Main Logo of Southern Research Station, Stating: Southern Research Station - Asheville, NC, with a saying of 'Science you can use!'
[Images] Five photos of different landscape

Southern Research Station Employees
From Subunit: 4352

Name Title Phone Location
Bentrup, Gary Res. Landscape Planner 402-437-5178 Ext. 18 Lincoln, NE
Carman, Richard Biological Science Tech. 402-437-5178 Ext. 17 Lincoln, NE
Chamberlain, James Research Forest Products Technologist 540-231-3611 Blacksburg, VA
Christensen, Sylvia Editorial Assistant 402-437-5178 Ext. 12 Lincoln, NE
Dee, Ryan Technology Transfer Asst. 402-437-5178 Ext. 14 Lincoln, NE
Dosskey, Mike Res. Riparian Ecologist 402-437-5178 Ext. 25 Lincoln, NE
Dumroese, R. Kasten Research Plant Physiologist 208-883-2324 Moscow, ID
Hammond, Nancy Office Automation Assistant 402-437-5178 Ext. 11 Lincoln, NE
Kellerman, Todd GIS Specialist 402-437-5178 Ext. 37 Lincoln, NE
Pinto, Jeremiah Botanist 208-883-2352 Moscow, ID
Ruark, Greg Program Manager 256-372-4540 Normal, AL
Schoeneberger, Michele Project Leader 402-437-5178 Ext. 21 Lincoln, NE
Straight, Richard FS Lead Agroforester 402-437-5178 Ext. 24 Lincoln, NE
Stuart, Kirsten Support Services Specialist 402-437-5178 Ext. 10 Lincoln, NE
Stuhr, Kim Technology Transfer Spec. 402-437-5178 Ext. 13 Lincoln, NE
Wells, Gary NRCS Landscape Architect 402-437-5178 Ext. 41 Lincoln, NE
Wight, Bruce NRCS Lead Agroforester 402-437-5178 Ext. 36 Lincoln, NE

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