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Forestry in Illinois

Division of Forest Resources  

Division of Forest Resources
It is the mission of the Illinois Division of Forest Resources to protect, perpetuate, restore, conserve, and manage the forest and related resources of Illinois, both public and private, rural and urban; and to ensure for future generations the greatest economic, scientific, and social benefits that can only be provided through a forest ecological system.

District Forester's Offices & Map

Request for Forestry Assistance Form New

2007 Consulting Foresters

2007 Forestry Contractors

Emerald Ash Borer Readiness Plan- .pdf format - html format

Emerald Ash Borer Information Gypsy Moth Information

http://ilvirtualforest.nres.uiuc.edu/ - The Illinois Virtual Forest is a library of links to the World Wide Web of forestry information and management references for forest landowners. This site focuses on information that will be of use specifically to Illinois landowners.

State Champion Trees

Forestry Data Entry Systems





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Forestry Links

  2005 Sawmill Directory
IL FLEP State Priority Plan
  IL Forestry Development Act
  Forestry Assistance Programs
  Volunteer Fire Assistance
  Urban and Community Forestry Website
  Sustainable Criteria & Indicators-the Montreal Process
Request for Forestry Assistance Form
  Resource Issues
  Resource Facts
  History & Tree ID
  Historic Tree Sites
  Forestry Facts/Sites
  Tax Assistance for Landowners
  Timber Licensing Information
  Resource Conservation Home Pg.

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