United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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These documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentNational Conservation Buffer Initiative (93 KB)
— Question and answer sheet concerning the NRCS Conservation Buffer Initiative

Adobe Acrobat DocumentWetlands Reserve Program (116 KB)
— Fact sheet discussing one of the conservation provisions of the 1996 Farm Bill. The Wetlands Reserve Program is a voluntary program to restore and protect wetlands on private property

Adobe Acrobat DocumentStream Visual Assessment Protocol (301 KB)
— A method to evaluate the ecological condition of a stream useable by field conservationists and landowners

Adobe Acrobat DocumentTechnical Note No. 190-13-1: "Using a Regional Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) to Characterize the Condition of Northern Virginia Streams, With Emphasis on the Occoquan Watershed:  A Case Study" (6 MB)

— This reference material is a case study example of the application of IBI for a small watershed. The IBI assesses watershed condition by using fish assemblages as biological indicators of human disturbance. It describes the steps involved in developing an IBI and refinement of the technique to fit the needs of small watershed projects, typical of those receiving NRCS assistance. In addition, it describes how the IBI may be used to evaluate the combined effects of conservation.
Adobe Acrobat DocumentVersion 1 of the Rivers and Streams, and Floodplain Restoration Annotated Bibliography (317 KB)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentMemorandum of Understanding between NRCS and Trout Unlimited (312 KB)