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Farmer cooperative statistics are collected annually to provide information on the progress and trends in cooperatives' growth and development. These statistics are published in annual and various other reports and maintained in electronic format for historical purposes. Cooperative statistics are used for research, technical assistance, education, planning, and public policy. Acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating farmer cooperative statistics by USDA is authorized by the Cooperative Marketing Act of 1926.

An annual census of farmer cooperatives is conducted because of the need to make accurate estimates for all cooperatives and the need for current data on individual cooperatives for research, education, and technical assistance purposes. A voluntary mail survey is used to collect statistics from individual farmer and fishery cooperatives. Cooperative Services maintains a listing of organizations identified as farmer and aquacultural cooperatives.

Information is collected on the number, membership, business volume, net income, full- and part-time employees and other related information of farmer cooperatives. Cooperatives are classified by principal product marketed and major functional type. Fishery cooperatives are included as miscellaneous marketing cooperatives. Statistics are compiled annually on a national basis. Data by State are compiled and reported every other year. Statistics for all cooperatives are generated by adding data estimated for nonrespondents to respondent data.

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