 Lamoille Valley Wells, 1935-1947.
10/87 Gage Readings and Water Measurements.
10/88-92 Semi-Monthly Record on Lamoille Wells, 1934-1944.
10/93 Lamoille Wells Charts, 1935-1943.



This series includes correspondence, anemometer charts, forecasts, data, field notes, and miscellaneous California, Mount Rose and Nevada survey materials, received after other materials were arranged; see box 41.

Box 36

11/1 Fred Paget correspondence, 1946-1949.
11/2-11 Correspondence and notes, 1936-1943.

Box 37-39

Anemometer charts.

Box 40

11/12 Correspondence 1926.
11/13-15 Correspondence and notes. May, 1943 to December, 1945.
11/16 Correspondence - L. Standish Hall, 1935.
11/17 Report to Director of Water Rights, California Department of Public Works for the Walker River Irrigation District on Relation of Run-off at the Proposed Dam Site at Levitt Meadows... [1925].
11/18 Special Problems: Relationship Run-off Levitt Meadow to Coleville. 1926.
11/19 Report on Central Sierra Nevada Range Snow Survey (South Yuba/Tahoe-Truckee basins) - Partial, n.d.
Other reports and correspondence, 1943-1949.
11/20 Southern Sierra Power Company/Northern California Electric Co. Surveys & Correspondence. 1926-1942.
11/21 Avalanches at Echo Lake, California, 1950.
11/22 Stream-Flow Forecasts, 1918-1920.
11/23 Reports, Normals. 1935.
11/24 Forecast and Run-off of Owens River Above Bishop, California. 1927-1939.
11/25 Forecasts, 1938.
11/26-27 Weather Bureau Meteorological Records, Tahoe, McKinney's Station, and Bijou. 1909-1917.
11/28 Run-off Data, 1917-1921.
11/29 Mammoth/Minarettes Charts, 1926-1941. [to manuscript mapcase drawer]
11/30 Mammoth/Minarettes Charts, 1927-1939.
11/31 S. Yuba River. 1933-1945.
11/32 Yuba Basin, South Yuba field notes. 1920, 1923, 1926.
11/33-34 Field notes - Summit Station Ward Creek, Peavine, Cisco, Fordyce, Daggett's Pass, Marlette Lake, Rubicon Peak, West and East Walker Sterling Lake, and S. Yuba. 1916-1921.
11/35 Donner Lake Temperature Gage charts. 3/26/46 to 2/2/47.
11/36 Anemometer readings, 1945-1946.
11/37 Snow Cover Data - General, 1905-1936.
11/38 California [Natural] Flow data & miscellaneous data, 1932-1937.
11/39 Snow Survey & Precipitation Data, 1936.
11/40 [Stream] Run-off Data, 1933.
11/41 Run-off Rating Curves, tables, etc. 1934-1941. [Tables comparing run-off in various Nevada and California locations]
11/42 Weather & Run-off Charts [California], 1933-1934.
11/43 Run-off Curves, 1930-1940. [Sierra Nevada]
11/44 Run-off data - Walker River, 1902-1913, and Carson River.
11/45 Comparison of Temperature and Run-off, Sierra Nevada. c.1920-1939.
11/46 Forecast data, 1935.
11/47 Various snow surveys.
11/48 Donner Lake. Temperature Gage Charts, 2/3/47 to 5/10/48.
11/49-50 Donner Pass temperature gage charts, 3/26/46 to 5/24/48.
11/51 Mountain Snowfall Observers Reports, Spooners. October, 1939 - January, 1943.
11/52-56 Donner Snow Survey notebooks, 1942 - February, 1947.

Box 41

11/57 Big Meadows Snow Course.
11/58 Lamoille Creek Forecast data.
11/59 Mt. Rose Snow Course.
11/60 Financial Journal of Snow Survey receipts and disbursements, 1927-1932.
11/61-66 Notebooks:
11/61 1916-1934.
11/62 Marlette Lake, 1918-1929.
11/63 Lake Tahoe Area, 1918-1926.
11/64 Boardman, Horace. Snow Surveys and who made them (without survey data), Donner to Mt. Rose. 12/14/28 to 3/29/44.
11/65 Mt. Rose Snow Course notes, 1917-1923 [1926-1951].
11/66 Mt Rose Snow Course notes, 1924-1928.
11/67 Humboldt Snow Course revisions, 1946-1947. Frisco Divide, Arizona.
11/68 Dr. Church's air trip over Humboldt, July 3-4, 1929.
11/69 Snow Survey Summations, Tahoe Region, 1922-1948.
11/70 Truckee-Tahoe Run-offs, 1951.
11/71 Rise of Tahoe for 45 years, "assuming gates kept closed". Details.
11/72 Carson River.
11/73 Humbold[t] at Palisade, forecast data. 12/13/54.
11/74-75 Humboldt River.
11/76 Forecast curves, Humboldt River at Palisade, Nevada. 1929.
11/77 East Walker, "Weighted Analysis and Graphs & Comp." Computations.
11/78 Forecast curves, Owyhee River, above China Diversion Dam (350 sq.mi.).
11/79 1946 Revision of Snow Courses, Tahoe Basin.
11/80 Owyhee River, near Owyhee, computations. 1954.
11/81 Owyhee River, near Gold Creek, computations. 1954.
11/82 Tahoe Basin. Weighted SS. vs. Rise of Lake latest. October - November, 1948.
11/83 Tahoe Basin typed tables, Truckee River Forecast Method. 1941.
11/84 Tahoe basin Snow Course graphs.
11/85 Independence Lake.
11/86 Forecast Curves, Martin Creek, near Paradise Valley.
11/87 "West Walker Dope". West Walker Basin graphs and computations, including weighted analysis.
11/88 Walker Basin Snow Course Revision, 1946.
11/89 Donner Lake run-off - storage. From Harry Dukes, Water Master Office.
11/90 Run-off normals, Truckee River.
11/91 1947 Forecast Check-up.
11/92 Nevada, computations for 50 yr. normals. 1901-1950.
11/93 Water Sheds.
11/94 Rise of Tahoe - method of forecasting, weighing of snow courses. Old - see revisions.
1946 Forecast rise of Tahoe.
11/95 Run-off, Degree Days, and Evaporation Losses, Lake Tahoe. 1910-1911, and 1915-1916.



This series includes information on other Snow Surveys, Columbian River, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Colorado River Basin Project, Maine, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee Valley, miscellaneous U.S. materials, and Canada. Also included are notes on the Western Watershed Study Tour, miscellaneous Western materials, and some manuscripts.

Box 42

12/1-7 Western Watersheds Study Tour:
12/1 Correspondence, 1935.
12/2 Circuit trip, notebook #1. 6/21/35 to 7/22/35.
12/3 Notebook 1, loose notes.
12/4 Circuit trip, notebook #2. 7/23/35 to 8/4/35. (Ephraim, UT to Yampa, CO)
12/5 Circuit trip notebook 2, loose notes.
12/6 Circuit trip, notebook #3. 8/5/35 to 8/21/35. (Yampa, CO to Helena, MT)
12/7 Circuit trip notebook #4. 8/21/35 to 9/2/35. (Helena, MT to Reno, NV)
12/8 Installation costs [of the survey], 1935.
12/9 Snowfall bulletin, 1936.
12/10-16 Columbia and Colorado Rivers:
12/10 Church, J.E. "Wide Area Forecasting of Stream Flow on the Columbia and Colorado".
12/11 Flow Data. 1927-1934.
12/12 Radio Talk - Columbia River Basin Broadcast by J.E. Church, 1934.
12/13 Columbia River Run-off, 1945.
12/14 Idaho/Columbia Basin. 1937-1941.
12/15 Columbia River Basin Forecasts, 1938.
12/16 Idaho/Columbia Basin.
12/17-19 Montana:
12/17 Freeman, D.B. "Revised Procedure for Forecasting the Spring Run-off Above Fort Peck", c.1940.
12/18 Precipitation Records, c.1936-1942.
12/19 Montana & Northern Wyoming Forecasts, May 15 and June 1, 1950.
12/20-21 Oregon:
12/20 Course Descriptions, 1939.
12/21 Forecasts, 1937-1938.
12/22-23 Utah:
12/22 Forecasts, 1937-1938.
12/23 Cooperative Snow Survey, 1937-1941.
12/24-28 Washington:
12/24 Correspondence, 1922.
12/25 Report of Snow Survey, 1921-1922.
12/26 Yakima Snow Survey, 1940.
12/27 1937.
12/28 Report, 1926.
12/29 Snow Survey & Water Supply Forecasts for Oregon, Montana and Northern Wyoming, 1959.
12/30-54 Colorado River Basin Project:
12/30 Report [incomplete] by Dr. Church, 1945.
12/31 Dobler, E.B. and Johnson, A.F. "Forecasting Colorado River Run-off", May 1935.
12/32 Snow Surveying and Boulder Canyon Dam, 1934.
12/33 Survey and Forecast Reports, 1937.
12/34 Reports and correspondence, 1941.
12/35 Water Supply Forecasts, 1942-1943.
12/36 Correspondence, data, 1945.
12/37 Report, c.1945. [presented at conference?] Incomplete.
12/38 Report on Western Water Forecasts, 1946.
12/39 Report - "Analysis and Summation of Colorado River Tributary Forecasts of April-July Run-off, 1947".
12/40 Church, J.E. Report - "Evaporation and Melting with Altitude", 1951.
Correspondence report, 1950-1952.
12/41 Church, J.E. "Summary [Report] of Forecasting Methods". n.d.
12/42 Compilation Sheets, 1919-1940.
12/43 Run-off reports, 1948-1959.
12/44 Survey & Forecast, February 1859.
12/45 Data, 1942-1943.
12/46 Index of Stream Flow Records.
12/47-48 Data Sheets.
12/49 Records of Discharge. 1941-1942; 1945.
12/50 Forecasts, 1938.
12/51 Boulder Dam, Wagon Wheel Gap.
12/52-54 Field Notes.

