USDA Economic Research Service Data Sets
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Here are some tools you might need to effectively use the variety of data that you will find on the ERS website.

extension and filename explanations
.xls Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Click button at right to download viewer.
.adb Microsoft Access database.
Click button at right to download viewer.
.doc Microsoft Word document.
Click button at right to download viewer.
.zip A compressed file containing other documents and files squeezed into a smaller size for quicker download.
Click button at right to download viewer.
.fla Macromedia Flash file.
Click button at right to download viewer.
.pdf Adobe Acrobat file.
Click button at right to download viewer.


Text files that can be opened with Notepad or other viewer    
.wk? .123 Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet file that can be opened in Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel.    
Web image formats. Can be viewed in your browser and/or manipulated in an image editing program.    
For more information, contact: Karl Gudmunds

Web administration:

Updated date: March 1, 2006