(Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija br. 47/96 od 12.09.1996

i br. 3/98 od 22.01.1998)

(Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia

No 47/96 of September 12, 1996

and No 3/98 of January 22, 1998)



















Ministerstvo za kultura

April, 1998

The Ministry of Culture

April, 1998




















GLAVA PRVA - Op{ti odredbi (~l. 1-2).................. 1

CHAPTER I - General Provisions (art. 1-2)............................... 1

GLAVA VTORA - Avtorsko pravo............................... 2

CHAPTER II - Copyright............................................................. 2

Oddel 1. Avtorsko delo (~l. 3-8)................................ 2

Section 1. Copyright Work (art. 3-8)....................................... 2

Oddel 2. Avtor (~l. 9-12).............................................. 4

Section 2. The Author (art. 9-12)............................................. 4

Oddel 3. Sodr`ina na avtorskoto pravo................ 5

Section 3. Content of Copyright............................................. 5

Pododdel 1. Op{ti odredbi (~l. 13-14)............... 5

Subsection 1. General Provisions (art. 13-14).................... 5

Pododdel 2. Moralni prava (~l. 15-17)................ 5

Subsection 2. Moral Rights (art. 15-17).............................. 5

Pododdel 3. Materijalni prava (~l. 18-19)....... 6

Subsection 3. Economic Rights (art. 18-19)....................... 6

Pododdel 4. Drugi prava na avtorot (~l. 20-21) 6

Subsection 4. Other Rights of the Author (art. 20-21)..... 6

Pododdel 5. Odnos me|u avtorskoto i sopstveni~koto pravo

(~l. 22-27)......................................................................... 7

Subsection 5. Relations Between Copyright and Right of Ownership

(art. 22-27)............................................................................... 7

Oddel 4. Ograni~uvawa na materijalnoto pravo (~l. 28)                      8

Section 4. Limitation of Economic Rights (art. 28)................ 8

Pododdel 1. Zakonski dozvoli (~l. 29-30)........... 9

Subsection 1. Legal Licenses (art. 29-30)........................... 9

Pododdel 2. Slobodno koristewe (~l. 31-42)..... 9

Subsection 2. Free Use (art. 31-42)...................................... 9

Oddel 5. Traewe na avtorskoto pravo (~l. 43-54) 11

Section 5. Duration of Copyright (art. 43-54)...................... 11

GLAVA TRETA - Prenesuvawe na avtorskoto pravo .................................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER III - Transfer of Copyright..................................... 13

Oddel 1. - Op{t del (~l. 55-71)............................... 13

Section 1. - General Provisions (art. 55-71)......................... 13

Oddel 2. - Poseben del za prenesuvawe na avtorskoto pravo.......................................................... 16

Section 2. - Special Provisions for Transfer of Copyright 16

Pododdel 1. Izdava~ki dogovor (~l. 72-78).................................. 16

Subsection 1. Publishing Contracts (art. 72-78)........................................ 16

Pododdel 2. Dogovor za javno izveduvawe (~l. 79-82).................................................................................... 19

Subsection 2. Public Performance Contract (art. 79-82). 19

Pododdel 3. Dogovor za nara~ka na avtorsko delo

(~l. 83-84)...................................................................... 19

Subsection 3. Commissioning Copyright Work Contract

(art. 83-84)............................................................................. 19

Pododdel 4. Avtorsko delo od raboten odnos

(~l. 85-86)...................................................................... 20

Subsection 4. Copyright Work in the Course of Employment

(art. 85-86)............................................................................. 20

GLAVA ^ETVRTA - Posebni odredbi za avtorskite dela........................................................................................ 20

CHAPTER IV - Special Provisions for Copyright Works..... 20

Oddel 1. Audiovizuelno delo (~l. 87-96)............. 20

Section 1. Audiovisual Work (art. 87-96)............................. 20

Oddel 2. Kompjuterska programa (~l. 97-103).... 23

Section 2. Computer program (art. 97-103)........................... 23

GLAVA PETTA - Srodni prava.................................. 25

CHAPTER V - Related Rights................................................... 25

Oddel 1. Op{ti odredbi (~l. 104-106).................. 25

Section 1. General Provisions (art. 104-106)........................ 25

Oddel 2. Sodr`ina na srodnite prava.................. 26

Section 2. Contents of Related Rights................................. 26

Pododdel 1. Prava na izveduva~ite (~l. 107-116)........................................................................................... 26