Box 43

12/55-56 Colorado River Basin Project, Field notes.
12/57 Miscellaneous Data.
12/58 Water Supplies Outlook for Western U.S. 1934, 1937, 1950.
12/59 Flood Forecasting, 1934.
12/60 Run-off, 1935, miscellaneous states.
12/61 Map of Quadrangles for forecasting the Run-off of the Basins and sub-basins of the Western U.S. and Provinces. n.d.
12/62 Proposed Western Snow Survey Systems. n.d.
12/63 Stream Flow for Western Rivers. n.d.
12/64 Snow Depth & Water Content, 1919-1920.
12/65 Water Forecasts, 1956-1957.
12/66 Precipitation Normals for Washington and Oregon.
12/67-70 U.S. Snow Surveys:
12/67 Run-off/Stream Flow, 1942-1944. [not Nevada or California]
12/68-69 Church, J.E. "Flood Tendencies and their Causes in the Streams of Northeastern United States. A Study, September 16 - November 6, 1939".
12/70 "Flood tendencies" correspondence, 1939.
12/71 Canadian Snow Survey - Bow River Survey, Alberta. 1950.
12/72-80 U.S. Snow Surveys:
12/72 "Report of Snow Conditions in Maine", 1944.
12/73-74 New England, 1934-1936.
12/75-76 New York, 1933, 1937.
12/77 Correspondence with Carroll F. Merriam, Pennsylvania Water and Power Co., 1940-1941.
12/78 Notebooks: Tennessee Valley Authority, 1945.
12/79 Wilson, Walter T. "Some Observations of the Thermal Quality of Snow", March 1942.
12/80 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Winter Sports Radio Broadcast Scripts, 1937-1938.
12/81-94 Canadian Snow Surveys:
12/81-83 Reports, 1941-1957.
12/84 Newfoundland Annual Snow Survey Report, 1950; 1952.
12/85 Klein, G.J. "Canadian Survey of Physical Characteristics of Snow-Covers", 1948.
12/86-92 Precipitation records, 1912; 1920-1921.
12/93 Reports on Snow Conditions.
12/94 International Power & Paper Co. of Newfoundland, Ltd. "Forecasting Run-off in Newfoundland", 1936. [see also correspondence under Newfoundland, Eric Minton]


Dr. Church was an international expert on the science of snow surveying and established surveys in Greenland (1926-1927; 1927-1928), northern India/Himalayas (1947), and Chile/Argentina (1947-1948). He kept extensive notes and diaries about his trips and experiences which are contained in this series. These notes formed the basis for many published articles.

Dr. Church also helped organize and attended international snow conferences, including one in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1936. After the conference he journeyed to Moscow, Russia, where he became gravely ill with pneumonia and was hospitalized five weeks. Marian Stone (later Merriman) and Bob Merriman, University of Nevada students, were in Russia at the time and helped care for Dr. Church. When finally well enough to travel, Church flew to Scotland for another congress on snow where his scheduled presentation was given on his behalf by his student, Carl Elgis. Dr. Church kept an extensive diary of that fateful period and never forgot the kindness of the Russian people. He returned again in 1945 for a conference in Moscow on reviving Russian snow surveying.

This series contains materials about:
-Greenland: diaries, correspondence, lecture notes, manuscripts, meteorological data, poetry, maps, and notebooks
-Europe and Russia (trips of 1936 and 1945): diaries, correspondence, clippings, and miscellaneous
-India: notes, notebooks, manuscripts, and maps
-South America: correspondence, notebooks, and miscellaneous

Box 43

13/1-6 Greenland Expedition Diaries:
13/1 1926-1927.
13/2 Second trip to Greenland, 1927-1928. [Revised]
13/3 Church diary, Vol. 1-2, 5/3/27 to 9/12/27.
13/4 Vol. 3-4, 9/12/27 to 11/28/27.
13/5 Vol. 5-6, 11/29/27 to 2/20/28.
13/6 Vol. 7-8, 2/21/28 to 4/23/28.

Box 44

13/7-9 Greenland diaries:
13/7 Vol. 9-10, 4/24/28 to 5/25/28.
13/8 Vol. 11-12, 6/24/28 to 7/30/28.
13/9 Vol. 13-14, 7/30/28 to 9/2/28.
13/10-21 Greenland expedition correspondence:
13/10 1925-1926.
13/11 1927.
13/12 1928 - May, 1929.
13/13 1929-1945.
13/14 June 1929 - May 1930.
13/15 June - December, 1930.
13/16 1931-1932; 1953.
13/17 1927 - notes and correspondence.
13/18 Fergusson, S.P. 1926-1927.
13/19 Hobbs, Dr. 1926-1927.
13/20 Oscanyan, Paul; Kallquist, Clarence; and -- Belknap ("Bellie"). 1933-1935.
13/21 1926-1927, Church's lectures & correspondence re. same. (schedule, notes)
13/22 Correspondence/report on "Glacier Ice Under Pressure". 1939.
13/23 "General Plan, Contents, Forms of Tables...and Records of the Expeditions to Greenland, 1926 to 1929, of the University of Michigan, under the Direction of Dr. William H. Hobbs".
13/24 "A Summer Trip to Red Eric's Greenland". 1926-1927. (typescript of diary)
13/25 "Green Greenland, an Interpretation"; "Climate of Inland Greenland"; "Measurements of Evaporation and Temperatures of Soil and Water in Southern Greenland". 1926.
13/26 "Leaving Home". 1927-1928.
13/27 Published articles. 1927.
13/28 Church, J.E. "Reflections On A Summer Trip to Red Eric's Greenland". 1926.
13/29 Diary of Arrival, 1927-1928 trip.
13/30 Church, J.E. "Life With Bill in Greenland". 1928.
13/31 The Michigan Alumnus. "The Second University Expedition to Greenland". 12/3/27.
13/32 Hobbs' articles about Greenland expedition, 1926-1927.
13/33 "Reports of the Greenland Expeditions of the University of Michigan (1926-1929)"...Vol. 1,
Aerology, ed. by S.P. Fergusson. [incomplete]
13/34 Untitled (incomplete) typescript diary (not by Church). 1926 expedition.
13/35 Bangsted, Helge. "Meteorological Observations on the Inland-Ice: The Inland Ice Expedition, 1927-1928". 1929.
13/36 Eskimo poetry and sayings.
13/37 Map of route across Greenland.
13/38 Maps of Greenland.
13/39 Maps - "Water Content of the Snow on the Ground the 1st of March in Sweden". 1909-1935.
13/40 Notebooks.
13/41-42 Miscellaneous notes.
13/43 Notes and ms for Greenland observations. 1926.
13/44-46 1926 weather data.
13/47 1926-1927 ocean temperatures.
13/48 1926-1927 cameras, observatory, etc.
13/49 1926 evaporation measurements.
13/50-51 Monthly meteorological records, 1926-1928.

Box 45

13/52 Temperature and relative humidity, 1926-1928.
13/53 Wind movement data, 1926-1928.
13/54 Original (typed) records & tables, 1926-1929, [from S.P. Fergusson] and C.R. Kallquist.
13/55 Observation notebook, 1926; 1928.
13/56 Summaries, notes, on miscellaneous subjects by C.R. Kallquist. 1927.
13/57 Kallquist journal, etc - cloud observations. 1927.
13/58 Kallquist journal, misc. 1927.
13/59 Temperature data.
13/60 Greenland data, 1927.
13/61-64 Meteorological notes, 1927-1928.
13/65 Monthly wind direction and velocity records, 1927-1928.
13/66 Miscellaneous data sheets, 1927.
13/67-68 Pilot balloon data, Mygbukla [Nontand]. 1927.
13/69 Mt. Evans Greenland daily notes. #1, 6/1/28 to 8/31/28. [not in Church's handwriting]
13/70 Daily notes #2, 9/1/28 to 10/31/28.
13/71 Daily notes #3, 11/1/28 to 12/31/28.
13/72 Daily notes #4, 1/1/29 to 2/28/29.
13/73 Miscellaneous data, 1928.
13/74-77 Pilot balloon data, 1926-1929. (Duplicates)
13/78 European diary #1, Reno to Stockholm. 6/16/36 to 7/21/36.
13/79-80 Diary #1 loose notes.
13/81 Diary #2, Stockholm to Riga, 7/22/36 to 8/7/36.
13/82 Diary #2 loose notes.
13/83 Diary #3, Leningrad to Moscow, 8/8/36 to 9/19/36.
13/84-86 Diary #3 loose notes.
13/87 Diary #4, Moscow to Reno via Edinburgh, 9/20/36 to 10/7/36.
13/88 Diary #4 loose notes.

