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The Australian Master TreeGrower Program
Supported by the RDC's Joint Venture Agroforestry Program & Land and Water Australia

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MTG tree measurement

Welcome to The Australian Master TreeGrower Program

Rowan Reid, National MTG Coordinator, The University of Melbourne


Quick links for Australian Tree Growers

The Australian Master TreeGrower (MTG) is an education and extension program about growing and managing trees on farms.

MTG paddock discussionThe program supports farmers who want to grow and manage trees for both conservation and profit, and the extension agents, scientists, industry members and agency staff who work with them.

The Master TreeGrower program is best known for its locally run, 8-day tree growing design and management short courses. Since 1996, more than 75 regional MTG courses have been conducted across Australia involving over 1500 participants and 30 partner organisations. Those who complete the course are recognised by their peers as "Master TreeGrowers".

Other activities include: peer group mentor training for farmers and extension agents; regional vegetation management workshops; introductory and refresher courses for farmers; and contributing to field days, conferences, policy development and research.

What is Agroforestry, farm forestry and family forestry and can I learn more?

Subscribe to Rowan's irregular email newsletter

Online Agroforestry discussion group - have your say or ask a question


Research Links:

Australian Forest Growers

Both the JVAP and LWA web sites provide access to free technical and research reports.


The magazine for farmers growing trees for conservation and profit

National Private Growers Group & Magazine

Log-Grown Shiitake Mushroom Production in Australia

MTG courses planned:

If you or your group is keen to conduct a program in your region or learn more, read the information about the program provided on this site then contact Rowan Reid.




Other Useful links :



About the Australian Master TreeGrower Course

Short courses for farmers


The MTG approach


How to run a Master TreeGrower Program


MTG native forest walk

Information for tree growers

Online access to books, papers, magazines and videos

For Students and Professionals

MASTERS in Forest Ecosystem Science

Study Agroforestry at The University of Melbourne

Tools for forest measurement and management

The MTG Diameter Tape

Computer based tools for measurement and monitoring forest values

MTG discussions

Rowan Reid


Agroforestry at the University of Melbourne

Bambra Agroforestry Farm

The Otway Agroforestry Network



Links to other web sites that provide information for tree growers

Contact the Master TreeGrower Program

Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science. The University of Melbourne. 3010. Victoria. Australia

Rowan Reid


(03) 92506885

The Australian Master TreeGrower program is supported nationally by the Federal Government's Joint Venture Agroforestry Program and Land & Water Australia

In 2000, the program was awarded the $10,000 Australian Eureka Science award for Excellence in Environmental Education. There is now international interest in the program, most notably from the World Agroforestry Centre whose work examines the potential for trees to improve the lives and landscapes of some of the world’s poorest farmers.

Study Farm Trees and Agroforestry at Melbourne Uni - a 2-week subject in the new Masters of Forest Ecosystem Science

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