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Red Lodge Water Project Funded

USDA Rural Development presented today (5/13) the City of Red Lodge a ceremonial check in the amount of $1,030,785 to fund the rehabilitation and expansion of the city water system. The funds will be used to construct a new 500,000 gallon reservoir, a new metering and chlorination facility, and nearly three miles of new water mains.

Currently, the city water system is showing signs of leakage due to water mains nearly a century old. The main lines are also undersized and could prevent full flow to certain areas in the event of an emergency. Storage capacity is also inadequate for peak usage times and the entire system is at or near capacity for water users, preventing future growth.

This year’s combination of loan and grant dollars brings the total federal investment in this project from Rural Development to over $5 million. (click here for more)

Earth Day 2008: Brady, Montana

USDA Rural Development, in commemoration of Earth Day 2008, presented the Brady County Water & Sewer District a check in the amount of $454,500 for repair and rehabilitation of their wastewater treatment facilities. (click here for more)

Billings Area Office Hires New Specialist

USDA Rural Development in Billings has hired Kirk Keysor as their newest Area Specialist for Eastern Montana. Keysor will work with rural communities across Eastern Montana to process and promote Rural Development programs in housing, business, and community infrastructure. (click here for more)

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