Council Member Update from NARC&DC – December 30, 2008

This year the IRS revised their 990 tax forms for non-profit organizations.  The revised Form 990 goes into effect for reports on fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2008.

The revised tax form is designed to give the IRS and the public more information about how tax exempt organizations operate.  The new core form consists of 11 parts that requests financial data as well as information on your organization’s programs.  It also contains a formal checklist (in Part IV) that will help you figure out which schedules to fill out and attach to your return.  The form asks specific questions about an organization’s governance and if they have adopted specific policies.  While some of these policies are not required by law for non-profits, the IRS has said that answering “no” on questions regarding these policies could result in greater scrutiny for the organizations. 

NARC&DC is again recommending that all councils adopt policies on conflict of interest, document destruction and whistleblowers prior to the end of their fiscal year in order to answer all the questions affirmatively on the new 990 form.  To assist you in your efforts, we have attached sample policies that can be adapted for your council.  For more information on filing requirements for non-profits see  Please call us if you have any questions.

Link to Samples of : Conflict of Interest Policy; Whistleblower Policy;  Document Retention and Destruction Policy


Leadership Forum – February 9-10, 2009 in Washington, D.C.

This year’s meeting will be held on Capitol Hill at the Washington Court Hotel.  A shorter meeting is planned with a general session Monday Feb. 9 through 1:00 PM followed by Hill visits and a reception.  (Our training and awards program will be held at the National Conference.)  Tuesday February 10 we will have our tradition Congressional breakfast followed by Hill visits and a Share your Success Reception in the evening.  To make your hotel reservations, please call 800 321-3010 or 202 628-2100.  Room rates for the NARC&DC Leadership Forum are $228 a single, and $253 for a double.  DC sales tax is an additional 14.5%.  Registration information is enclosed in this mailing.  Please plan to join us at this important event as we meet members of the new Administration and Congress.




Council Member Update from NARC&DC – November 21, 2008


NARC&DC board activity updateThe National Association board of directors met in Washington DC on November 15 and 16.  Items discussed at the board meeting included legislative priorities and transition; business and marketing plans; council dues; the 2009 Leadership Forum; National Conference; Circle of Diamonds, and awards.  The national association will be seeking candidates for an at-large board position.  The RFP will be posted in early December.  The national board also voted to keep council dues at $450.  Invoices will be mailed to councils next week along with a copy of our new strategic plan.


Transition/Congressional Reorganization NARC&DC is closely following the transition activities of President elect Barack Obama.  The NARC&DC will provide information to the transition team and new appointees on RC&D issues and activities.


The election has brought changes to the Congress. Over the next two months Congress will organize and appoint committee members.  This week the party caucuses are electing their leadership and appointing Chairs and Ranking Members of Committees.  


Two Senate races remain unresolved.  In the Senate Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee will be in a runoff race scheduled for December 2.  Senator Coleman (R-MN) and his challenger Al Franken will have a recount.  The Senate Appropriations Committee will see changes in its membership and subcommittee makeup. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) stepped down as chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee but he will remain on the committee.  Senator Daniel Innoye (D-HI) will now chair that committee.  Senator Ted Stevens (AL) has lost his election.  On the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) is likely to become ranking member, as Senator Robert Bennett (R-UT) is expected to move into the ranking position on the Energy Subcommittee.


The House of Representatives will also see changes.  The House Appropriations Committee lost seven members on the Republican side and a reshuffling of ranking members on subcommittees could take place.  On the Agriculture Committee, Frank Lucas (R-OK) is expected to replace Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) as ranking Member of the Agriculture Committee this week due to term limits on committee chair and ranking positions.  Goodlatte will remain on the agriculture committee.  

Congress is holding organizational meetings this week to elect leadership and committee chairs. Subcommittee members will be selected in December or January.  We will keep you apprised of changes in the Appropriations and Agriculture Committees.  


RC&D Legislative Update

Currently RC&D is level funded under a continuing resolution that extends programs through March 6, 2009.  This means that RC&D will continue with level funding of $50,730,000.

