Garden Seeds
Heirloom Seeds
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Heirloom Seeds

Heirloom seeds and plants are open-pollinated varieties grown during earlier periods in agricultural history. A plant variety should be originated before 1950 to be considered a heirloom. Some old types of vegetables have been kept alive within communities by succeeding generations of seed savers. More about heirloom plants

Garden Seeds

Seed are embryonic plants enclosed in a covering, the seed coat, usually with some stored nutritions. A seed is the product of the ripened ovule of seed plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms) which occurs after fertilization within the motherplant. More primitive plants like mosses and ferns do not have seeds and use other means to propagate themselves like spores. Seed also has a meaning of anything that can be sown - seeds or roots like "seed" potatoes, heirloom seeds. a small company based in Bavaria Germany, specialized in ethnobotanical seeds, rare and unusual plants. We deliver seed worldwide. We sell only open-pollinated (non-hybrid) varieties (heirloom seeds). That means, you can save the seeds year after year..

worldwide shipping costs
for seeds: 4.00 €

Heritage Tomatoes

Tomatoes have been cultivated around the world for centuries. Heirloom tomatoes can be found in a wide variety of colors, shapes, flavors and sizes.


Ethnobotany is the studies the complex relationships between plants and cultures. In the Ethnobotanicals section you find seeds from plants which have, medicinal or ritual uses ("Sacred Plants").

Chili Pepper Seed

Chilis have been a part of the human diet in Middle and South America since at least 8000 years, they are one of the first cultivated crops. Peppers are now grown around the world and used as spices and vegetables.

Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Heirloom vegetable seeds are seeds that are handed from one generation to the next - sometimes for more than hundred years. If you grow heirloom vegetables in your garden, you can harveste your own seeds. Many heirloom gardeners feel that saving their own seed gives them more connection to the entire process of growth and regeneration. The trend of growing heirloom seeds in the garden has been growing in popularity in Europe and the United States over the last years.
Tobacco seeds
Peyote seeds
Ice Plant seeds
San Pedro cactus
Ephedra ma huang seeds
Mandrake Seeds
Leonotis leonurus seeds
Henbane seeds