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Exotic Species

Exotic Species Photo Gallery


Amur honeysuckle

Amur cork tree

Amur maple


common mullein

common privet

crown vetch

dame's rocket




multiflora rose

nodding thistle

oriental bittersweet

Osage orange

pineapple bush

purple loosestrife

purple winter creeper

Queen Anne's-lace

rainbow trout

striped bass


paper mulberry
princess tree

Japanese barberry
English ivy
zebra mussel

siberian elm


more to come!


more to come!

No photographs included within this information may be used on the Internet, in publications or in any other form of media without the photographer's express permission. All rights reserved.

Photographers: Bill McClain ( Amur cork tree, Amur maple, bittersweet, common privet, common vetch, jetbead, kudzu-vine, oriental bittersweet, pineapple bush, purple wintercreeper, autumn olive, cinnamon vine, common buckthorn, smooth buckthorn, Amur honeysuckle, garlic mustard )
IDNR - Education (curly dock, catnip, common dandelion, Queen Anne's lace, red clover, yellow sweet clover, brown trout, coho salmon, common carp, house mouse, rainbow trout, striped bass, tree-of-heaven, common mullein)
Angella Moorehouse (Amur honeysuckle, blackberry lily, Canada thistle, chicory, common teasel, cow vetch, crown vetch, cut-leaved teasel, dame's rocket, garden phlox, garlic mustard, Japanese beetle, Japanese honeysuckle, Japanese knotweed, multiflora rose, nodding thistle, orchard grass, Osage orange, oyster plant, purple loosestrife, sweet clovers, timothy, water clover, wild parsnip, winged wahoo)


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