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  Alliance Publications

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay continues to author many publications related to the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay. From Bay and River fact sheets, SAV or invasive plant field guides to scientific white papers-the Alliance produces a wide array of published materials targeted at the diverse citizenry of the Bay region.

Bay Journal

The Bay Journal is published by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to inform the public about issues and events that affect the Chesapeake Bay. With a circulation of 50,000, the Bay Journal is published monthly except for midsummer and midwinter and is distributed free of charge. To be added to the mailing list, contact the Alliance's Baltimore office. Bundles of the Bay Journal are also available for distribution. Editor: Karl Blankenship

Subcribe to the Bay Journal

2008 Chesapeake Watershed Forum

Block 2008 Chesapeake Watershed Forum Booklet PDF File (2.3 MB) - The booklet contains the schedule for Friday's networking sessions, session descriptions and speaker's bios. See Forum Schedule link for the the latest changes to the schedule. (Publication)

Block Forum Session Schedule PDF File (18.2 kb) - 2008 Chesapeake Watershed Forum Schedule (Publication)

ACB New Publications

Block Buffer Maintenance and Monitoring PDF File (676.4 kb) - An additional, new chapter to supplement the 2000 Forest Buffer Toolkit. It describes the newest information and techniques for maintaining and monitoring buffers. (Publication)

Block Buffer Preservation PDF File (457.2 kb) - An addition to the September 2000 Forest Buffer Toolkit. The chapter provides the newest information and techniques on buffer preservation for citizens, watershed groups, volunteers and government agencies. (Publication)

Block Environmental Justice Focus Group Report PDF File (85.7 kb) - The final report from a series of focus groups held by the Alliance in 2003-2004 to provide issue identification and recommendations to address environmental justice issues in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. (Publication)

Block Forest Friendly Development PDF File (5.2 MB) - Chesapeake Bay Watershed Case Studies. Highlights developments that have made forests and trees an integral part of the development plans. Includes examples of techniques used on each site to both create and preserve significant areas of trees and existing forest corridors. (Publication)

Block PA Field Guide: Common Invasive Plants in Riparian Areas PDF File (9.2 MB) - Describes 24 of the most significant invasive plants, vines, shrubs and trees in Pennsylvania. Designed for use by volunteers in targeted invasive plant removal projects. Each plant is identified by a color photo, a black & white drawing and comprehensive information on its leaf, flower and seed. Limited number of waterproof copies available, 1 per request; use publication order form link at the bottom of this page and mail to ACB PA office address listed; request must include $2.00 for postage. (Publication)

Block Rain Barrels: A Capital Idea in Capturing and Reusing Roof Runoff PDF File (463.2 kb) - Rain barrels are a centuries-old technique used to collect rainwater from rooftops for later use. This publication covers the benefits, pre-installation tips, instructions and maintenance tips for installing a rain barrel. (Publication)

Block Recommendations for the 2003 Directive on Expanded Riparian Forest Buffer Goals in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed PDF File (495.8 kb) - This 12 page document provides an in-depth look at the history of the riparian buffer initiative in the Bay Program. It presents research findings regarding past restoration efforts, sets new buffer restoration targets, places emphasis on long term management of buffers, documents the importance of urban tree canopies and more. (Publication)

Block Riparian Forest Buffers---Linking Land and Water PDF File (3.6 MB) - A 10 page document updating a previous Chesapeake Bay Program publication describing the functions and benefits of riparian forests, locations and widths of effective buffers and the latest goals in forest buffer conservation, restoration and long term maintenance. A new section on urban forests is included. (Publication)

Bay and River Sojourns

Block River Sojourns PowerPoint File (3.5 MB) - A RestoreCorps Training Module developed by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with generous support from the William Penn Foundation (Training Module)


Block A Homeowner's Guide to Designing Your Property PDF File (1.1 MB) - This guide is designed to help you implement the concepts of BayScaping in your own yard. The enlargements on the inside pages show plant types and quantities for different areas of the property. The back page features a plant list for you to use to install this design. (Tool)

