Women's Environmental Network Educating, empowering and informing women and men who care about the environment. Campaigning on environmental and health issues from a female perspective.
Local Food
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The Women’s Environmental Network (WEN) Local Food campaign offers training and support to groups of women growing food in urban areas.

Roam around our Local Food pages for everything you need to know about WEN’s work on contemporary food issues. Find out what you can do – along with others, to get involved.

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1 Local work

2 Network building


3 Policy development
We are actively working with women’s groups in Tower Hamlets. We facilitate a national network of local growers and host an on-line directory. Our projects with local women inform our advocacy work with national organisations.
Women and children at the Toc-H community garden, East London


Cuture Kitchen 2005
WEN workshop at WEN's 2003 food gathering
Click for information for schools

Evaluation of volunteer training programme Getting to the Roots 2008 (171k pdf)

Sustainable Food for London
A joint event hosted by John Scurr Community Project and Women’s Environmental Network on Thursday 31 July 2008.
for a gallery of photos; click for report of event

Working Across Languages
WEN has produced some guidance notes for working with groups from different languages and cultures. Visit our Resources page for this and other useful information.



WEN local food project
is currently supported by:

London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Olive Tree Trust, Wakefield Trust and Tedworth Trust.

The best way to support our campaigns is to become a member or make a regular donation. If you like this site, say thanks by joining now.
PO Box 30626, London E1 1TZ Tel 020 7481 9004 Email food@wen.org.uk