Box 46

13/89-90 European diary #4 loose notes.
13/91-104 Russia Trip:
13/91-92 Correspondence with Soviet scientists, 1936-1944.
13/93 Letters, clippings, miscellaneous.
13/94 Merriman, Robert. Correspondence re. safety pins. 1937.
13/95 Winger, Ralph E. "Russian Impressions". 1936.
13/96 Invitation, correspondence, log of flight. 1945.
13/97-98 Correspondence, 1945-1949.
13/99-100 Articles.
13/101 Obruchev, V.A. Pamphlet - "The Activity of the Academy of Sciences in the Field of Geological and Geographical Exploration of the Soviet Union". 1945. [Russian flowers pressed in leaves]
13/102 Programs.
13/103 Miscellaneous, 1945-1946.
13/104 Rough notes. 1945.
13/105-125 India:
13/105-119 Correspondence, 1946-1957.
13/120 Notes.
13/121 Expedition notebooks - China to India, 3/4/47 to 4/4/47; notebook, May 1947 loose notes.
13/122 "Himalaya Cooperative Snow Survey" and "Seeking Snow in the Himalaya ('Home of Snow') - A Broadcast". 1947. [Prepared for broadcast on All India Radio, 1947]
13/123 "Snow Survey in the Himalaya". 1947.
13/124 Articles.
13/125 Maps.
13/126-130 South American expedition:
13/126 Correspondence, 1947.
[# not assigned] Letters to H.P. Boardman from Church in South America, 1947-1948.
13/127 "Buenos Aires" (correspondence), 1948; 1955.
13/128 "Argentina Trip", 1947 - notebooks.
13/129 Rough notes. [1947]
13/130 "Cooperative Snow Survey Agreement with Chile". 1948.


NC96/14 SERIES 14. HYDROLOGY. 1925-1954. 2 cu.ft.

Dr. Church's studies with snow were directly connected to hydrology studies and thus it was logical that he was a member of the Association of Hydrology. This series includes correspondence, manuscripts, charts, questionnaires and responses related to hydrology in Nevada and other areas.

Box 47

14/1-12 Correspondence:
14/1 1925-1926.
14/2 1925-1932.
14/3 1931-1935 [Arranged by name of correspondent]: Tipton, Royce J.; Stafford, Harlow M.; Scofield, G.S.; Ryan, J.H.; Van Norman, H.A.; and O'Brien, Morrough P.
14/4-6 Meinzer, O.E.
14/7 Matthes, Francois E.; Hobbs, Dr. Wm. H.; Heck, N.H.; Horton, Robert E.; and Hathaway, G.A.
14/8 Gould, Laurence M. and Fleming, John A.
14/9 Fisken, John B.; Fergusson, S.P.; Eaton, H.N.; Dienert, M.; Debler, E.B.; and Cullins, E.S.
14/10 Clyde, George Dewey; Beij, K.H.; Bean, Paul L.; Barnes, William H.; Balls, M.; Dr. Lee; and Boardman, H.P.
14/11 Bibliography, 1931-1932.
14/12 "Precipitation and Run-off on the Continental Divide", c.1924.
14/13 Church, J.E. "Precipitation and Run-off on the Continental Divide". 1925.
14/14 Robert E. Horton articles.
14/15 Wilm, H.G. "The Effect of Timber in a Lodgepole Pine Forest on the Storage and Melting of Snow". [1944]
14/16 Lee, Charles H. "Precipitation in the High Sierra and Adjacent Portions of the Great Basin". 1926.
14/17 Church, J.E. "The Snow Survey and Summer Precipi-tation". Geographical Record, October, 1935.
14/18 Boardman, Horace P. "Snow Surveys and Hydro-Forecasting". [1931]
14/19 Bader, Henri. "Theory of Non-Calorimetric Methods for the Determination of the Liquid Water Content of Wet Snow". 1948.
14/20 Scrapbook of articles about dam in Dinosaur National Monument. 1954.
14/21a Research problems.
14/21b Bibliography of resources.
14/22 Bibliography by Forrest L. Rhodes. 1934-1935.
14/23 Charts of run-off data, 1910-1911; 1921.
14/24-27 Water supply data (Report), State of Nevada. 1941.
14/28 Rainfall and run-off data transmitted to Dr. R.E. Horton, 1938.
14/29 Hydrograph charts of Secret Creek. 1945.
14/30 Hydrograph charts of Starr Creek. 1945.
14/31 Hydrograph charts, Nevada (eastern), 1941. [various sites]
14/32 Graph charts.

Box 48

14/33 Responses to questionnaires on courses of study in hydrology in the U.S. and Canada. c.1932.
14/34 Questionnaire on the hydrology of snow - correspondence, address, 1931-1932.
14/35 Sample questionnaires on the hydrology of snow, results. 1932-1935.
14/36 Annual questionnaire to members of Research Committee on Hydrology of Snow. 1937.
14/37-48 Responses to 1932 Questionnaires:
14/37 Southwestern states.
14/38 Middle Atlantic states.
14/39 North central states.
14/40-41 States southwest of the Mississippi River.
14/42 New England states.
14/43 Great Basin (Nevada and Utah).
14/44 California.
14/45 West central states.
14/46 Pacific northwest states.
14/47 Canada.
14/48 Foreign and Polar.
14/49 Survey of college courses - compiled results.


NC96/15 SERIES 15. CLASSICS STUDIES AND ART HISTORY. 1896-1948. 4 cu. ft.

Dr. Church was hired by the University of Nevada in 1896 to teach classics and art history and he continued to do so until his retirement in 1939. Interestingly enough, despite his heavy involvement in the development of snow surveying, Dr. Church never formally taught classes in that subject, although he mentored many engineering and physics students.

These dual interests, classics and hydrology, are evident in this series which documents Church's classics courses and publications. Included are Church's publications in classics and art history, including his Ph.D. dissertation, lecture notes for classics and art history, correspondence, notes taken by Church as a doctoral student, and class registers/grade books (a representative sampling only) for courses he taught.

Box 50

15/1-42 Classics - published manuscripts:
15/1 Church, J.E. University of Nevada Bulletin. "The Identity of the Child in Virgil's Pollio"; "On Virgil's Aenid I, 249", and "A Defense of Propertius IV". 1908.
15/2 Church, J.E. University of Nevada Bulletin. "The Identity of the Child in Virgil's Pollio"; "Sex-Prophesying Among the Ancients", and "The Identity of the Mother in Martial". 1911.
15/3 Church, J.E. "The Identity of the Child in Virgil's Pollio". Classical Philology, Vol.6, No.1, January 1911.
15/4 Church, J.E. Law and Society. [University of Nevada?] December, 1939.
15/5 Church, J.E. "Old Problems in Horace and Virgil". American Philosophical Association, Vol. XXXI, 1904; and Vol. XXXVI, 1906. [Announcements only]
15/6 Church, J.E. "Sepultura = Sepulcrum" (English and German), in Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. XXXIV, 1903.
15/7 "Beitrage zur Sprache der Lateinischen Crabinschriften Erster Theil" [Dr. Church's Dissertation]. 1901.
15/8 Church, J.E. Archiv fur Lateinische Lexiko-graphie und Grammatik... "Zur Phraseologie der Lateinischen Grabinschriften". 1901.
15/9 Church, J.E. Latin Verbs and Nouns. 1896.
15/10 Church, J.E. "A Pilgrimage to Delphi and Mt. Parnassus", in Normal College News - Magazine Number. Vol. 3, 12/22/05.
15/11 "A Pilgrimage to Delphi and Mt. Parnassus", in The Student Record, 4/15/02.
15/12 Church, J.E. Das Verhaltnis des Waldes und des Gebirges zur Erhaltung des Schnees. 1913.
15/13 Notes on "The Wind in Classical Poetry".
15/14 Church, J.E. "Old Problems in Horace", in Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 1906.
15/15 "Winds in Classical Poetry".
15/16 "Winds in Classical Poetry - Winds in Virgil".
15/17 "Winds in Poetry" - notes.
15/18 Notes and manuscript: Wind in Latin Literature.
15/19-20 "Winds in Poetry" - notes.
15/21 "Winds in Poetry" - articles in preparation, notes.
15/22 Church, J.E. "Old Problems in Horace and Virgil". n.d.
15/23-27 "Word List" from Virgil's Aenid Petronius.
15/28 "The Doctrine of Man = Relationship of Mother to Child in Ancient Greece: A Discussion of Apollo's Famous Plea in Euripides". Submitted to Classical Philology.
15/29 "Plot Developments in Euripides' Iphigeneia in Tauris". [classroom aid?]
15/30 Church, J.E. and Kline, Lawton B. "The Persistent Popularity of the Old Masters Among Collegians". n.d. [post-1948]
15/31 Church, J.E. "Latin Legal Maxims and Their Import". May, 1939.
15/32 Writings on Virgil - no title. c.1907.
15/33 Church, J.E. "The Roman Senate"/"Were the Sessions of the Roman Senate Open During the Republic? A Study in Roman Government".
15/34 "An Outline of the Development of Literature Among the Romans".
15/35 Misc. notes for "The Construction of Juvenal Satire".
15/36 Church, J.E. "The Construction of Juvenal Satire". American Philosophical Association, Vol. XXXV, 1904.
15/37 Church, J.E. "A Defense of Propertius". IV, 3, 47, 48.
15/38 "On Virgil's Aenid". c.1908.
15/39-41 Church, J.E. "Adolf Furtwangler: Artist, Archaeologist, Professor", in University of Nevada Studies, Vol.1, No.1, 1908.
15/42 Church, J.E. "The Identity of the Child in Virgil's Pollio: An Afterward". Classical Philology, January 1911.