Block BayScapes for Wildlife Habitat - A Homeowner's Guide PDF File (171.5 kb) - Forests and open spaces are rapidly giving way to development, to accommodate a growing number of people in the Bay watershed. Whether converted to businesses, shopping malls or houses, the results remain the same: natural habitat is destroyed and species diversity is lost. (Tool)

Block BayScaping for the Long Term - A Homeowner's Guide PDF File (185.5 kb) - Most of us don't realize how daily landscape maintenance decisions affect the surrounding environment. The impacts of landscape decisions reach far beyond individual property lines, however. (Tool)

Block BayScaping to Conserve Water - A Homeowner's Guide PDF File (205.8 kb) - In some households as much as 40 percent of the water used each month finds its way into the landscape, so future fresh water supplies depend upon wise outdoor water use. (Tool)

Block Beneficial Plants - for BayScaping in the Chesapeake Bay Region PDF File (219.0 kb) - BayScapes are environmentally sound landscapes benefiting people, wildlife, the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Use this Beneficial Plants list in conjunction with the BayScapes Homeowners Guides. (Tool)

Block Conservation Landscaping - A BayScapes Homeowner's Guide PDF File (187.3 kb) - Conservation landscaping promotes landscaping management that works with nature to reduce pollution and enhance wildlife habitat. (Tool)

Block Creating Landscape Diversity - A Homeowner's Guide PDF File (172.6 kb) - We generally consider the forests, fields, farms and wetlands when describing this watershed, but rarely do we think to include the urban and metropolitan areas falling within its boundaries. (Tool)

Block Using Beneficial Plants - A Homeowner's Guide PDF File (70.8 kb) - Beneficial plants are plants that require minimal maintenance-such as trimming, watering and fertilizer or pesticide applications-because they are well adapted to local climate and soil types. (Tool)

Builders for the Bay

Block Baltimore County Concensus Document PDF File (1.4 MB) - Recommended Model Development Principles for Baltimore County, MD. Concensus of the Local Site Planning Roundtable. (Publication)

Block Blair County Concensus Document PDF File (2.0 MB) - Recommended Model Development Principles for Blair County, PA. Concensus of the Local Site Planning Roundtable. (Publication)

Block Harford County Concensus Document PDF File (222.6 kb) - Recommended Model Development Principles for Harford County, MD. Concensus of the Local Site Planning Roundtable. (Publication)

Block James City County Consensus Document PDF File (934.5 kb) - Recommended Model Development Principles for James City County, VA. Concensus of the Local Site Planning Roundtable. (Publication)

Block Lancaster County Concensus Document PDF File (1.2 MB) - Recommended Model Development Principles for Lancaster County, PA. Concensus of the Local Site Planning Roundtable. (Publication)

Block Paxton Creek Watershed Consensus Document PDF File (363.8 kb) - Recommended Model Development Principles for Paxton Creek Watershed, PA. Concensus of the Local Site Planning Roundtable. (Publication)

Chesapeake Bay Program Institutional Governance Analysis

Block Chesapeake Bay Program Institutional Governance Analysis PDF File (461.6 kb) - The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay was asked by the Chesapeake Bay Program to assemble a number of options for Headwaters States involvement. (Publication)

Citizen Monitoring

Block Holiday 2003 Citizen Monitoring Newsletter PDF File (805.4 kb) - 2nd Newsletter of 2003 concerning Citizen Monitoring events as well as recent events from the Alliance's Richmond Virginia office (Publication)

Block Information sheet abou the Alliance's Citizen Monitoring Program PDF File (76.4 kb) - 2- Page Information sheet abou the Alliance's Citizen Monitoring Program (Publication)

Block Summer 2003 Citizen Monitoring Newsletter PDF File (164.7 kb) - Newsletter concerning Citizen Monitoring events as well as recent events from the Alliance's Richmond Virginia office (Publication)

