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Media Release

OSU to Hold Conference for Students from Family-Owned Businesses

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Oregon State University's Austin Family Business Program and Students in Free Enterprise are inviting college students from across Oregon to attend the Family Business Student-to-Student Conference on Saturday, March 8, on the OSU campus.

The event will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at OSU’s Memorial Union. Registration is free to students from family businesses.

Students from family businesses have unique challenges and opportunities, event organizers say. Robin Klemm, interim executive director of the Austin Family Business Program, found that students need the opportunity to network and share their experiences.

“’Next-Gens’ need to have their experiences validated,” Klemm said. “This forum gives students the perspective to understand their experiences, and the awareness to help shape their future. I am not aware of another conference of this type in the nation.”

The experience will be valuable for students, said Jennifer Villalobos, president of OSU Students in Free Enterprise, a co-sponsor of the conference.

“With the amount of students that come from family-owned businesses, we feel that there is an unmet need to bring these students together to build their networks and gain a greater insight into the unique world of family-owned business,” she pointed out.

Her organization’s members will serve as session facilitators and will moderate a speed networking event at the end of the program.

Pat Reser, of Reser’s Fine Foods, one of Oregon’s largest family-owned firms, will give the keynote address.

Senior executives from various family businesses, including Steve Kline of Typhoon Restaurants, will highlight the contributions that young family members can make to the growth of the family business during the conference. Other speakers, including Marc Tobin of H&B Jewelry and Loan, will discuss the challenges of the transition from college or business to family business employee.

For information, contact the Austin Family Business Program at OSU at 800-859-7609 or

About the OSU College of Business: The college prepares profession-ready graduates with expertise in entrepreneurship and sustainable business practices. It is home to the Austin Family Business Program – a national leader in working with family businesses – as well as the nation’s largest residential entrepreneurship initiative, the Austin Entrepreneurship Program.

Media Contact

Angela Yeager,

Story Source

Robin Klemm,


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