Box 51

15/43-55 Classics manuscripts:
15/43-44 Church, J.E. "The Identity of the Child in Virgil's Pollio". University of Nevada Studies, Vol.1, No.2, 1908.
15/45 Church, J.E. "The Identity of the Child in Virgil's Pollio: An Afterward"; "Sex-Prophesying Among the Ancients: Its Basis", and "The Identity of the Mother in Martial vi, 3". University of Nevada Bulletin.
15/46 Church, J.E. "The Construction of Juvenal Satire I". 1904.
15/47 Church, J.E. "Outlines and References for the Study of Roman Literature". 1905.
15/48 "The Study and Enjoyment of Pictures". [1905?]
15/49 Church, J.E. "The Value of the Study of Ancient Language and Literature".
15/50 Church, J.E. "Sex-Prophesying Among the Ancients". 1910.
15/51 Church, J.E. "Greek Literature" (class notes).
15/52 Church, J.E. "Roman Education" (lecture notes).
15/53 Church, J.E. "Epigrams in the Greek Dramatists". n.d.
15/54 Church, J.E. "The Colosseum". n.d. [pre-1892?]
15/55 No title - subject is Rome. [pre-1892]
15/56 Classics - illustrations for Roman text.
15/57 Classics - Notes for Church's lectures on early history of Rome, c.1915.
15/58 Latin Dictionary and [Petronius] translation.
15/59-63 Classics writings and manuscripts:
15/59 Church, J.E. [History of Early Rome].
15/60 "Roman Life".
15/61 "Platus" notes [for lecture by Dr. Church?]
15/62 "Teacher's Course in Latin" notes [post-1911] - for lectures given by Church?
15/63 Book review by Church, 1911.
15/64 Dr. Church's lecture notes.
15/65 Miscellaneous on teaching classics.
15/66 Classics - notes and correspondence re. writings, 1903-1904.
15/67-70 Correspondence:
15/67 Smyth, Professor Herbert Weir, 1911-1913.
15/68 General, Service Bureau for Classical Teachers, 1925-1935.
15/69 1937-1938.
15/70 1939-1940.
15/71 Classics - notes, articles, correspondence, c.1920-1945.
15/72-77 Classics manuscripts and notes:
15/72 Church, J.E. "Restoring Wax Painting to the Practical Arts". Submitted to The School Arts Magazine, 1920.
15/73 Mitchell, C.E. "Comments on Sculpture" and lists of sculptures and their artists. n.d. [post-1936]
15/74-77 Miscellaneous notes.
15/78-80 "Catalog of the Ludovica D. Graham Collection of All Italian Marbles".
15/81 "Greek Epigraphy", by Church for Dr. Wait['s class], 1898.
15/82 "Photography", by Church for Professor Stevens, 1898.
15/83 "Roman Political Institutions", by Church for Professor Drake, 1898.
15/84-101 Classics manuscripts, notes:
15/84 "Greek Art", by Church for Professor D'Ooge. 1898.

Box 52

15/85 "Juvenal's Satires", by Church for Professor Kelsey. 1898.
15/86 Church, J.E. "Abstract on Psychology". 1890.
15/87 Church, J.E. "The Influence of the Stage on Oration". 1890.
15/88 "University Extension", by Church for course in History of Pedagogy, 1891.
15/89 Church, J.E. "Flooding the Sahara, an Essay". 1889.
15/90 Church, J.E. Translation, Satire I. n.d.
15/91-99 Notes: Lectures given by Church's instructors.
15/100 [Lecture notes, 1899? Munich?] (In German)
15/101 Lecture notes taken by Church (Latin) - prob-ably at the University of Michigan.
15/102-109 Class notes taken by Church:
15/102 [pre-1892].
15/103 1890.
15/104 "Seminary in Attic Orators". [1892]
15/105 Art. [pre-1892]
15/106 German class, 1892.
15/107 Latin, 1889.
15/108 "The Sentence and Its Translation". Latin, 1894.
15/109 "Stern's German Prose". n.d.
15/110 Examination "Blue" Books of Church's, at the University of Michigan: Roman Archaeology, Rhetoric, Classical Philosophy.

Box 53

15/111-124 Church's class notes:
15/111 Roman Literature, 1891.
15/112 History of Pedagogy, 1890-1891.
15/113 Latin courses, 1891-1892.
15/114 Classical Philosophy, 1899-1900. [taken in Munich]
15/115 Greek Prose. n.d.
15/116 Botany.
15/117 Pre-college school work.
15/118 Classics 51 - general notes.
15/119-120 Notes in German, 1901.
15/121 University of Michigan, c.1890.
15/122-123 Latin. [possibly not Church's]
15/124 "Hilbert: Theorie der Quadratischen [Fourer] von...", [by Elias Haseman]. S.S. 1906.
15/125 Classics - "Development of Ethical Ideas", by Church for Professor Wenley, 1898. [Appears to be lecture notes taken by Church in Wenley's class] 15/126 Examination "Blue" Books by Church: Rhetoric, Roman Archaeology, Greek Grammer, Classical Philosophy, Criticism.
15/127-129 Dr. Church's class registers/grade books. 1905-1906; 1914; 1928-1936; n.d.


NC96/16 SERIES 16. CHURCH'S MANUSCRIPTS. 1886-1959. 9 cu. ft.

Church was a prolific author, producing hundreds of articles during his professional life. This series includes his manuscripts (in typescript form) on non-classical subjects, principally snow, runoff, and evaporation studies.

The series is arranged in two formats. The first section is chronological. The second consists of papers and proceedings of the American Geophysical Union, section on Hydrology and Western Interstate Snow Survey. See Evelyne Wash Pickett's "Bibliography of Winter Weather Surveying Activities of Dr. James Edward Church" for specific titles.

Box 55

16/1-74 1886-1917.

Box 56

16/75-110 1918-1926.

Box 57

16/111-138 1926-1934.

Box 58

16/139-153 1934-1935.

Box 59

16/154-180 1935-1937.

Box 60

16/181-230 1937-1945.

Box 61

16/231-275 1945-1956.

Box 62

16/276-304 1956-1959; n.d.

Box 63

16/305 Church, J.E. "Annual Reports of Permanent Research Committees on the Hydrology of Snow". Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 1932-1944.
16/307-312 AGU Transactions:
16/307 15th Annual Meeting: Washington, D.C., April 26-28, 1934 and Berkeley, CA, June 20-21, 1934. Part II. Section of Hydrology, Reports and Papers.
16/308 16th Annual meeting, Washington, D.C., April 25-26, 1935. Part II Reports and Papers, Section of Hydrology.
16/309 Washington, D.C., April 30-May 2, 1936. West Coast meeting, Pasadena, CA, January 31 -February 1, 1936. Part II Reports and Papers, Section of Hydrology and Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference.
16/310 18th Annual meeting, Washington, D.C., April 28-30, 1937. Regional meeting, Denver, CO, June 21-26, 1937. Part II, Reports and Papers, Section of Hydrology and South Continental Divide Snow Survey Conference.
16/311 19th Annual meeting, Washington, D.C., April 27-30, 1938. Regional meetings in Spokane, Davis and Denver. Reports and Papers.
16/312 Reports and Papers, Hydrology, 1939. Report of Committee of Snow, 1938-1939.
16/313-314 Western Interstate Snow Conference. Report of meetings, June 1940.
16/315-318 AGU Transactions:
16/315 Part III, Regional meetings and Reports and Papers of the Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference. 1940.
16/316 Reports of Section of Hydrology, Committee on Snow. 1941.
16/317 Part I, Reports and Papers. Joint Regional Meetings, Section of Hydrology, Dallas and Pasadena. 1942.
16/318 Part II, 23rd Annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Reports and papers, General Assemblies and Sections of...Hydrology. 1942.
16/319 "Report of the Committee on Snow, 1942-1943".
16/320 AGU Transactions, 1943. Part II, 24th Annual meeting, April 23-24, 1943. Reports and Papers, Section of Hydrology.
16/321 Reports, Hydrology. Report of Committee on Snow, 1943-1944; 1944-1945.
16/322 AGU Transactions, 1944. Part V, 25th Annual meeting, Washington, D.C., June 1-3, 1944. Reports, Section of Hydrology.
16/323 AGU Transactions, October 1945.
16/324-326 "Reports, Hydrology, Report of Committee on Snow, 1944-1945 Showing Changes for 1945-1946".
16/327-328 AGU Transactions, June 1946; February 1947.
16/329 Part of transactions AGU, n.d.
16/330 "List of Current Publications on Snow and Ice".


NC96/17 Series 17. Other Manuscripts. 1894-1958. 4 cu.ft.

This series includes manuscripts and published articles by authors other than Dr. Church, as well as proceedings from the International Commission on Snow, Edinburgh, 1936. Also included are clippings about snow surveying and run-off. Arranged very roughly alphabetically by author's name.