Community Watershed Forums

Block Community Watershed Forums: A Planner's Guide PDF File (1.4 MB) - This guide is designed to help those interested in conducting their own community watershed forums. (Tool)

Less Toxic Pest Promotion

Block Integrated Pest Management - A Homeowner's Guide PDF File (177.6 kb) - Integrated Pest Management (IPM), as the name implies, is the integration of various management strategies-including biological, cultural and chemical methods-into a comprehensive program of pest control for the home landscape (Tool)

Project Clean Stream - April 4, 2009

Block Project Partners (87.0 kb) - Watershed and Friends groups, along with Local Governments. (Database)


Block Backyard Forests (Homeowners Guide to Creating and Maintaining a Backyard Forest) PDF File (856.5 kb) - The Backyard Forests brochure provides information on how any homeowner, who owns ten acres or less, can create a new forest or manage an existing forested tract on their property. Included in the brochure are handy tips on how to design a backyard forest, choose and plant native plants, develop a management plan, and where to go for technical assistance. This brochure was developed in tandem with the Forestry for the Bay voluntary web-based program promoting sustainable forest management to help improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay. (Publication)

Block Invasive Plant Control - A RestoreCorps Training Module PowerPoint File (942.1 kb) - This PowerPoint presentation outlines background information about invasive plants in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, as well methods to control their spread. The final section outline tips to engage volunteers in efforts to control invasive plants. speaker notes (Training Module)

Block Putting BayScapes to Work in Your Watershed PowerPoint File (31.7 MB) - BayScapes are environmentally friendly landscapes that create wildlife habitat, conserve water, and prevent pollution. In addition, they protect streams and beautify backyards and neighborhoods. This module explains the six principles of BayScapes and ways to promote BayScapes in your community. speaker notes (Training Module)

Block Restoring Riparian Forest Buffers - Part I PowerPoint File (1.8 MB) - This PowerPoint Presentation outlines the benefits of riparian buffers to improved local water quality as well as sections detailing: gathering information before beginning a site plan; creating a buffer planting plan; preparation for planting; maintenance considerations for riparian buffers, and; monitoring riparian buffers. speaker notes (Training Module)

Block Restoring Riparian Forest Buffers - Part II PowerPoint File (2.2 MB) - Gathering Information Before Beginning a Site Plan. A RestoreCorps Training Module developed by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with generous support from the William Penn Foundation. (Training Module)

Block Restoring Riparian Forest Buffers - Part III PowerPoint File (1.3 MB) - Creating a Buffer Planting Plan. A RestoreCorps Training Module developed by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with generous support from the William Penn Foundation. (Training Module)

Block Restoring Riparian Forest Buffers - Part IV PowerPoint File (581.1 kb) - Preparation for Planting. A RestoreCorps Training Module developed by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with generous support from the William Penn Foundation. (Training Module)

Block Restoring Riparian Forest Buffers - Part V PowerPoint File (1.5 MB) - Maintenance Considerations for Riparian Buffers. A RestoreCorps Training Module developed by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with generous support from the William Penn Foundation. (Training Module)

Block Watershed Management Planning PowerPoint File (998.4 kb) - A RestoreCorps Training Module developed by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay with generous support from the William Penn Foundation. (Training Module)

Virginia Citizen Wetland Education, Outreach and Monitoring Program

Block ACB Full Wetlands Manual PDF File (11.6 MB) - Full version of the manual, with bookmarks. (Publication)

Block ACB Segmented Wetlands Manual - Intro PDF File (919.5 kb) - This segmented version of the Wetlands Manual will download faster, but will not display the bookmarks contained in the full copy version. (Publication)

Block Segment 1 PDF File (1.9 MB) - Segment1 (Publication)

Block Segment 2 PDF File (2.6 MB) - Segment 2 (Publication)

Block Segment 3 PDF File (2.1 MB) - Segment 3 (Publication)

Block Segment 4 PDF File (5.1 MB) - Segment 4 (Publication)

Block Segment 5 PDF File (1.2 MB) - Segment 5 (Publication)

Block Segmented Wetlands Manual Appendices PDF File (1.6 MB) - Appendices (Publication)

Backyard Streamside Buffers - Have You No Shame?

