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Welcome to EMAPi 10
Dear Friends & Colleagues,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the 10th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMAPi 10) which will be held near Stellenbosch, South Africa, on 23-27 August 2009.

The EMAPI conference series started in April 1992 with the 1st International Workshop on the Ecology and Management of Invasive Riparian and Aquatic Plants at Loughborough University in the U.K.  EMAPI 2 was held in the Czech Republic in 1993. Since then, EMAPI conferences have been held every two years (in Arizona, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Florida, Poland, and Australia).  They are now well established as the premier international forum for researchers working on all aspects relating to the ecology and management of alien plant invasions.

After a very successful EMAPI 9 in Perth, Australia, in September 2003, EMAPI stays in the Southern Hemisphere, but moves to Africa for the first time.

South Africa has a long history of problems with alien plant invasions.  Invasions have also been well studied, and various successful management programmes have been launched, including the well known Working for Water Programme.  South Africa is also home to the first government-funded Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology www.sun.ac.za.

The venue for the conference is the attractive Spier Estate www.spier.co.za, situated in the winelands, about 10 km from the town of Stellenbosch and 40 km from Cape Town.  The region is situated in the famous Cape Floristic Region, with many opportunities for nature-based tourism.

The Scientific programme at EMAPi 10 will be structured to include invited keynote talks, oral & poster presentations, workshops, and whatever else we can think of to make the event memorable and useful for delegates.

The Conference program will also include various field trips during the meeting, details of which will be provided later.

A tentative list of themes was developed during the closing session of EMAPi 9 in Perth in September 2007 [Click here].  This link will be revised based on comments and suggestions received.  We would welcome ideas regarding special sessions, symposia, or workshops for possible inclusion in the programme for EMAPi 10.  All suggestions will be given serious attention.

Please spread the word about EMAPi 10 – I can promise you a memorable conference!

I look forward to welcoming you in Stellenbosch in August 2009!


Dave Richardson
Chair, Organizing Committee
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