Audubon Premium Shade-Grown Organic Coffee

Many coffee lovers are also nature lovers and birdwatchers. Wouldn't it be great if you could help conserve birds and nature simply by enjoying a great cup of coffee? You can!

Audubon™ Premium Shade-Grown Organic Coffee is certified by the Rainforest Alliance and 100% organic by the OCIA. The Rainforest Alliance label guarantees that the coffee was grown on farms that meet demanding social and environmental standards as verified by experienced inspectors. These standards ensure that coffee farms are managed to conserve and protect birds and other wildlife, habitat, ecosystem functions, streams, springs and soils. Workers are treated with respect, paid fairly, properly equipped and given access to education, clean and safe working conditions and medical care. These standards cover the critical social, environmental and economic issues, and participating farms are on the path toward true sustainability. To learn more about the benefits of shade-grown coffee farming, click here.

For more information, visit, or contact:

1933 Davis Street, Ste. 308
San Leandro, CA 94577
(800) 829-1300

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