National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.


EgretWildlife is one of our most treasured natural resources. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s wildlife habitat is interspersed over privately owned landscapes. For over 70 years, America’s 3,000 conservation districts have worked with various federal agencies and other partners to assist landowners and managers with natural resource problems and opportunities, including those associated with wildlife habitat management.

The future of wildlife in this country is inseparably tied to activities taking place on private lands. Decisions made by America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners directly affect the land’s plant life, soil, water and wildlife. Decisions affecting stewardship of these resources cannot be understood apart from landowners’ essential need: the ability to support themselves and their families.

Everything that we do on land affects wildlife one way or another. In this respect, careful forethought is needed both on working lands and in developing areas. Districts are in a crucial position at the local level for emphasizing the importance of wildlife resources that provide over a $100 billion boost to the U.S. economy each year. In addition, fish and wildlife and their habitats offer environmental amenities such as scenic values, clean air, clean water, pollinator services, pest control and sustained biodiversity.

Conservation districts work with landowners and communities to restore wildlife habitat, improve water quality and protect other natural resources. Whether through Farm Bill programs, the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program or others, districts coordinate financial and technical assistance opportunities for private landowners and community decision makers. Districts partner with NRCS, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and many others in these efforts.

NACD Resources

Working Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands
NACD and a number of partners worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to compile a “wildlife toolbox” brochure titled Working Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands. From explanations of Habitat Conservation Plans to a definition of Safe Harbor agreements, this publication provides a “must-have” knowledge base for private landowners.
| PDF |

Partnering for Wildlife Feature Story
In addition to traditional partners, many other groups are eager to team up with districts to make improvements on private land that lead to increased wildlife habitat. They offer a smorgasbord of resources including funding, equipment and greater visibility. Read our July/August 2007 feature story to learn about a handful of partners you can work with. | PDF |

NACD/NWTF Memorandum of Understanding
NACD entered a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Wild Turkey Federation in September, 2005. From Florida to California, from Texas to New Hampshire, district leaders are working with local and national NWTF leaders and field staff to improve wildlife habitat. | PDF |

NACD/U.S. FWS Memorandum of Understanding
NACD entered a Memorandum of Understanding with the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 1989 and renewed it in 1999. The purpose of the MOU is to establish a general framework for cooperation between NACD and the Service to accomplish goals in conservation matters of mutual concern, particularly in the management of Federal Trust fish and wildlife species and their habitats. | PDF |


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is a bureau within the Department of the Interior whose mission is to work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation sustains, restores and enhances the Nation's fish, wildlife, plants and habitats through leadership conservation investments with public and private partners. Since its establishment, NFWF has awarded nearly 9,500 grants to over 3,000 organizations in the United States and abroad and leveraged—with its partners—more than $400 million in federal funds into over $1.3 billion for conservation. 

National Wildlife Federation (NFW)
The National Wildlife Federation is an individual membership organization that provides advocacy, information, education materials and state affiliates.

National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF)
The National Wild Turkey Federation is a grassroots, nonprofit organization with 584,000 members in 50 states, Canada, Mexico and 14 other foreign countries. It supports scientific wildlife management on public, private and corporate lands as well as wild turkey hunting as a traditional North American sport.