Subsection 1. Rights of Performers (art. 107-116)........... 26

Pododdel 2. Prava na fonogramskite producenti

(~l. 117-120).................................................................. 26

Subsection 2. Rights of Phonogram Producers

(art. 117-120)......................................................................... 26

Pododdel 3. Prava na filmskite producenti (~l. 121-123).................................................................. 29

Subsection 3. Rights of Film Producers (art. 121-123).... 29

Pododdel 4. Prava na scenskite producenti (~l. 124-128).................................................................. 29

Subsection 4. Rights of Stage Producers (art. 124-128). 29

Pododdel 5. Prava na RTV organizacii (~l. 129-130).................................................................................. 30

Subsection 5. Rights of Broadcasting Organizations  (art. 129-130)......................................................................... 30

Pododdel 6. Prava na izdava~ite (~l. 131-134) 31

Subsection 6. Rights of Publishers (art. 131-134)........... 31

GLAVA [ESTA - Ostvaruvawe na pravata.......... 31

CHAPTER VI - Administration of Rights............................... 31

Oddel 1. Op{ti odredbi  (~l. 135-137) ................ 31

Section 1. General Provisions (art. 135-137) ....................... 31

Oddel 2. Kolektivno ostvaruvawe (~l. 138-155) 32

Section 2. Collective Administration (art. 138-155) ........... 32

GLAVA SEDMA - Za{tita na pravata................... 37

CHAPTER VII - Protection of Rights...................................... 37

Oddel 1. Op{ti odredbi (~l. 156-158).................. 37

Section 1. General Provisions (art. 156-158)........................ 37

Oddel 2. Gra|ansko-pravna za{tita (~l. 159-163)                                    .37

Section 2. Judicial Protection (art. 159-163)....................... .37

Oddel 3. Merki za obezbeduvawe za{tita (~l. 164-167)                            39

Section 3. Measures for the Enforcement of Protection (art. 164-167)              39

Oddel 4. Kazneni odredbi (~l. 168-169)............... 41

Section 4. Penal Provisions (art. 168-169)........................... 41

Oddel 5. Nadzor (~l. 170)........................................... 43

Section 5. Supervision (art. 170)........................................... 43

GLAVA OSMA - Va`ewe na zakonot (~l. 171-178) 44

CHAPTER VIII - Scope of Application of this Law (art. 171-178)............................................................................................... 44

GLAVA DEVETTA - Preodni i zavr{ni odredbi (~l. 179-186)........................................................................... 46

REFERENCI..................................................................... 48

CHAPTER IX - Transitional and Final Provisions (art. 179-186)....................................................................................................... 46

REFERENCES.............................................................................. 48






za avtorskoto pravo i srodnite prava


on Copyright and Related Rights









chapter I







^len 1


Art. l

So ovoj zakon se ureduva pravoto na avtorite nad nivnite dela od oblasta na kni`evnosta, naukata i umetnosta (vo natamo{niot tekst: avtorskoto pravo) i pravata na izveduva~ite, na fonogram­skite, film­skite i scenskite producenti, na radio i televiziskite organizacii i na izdava~ite (vo natamo{niot tekst: srodnite prava), nad nivnite izvedbi i predmeti na srodnite prava, kako i ostvaruvaweto i za{ti­tata na avtorskoto pravo i srodnite prava.


This Law regulates the right of authors in their works of literature, science and art (hereinafter "copyright") and the rights of performers, producers of phonograms, film producers and stage producers, broadcasting organiza­tions and publishers (hereinafter "related rights") in their performances and other subject matter of related rights, as well as the implementation and protection of copyright and related rights.