Box 64

17/1 Ahlmann, H. Wison and Tryselius, D. "Der Karsa-Gletscher in Schwedisch-Lappland", from Geografiska Annaler, 1929.
17/2 Anderson, H.W. "Forest-Cover Effects on Snowpack Accumulation and Melt, Central Sierra Snow Laboratory". Transactions, American Geophysical Union, June 1956.
17/3 Anderson, James. "Surveying America's Snows". Scientific American, 12/11/02.
17/4 Bericht des Standigen Bureaus der Hydrologischen Konferenzen der Baltischen Staaten. 6/1/36 to 5/1/37; 1933; 1936. (In German and French).
17/5 Snow Surveys Bibliography.
17/6 Nevada Cooperative Snow Survey. Bibliography (incomplete).
17/7 NV Coop. Snow Survey. Partial List of Publications Organized by Mt. Rose Observatory. c.1927.
17/8 "Breve Notice sur le Glacier de la Marmolada". 9/22/52. (in French)
17/9 "Closeup" in Reno Pace, November 1952. By Anonymous.
17/10-11 "Current Literature in Agricultural Engineering", 1934-1935; 1936. [Compiler unknown]
17/12 Anderson, H.W. "Discussion of 'Forest-Cover Effects on Snowpack Accumulation and Melt, Central Sierra Snow Laboratory'". Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 1956.
17/13 Arnold-Alabieff, W. "Die Eisverhaltnisse im Finnischen Meerbusen Wahrend der Winter 1922 bis 1925 in Verbindung mit der Eisbrechertatigkeit". n.d. (In German)
17/14 Anonymous. "Forecasting Snow Run-off of Humboldt River, Nevada". Engineering News Record, 8/4/32.
17/15 "Gikungsberichte Der Naturforchenden Oefellfichaft Uri". [c.1936] (In Old German print)
17/16 Anonymous. "Grandfather of Snow". Time, 11/5/51. (About Dr. Church)
17/17 Die Hydrologischen Institutionen der Baltischen Staaten. Riga, 1936 (in German) and Leningrad, 1933.
17/18 Anonymous. "In Reno" [about Dr. Church]. USDA for 6/10/46.
17/19 Anonymous. Report on Indian Expedition. First page missing. 1947.
17/20 Alt, Eugen and Weickmann, Ludwig. "Klimatologie von Suddoutschland". (In German) 1909.
17/21 Anonymous. Lawinen die Gefahr fur den Skifahrer. (In German) n.d.
17/22 Anonymous. "Die Lawinenniedergange im Kt. Uri im Winter 1935". (In German) 1935.
17/23 "Missions Scientifiques Pour la Mesure d'un Arch de Meridien au Spitzberg Enterprises en 1899-1901". Mission Russe. 1907. (In French)
17/24 Dobrowolski, Antoni Boleslaw. "Natural History of Ice". 1923.
17/25 Anonymous. "Nevada's Snow Crop Last Winter Was a 'Humdinger'". Nevada Highways and Parks, Vol. XII, No. 2, July-December 1952.
17/26 Anonymous. "Oslo Meeting", in Transactions, American Geophysical Union, December 1949. [About Dr. Church]
17/27 "Preliminary Report on the Upper Tamur Basin". 1947. [name of author illegible]
17/28 Proceedings, Conference on Glaciological Research Under the Auspices of the Artic Institute of North America and the American Geographical Society. New York City, 1949.
17/29 Project du Statut des Conferences Hidrologiques. Lenningrad, 1933. Also program and conclusions.
17/30 Protokolle der II. Ordentlichen Kuratoren - und Interessenten - Versammlung in Riga. June 1937. (In German)
17/31 Anonymous. "Research on Physics Conducted by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.". 1945.
17/32 "Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut fur Hochgeb-irgsklima und Tuberkulose in Davos". (In German) 1939. |
17/33 Boardman, H.P. "Snow Survey Versus Winter Precipitation for Forecasting Run-off of the Tuolumne River, California". Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 1947.
17/34 Anonymous. "Snow Surveying". The International Interpreter, 3/31/23.
17/35 Anonymous. "Snow Surveying: How the Amount of Water to be Available for Irrigation and Power in The Summer...Spring". International Interpreter, 3/31/23.
17/36 Anonymous. "Snowmen". American Magazine, February, 1940.
17/37 Anonymous. [The Soda Industry] - probably not by Church.
17/38 "De la Structure Visible de la Glace Atmosperique et du Couvert de Glace des Bassins". 1937. (In Russian)
17/39 Anonymous. "Surveying the Mountain Snows". The Graphic, 1/22/21.
17/40 Svirestroi: Struggling With Ice Breakups on the River Suir. 1934. (In Russian)
17/41 Anonymous. "They Forecast Stream Flow Six Months in Advance". Northwest and Its Resources, March-April 1957.
17/42 Transitions of the Arctic Institute, 1938. Monograph in Russian; Cyarilic Alphabet.
17/43 Anonymous. [Tribute to Dr. J.E. Church] in Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference. Reno, Nevada, April 15-17, 1948.
17/44 Anonymous. "Voice Commentary for 'Snow Crystals'". [post-1945, to accompany slide show or film]
17/45 Anonymous. "Warning to Skiers". Sierra Club Bulletin, January 1952.
17/46 Atwater, Monty. "Snow Safety Guide". n.d.
17/47 Baird, P.D. "A Note on the Commission on Snow and Ice of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology". The Journal of Glaciology, Vol.3, No.24, October 1958.
17/48 Baldwin, Henry I. Some Observations by a Producer and Consumer of Snow Reports in New England".
17/49 Bartell, M.J. "Relation of Run-off to Precipitation and Method of Estimating Run-off from Accumulated Past Season Precipitation for Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA". 1946.
17/50 Bigelow, Frank H. "The Progress of the Research in 1908 and the Proposed Campaign for the Years 1909 and 1910". Monthly Weather Review, 1908.
17/51 Bigelow, Frank H. "Studies on the Phenomenon of the Evaporation of Water Over Lakes and Reservoirs". Monthly Weather Review, 1910.
17/52 Billwiller, R. "Der Wasseraustausch Zwischen der Luft Einerseits und Schnee und Eis Andererseits im Gebirge". 1920. (In German)
17/53 Anonymous. "Water, Water...Hard Winter? Farmers Smile". Desert, April 1936.
17/54 van Bebber, W.J. "Der Wetterdienst an der Deutschen Seewarte". n.d. [C.1900?] (In German)
17/55 Berry, Bill. "Dr. Church; Father of Modern Skiers". Sierra Magazine, February 1959.
17/56 Berry, Bill. "World's Top Ski 'Derby'". Outdoor West, March-April, 1950.
17/57 Boardman, H.P. "Dr. Church's Foreign Travels". [1949]
17/58 Boardman, H.P. "Run-off of Tributaries of the Upper Humboldt River". 1942.
17/59 Boardman, H.P. et al. "Seasonal Snow Survey and Forecast of Stream Flow in the Central Sierra Quadrangle, Nevada Cooperative Snow Surveys, April 1935".
17/60 Boardman, H.P. "Snow Surveys for Forecasting Stream Flow in Western Nevada". University of Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 184, September 1949.
17/61 Boardman, H.P. "Truckee River Floods and High Water Years". June 1952.
17/62 Boone, Andrew R. "Snow Thieves in the High Sierras". Travel, January 1933.
17/63 Brooks, Charles F. Addenda for "Precipitation Measurement". 1937.
17/64 Brooks, C.F. "Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory". From Report of the President of Harvard College and Reports of Departments, 1946-1947.
17/65 Brooks, C.F. "Recommended Climatological Networks Based on the Representatives of Climatic Stations for Different Elements". Transactions, American Geophysical Union, December 1947.
17/66 Brown, Thomas J. "The Necessity for a Civilian Directorship of the New Weather Bureau, As Against a Military Protectorate". 1891.
17/67 Butterfield, Roger. "Nevada's Fantastic Snow Man". Saturday Evening Post, 1/28/50.
17/68 Butterfield, Roger. "Snow Expert". Amerika Illustrated, No. 48 [1950 or 1951]. (In Russian with English Summary)
17/69 Calkins, William Frederick. "Snow Patrol". California Monthly, January 1939.
17/70 Cargill, Philip S. "Some Handy Kinks for Field Men". n.d.
17/71 Church, Phil E. "Ice Crusts and Snow Settling, Snoqualmie Pass; Winter of 1940-1941".
17/72 Church, P.E. "Report to Committee on Physics of Ice and Snow and Snow Cover, State of Washington; 1940-1941".
17/73 Church, P.E. "Report of Committee on Median vs Arithmetical Average". n.d.
17/74 Church, P.E. "A Suggested Experiment on Snow". n.d.
17/75 Church, Russel. Journal of Church's Tennessee Valley Trip. 1945.
17/76 Church, Willis. Biography of James Edward Church. [c.1949]
17/77 Clayton, H. Helm. "Rhythm in the Weather". Boston Commonwealth, November 17, 1894.
17/78 Clyde, George D. "Methods of Alleviating Water Shortages on Irrigation Projects". Agricultural Engineering, February 1932.
17/79 Copeland, Clem A. "Some Idealistic Thoughts about Snow Surveying". 1935.
17/80 Craddock, George W. "Salt Lake City Flood, 1945". Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. 1945-1946.
17/81 Cregar, M.R. and Mellencamp, W.R. "The Task of the Avalanche Service". 2/7/49.
17/82 Croft, A.R. "Evaporation From Snow". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, October 1944.

