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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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About Sustainable Agriculture

If you’ve arrived at this page, you are curious about sustainable agriculture and how you might support a profitable, environmentally sound agriculture that is good for communities. You’ve come to the right place!

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
Sustainable agriculture encompasses diverse methods of farming and ranching that are more profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities.

Learn more about sustainable ag in a brochure that provides snapshots of 10 producers who apply sustainable principles on their farms and ranches. With a colorful annotated illustration of practices used on a model sustainable farm, it’s ideal for schoolchildren!

What can you do to support sustainable agriculture?
If you care about how your food is produced, learn about and become an active participant in the food system. As a customer, your food-buying dollars become your clout, and where you choose to spend those dollars your vote for or against food production methods. This list of hints will help you make ecological- and farmer-friendly choices when you buy food.

Find a farmers market
The number of farmers markets in the United States has grown dramatically to more than 3,000. Why are they so popular? Farmers markets provide food purchasers with same-day-picked fresh products, a fun shopping venue and an opportunity to talk directly with farmers.

Find a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm
Buy “shares” in a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm to receive fresh fruit and vegetables – and sometimes cheese, flowers, eggs and meat – weekly throughout the season. CSA members accept part of the financial risks of farming and enjoy access to “their” farms for educational events and volunteer opportunities.

Chefs A’Field
A new public television program partly supported by SARE features the talents of the nation’s most acclaimed chefs ­ and the farmers they rely upon. “Chefs A’ Field: Culinary Adventures That Begin on the Farm” takes viewers onto the farm for an over-the-shoulder view of chef-farmer exchanges. moremore

Innovations in Agriculture: An Introduction to the SARE Program (video)

'Fresh from the Farm' Notecards
Each notecard in this series of eight publicizes the benefits of environmentally sound farming and encourages consumers to support sustainable agriculture with brief, action-oriented messages.













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