^len 2


Art. 2

Vo smisla na ovoj zakon:


Within the meaning of this Law

1. "Javnost#, zna~i dostapnost na avtorsko delo, pod ednakvi uslovi, na neodreden broj lica nadvor od voobi~aeniot krug na semejstvoto ili li~nite poznanici;


l) "public" means the availability of a copyright work, under equal conditions, to an unspecified number of persons outside the usual family circle or the circle of personal acquaintances;

2. "Objavuvawe#, zna~i deka avtorskoto delo sta­nalo dostapno na javnosta, nezavisno od na~inot i formata na koja toa e napraveno;


2) "disclosure" means making available to the public of a copyright work, in any manner or form;

3. "Reprodukcija#, zna~i izrabotka na primerok od avtorsko delo, fiksirano na materijalna podloga, nezavisno od vidot na podlogata na primerokot, brojot na primerocite i postapkata;


3) "reproduction" means making a copy of a copyright work fixed on a material medium, regardless of the type of copy, the number of copies and the method;

4. "Distribucija#, zna~i originalot ili primero­kot na avtorskoto delo da se pu{ti vo promet ili da se ponudi na javnosta zaradi proda`ba ili drug vid prenos na sopstveni~ko pravo, kako i uvoz na original ili primerok za natamo{en promet;


4) "distribution" means putting into circulation or offering to the public an original or a copy of a copyright work by sale or other form of transfer of ownership, including the importation of an original or a copy for further circulation;

5. "Izdavawe#, zna~i reprodukcija na avtorsko delo vo dovolen broj primeroci i nivna distribu­cija;


5) "publication" means reproduction of a copyright work in a sufficient number of copies and their distribution;

6. "Iznajmuvawe#, zna~i originalot ili primero­kot na avtorskoto delo da se dade na koristewe na opredeleno vreme, zaradi neposredna ili posred­na ekonomska korist;


6) "rental" means offering the use of an original or a copy of a copyright work for a limited period of time, for the purpose of direct or indirect economic benefit;

7. "Javno izveduvawe#, zna~i objavuva­we vo `ivo ili preku tehni~­ki sredstva na kni`evno ili muzi~ko delo, kako i objavuvawe vo `ivo na scensko delo;


7) "public performance" means live disclosure, or disclosure via technical means, of a literary or musical work, including live disclosure of a stage work;

8. "Javno prenesuvawe#, zna~i izvedba ili drugo koristewe na avtorsko delo da se objavuva nadvor od prostorot ili mestoto na izve­duvaweto ili drugoto koristewe, nezavisno od sredstvoto, na~i­not i postapkata na prene­suvaweto (zvu~nik, ekran i sli~no);


8) "public transmission" means disclosure of a performance or other use of copyright outside the space or place of performance or other use, regardless of the means, manner and method of transmission (loud­speaker, screen and the like);

9. "Javno prika`uvawe#, zna~i preku tehni~ki sredstva da se objavi kinematografsko ili drugo audiovizuelno delo ili delo od oblasta na fotografijata, likovnata umetnost, arhitektu­rata, urba­nizmot, primenetata umetnost, dizajnot, kartografijata, kako i dela od nau~na i tehni~ka priroda;


9) "public presentation" means disclosure, via technical means, of a cinematographic or other audiovisual work or work of photography, fine art, architecture, urbanism, applied art, design, cartography and works of a scientific and technical nature;

10. "Javno izlo`uvawe#, zna~i objavuva­we na original ili prime­rok na delo od likovnata umetnost, na fotografsko delo ili na delo sozdadeno vo postapka sli~na na fotografskata, na delo od oblasta na prime­netata umetnost, dizajnot, kako i delo od nau~na i tehni~ka priroda;


10) "public exhibition" means disclosure of an original or a copy of a work of fine art or photography or a work produced in a manner analogous to photography, a work of applied art, design, as well as works of a scientific and technical nature;

11. "Radiodifuzno emituvawe#, zna~i objavuvawe na avtorsko delo preku radio i televiziski programski signali bez`i~no, vklu~uvaj}i satelit vo kodirani ili nekodirani formi ili `i~no, vklu~uvaj}i kablovski ili mikrobranov sistem. Kako radiodifuzno emituvawe se smeta i emituvaweto preku televiziski programski signali po individualno barawe (on demand);


11) "broadcasting" means disclosure of copyright works via radio and television program signals, wireless, including satellite in coded or non-coded forms or by wire, including cable or microwave systems. Broadcasting also covers transmission via television program signals on demand;