Box 65

17/83 Demorest, Max. "Plans for a Proposal Expedition to North Greenland", c.1938.
17/84 Dhir, R.D. and Singh, Harbhajan. The Feasibility of Snow Survey in the Himalayas. 1953.
17/85 Dhir, R.D. Snow in the Himalayas.
17/86 Diamond, M. and Gerdel, R. [Robert] W. "Radiation Measurements on the Greenland Ice Cap". Reports, General Assembly in Toronto. 1957.
17/87 "Secretary Dienert's Report", International Association of Scientific Hydrology Meeting at Edinburgh. 1936.
17/88 Dobrowolski, Antoni Boleslaw. "Glaciers Structure and Movement Theories". Supplement to the Bulletin of the Polish Geophysical Society, 1939
17/89 Dobrowolski, A.B. "Petrografia Lodu a Pojecie Linii Brzegowej Ladu Polarnego". Acta Geologica Polonica, 1953.
17/90 Dobrowolski, A.B. "O Pewnym Zagadnieniu z Petrografii Lodu" Acta Geologica Polonica, 1952. (In Polish)
17/91 Dobrowolski, A.B. "Sur le Probleme de la Realisation des Publications Internationales Cryologiques", 1948; "L'Hydrologie et la Meteorologie".
17/92 Eckel, O. and Thams, Chr. "Untersuchungen uber Dichte, Temperatur- und Strahlungsverhaltnisse der Schneedecke in Davos". n.d. (In German).
17/93 Elges, Carl. "Possible Research Projects in Snow Surveying and Streamflow Forecasting in the Western United States", 1937.
17/94 Elges, Carl. "Present Developments in Snow Surveying", c.1940.
17/95 Ellison, W.D. "Some Effects of Raindrops and Surface-Flow on Soil Erosion and Infiltration". Transactions, American Geophysical Union, December 1945.
17/96 von Engeln, O.D. "Phenomena Associated with Glacier Drainage and Wastage", 1911.
17/97 Farb, Peter. "Snow: White Gold of the West". Reader's Digest, April 1958.
17/98 Farrow, R.C. "Forecasting Runoff from Snow Surveys". Geographical Journal, November-December, 1942.
17/99 Farrow, R.C. "Search for Power in the British Columbia Coast Range". The Geographical Journal, September-October, 1945.
17/100 Farrow, R.C. "Snow Surveys for the Purpose of Forecasting Stream Flow". The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. XIII, No.1, February 1937.
17/101 Farrow, R.C. "Snowfall and Run-off in the Canadian Columbia Basin".
17/102 Fenneman, Nevin M. "Memorial to Max Harrison Demorest", April 1943.
17/103 Fergusson, Sterling P. "Experimental Studies of Anemometers". From Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, September 1939.
17/104 Fergusson, S.P. "Progress in Meteorological Kite Flying". Science, 10/5/1900.
17/105 Fergusson, S.P. "The Relation of Snow to Irrigation and Forestry". Science Conspectus, April 1913.
17/106 Fergusson, S.P. Scrapbook, c.1906-1913. [mostly about Dr. Church, weather and snow surveys, University]
17/107 Fergusson, S.P. "Two New Meteorological Instruments: 1. The Automatic Polar Star Light Recorder; 2. The Ombroscope". The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, October 1905.
17/108 Fergusson, S.P. "The Value of High-Level Meteorological Data in Forecasting Changes of Temperature - A Contribution...Mt. Rose, Nevada". Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 83. 6/24/15.
17/109 Fisher, Joel E. "Partial Redistribution of the Dynamic Forces of Rotation of the Earth, Initiated by Radiant Energy from the Sun, Considered as the Source of Orogenic Forces". 1948.
17/110 Fisken, John S. "Forecasting Water Supply". Hydraulic Power Committee, Report of Sub-Committee #8.
17/111 Folse, J.A. "Discussion of Mr. Merrill Bernard's "A Review of 'A New Method of Estimation Stream Flow'"". 1937.
17/112 Frost, W.T. and Work, R.A. "The Use of Snow Survey Data for Agricultural Planning". Agricultural Engineering, November 1948.
17/113 Friedrich, W. "Uber die Verdungstung vom Bewachsenen Erdboden". n.d. (In German)
17/114 Gerdel, R.W., Asce, M., and Diamond, M. "White-Out, A Hazard to Arctic Flying". Journal of the Air Transport Division, July 1957.
17/115 Glassford, W.A. "Weather Types on the Pacific Coast". Bulletin - California Academy of Sciences. August 31, 1886.
17/116 Gorrie, R. Maclagan. "Erosion Survey of the Uhl Valley". Indian Forester, April 1937.
17/117 Gorton, A.F. "Forecasting Seasonal Precipitation: Its Relation to Electrical Power Production". c.1931.
17/118 Gould, Laurence M. "Arctic Regions". Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress. 1939.
17/119 Gould, L.M. "Some Geographical Results of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition". The Geographical Review, April 1931.
17/120 Haefeli, R. "Entwicklung und Probleme de Schnee- und Gletscherkunde in der Schweiz". Experientia, n.d. [1943?] (In German)
17/121 Haefeli, R. Schneemechanik. n.d. (In German)
17/122 Haefeli, R. "Zur Beobachtung der Winterlichen Schneeverhaltnisse in den Schweizer Alpen". 1945. (In German)
17/123 Harper, Frank B. "Snow Harvest". Country Gentleman, March 1942.
17/124 Haurwitz, Bernhard. "Isolation in Relation to Cloud Type". 1948.
17/125 Heinsheimen, George J. "Der Durchbruch des Morenogletschers, Lago Argentino, Patagonia, 1953". (In German)
17/126 Heinsheimen, G.J. "Die Eispenitentes des Glaciar Derecho in der Cordillera von San Juan (Argen-tinien)". 1952. (In German)
17/127 Heuberger, J.C. "Mesures de Temperature dans L'ice-cap du Groenland". Geofisica Pura e Applicata. 1956. (In French)
17/128 Higashi, Akira and Omoto, Yukio. "On the Character of Rainfall in the Laka Shikaribetsu Basin". Geophysical of the Hokkaido University, March 1956.
17/129 Higashi, Akira and Itagaki, Kazuhiko. "A Radioactive Snow Gage for Practical Use". Journal of Applied Physics, Japan. 1956.
17/130 Higashi, Akira. "A Rationalized Method of Disposition of Rain-Gauges in Mountainous Region". Geophysical Bulletin of the Hokkaido University, December 1953.
17/131 Higashi, Akira. "Snow Survey in Hokkaido, Japan". 1958.
17/132 Higashi, Akira and Higuchi, Keiji. "Snow Survey in the Chubetsu River Basin by the Method of Snow Course", I and II. Geophysical Bulletin of Hokkaido University, December 1952 and 1953.
17/133 Higuchi, Keiji. "A Test of Totalizer". Geophysical Bulletin of the Hokkaido University, December 1952.
17/134 Higuchi, Keiji. "A Method for Observation of Falling Snow Particles". Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, March 1954.
17/135 Higashi, A., Higuchi, Keiji and Itagaki, Kazuhiko. "Snow Survey in the Lake Shikaribetsu Basin". Geophysical Bulletin of the Hokkaido University, March 1956.
17/136 Hobbs, Dr. William H. Articles.
17/137 "Discussion by Robert E. Horton on Mr. Holzman's Paper". [1938]
17/138 Horton, Robert E. "Hydrologic Research". Science, 12/10/37.
17/139 Horton, R.E. "Ice Pie Crusts". 1937.
17/140 Horton, R.E. "Preliminary Outline for a Comprehensive Research on Run-off Phenomenon". n.d.
17/141 Horton, R.E. and Clyde, George D. "Water Equivalent of Snow". Agricultural Engineering, March 1932.
17/142 Hrudicka, M. Bohuslav. "Essai sur la Determination Systematique du Givre". 1934. (In French)
17/143 Hrudicka, Bohuslav. "Prispevek K Prozkumu Krupobiti V Cechach". 1936. (In Czechoslovakian)
17/144 Hrudicka, B. "O Snehovych Prekazkach Na Silnicich Ceskoslovensku". n.d. (In Czechoslovakian)
17/145 Hrudicka, B. "Stupnice Namrazku Podle Sum". 1936. (In Czechoslovakian)
17/146 Haefeli, R., Bader, H. and Bucher, E. "Das Zeitprofil- Eine Graphische Darstellung der Entwicklung der Schneedecke". n.d. [c.1939?] (In German)
17/147 Hughes, T.P. and Seligman, Gerald. "The Temperature, Melt Water Movement and Density Increase in the Neve of an Alpine Glacier". Monthly Notices of R.A.S. Geophysical Supplement, December 1939.
17/148 Jacobs, Duane D. "Snow Surveying". Yosemite Nature Notes, January 1953.
17/149 Jeffers, Elwin. "Homage to Dr. Church". The Nevada Alumnus, 3/1/35.
17/150 Jessup, Elon. "Specialists in Snow". Mechanic Illustrated, May 1943.
17/151 Jones, James E. "Questionnaire and Answers on Snow Survey Equipment and Methods". 1934.
17/152 Kehrlein, Oliver. "Let's Go Back a Hundred Years or So...". n.d. (About Shadow Creek Basin, California)
17/153 Kehrlein, Oliver. "Minaret Glacier Writes Its Own Biography". n.d. [c.1951]
17/154 Kimura, Shotaro and Peake, Charlotte M.A. "Sword and Blossom Poems From the Japanese".
17/155 Kittredge, Joseph. "The Influence of Shade and Litter of Pine on Evaporation From a Clay Loam Soil at Berkeley, California". Ecology, July 1954.
17/156 Kittredge, Joseph. "Influences of Pine and Grass on Surface Run-off and Erosion". Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, July 1954.
17/157 Klaeboe, H. "Fluctuations in Run-off". [c.1927]
17/158 Kolthoff, I.M. "Impressions of Soviet Science". The American Review of the Soviet Union, November 1945.
17/159 Kolupaila, Steponas. "Sur la Longueur des Fleuves". 1935. (In an eastern European language)
17/160 Kosiba, Aleksander. "Snowfalls in Silesia". 1951.
17/161 Landsberg, H. Climatology. n.d.
17/162 Lawrence, Donald B. "Mt. Hood's Latest Eruption and Glacier Advances". Manzana, 1948.
17/163 Lawrence, Captain Donald B. "Observations on Designs and Testing of Over-Snow Motor Vehicles". 1945.
17/164 Lawrence, D.B. and Lawrence, Elizabeth G. "Some Glaciers of Southwestern Alaska". Manzana, 1949.
17/165 Lee, Charles H. "Winter in the High Sierra". Sierra Club Bulletin, June 1910.
17/166 Lewis, George A. "Snow Surveying in the High Sierra - A Movie". For 1936 Edinburgh meeting.
17/167 Lundquist, Roy E. "Descriptive and Quantitative Classifications of Various Conditions Persisting in Snow and Ice Deposits". September 1942.