Congress will complete action on the appropriations bills when the new Congress convenes in 2009.  Council members should continue to make the case for an increase in RC&D funding to $56 million.  The Farm bill provided for a coordinator for every council but the appropriations committee needs to provide funding for those positions to ensure that RC&D continues to operate in the next fiscal year.  In most states, RC&D does not have full time coordinators because the program has absorbed the cost of living increases and inflation. Councils are forced to spend more time looking for administrative funds, rather serving the vital needs of their communities in these difficult economic times.  RC&D councils should also remind legislators that RC&D councils create jobs through their community development activities and are a good investment in these tough economic times. The NARC&DC will provide a sample letter which council members can use to congratulate their members of Congress on their reelection.  The letter will also reinforce our RC&D legislative needs.  


Keep in mind that you may also see staff changes in the congressional offices you work with.  As people shift into Administration positions, there will also be changes among congressional staff.   Please come to our leadership forum and help us educate new staff and Members of Congress about RC&D.  


Council Mailings

Our October mailing, sent to council presidents and coordinators, asked for council success stories for NRCS venture goals and national conference and included a sampling of RC&D activities that took place in September for RC&D Week.  Our upcoming November mailing will include information on preparing for the new IRS Form 990 for non-profits.  The 990 form must be filed by all non-profits regardless of income and includes some significant changes in format.  Councils may want to consider adopting some policies to be transparent in their governance efforts.  NARC&DC will include sample policies in the mailing that your council can easily adapt and adopt.


Leadership Forum – February 9-10, 2009 in Washington, D.C.

This year’s meeting will be held on Capitol Hill at the Washington Court Hotel.  A shorter meeting is planned with a general session Monday Feb. 9 through 1:00 PM followed by Hill visits and a reception.  (Our training and awards program will be held at the National Conference.)  Tuesday February 10 we will have our tradition Congressional breakfast followed by Hill visits and a Share your Success Reception in the evening.  To make your hotel reservations, please call 800 321-3010 or 202 628-2100.  Room rates for the NARC&DC Leadership Forum are $228 a single, and $253 for a double.  DC sales tax is an additional 14.5%.  Information on the Leadership Forum agenda will come out in our December mailing.  Please plan to join us at this important event as we meet members of the new Administration and Congress.


National Conference Success stories

Please note that the NARCDC will accept both completed and on-going projects for presentation as success stories at our national conference.  The deadline for submitting success stories is November 30.  



Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Competitive Grants Program - Deadline for applications December 12, 2008

The Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Competitive Grants Program (OASDFR) provides funds to organizations to conduct outreach and technical assistance to encourage and assist socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers to own and operate farms and ranches and to participate in agricultural programs. The OASDFR will support a wide range of outreach and assistance activities in farm management, financial management, marketing, application and bidding procedures, and other areas. The primary purpose of the OASDFR is to deliver outreach and technical assistance, to assure opportunities for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers to successfully acquire, own, operate, and retain farms and ranches; and assure equitable participation in the full range of USDA programs.



December 9, 2008 3PM State Presidents Teleconference

January 25-28, 2009 NARCDC training at Western regional meeting, Spearfish, SD

Thursday February 5, 2009 State Presidents Teleconference

February 7-8, 2009 NARCDC Board Meeting, Washington DC

February 9-10, 2009 Leadership Forum, Washington, D.C.

June 12, 2009 NARCDC Board Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico (tentative)

June 14-17, 2009 RC&D National Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico

June 18, 2009 NARCDC Board Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico (tentative)


For more information please contact us at or call 202 434-4780.  


RC&D – “Making Things Happen!”

Bobbi Jeanquart



A variety of new publications came out from NARC&DC this spring and summer.  We mail our publications to council presidents and your local council address.  If you would like copies of any of these publications contact your local council or the NARC&DC. 

New NARCDC Publications:

Council Directory – CD-ROM

Area Planning Fact Sheet

Guidebook for RC&D Directors, 2nd Ed.

Guidebook Volume III

Guide for Selecting an Engineering, Architectural, or Design Company for RC&D Council Projects

Public Service Announcements with RC&D Week Information

Biomass Feasibility Toolkit (CD ROM) 2nd Ed.

Market-Based Conservation Fact Sheets (3)

Economic Development Guidebook

Disaster Assistance Guide

Youth Fact Sheets (3)

DVD on "Making Wood Work: Local Energy Solutions"