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College of Forestry

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Welcome to the Forestry Media Center

FMC Tells College's Centennial Story With Video

FMC developed a video DVD snapshot of a century of the College of Forestry.

Design, Develop, Distribute, and Manage Natural Resource Information in a Meaningful Way

The Forestry Media Center is a unique facility in OSU's College of Forestry. The FMC provides new ideas, tools, and technologies to communicate forestry and natural resource information and issues to a vast audience, including forest scientists, land managers, college and K-12 students, and the general public..

Our mission is twofold:

• To help improve teaching, instructional programs, and College communications through the application of educational and communication technology.
• To help the College of Forestry and other agencies in the forestry community deliver forestry and natural resources messages through the development and distribution of primarily electronic and audio-visual educational materials.

Through an integrated network of professionals within the OSU College of Forestry, and in partnership with our clients, FMC will identify needs, design and develop solutions, distribute products, and manage projects for the short or long term.

Years of experience provides us with a myriad of ideas on how to best reach your target audience using an array of educational media and technologies. Our skills include videography, graphic design, writing, and technical knowledge of the latest in message delivery technology.
We currently have over 120 forestry education and training programs designed for professional foresters, natural resource managers, educators and students, small woodland owners and the general public
Our staff's extensive project management experience provides responsive and timely delivery of services and products to support your communication needs.

Forestry Media Center
250 Peavy Hall - OSU - Corvallis, OR 97331-5702
Ph: 541.737-4702 Fax: 541-737-3759

2006 Forestry Media Center