Block Backyard Buffers PDF File (754.2 kb) - If you own property along a stream, river, lake, or wetland, then you could be the proud owner of a backyard buffer. Learn all about buffer in the publication. (Publication)

Taking Care of Stormwater

Block Taking Care of Stormwater PDF File (4.9 MB) - A BayScapes guide to stormwater management (Publication)

Citizen Monitoring Resources

Block 1 - Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Manual PDF File (283.3 kb) - This updated manual was prepared to assist volunteers performing chemical water quality monitoring throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The manual includes background material and instructions for measuring air and water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, water clarity and pH. A sample data sheet is included as well. (Tool)

Block 2 - Cheat Sheet to Citizen Monitoring Manual PDF File (160.2 kb) - This 20-page "Cheat Sheet" was prepared to serve as an accompaniment to the Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Manual. Monitoring instructions are shortened in bulleted steps. (Tool)

Block 3 - Standard Monitoring Data Sheet PDF File (89.1 kb) - This standard field datasheet assists citizen monitors with providing water quality information to ACB. When completed, the information is used to provide the general public with a better understanding of local water quality conditions. In addition to standard monitoring, this data sheet can be used for bacterial monitoring and Hydrolab readings. (Tool)

Block 4 - Site Documentation Form for monitoring sites PDF File (49.6 kb) - Form necessary to document site information in the volunteer water quality monitoring database. Please download this form, fill out by hand, and fax or mail to the Alliance Citizen Monitoring Coordinator. (Tool)

Block JRA Field Monitoring Datasheet (nettles, no bacteria) PDF File (50.7 kb) - This field datasheet is identical to the standard datasheet for sea nettles (does not contain bacteria) but additionally lists the James River Association (JRA) logo and is intened for use by JRA monitors. (Tool)

Block JRA Standard Field Monitoring Datasheet (bacteria, no nettles) PDF File (52.9 kb) - This field datasheet is identical to the standard datasheet but additionally lists the James River Association (JRA) logo and is intened for use by JRA monitors. (Tool)

Block Monitor information form for database documentation PDF File (7.0 kb) - Form necessary to document all of the monitors associated with each site in the citizen monitoring database. Please download this form, fill out by hand, and fax or mail to the Alliance Citizen Monitoring Coordinator. (Tool)

Guidelines for Natural Stream Channel Design in Pennsylvania

Block Guidelines for Natural Stream Channel Design in Pennsylvania PDF File (1.6 MB) - Complete publication that discusses natural stream channel design. (Tool)

Chesapeake Bay White Papers

Block Brownfields in Maryland (1995) PDF File (29.6 kb) - Brownfields are a community, economic development, environmental, health, land use, tax base and urban redevelopment issue. Complex and sometimes overlapping environmental regulations are frequently blamed as a critical reason why many properties in industrial areas continue to be unused, polluted sites are not cleaned up and suburban areas with undeveloped land are chosen as locations for new or relocating businesses. (Publication)

Block Chesapeake 2004: A Blueprint for Success PDF File (95.9 kb) - The Chesapeake Bay Program is marking its 20th anniversary in the shared endeavor to restore the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Chesapeake is a truly remarkable and resilient resource with boundless beauty. However, over the years the watershed has seen declines in wildlife, crabs, oysters and vegetation resulting from the over abundance of nutrients flowing into the rivers and tributaries that feed the Bay. The Chesapeake 2000 agreement outlines a clear strategy and 100 commitments that, if implemented within the 2010 time frame, will result in a healthier Chesapeake Bay and the removal of the Bay from the list of impaired waterways. Unfortunately, progress on many of the goals has been slower than what many in the Chesapeake Bay community would like to see. The Alliance is recommending a series of bold steps that the CBP can undertake to more rapidly implement the vision of the Chesapeake 2000. (Publication)