12. "Radiodifuzno reemituvawe#, zna~i istovre­meno, vo celina i nepromeneto objavuvawe na radiodifuzno emituvano delo, dokolku go vr{i druga radio i televiziska organizacija ili dokolku se raboti za prenos po kablovski ili mikrobranov sistem, a se odnesuva na pove}e od sto kablovski priklu~oci ili deloto po~etno se emituva od druga dr`ava (kablovsko reemituvawe) i


12) "rebroadcasting" means simultaneous, complete and unaltered disclosure of a work already broadcast, when done by other radio or television organization or when transmitted via cable or microwave systems and involving more than 100 cable connections or the work is initially transmitted from another country (cable retransmission);

13. "Prerabotuvawe#, zna~i izvornoto avtorsko delo da se preveduva, obrabotuva, prisposobuva, aran`ira ili na drug na~in da se preraboti.


13) "modification" means translation, reworking, adap­tation, arrangement or other method of transformation of an original copyright work.






chapter II







Oddel 1


Section 1

Avtorsko delo


Copyright Work




^len 3


Art. 3

Avtorsko delo, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e individualna i intelektualna tvorba od oblasta na kni`evnosta, naukata, umetnosta i od drugi oblasti na tvore{tvoto, nezavisno od vidot, na~inot i formata na izrazuvawe, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


A copyright work, within the meaning of this Law, is an individual and intellectual creation of literature, science, the arts and other domains of creation, regardless of the type, manner and form of expression, unless otherwise provided in this Law.

Za avtorsko delo se smeta osobeno:


A copyright work shall include, in particular,

- pi{ano delo, kako, kni`evno delo, napis, statija, prira~nik, bro{ura, nau~en trud, rasprava i sli~no,


- a written work such as a literary work, article, essay, manual, brochure, scientific study, treatise and the like;

- kompjuterska programa, kako kni`ev­no delo,


- a computer program, as a literary work;

- govorno delo, kako, govor, beseda, predavawe i sli~no,


- a spoken work, such as an address, sermon, lecture and the like;

- muzi~ko delo, so ili bez tekst,


- a musical work with or without words;

- dramsko, dramsko-muzi~ko i kukleno delo,


- a dramatic, dramatico-musical work and a work of puppetry;

- koreografsko i pantomimi~arsko delo, fiksirano na materijalna podloga,


- a choreographic work and a work of pantomime, fixed on a material medium;

- fotografsko delo i delo sozdadeno vo postapka sli~na na fotografskata,


- a photographic work and a work produced in a manner analogous to photography;

- kinematografsko i drugo audiovizuel­no delo,


- a cinematographic and other audiovisual work;

- likovno delo, kako, slika, grafika, skulptura i sli~no,


- a work of fine art, such as a painting, graphics, sculpture and the like;

- arhitektonsko delo,


- an architectural work;

- delo od primenetata umetnost i dizajnot i


- a work of applied art and design;

- kartografsko delo, plan, skica, tehni~­ki crte`, proekt, tabela, plasti~no delo i drugo delo so ist ili sli~en karakter od oblasta na geografijata, topografijata, arhitekturata ili druga nau~na, obrazovna, tehni~ka ili umetni~ka priroda.


- a cartographic work, plan, sketch, technical drawing, project, table, plastic work and other work of identical or similar character in the domain of geography, topography, architecture or other scientific, educational, technical or artistic nature.




^len 4


Art. 4

Sostavnite delovi na avtorskoto delo, kako i naslovot na avtorskoto delo, dokolku sami po sebe pretstavuvaat individualna i intelektualna tvorba, u`ivaat ista za{tita kako i samoto delo.


Component parts and the title of a copyright work that are individual intellectual creations by themselves shall enjoy the same protection as the work itself.

Ne e dozvoleno, kako naslov na avtor­skoto delo da se koristi naslov {to ve}e bil upotreben za delo od ist vid, dokolku takviot naslov bi sozdal ili bi dovel do sozdavawe zabuna vo odnos na avtorskoto delo.


It shall not be permitted to use for the title of a copyright work a title that has already been used for a work of the same type, if that title would create or would lead to confusion in respect of the copyright work.




