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The ESA Bulletin

The latest ESA Bulletin is now available on-line as a PDF. September 2008

You can nominate to receive an e-highlights version of the ESA Bulletin by visiting your member details in the Members Only Section.

The Bulletin contains news relevant to ecologists and includes regional reports, research projects, notification of events and conferences, and international news. Members are encouraged to contribute to this quarterly publication.

Online delivery - what you think

Recently we surveyed our membership to find out what they think of our move to offer the ESA Bulletin online. The results illustrated that many members are time-poor, but committed to reducing their environmental impacts wherever possible. This means that the Bulletin needs to change in order to provide a better service to our busy subscribers, and we will be moving towards a new format in 2006.

Survey results can be found here: Do you read the Bulletin online?

Past Bulletins

June 2008 bulletin

March 2008 bulletin

Dec 2007 bulletin

Sept 2007 bulletin

June 2007 bulletin

March 2007 bulletin

December 2006

September 2006

June 06 Bulletin

Copy deadlines

Deadline is the 2nd Friday of the month before the issue is published. Issues are published in March, June, September and December. Hence material is due on the 2nd Friday of February for the March issue, etc .


The rates for camera-ready copy printed in the Bulletin are:


One issue

Four issues

1/2 page



Full page



Onserts and pamphlets can be included in a mail-out as following:
· $60 for cost of folding A4 and onserting
· $20 for cost of onserting pre-folded A4 flier or pre-supplied C folded A4
· $90 for cost of inserting either prefolded on non-prefolded A4 fliers

For more information contact bulletin at ecolsoc.org.au

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