USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Publication Details

Note: In October 2006, the North Central Research Station and the Northeastern Research Station joined to form the Northern Research Station. New publications are being added to the Northern Research Station Publications & Data site.

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Title: Wisconsin's forest resources in 2004

Author: Perry, Charles H.

Year: 2006

Publication: Resour. Bull. NC-261. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. 34 p.

Abstract: Results of the 2000-2004 annual inventory of Wisconsin show about 16.0 million acres of forest land, more than 22.1 billion cubic feet of live volume on forest land, and nearly 593 million dry tons of all live aboveground tree biomass on timberland. Populations of jack pine budworm are increasing, and it remains a significant pest in Wisconsin forests. A complete report including more detailed analyses and the final results of the fifth inventory of Wisconsin's forest resources will be published later as a companion to this report.

Key Words: Annual inventory, forest land, timberland, forest type, volume, biomass, growth, removals, mortality, Wisconsin

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USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: March 31, 2006

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