^len 5


Art. 5

Kako avtorsko delo vo smisla na ovoj zakon, ne se smeta: ideja, koncepcija, otkri­tie, kako i slu`ben tekst od zakonodavna, izvr{na i sudska oblast i niven prevod, koga e objaven kako slu`ben tekst (vo natamo­{­niot tekst: drugo delo).


An idea, concept, discovery or an official text from the legislative, executive or judicial sphere and their translation when published as an official text (hereinafter "other work"), within the meaning of this Law, shall not be considered a copyright work.




^len 6


Art. 6

Prerabotka na avtorsko delo, na drugo delo i na delo od narodnoto tvore{tvo, {to pretstavuva individualna i intelektualna tvorba, e samostojno avtorsko delo.


The modification of a copyright work, other work or a work of folk literature and folk art that is an individual and intellectual creation shall be considered an independent copyright work.

So prerabotkata na avtorsko delo ne e dozvoleno da bidat zasegnati pravata na avtorot na izvornoto delo.


The modification of a copyright work that in any way affects the rights of the author of the original work shall not be permitted.




^len 7


Art. 7

Zbirka na avtorski dela, na dela od narodnoto tvore{tvo, na drugi dela ili drug materijal, kako {to e: enciklopedija, antolo­gija, zbornik, baza na podatoci, zbirka na dokumenti i drugi zbirki, {to spored izborot, namenata ili rasporedot na sodr`inata pretstavuva individualna i intelektualna tvorba, e samostojno avtorsko delo.


A collection of copyright works, works of folk literature and folk art, other works or other materials such as encyclopaedia, anthology, miscellany, database, collection of documents and other collections which, according to the selection, purpose or arrangement of their contents, constitute individual and intellectual creations, shall be an independent copyright work.

So vnesuvaweto na izvorno delo vo zbirka, ne e dozvoleno da bidat povredeni pravata na avtorite na toa delo.


The inclusion of an original work in a collection may not infringe the authors' rights in such work.

So vnesuvaweto na drugo delo ili drug materijal vo zbirka, toa delo ili drug materijal ne stanuva avtorsko delo.


The inclusion of another work or other material in a collection shall not make that work or other material a copyright work.




^len 8


Art. 8

Dela od narodnoto tvore{tvo se koristat soglasno so ovoj zakon.


Works of folk literature and folk art shall be used in accordance with this Law.




Oddel 2


Section 2



The Author




^len 9


Art. 9

Avtor, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e fizi~ko lice koe sozdalo avtor­sko delo.


The author, within the meaning of this Law, is a natural person who has created a copyright work.




^len 10


Art. 10

Za avtor se smeta lice ~ie ime, psevdonim ili oznaka na voobi­~aen na~in e ozna~eno na deloto ili e navedeno pri negovoto objavuva­we, dodeka ne se doka`e sprotivnoto.


A person whose name, pseudonym or designation is denoted in the customary manner on the work or is stated at the time of its disclosure shall be considered as an author, until proved to the contrary.

Vo slu~aj koga avtorot ne e poznat, avtor­skoto pravo na objaveno delo go ostvaruva onoj koj{to go objavil deloto.


Where the author is unknown, the person who discloses the work shall be entitled to exercise author's copyright.

Odredbata od stav 2 na ovoj ~len presta­nuva da va`i koga identitetot na avtorot }e bide utvrden. Vo toj slu~aj, nositelot na avtorskoto pravo od stav 2 na ovoj ~len e dol`en korista od avtorskoto pravo da mu ja prenese na avtorot, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The provision of this Article, paragraph 2, shall cease to be valid when the author has been identified. In that case, the copyright holder of paragraph 2 is obliged to assign to the author the benefits deriving from the author's copyright, unless otherwise provided by contract.




^len 11


Art. 11

Dokolku avtorskoto delo, sozdadeno vo sorabotka na dve ili pove}e lica, pretstavu­va nedeliva celina, na site lica (vo natamo{­niot tekst: koavtori) im pripa|a nedelivo avtorsko pravo na toa delo.


If the copyright work created by two or more persons in collaboration constitutes an indivisible whole, to all the persons (hereafter co-authors) shall be appertained an indivisible copyright of that work.

