National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.


Wind farmWith fluctuating energy prices and growing concern over climate change, our nation has both a significant challenge and a great opportunity to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Reducing our fossil fuel consumption can provide economic opportunities, such as jobs in rural areas, while also protecting the environment and creating a stable, renewable domestic energy supply.

Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels will require a two-pronged approach: reducing energy use through conservation, and finding alternate, renewable energy sources. Conservation districts can play an important role in both areas by providing technical assistance, education, cost-sharing and other support.

I. Energy Conservation
Some of the easiest ways to reduce fossil fuel consumption are to simply reduce the total amount of energy being consumed. Energy conservation frequently saves more money than it costs by cutting energy bills, so it is often a win-win strategy for energy users. Examples of energy conservation include energy-efficient buildings and appliances, urban forestry/green infrastructure, windbreaks, reduced-tillage and no-till agriculture and improved irrigation efficiency.

II. Renewable Energy
There are many ways to produce safe, reliable energy domestically while generating significant economic and environmental benefits. Sources of renewable energy include wind, solar, biomass, biodiesel, methane biodigesters and ethanol from corn and other materials. NACD and conservation districts across the country work to promote renewable energy and to ensure bioenergy production practices incorporate conservation practices.

NACD’s Energy Activities
NACD has been involved with national policy efforts to encourage energy conservation and stimulate growth of the renewable fuels industry. National policy can influence the future of energy through provisions such as grants for development of biorefineries, energy audits for farmers, and loans for farmers and small businesses to purchase renewable energy systems.

Energy Resources

Homegrown Energy: America's New Power Plants - 2007
The way we farm is rapidly changing rural America and agricultural policy must adapt to new social, economic and environmental forces. Leading the way are clean, renewable biofuels. This report discusses renewable energy and the role of agriculture and producers in this rapidly changing energy industry. | PDF |

Energy Conservation Opportunities in Agriculture - May 2007
The goal of this report is to help raise awareness among producers about the energy conservation opportunities by highlighting how today's agricultural producers are changing farming and ranching practices to conserve energy, reduce consumption and generate energy from renewable sources. | PDF |

Renewable Energy - November/December 2006
This NACD News and Views feature article is all about renewable energy. It explores the different sources of renewable energy and its future potential as well as stories of districts who are working with renewable energy. | PDF |

The Hidden Treasure Comic Book
NACD developed The Hidden Treasure through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of the Interior and the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Hidden Treasure comic book helps children understand the real worth of our valuable forest resources, so their treasure can be fully revealed. Messages presented are closely tied to the goals and objectives of the Forest Service's National Fire Plan.

Biomass Speakers' Bureau
The Speakers’ Bureau lists contact information, areas of expertise and cost. NACD encourages its members and partners to use the Speakers’ Bureau to invite qualified speakers to participate in upcoming meetings.

NRCS Energy Consumption Awareness Tools
The Natural Resources Conservation Service has developed four online energy calculators to help farmers and ranches identify opportunities for energy conservation. Calculators are available for animal housing, irrigation, nitrogen, and tillage. (external link)


25x'25 Coalition
NACD is a member of the 25x’25 Coalition, a national alliance of farmers, foresters, policymakers, and members of the business, labor, conservation and religious communities. The goal of the Coalition is to have America’s farms, ranches, and forests produce 25 percent of our total energy consumption by the year 2025 while continuing to produce a safe, abundant, and affordable supply of food and fiber. The Coalition has released a plan for the public and policymakers which provides a roadmap outlining specific steps necessary to achieving this goal.