Box 66

17/168 McAdie, Alexander. "The Observatory on Mt. Whitney". Sierra Club Bulletin, January 1910.
17/169 Magono, Choji. "On the Fall Velocity of Snowflakes". Journal of Meteorology, June 1951.
17/170 Marr, James C. "Tentative Design of Electric Weighing Scale for Snow Sampler". n.d.
17/171a Masewo, Kuroda. "Dynamics of Snow Cover". n.d.
17/171b Matthes, Francois E. "Ablation of Snow Fields at High Altitudes by Radiant Solar Heat". [post-1931]
17/172 Matthes, F.E. "The New International Commission of Snow and Glaciers". Science, 3/29/40.
17/173 Mears, Joe. "Unsung Heroes of the Sierra Snow Survey". Westways, November 1934.
17/174 Mercanton, P.L. and Billwiller, R. "MZA - Indications Pour l'Emploi des Totalisateurs de Precipitations". 1935. (In French)
17/175 Mercanton, P.L. "Presentation d'un Film de la Crue du Glacier Superieur du Grindelwald". n.d. (In French)
17/176 Mercanton, Dr. P.L. "Recherches de Technique Pluviometrique". 1938. (In French)
17/177 Mercanton, P.L. "Un Totalisateur de Precipitations Simple". 1937. (In French)
17/178 Mercanton, P.L. "The Variations of Present Day Glaciers". Scientific American, 3/30/18.
17/179 Miller, David H. "Transmission of Isolation Through Pine Forest Canopy, As It Affects the Melting of Snow". [n.d.; post-1953]
17/180 Monson, O.W. "Hydrology - Snow Survey Section of the Northwest Scientific Association". Northwest Science, February 1939.
17/181 Monson, O.W. "Need for Research in the Field of Hydrology".
17/182 Monson, O.W. Review of "The Snow Survey As An Index to Summer Precipitation". c.1934-1935.
17/183 Monterin, Umberto. "Ricerche Sullablazione e Sul Deflusso Glaciale nel Versante Meridionale del Monte Rosa". Bollettino del Comitato Glaciological Italiano. 1931. (In Italian)
17/184 Moore. "Flow Forecast from Snow Surplus".
17/185 Moore, W. Robert. "Nevada, Desert Treasure House". National Geographic, January 1946.
17/186 Morikofer, W. "Uber die Trubung der Atmosphare Durch Wustenstaub und Schneetreiben". Helvetica Physica Acta. 1941. (In German)
17/187 Mougin, M.P. "Snow Slides in the Savoie Region". 1931.
17/188 Muir, John. "Galen Clark". Sierra Club Bulletin, June 1910.
17/189 Munday, W.A. Don. "Among Bella Coola Mountains, 1938". The Canadian Alpine Journal. 1938.
17/190 Nadai, A. "Diary of Trip to Moscow and Leningrad". 1945.
17/191 Nakaya, Ukitiro and Terada, Toiti. "On the Electrical Nature of Snow Particles". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, December 1934.
17/192 Nakaya, Ukitiro and Hasikura, Katuzi. "Physical Investigations on Snow, Pt. II, Classification and Explanation of Snow Crystals Observed in the Winter of 1933-1934 at Mt. Tokati and at Sapporo". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, December 1934.
17/193 Nakaya, U.; Tada, Motoiti; Sekido, Yataro and Takano, Tamakita. "The Physics of Skiing, The Preliminary and General Survey". Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, December 1936.
17/194 "Methods of Forecasting Water Supply". National Electric Light Association, Hydraulic Power Committee, Progress Report. 1923.
17/195 "Current Hydrological Research of Federal Agencies". National Resources Committee, Water Resources Committee. 1937.
17/196 Nichols, Robert L. and Miller, Maynard M. "The Moreno Glacier, Lago Argentino, Patagonia. Advancing Glaciers and Nearby Simultaneously Retreating Glaciers". Journal of Glaciology, March 1952.
17/197 Nomitu, T. "Studies on Flood Prediction in Japan". Japanese Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics. 1939.
17/198 Obruchev, V.A. "The Activity of the Academy of Science in the Field of Geological and Geographical Exploration of the Soviet Union". 1945.
17/199 Oechslin, Max. "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pflanzlichen Besiedelung..." 1933-1935. (In German)
17/200 Osgood, E.P. and Miller, M.R. "The Disiccation of Winnemucca Lake, Nevada". 1939.
17/201 Pagliuca, Salvatore. "The Problem of Forecasting Sleet for Highway and Industrial Purposes". [c.1937]
17/202 Paine, Swift. "The Snow Surveyor of the Sierras". American Forest, April 1932. (About Dr. Church)
17/203 Paine, Gustavus S. "Snow Surveying on the Sierras with the Weather Men at Mount Rose". The Dearborn Independent. 12/13/24.
17/204 Parsons, Walter J., Jr. "The Evolution of Ice in Streams". n.d.
17/205 Peguy, M. Ch. P. "Characteristiques Hydrologiques de L'Annee 1952". L'Annuaire Hydrologique de la France. 1952. (In French)
17/206 Perutz, M.F. and Seligman, Gerald. "A Crystallo-graphic Investigation of Glacier Structure and the Mechanism of Glacier Flow". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, August 1939.
17/207 Pluvinage, P. and Taylor, G. "Rapports Scientifiques des Expeditions Poliares Francaises". Annales de Geophysique, April-June 1956. (In French)
17/208 Prochaska, F. "Neuere Schnee- und Lawinenforschungen in der Schweiz". 1940. (In German)
17/209 Prohaska, F. Thams, Chr. "Neue Untersuchungen Uber die Strahlungseigenschaften der Schneedecke". Helvetica Physica Acta. n.d.
17/210 Ransford, M.G. and Giroud, Professor. "Vocabulaire Technique International de L'Igenieur - The Vocabulary of Snow and Ice". La Houille Blanche, 1950 and May-June 1951.
17/211 Richards, Emily. "Where Does the Water Come From?". Sunset Magazine. n.d.
17/212 Rothe, J.P. "L'enneigement des Vosages en 1934 et 1935". From Annual of the Institute of Physics, Strasbourg, 1935. (In French)
17/213 Ryan, John T. "A New Sampler Cutting Point for Ice". [1938?]
17/214 Sandstrom, J.W. "En Fard Pa Bottenhavets Isar". 1923. In [Swedish?]
17/215 Sandstrom, J.W. "Sno Och is I Sverige". n.d. (In Swedish)
17/216 Sayre, M.F. and deForest, A.V. "New Spring Formulas and New Materials in Precision Spring Scale Design". 1934.
17/217 Schaefer, Vincent J. "The Development of a Snow Classification System". New York, n.d.
17/218 Seligman, Gerald. "Snow Structure: Some Practical Applications". Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. LXII, No.268,
January 1937.
17/219 Shaftel, George A. "Money in the Snowbanks". Colliers, 3/2/46.
17/220 Shipman, T.G. "Ice Conditions on the Mississippi River at the Tri-Cities". 1937.
17/221 Smith-Johannsen, Robert. "Snow Data". New York, n.d.
17/222 Sorge, Ernst. "Universal-Dr. Fank- Groenland Expedition 1932. Umia Mako- und Rinkgletscher". n.d. (in German)
17/223 Speight, R. "Some Aspects of Glaciation in New Zealand". Report of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Advancement of Science, January 1939.
17/224 Stafford, Harlowe M. "Cooperative Snow Surveys in California". Western Construction News, 10/25/29.
17/225 Stafford, H.M. "History of Snow Surveying in the West". Presented at Western Snow Conference, 4/21/59.
17/226 Stone, Robert G. "On the Relation of Weather and Snow Observations and Reports to Winter Sports". c.1938.
17/227 Stone, R.G. Review of "Snow Structure and Ski Fields" by Gerald Seligman.
17/228 Stearns, Myron M. and Stubblefield, Blaine. "How Much Snow". Scientific American, March 1939.
17/229 Stearns, M.M and Stubblefield, B. "Snow Surveys of the High Sierras". Reader's Digest, March 1939.
17/230 Stubblefield, Blaine. "White Water". n.d.
17/231 Sumghin, M.J. "The Ice Crusts and the Ice Hills". n.d. (in Russian)
17/232 Swiss Snow and Avalanche Research. "The Work of the Swiss Commission for Snow and Avalanche Research in the Parsenn Region, Weissfluhjoch". Winter 1936-1937.
17/233 Tonning, Kristian. "Nevada Utilizes Modern Methods in Forecasting Runoff from Snow Cover". Civil Engineering, October 1949.
17/234 Snow Surveying. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Misc. Publication No. 380, June 1940.
17/235 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. "Snow Run-off Forecasts: 1955's Water Supply in the West". Reclamation News, April 1955.
17/236 Uttinger, H. "Die Schneehaufigkeit in der Schweiz". 1934. (In German)
17/237 Vickrey, J.W. "Snow Removal on the Victory Highway". Western Construction News and Highway Builder, 1932.
17/238 Wagner, Bon U. "Gdneebesdaffenheit in Ihrer Abbangigfeit von Wind und Wetter". 1939. (In German - spelling of title may not be correct because of "Old German" type font used in article)
17/239 Wallen, Carl Christian. "Glacial-Meteorological Investigations on the Karsa Glacier in Swedish Lapland, 1942-1948". Geografiska Annaler, 1948-1949.
17/240 Ward, Robert Dec. "Changes of Climate". Popular Science Monthly, November 1906.
17/241 Ward, R.D. "The Classification of Climates: II". Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, August 1906.
17/242 Ward, R.D. "Suggestions Concerning A More Rational Treatment of Climatology". n.d.
17/243 Wilson, Fritz. "An Appreciation". University of Nevada Desert Wolf, February 1932. (About Dr. Church)
17/244 Winger, R.E. "Russian Impressions". 1936.
17/245 Woeikof, A. "Klima und Fohne der Danemark-Insel, Scoresby-Sund". n.d. [c.1893] (In German)
17/246 Work, R.A. and Ewing, Paul A. "Heavy Snow Peaks Promise Water in Abundance for Thirsty Western Lands". 1949.
17/247 Work, R.A. "Measuring Snow to Forecast Water Supplies". Yearbook of Agriculture, 1955.
17/248 Work, R.A. "Snow-Layer Density Changes". Transactions of American Geophysical Union, Vol.29, 1948.
17/249 Yosida, Zyungo et al. "Physical Studies on Deposited Snow" and "Mechanical Properties". Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science. 1956.
17/250 Poetry, various authors.
17/251 Snow/run-off clippings.
17/252 Snow and snow survey articles.
17/253 Newspaper clippings about snow surveys and forecasts.
17/254 Newspaper clippings - snow and related topics.

