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2009 Stewardship Network Conference

 The 2008 Stewardship Network Conference was a great success!  
Like what you see here?  Check out the up and coming 2009 Stewardship Network Conference! 



2009 Conference

Welcome to East Lansing and the Stewardship Network’s 2008 conference: The Science, Practice & Art of Restoring Native Ecosystems!  Those of you gathered here for these two short days represent the great diversity of people involved in pulling together for nature: private property owners; professors; government, private, and NGO land managers; teachers; volunteers; consultants; students; and other dedicated individuals. We hope that you will reach out and discover new techniques to try, new information to put to use, new questions to ask, new people to work with, and new ways to be inspired to continue your interest, your study, and your work in natural areas.

Photos by David Bray

Over the course of this conference you will have the chance to explore the science and practice of natural areas management by learning research-based, field-proven information about our spectacular native ecosystems from presentations and poster sessions on Friday and Saturday. We have provided time (though there is never enough for this fascinating dialogue) for questions and answers – we want you to be involved in this conference. Friday evening’s Townhall Discussion is a unique opportunity to explore the larger issues we face in caring for natural lands and waters with three great thinkers kicking us off and your thoughts, ideas, and questions to spur us on. Sessions Saturday offer the chance to explore the art and more subtle aspects of restoring native ecosystems: capturing an image, writing with nature in mind, finding funding, getting the word out. 

When we part ways to return to work in places near to our hearts and homes remember all the others working alongside you in schools, governments, universities and colleges, communities, and non-profits of all sorts. The dedication and commitment of people like you to caring for our natural lands and waters promises to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

© 2007 Stewardship Network Photography: Summer Tanager © Brian L. Zwiebel; others by David Mindell, Plantwise, L.L.C.