Region 2 Location Map

research, education and extension
About the Region 2 Program
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Regional Program Priority
Issue Areas

Animal Waste Management

Drinking Water and Human Health

Nutrient Management

Watershed Management

Regional Initiatives

Animal Waste Management for Small Farms

Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Management

Water Quality Trading

Watershed Management

Water Reuse

Success Stories

Advisory Committee

Programs by State/

Annual Meeting 2006


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The Region is characterized by vast diversities in climate, geography, population and land use. It includes the Mid-Atlantic States of New York and New Jersey, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territory of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea. These varied conditions define the wide array of water resources and the associated environmental impacts that illustrate the challenge of effective water quality management.

Mission - Advance the use of resources available at the Land Grant Universities to address key regional water quality issues.

Objectives - Facilitate communication between the universities, US EPA and other federal, state and local agencies and nongovernmental organizations; coordinate research, education, and extension efforts among the universities; and foster collaboration in targeted water quality issue areas where multi-organizational efforts can yield effective and efficient water quality outcomes. This partnership-building effort includes coordination of the water quality research, education and extension resources of the four Land Grant Universities with initiatives of US EPA Region 2 to build on a strong ongoing working relationship with US EPA Region 2.

Approach - The Regional Water Quality Coordination Program focuses on key issues common to the entire region. Many of these issues, such as animal waste and onsite wastewater treatment system management, are national water quality issues that manifest differently across the nation as well as within the various areas of our diverse region. By facilitating information sharing and coordination of local and state capabilities and resources on a regional scale, the regional program is fostering complementary working relationships that enhance our ability to tackle these challenging issues.

We are working to
optimize the Land Grant University science-based learning model as applied to water quality by creating opportunities to integrate research, education and extension by engaging researchers, academic faculty and extension educators from the four participating land grant institutions and other land grants in neighboring regions and across the nation.

To facilitate the partnership with US EPA Region 2, Jeffrey Potent, the regional water program coordinator, also serves as the US EPA Region 2 / Cooperative Extension Liaison. Mr. Potent is stationed at the US EPA offices in New York City where he works closely with US EPA staff and participates in numerous initiatives. He provides an information conduit to the Land Grant Universities and to the USDA CSREES national water quality program on US EPA priorities and programs, and provides information to EPA on university and CSREES water quality program capabilities and resources.

For example, partnership opportunities are emerging out of EPA Region 2's active involvement in estuary and watershed-based environmental protection initiatives. In these programs, voluntary and incentive-based mechanisms will play an important role in restoring and maintaining environmental quality. The Land Grant Universities bring substantial knowledge and practical experience in utilizing these approaches, as well as broad geographic coverage and stakeholder group engagement. Our capabilities can be applied to test innovative management approaches and engage and educate a broad range of involved organizations and individuals whose actions can have a direct impact on the success of these environmental initiatives.

Partnerships with other federal and state agencies and nongovernmental organizations are also being cultivated. Our close relationship with EPA Region 2 is helping to advance working relationships with several other key program partners.

This material is based upon work supported in part by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 2003-51130-11380. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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