Udelot na oddelnite koavtori se oprede­luva soglasno so vistinskiot pridones {to sekoj od niv go dal vo sozdavaweto na avtorskoto delo, dokolku so me|useben dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The share of each co-author shall be determined in proportion with real contribution of each one to the creation of the copyright work, unless otherwise determined by contract between them.

Za koristewe na deloto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len zaedni~ki odlu~uvaat site koavtori, pri {to, nieden od niv nema pravo da go spre~i koristeweto na deloto sprotivno na principi­te na sovesnost i ~esnost.


All co-authors shall jointly decide about the use of the work of this Article, paragraph 1, and none of them shall have the right to prevent the use of the work contrary to the principles of good reason and good faith.

Dokolku avtorskoto delo, vo smisla na stav 1 od ovoj ~len, pretsta­vuva deliva celina, sekoj koavtor ima avtorsko pravo na svojot prido­nes vo toa delo.


If a copyright work, within the meaning of this Article, paragraph 1, constitutes a divisible whole, each co-author shall have a copyright of his contribution to the work.




^len 12


Art. 12

Vo slu~aj koga pove}e avtori gi zdru`u­vaat svoite dela zaradi zaed­ni~ko koristewe, soodvetno se primenuvaat odredbite od ~len 11 na ovoj zakon.


If several authors gather their works for the purpose of joint use, the provisions from Article 11 of this Law consequently shall be applied.




Oddel 3


Section 3

Sodr`ina na avtorskoto pravo


Contents of Copyright




Pododdel 1


Subsection 1

Op{ti odredbi


General Provisions




^len 13


Art. 13

Avtorskoto pravo mu pripa|a na avtorot vrz osnova na samoto sozdavawe na deloto, nezavisno dali deloto e objaveno.


Copyright belongs to the author on the basis of the creation of the work, regardless whether it has been disclosed.




^len 14


Art. 14

Avtorskoto pravo e edinstveno pravo i nerazdelno od avtorskoto delo, {to sodr`i isklu~ivi li~no-pravni ovlastuvawa (vo natamo{­niot tekst: moralni prava), isklu~ivi imotno-pravni ovlastuvawa (vo natamo{niot tekst: materijalni prava) i drugi ovlastuvawa na avtorot (vo natamo{­niot tekst: drugi prava).


Copyright is an integral and inseparable right from the copyright work, which comprises exclusive personal powers (hereafter moral rights), exclusive property powers (hereafter economic rights) and the other powers of an author (hereafter other rights).




Pododdel 2


Subsection 2

Moralni prava


Moral Rights




^len 15


Art. 15

Moralnite prava go {titat avtorot po odnos na negovata indivi­dualna i intelektu­alna vrska so deloto.


Moral rights shall protect the author in respect with his personal and intellectual reference to the work.




^len 16


Art. 16

Avtorot ima isklu~ivo moralno pravo:


The author shall have an exclusive moral right to:

- da odlu~i dali, koga i kako }e bide prv pat objaveno negovoto delo;


- decide whether, when and how his work shall be disclosed for the first time;

- na priznavawe na avtorstvoto na svoeto delo;


- recognition of the authorship of his work;

- da odlu~i dali pri objavuvaweto na deloto }e se navede negovoto avtorstvo i so kakva oznaka;


- determine whether his authorship shall be specified at the time of disclosure of the work and the type of denotation therefore;

- da bara pri sekoe koristewe na deloto na voobi~aen na~in da bide navedeno negovoto ime, psevdonim ili druga oznaka;


- demand for his name, pseudonym or other denotation to be mentioned on every use of his work in customary manner;

- na so~uvuvawe na celinata na deloto i da se sprotivstavi na sekakvo deformi­rawe, sakatewe ili menu­vawe na negovoto delo, odnosno da se sprotivstavi na sekoe koristewe na deloto {to mo`e da £ na{teti na negovata li~nost, ~est i ugled;


- protect the integrity of the work and prohibit any distortion, mutilation or alteration of the work, and to object to any use of the work which would be prejudicial to his personality, honour or reputation;

- da go izmeni deloto, dokolku so toa ne se naru{uvaat pravata steknati od drugi lica i


- alter the work insofar as this does not infringe the rights acquired by other persons; and

- da go otka`e pravoto na nositelot na negovo materijalno pravo, soglasno so ovoj zakon.


