Celebrating 20 Years!

When the Wildlife Habitat Council was formed in 1988, the founders conceived a new and innovative concept of bringing together conservation and business. This was the first cooperative effort between the environmental community and industry.

Today, with our members and partners, we continue to share a vision to conserve and restore natural ecosystems for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity.

The Wildlife Habitat Council’s first 20 years have been marked with groundbreaking successes, including engaging over 1,500 corporate programs around the globe in on-the-ground conservation efforts on private lands. This 20th Anniversary year is a year of 20/20 vision: looking back at 20 years of success and looking ahead to 20 years of Collaboration for Conservation.

Signatures of Sustainability
WHC's successes to date only inspire us and our members to strive for even more in the next 20 years. Our newest program, Signatures of Sustainability captures this spirit...
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CEO: In Their Own Words
Hear from CEO’s of industry leading WHC member companies discuss what WHC means to them and their corporations. Watch the videos online or download them to your MP3 player.
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