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Brooks Forest Products Center, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060


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Research PhotosThe Forest Service is an agency within the Department of Agriculture. It contains approximately 37,000 employees across 3 broad areas: (1) the National Forest System, responsible for management of the Nation's national forests, (2) Forest and Rangeland Research, conducts research on a broad range of forest and rangeland issues and transfers resulting technologies to users, and (3) State and Private Forestry, provides collaborative stewardship of our Nation's forests with other public and private organizations.

Within Forest Service Research there are 6 regional research stations and the Forest Products Laboratory. The Southern Research Station has laboratories and research work units located across the southern U.S. from Texas to Virginia and south to Florida. Research is conducted on a wide variety of forest-related topics, including wildlife and fisheries, economic and social impacts, wood utilization and harvesting, silviculture, and ecosystem processes.

Research work unit SRS-4702 of the Southern Research Station, located on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg Virginia, is devoted to tree quality assessment, automated wood processing, non-timber forest products, and solid wood recovery, reuse and recycling research. The mission of the unit is to enhance wood resource conservation and sustainability through advanced timber analysis and wood processing, and effective wood product recovery, reuse, and recycling.

Southern Research Station Forest Service USDA Virginia Tech Department of Wood Science and Forest Products Non-Timber Forest Products
USDA Virginia

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