Block The Chesapeake Bay Toxics Strategy (1994) PDF File (39.0 kb) - From acenaphthene to zirconium, more than 1,000 toxic substances have been detected in, released into, or applied to the water, soil, and air of the Chesapeake Bay basin. These substances have been measured in water or sediments, sampled in finfish or shellfish tissue, and found in atmospheric deposition. (Publication)

Chesapeake Renewal Project

Block Chesapeake Renewal Project Findings PDF File (41.0 kb) - The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay spearheaded the first-ever, comprehensive evaluation of the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort. The Chesapeake Renewal Project created a three-pronged method for public input. (Publication)

Citizen's Guide to the Control of Invasive Plants in Wetland and Riparian Areas

Block Citizen's Guide to the Control of Invasive Plants in Wetland and Riparian Areas PDF File (1.7 MB) - This booklet offers a survey of the efforts of a variety of groups that have mobilized volunteers in order to control invasive plants in natural areas. (Publication)

Fact Sheets and Information Packets

Block A New Look at Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay PDF File (71.7 kb) - For more than fifteen years, the Chesapeake Bay Program has been identifying habitat requirements for the Bay’s living resources, from ducks and underwater grasses to blue crabs and striped bass. These habitat requirements will soon be the basis of new water quality criteria for the Bay. (Publication)

Block Agricultural Nutrient Management PDF File (85.3 kb) - In the Bay watershed, large amounts of feed are imported from the midwest to feed millions of chickens, cows, and hogs, and many of those feed nutrients end up in manure supplies. In strong agricultural pockets of land, there’s often too little land to fully utilize the manure’s nutrients. (Publication)

Block Around the Home and On the Road PDF File (43.4 kb) - Increased population, sprawling development, industry and farming practices have challenged the watershed. Through the Chesapeake 2000 agreement, states within the Bay watershed have agreed to incentives designed to attack the sources of its decline. (Publication)

Block Chesapeake Bay Program PDF File (55.9 kb) - In 1976, the United States Congress directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a five-year, $25 million study of the Chesapeake Bay. The EPA was required to make recommendations on ways to improve existing Chesapeake Bay management mechanisms. (Publication)

Block The Changing Face of Stormwater Management PDF File (232.7 kb) - Over time, stormwater runoff has had a major influence on the characteristics of our waterways, helping to shape their floodplains, bank widths, stream slope, channel shape, and sinuosity (its curves and bends). (Publication)

Block Understanding Invasive Plants PDF File (77.5 kb) - Invasive or exotic plants are defined as non-native to the area they occupy, lacking in natural predators and diseases that would otherwise control their growth. They tend to appear in disturbed ground and out-compete native species for available resources. (Publication)

Block Volunteerism and Watershed Watershed Stewardship PDF File (33.3 kb) - A concerned and mobilized citizenry is essential to the success of the ongoing Chesapeake Bay restoration effort. Obtaining public involvement in environmental policy matters has become mainstream (albeit still challenging). (Publication)

Block Watershed Management Plans PDF File (80.1 kb) - Whether you’ve already developed a local watershed management plan or are just beginning to craft a blueprint for local watershed protection, this guide will help you choose effective planning and evaluation tools. (Publication)

Information Packets for Voluntary Wetland Activities in Virginia

Block Financial And Technical Assistance Potential Sources for Voluntary Wetland Activities PDF File (1.1 MB) - Document containing many financial and technical assistance sources for voluntary wetland activities in Virginia. Provides basic information at-a-glance as well as contacts for further more detailed information (Publication)

Block Tools for Restoration PDF File (436.3 kb) - Document containing information about tools useful for identifying sites for potential voluntary restoration activities. (Publication)