- withdraw the right of the holder of his economic right, according to this Law.




^len 17


Art. 17

Avtorot ima isklu~ivo pravo da mu go otka`e pravoto na nositelot na negovoto materijalno pravo, dokolku za toa ima vistinski moralni pri~ini i dokolku prethodno na nositelot mu ja nadomesti {tetata {to nastanala zaradi toa.


The author shall have the exclusive right to withdraw the assigned economic rights from the holder thereof, if he has real moral reasons for doing so and if he has previously indemnified the holder for the damage caused by such withdrawal.

Nositelot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, e dol`en, vo rok od tri meseci od priemot na otka`uvaweto, da mu ja soop{ti na avtorot visinata na {tetata {to treba da se nadomesti. Dokolku toa ne go stori, po istekot na rokot, otka`uvaweto stanuva polnova`no.


The holder of this Article, paragraph 1, shall be obliged within three months of his receipt of the withdrawal to notify the author of the amount of damages which should be indemnified. If he does not do that, the withdrawal shall become valid on the expiration of the said time period.

So otka`uvaweto na pravoto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se gasi materi­jalnoto pravo na nositelot.


On the exercise of the right of withdrawal from this Article, paragraph 1, the economic right of the holder shall lapse.

Dokolku avtorot saka podocna povtorno da go prenese materi­jal­noto pravo na svoeto delo, e dol`en, vo rok od tri godini od polno­va`nosta na pravoto na otka`uvawe, toj prenos prvenstveno i pod isti uslovi da mu go ponudi na nositelot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


If the author wishes later to reassign the economic right in his work, he shall be obliged, within a period of three years after the validity of the right of withdrawal, to offer such an assignment first and under the same conditions to the previous holder of this Article, paragraph 1.

Odredbite od ovoj ~len ne se odnesuvaat na kompjuterska programa, audiovizuelno delo, scensko delo i bazi na podatoci.


The provisions of this article shall not apply to computer program, audiovisual work, stage work and databases.




Pododdel 3


Subsection 3

Materijalni prava


Economic Rights




^len 18


Art. 18

Materijalnite prava gi {titat imotnite interesi na avtorot.


Economic rights shall protect the property interests of the author.

Koristeweto na avtorskoto delo e dozvoleno koga avtorot go prenel materi­jalnoto avtorsko pravo, soglasno so ovoj zakon i soglasno so uslovite {to gi opredelil, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The use of the copyright work shall be permitted if the author has assigned economic right according to this Law and to the conditions he has determined, unless otherwise provided by this Law.




^len 19


Art. 19

Avtorot ima isklu~ivo materijalno pravo da go koristi svoeto delo i da dozvoluva ili zabranuva koristewe na deloto od drugi lica, osobeno za: reprodukcija, distribucija, iznajmuvawe, javno izvedu­va­we, javno prenesu­vawe, javno prika`uvawe, javno izlo`uvawe, radio­difuzno emituvawe, radiodifuzno reemitu­vawe i prerabotuvawe.


The author shall have the exclusive economic right to use his work and to authorize or prohibit the use of the work by other persons, in particular for: reproduction, distribution, rental, public performance, public transmission, public presentation, public exhibition, broadcasting, rebroadcasting and modification.

Avtorot na izvornoto delo ima isklu~ivo pravo na koristewe na svoeto delo vo preraboten oblik, dokolku so ovoj zakon ili so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The author of the original work has an exclusive right to use his modified work, unless otherwise provided by this Law or by contract.




Pododdel 4


Subsection 4

Drugi prava na avtorot


Other Rights of the Author




^len 20


Art. 20

Avtorot ima pravo na pristap do originalot ili do primerokot od svoeto delo {to go poseduva drug, zaradi ostvaruvawe na pravoto na reprodukcija ili pravoto na prerabotka na deloto, dokolku toa ne e vo sprotivnost so opravdaniot interes na imatelot.


The author shall have a right of access to the original or to a copy of his work in possession of another person, for the purpose of exercising the right of reproduction or modification of the work if this does not adversely affect the legitimate interest of the possessor.

