CSREES PNW Region Water Quality Program logo PNW Region

CSREES Pacific Northwest Region Water Quality Program

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Regional Initiatives

BMP Effectiveness Research

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Regional initiatives
  1. Establish regional teams consisting of the Water Quality Coordinators from the four Land Grant Institutions, the NRCS Liaison to EPA Region 10, the Agriculture Sector Lead from EPA Region 10, the Extension Liaison to EPA Region 10, the directors of the four State Water Research Institutes, and a representative from EPA's Corvallis Research Lab. See Contacts and Resources for a list of the Team members and contact information.

    • This objective minimizes duplication of effort and leverages multiple funding sources to effectively address water quality issues.

  2. Develop and implement a watershed-based evaluation and reporting system that will measure and report Extension and partnership accomplishments each year in a consistent manner.

    • This objective standardizes information about accomplishments and will make the information available in a user-friendly format.

  3. Implement a coordinated extension and research programming effort in animal waste management that will effectively address animal and nutrient issues associated with water quality.

    • This objective will assist EPA by educating the agricultural community about methods and practices that reduce the need for regulatory enforcement.

  4. Implement a coordinated extension and research programming effort that will address water resource issues directly related to the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act listing of trout and salmon in the Pacific Northwest.

    • This objective will provide technical support and education for community based programs in volunteer monitoring, nonpoint source education, citizen involvement in watershed planning, and habitat restoration activities.

  5. Implement a coordinated extension, education, and research BMP effectiveness evaluation program in support of TMDL implementation.

    • This objective will assist land managers and watershed planners to meet federal and state requirements for watershed protection.

  6. Implement a coordinated extension and research water quality progress and needs evaluation program.

    • This objective will provide results of a survey in order to plan for future water quality education, extension, and research activities.

  7. Implement a coordinated extension and research water quality programming effort based on national Water Quality Themes established by the United States Department of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services.

    • This objective will address the need for consistent and coordinated approaches to water quality education, extension, and research across state and regional boundaries.
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University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service
University of Idaho Water Quality Program
Northwest Indian College

Oregon State University Water Resources
Washington State University Extension Water Quality

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USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CSREES PNW Regional Water Quality Program