Box 67

17/255-329 Proceedings, International Commission on Snow, Edinburgh, 1936. Individual articles by authors other than Church.


NC96/18 SERIES 18. PERSONAL MATERIALS. 1883-1959. .5 cu.ft.

This series includes clippings about Church and his family, awards, certificates, school grades, teaching contract (Michigan), financial materials, date and address books, and Anne H. Martin material.

Box 68

18/1-4 Church's date/address books:
18/1 1939-1940; 1943.
18/2 1944-1946.
18/3 1947; 1952-1953.
18/4 1954; 1956.
18/5 Resume/biography, Dr. Church.
18/6 Awards, honors, tributes.
18/7 Distinguished Nevadan Award, 1958.
18/8 Membership cards, various organizations.
18/9 Personal financial records, 1894-1898.
18/10 Financial - money paid or loaned to Willis Church, c.1949.
18/11 Marriage certificate of Dr. and Mrs. Church; passport.
18/12 Contract to teach school, 1885; report cards from Holly Union School and University of Michigan, 1884-1891.
18/13 Graduation program, University of Michigan, 1892 [Church's graduation]; commencement annual, June 30, 1892.
18/14 Teacher's contract, letters of recommendation, Birch Bark, Michigan, 1888.
18/15 Pre-college school records, 1883-1889. Holly, Michigan.
18/16 College grades, receipts, University of Michigan, 1889-1892.
18/17 65th Reunion, University of Michigan Literary class of 1892. 1957.
18/18 [University of Michigan college catalog], 1900-1901.
18/19 Memorials to Dr. Church.

18/20 Dr. Church's garment sizes; medication instructions.
18/21 Bibliography of Church's publications.
18/22 Partial Bibliography of Church's Writings.
18/23 Biographic notes about J.E. Church.
18/24 [Plans for the Tree House].
18/25 Newspaper clippings - Nevada, Nevada Art Gallery.
18/26 Newspaper clippings - Church topics.
18/27 Newspaper clippings about Dr. Church, 1959.
18/28 Newspaper article - "Dr. Church's Work". Editorial, Nevada State Journal, April 8, 1923.
18/29-34 Articles and clippings about Dr. Church, Nevada State Journal.
18/35 Newspaper clippings about Dr. Church, Reno Evening Gazette.
18/36 Nevada Art Gallery.
18/37 1st Baptist Church Bulletins.
18/38 Anne H. Martin Material.
18/39 New Testament Bible owned by Donald Church.


NC96/19 FLORENCE HUMPHREY CHURCH MATERIALS. 1895; 1904-1921. 1 cu.ft.

Very few items of Mrs. Church appear to have survived or to have been included in this collection when it was donated to the Special Collections Department. A few personal letters from Florence to her husband were incorporated into the "Personal Correspondence" series (Series 1). A manuscript account of the Church's 1904 winter camping trip is included in this series; otherwise, the bulk of the FHC materials consists of records of the Nevada and National Federations of Women's Clubs, articles of incorporation of the Twentieth Century Club, and proceedings of the Nevada State Equal Suffrage Association, 1895.

Box 68

19/1 Florence Humphrey Church.
19/2 Manuscript by Mrs. Church - Winter trip to Mt. Rose, January 22, 1904.
19/3 National Federation of Women's Clubs (NFWC), Salt Lake City Conference, 1921.
19/4 NFWC publications.
19/5 NFWC Nevada conventions.
19/6 NFWC officers.
19/7-18 National Federation of Women's Clubs correspondence:
19/7 "A" - January 10 - April 8, 1921.
19/8 "B" - March 1920 and March 1921.
19/9 "C" - December 1920 - March 1921.
19/10 "D" - November 1920 - February 1921.
19/11 "E-F".
19/12 "G".
19/13 "H-J". [Law for Registration of Births and Deaths].
19/14 "K-L".
19/15 "M".
19/16 "N-Q".
19/17 "R".
19/18 "S-W".
19/19 Articles of incorporation, Twentieth Century Club. 1919-1921.
19/20-25 Nevada Federation of Women's Clubs (NFWC) correspondence:
19/20 October 12-31, 1921.
19/21 October 1-12, 1921.
19/22 August-September, 1921.
19/23 June-July, 1921.
19/24 July-August, 1921.
19/25 August-July, 1921.

Box 69

19/26-32 NFWC correspondence:
19/26 July-September, 1921.
19/27 "A" - April-May, 1921.
19/28 "B-D" - April-May, 1921.
19/29 "G" - March-May, 1921.
19/30 "H-M" - May 1921.
19/31 "N-R" - February-May, 1921.
19/32 "S-Z", April-June, 1921.
19/33 "Nevada State Equal Suffrage Association" Pro-ceedings, October 29-30, 1895.
19/34 Clippings, catalog to F.H. Church art collection.



This series includes postcards of U.S. Scenes (evidently not collected by Church) [Box 69]; a University of Michigan scrapbook (c.1930s); a scrapbook of snow clippings; records of Senator Key Pittman's speech on neutrality; and phonograph records 1, 2, 5 and 6 of "White Magic" [all on shelf next to Box 68].

Box 69

20/1-2 Vacation postcards (most of the postcards from the Eastern U.S. were probably collected by Dr. Church's grandson).
20/3-5 Postcards collected by Dr. Church.

ON SHELF NEXT TO BOX 68 is a University of Michigan scrapbook, c.1930s; a scrapbook of snow clippings; and 6 records: 2 of Senator Key Pittman's speech on neutrality from Station WOR (10/1/39), and four "White Magic" phonograph records (#s 1, 2, 5 & 6).



This series is contained in boxes 70 and 71.


NC96/22 SERIES 22. PHOTOGRAPHS. Ca 1890s-1960.

The J.E. Church manuscript collection contains several hundred photographs which have been transferred to the Special Collections Department photographic archives. These photos document many of Dr. Church's activities. Subjects include:

-Portraits of J.E. and Florence Church

-Mt. Rose Observatory, including surrounding area, support structures, and equipment

-Snow surveying in many locations, including Mt. Rose, Soda Springs, Yuba River, Donner Pass, Marlette Lake

-Snow surveying in eastern Nevada and other states

-Greenland survey, including landscape views, personnel, equipment, Greenland inhabitants.
-Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, weather observatory

-Mt. Whitney

-Himalaya Mountain survey trip

-Art history and Classics courses support materials

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