University of Maryland Seal
Maryland Weed Science 

The Maryland Weed Reporter is issued on an irregular basis 1-2 times per year, with information about new products, label changes, and other weed science news. Compiled by Dr. Ronald L. Ritter, Extension weed control specialist. 2006-2007 Chemical Weed Control (Herbicide) Information for Maryland
Chemical Weed Control in Field Crops
Weed Control in Corn
Weed Control in Forage Crops
Weed Control in Grain Sorghum
Weed Control in Small Grains (Barley, Oats, Rye and Wheat)
Weed Control in Soybeans
Weed Control in Sunflowers
Weed Control in Tobacco
Weed Control in Vegetables

The full text of these articles, with additional information on disease, nematode and insect pest management, is available in Extension Bulletin 237, Pest Management Recommendations for Field Crops.

Printed copies of EB-237 can be ordered from your local MCE office for $19.00.
2006 Results of Weed Control Research
2006 Results of Weed Control Research is a 385 page document (26MB pdf) that contains a progress report of ongoing field research. Interpretation of the data may be modified through further research. These results are complied for reference by reseach, industry, regulatory, Extension, and other agribusiness personnel. Climatological data, crop and weed references, and a chemical product index are located in the back of this document.

The 2005 Results of Weed Control Research and 2004 Results of Weed Control Research are also available.
Other Sources of Weed Control Information for the Mid-Atlantic States
Herbicide Resistant Weeds:
Northeastern Weed Science Society:
Northcentral Weed Science Society:
Southern Weed Science Society
Western Weed Science Society:
Rothamsted Research:
International Weed Science Society (IWSS)
The Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC)
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Weed Identification Links
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Oregon State
Iowa State
Virginia Tech
Soil seed banks
Noxious Weed Identification Links
The Maryland Invasive Species Council
Alien Plant Invaders
Alien Plant Invaders - Midatlantic Region
The Nature Conservancy
Montana War on Weeds
Images of Invasive & Exotic Species
Exotic Species Curriculum for Agricultural Problem-solving Education Invasive Species and Pest Management
Aliens From Earth
Herbicide Mode of Action Links
Herbicide Mode of Action and Injury Symptoms from the University of Minnesota
Herbicide Modes of Action (PDF) from Kansas State University
Plant Diagnostic Links
The North Central Plant Diagnostic Network
Plant Diagnostics Information System
Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
Home and Garden Information Center's Plant Diagnostic
Plant ID
Weed Identification Quiz
Crop Management Schools
Certified Crop Advisers
Crop Adviser Institute
Farm Assist On-Line Learning Center
What You Need to Know about Pesticide Product Labels, Supplemental Labels and MSDSs