Chesapeake Bay Fact Sheet

Block Chesapeake Bay Fact Sheet PDF File (16.0 kb) - Geologically speaking, Chesapeake Bay is very young. It was created by the death of the last Ice Age, some 12-18,000 years ago. (Publication)

Maryland River Fact Sheet

Block Chester River Fact Sheet (1997) PDF File (16.4 kb) - The Chester is a pipe-shaped river with its narrow stem in Delaware and its wide bowl opening into the Bay between Eastern Neck Island and the north end of Kent Island. (Publication)

Block Gunpowder River Fact Sheet PDF File (17.3 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Gunpowder River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block Magothy River Fact Sheet PDF File (17.7 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Magothy River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block Monocacy River Fact Sheet PDF File (14.7 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Monocacy River contributes to the Bay. (Publication)

Block Nanticoke River Fact Sheet (1995) PDF File (19.3 kb) - This fact sheet discusses how the Nanticoke River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways that we can help keep this river clean. (Publication)

Block Patapsco River Fact Sheet (1997) PDF File (14.9 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Patapsco River contributes to the Bay. (Publication)

Block Severn River Fact Sheet PDF File (15.0 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Severn River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep the river clean. (Publication)

Pennsylvania River Fact Sheet

Block Conodoguinet Creek Fact Sheet (1994) PDF File (14.2 kb) - This factsheet explains how the Conodoguinet Creek contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep this creek clean. (Publication)

Block Juniata River Fact Sheet PDF File (17.2 kb) - This fact sheet describes the Juniata River, its contributions to the Bay, and some ways you can help keep the river clean and improve the Bay. (Publication)

Block Spring Creek Fact Sheet PDF File (15.8 kb) - The connection of Spring Creek and the Chesapeake Bay may seem remote, but like a human body, the health of the Bay is dependent on what goes into it. (Publication)

Regional Rivers River Fact Sheet

Block Anacostia River Fact Sheet (1994) PDF File (16.7 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Anacostia River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block Potomac River Fact Sheet PDF File (14.9 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Potomac River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block Susquehanna River Fact Sheet PDF File (15.2 kb) - The Susquehanna River flows, adding an astonishing 19 million gallons of freshwater to the Chesapeake every minute. (Publication)

Virginia River Fact Sheet

Block Chickahominy River Fact Sheet (1996) PDF File (17.0 kb) - *Note: the nature trail at the New Kent Forestry Center is closed to the general public pending renovations, summer 2008.

The Chickahominy River is one of the cleaner tributaries to the Bay, providing important wildlife habitat in the marshes, swamps, river and surrounding lands. (Publication)

Block Elizabeth River Fact Sheet PDF File (17.1 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Elizabeth River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help you keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block James River Fact Sheet PDF File (17.3 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the James River contributes to the Bay and outlines some ways to help keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block Rappahannock River Fact Sheet PDF File (15.4 kb) - This fact sheet explains how the Rappahannock River contributes to the Bay and outlines ways you can help keep the river clean. (Publication)

Block Shenandoah River Fact Sheet (1994) PDF File (15.7 kb) - The waters of the Shenandoah river have flowed through some of the oldest and most important events in the history of the United States. (Publication)

Richmond's First Public Green Roof - SunTrust Bank, Mid-Atlantic

Block Plantng the Urban Jungle PDF File (1.8 MB) - Planting the Urban Jungle: How the State, a Bank and a Non-Profit are Putting Richmond on the Cutting Edge - Spetember 12, 2005 City Edition Article (Publication)

Resources and Contacts for Citizen Water Monitoring in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Block Virginia DEQ contacts re: citizen monitoring effective Aug 25, 2004 PDF File (6.3 kb) - Virginia DEQ contacts regarding citizen monitoring effective Aug 25, 2004 (Publication)

Looking for an Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay publication not listed above?

If you know the name of the publication you are looking for use our publication order form to order a printed copy

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay - Comments or Questions:
Contact any of our offices: MD: 410-377-6270 / PA: 717-737-8622 / VA: 804-775-0951