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Roadless Area Conservation
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Roadless Area Profiles

Upper Skokomish Roadless Area

Site Location: This 9,300-acre unroaded area is located in the southern portion of the Hood Canal Ranger District on the Olympic National Forest in Washington state in the upper reaches of the Skokomish River.  A small portion of the area shares a common boundary with the Olympic National Park.
Site Description:

Elevations range from 1,300 feet on the Skokomish River to 5,054 feet at the summit of Capital Peak.  The topography is characterized by convex ridge tops with moderately dissected side slopes.  Stands of old-growth Douglas-fir and western hemlock occur on the lower slopes, and Pacific silver fir and mountain hemlock are common at higher elevations.  The major uses of this area include recreational use associated with a hiking trail along the Skokomish River and accessing the high country of the Park.

The Olympic National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (1990) allocates the majority of the unroaded area to unroaded recreation uses, and the entire area is classified as Late-Successional Reserve in the Northwest Forest Plan (1994).



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Upper Skokomish Roadless Aread

View of Capital Peak, the highest point in the roadless area. The roadless area is the landscape beyone the road in the lower left.

Click on Location Map to go to the Upper Skokomish Inventoried Roadless Area Location View
Upper Skokomish Location Map


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