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For More Information on

Technology Transfers:

William Clark
US Forest Service
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726-2398
Phone: (608) 231-9282
Fax: (608) 231-9585

Patents & Licensing:

Janet Stockhausen
Patent & Licensing Program
US Forest Service
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726-2398
Phone: (608) 231-9502
Fax: (608) 231-9508


Many Partnership Agreement Options Available

Working Together for the Future

Varying technology transfer agreements developed by the Federal government are commonly used to foster cooperation between government research programs and industry or university. These technology transfer agreements, and many other partnership options, allow government and industry to work together in developing new technologies, while increasing the benefits for both the public and commercial partners.

  • FPL scientists and industrial cooperator work together to commercialize technology based on collaborative research
  • Commercial firm has first right to licenses on patentable inventions made under the agreement
  • Firm has improved access to FPL research personnel and laboratory facilities
  • Information developed under agreement can be held confidential for a period of time
  • more»

Challenge Cost-Share Agreement (CCS)

  • FPL scientists and industrial cooperator work together to conduct basic or applied research of mutual interest
  • Costs are shared between FPL and the private partner

Cooperative Agreement (CA)

  • FPL provides support to cooperator’s research program of mutual interest
  • FPL is substantially involved in the research and has the oversight responsibility
  • Both parties make contributions toward research

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

  • Coordinates activities of FPL and partner for a common purpose
  • No funding or value changes hands
  • Not a fund-obligating document

Research Joint Venture Agreement (RJVA)

  • FPL and partner perform basic or applied research of mutual benefit
  • Each party makes a minimum monetary contribution

Research Cost-Reimbursable Agreement (RCRA)

  • Allows for the acquisition of goods and services, including personal services, for mutual benefit from a State Cooperative Institution.

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