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UCSB Snow Hydrology

Mult-resolution Snow Products for the Hydrologic Sciences


Snow Research Image

         The Snow Hydrology Research Group is part of the Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara. It is also a member of the ESIP Federation (Earth Science Information Partners). The primary research focus of this group is NASA's REASoN (Research, Education and Applications Solutions Network) investigation called "Multi-Resolution Snow Products for the Hydrologic Sciences." The group also works on problems of snow metamorphism, snow-climate interactions, and snowmelt runoff. Much of this work is conducted at the Environmental Information Laboratory within the Donald Bren School.

Principal Investigator: Jeff Dozier
Co-investigators: James Frew, Jiancheng Shi, Tom Painter

Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Mgmt.,UCSB
University of
California, Santa Barbara
Institute for Computational Earth System Science, UCSB
National Aeronautics
and Space Administration
Microsoft Research
Earth Science Information Partners
Terra Server

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