United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Zero Spread Noxious Weed Awareness Campaign

What do you see as the number one spreader of noxious weeds? Vehicles? Animals? Inconsistent management? We believe the answer is a lack of education. When it comes to weeds, many people simply don’t know where to turn, what to do, or even how to identify a noxious weed.

That’s why the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Montana Department of Agriculture, and Montana State University have teamed up to create the Zero Spread campaign. This campaign has two primary goals: one, to increase participation in weed management groups in areas where they are established; and two, to increase awareness of weed issues and management options statewide. We hope that by doing these two things we can attain Zero Spread of noxious weeds – stopping weed spread and eradicating infestations where possible.

Zero Spread Campaign logo

Marketing Tools to Spread Information

To meet our goals, we’ve developed marketing materials for a variety of audiences. These materials are designed to improve education and increase participation in weed programs.

The campaign features real case studies and weed facts to deliver our message. It includes direct marketing, paid media, public service announcements and public relations for print, radio and television and will refer people to a toll-free number 1-888-488-ZERO (9376). Respondents will receive a Zero Spread packet that includes a list of resources, a weed ID booklet, weed management group successes, a CD holder that clips to any vehicle’s sun visor, and other information. Landowners interested in joining a weed management group or in starting one will be directed to their county weed coordinator.

For more information, visit Montana's Statewide Noxious Weed Awareness and Education Program Web site.

Last Modified: 10/08/2008