Avtorot ima pravo da pobara, imatelot da mu go predade origina­lot na likovnoto ili fotografskoto delo zaradi javno izlo`uva­we ili drug vid objavuvawe, dokolku za toa postoi opravdan interes.


The author shall have the right to demand from the possessor to deliver him the original of the work of fine art or of the photographic work for the purpose of public exhibition or other form of disclosure, if there is a legitimate interest therein.

Predavaweto na originalot od stav 2 na ovoj ~len, mo`e da se uslovi so polagawe soodvetna kaucija ili so osiguruvawe vo visina na pazarnata vrednost na originalot.


The delivery of the original from this Article, paragraph 2, may be conditioned by guarantee deposit or by insurance in the amount of the market value of the original.

Avtorot e dol`en pristapot i predava­weto od stavovite 1 i 2 na ovoj ~len da go stori so {to e mo`no pomalku neprijatnosti za imatelot i na svoja smetka. Vo slu~aj na o{tetuvawe na deloto, odgovoren e avtorot, nezavisno od negovata vina.


The author shall be obliged to carry out the access and delivery of this Article, paragraphs 1 and 2, with the least possible inconvenience to the possessor and at his own expense. The author shall be liable in case of damage to the work, regardless of his fault.




^len 21


Art. 21

Dokolku originalot na likovnoto delo i originalot (rakopisot) na kni`evnoto ili muzi~koto delo e prodaden ili na drug na~in ottu|en, negoviot avtor ima pravo za toa da bide izvesten i da dobie nadomest vo iznos od 3% od maloproda`nata cena od sekoja naredna proda`ba (vo natamo{niot tekst: pravo na sledstvo).


If the original of a work of fine art or the original (manuscript) of a literary or musical work is sold or disposed in some other way, its author shall have the right to be notified and to obtain remuneration in amount of 3% of the retail price of every subsequent resale (hereafter right of resale royalty).

Za obvrskite od stav 1 na ovoj ~len e odgovoren sopstvenikot. Dokolku ottu|uva­weto e izvr{eno preku galerist, organizator na javna proda`ba ili drug posrednik, navedenite lica solidarno se odgovorni so sopstvenikot na deloto.


The possessor of the work shall be liable for the obligations of this Article, paragraph 1. If the transfer of ownership is effected through a gallery owner, auction organizer or other agent, the mentioned persons shall be jointly liable with the possessor of the work.

Obvrskata za izvestuvawe od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se odnesuva na po­da­­to­ci za naslovite na ottu|enite dela, na podatoci za sopstveni­kot i posrednikot, za maloproda`­nata cena, kako i na pravoto avtorot soodvet­no da ima uvid vo dokumentacijata {to gi sodr`i ovie podatoci .


The obligation of notification from this Article, paragraph 1, refers to the particulars of the titles of the transferred works, of the possessor and the agent, of the retail selling price, and of the author's right to inspect the documents which contain such particulars.

Pravoto na sledstvo ne mo`e da bide predmet na otka`uvawe, raspolagawe i sudsko izvr{uvawe.


The resale royalty right may not be subject to revocation, disposition and judicial execution.




Pododdel 5


Subsection 5

Odnos me|u avtorskoto i sopstveni~koto pravo


Relations Between Copyright and Right of Ownership




^len 22


Art. 22

Avtorskoto pravo e nezavisno i e vo soglasnost so sopstveni~koto pravo ili drugi prava vrz predmet, vo koj e sodr`ano avtorsko delo, dokolku so zakon ne e poinaku oprede­leno.


Copyright is independent of and compatible with ownership or other property rights over an object where the copyright work is incorporated in, unless otherwise provided by Law.




^len 23


Art. 23

Prenesuvaweto oddelni materijalni prava ili drugi prava na avtorot na deloto ne vlijae na sopstveni~koto pravo na predmetot vo koj e sodr`ano avtorsko delo, dokolku so zakon ili so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The transfer of certain economic rights or other rights of the author of the work shall not affect the ownership right to the object where the copyright work is incorporated in, unless otherwise provided by Law or contract.

Prenesuvaweto sopstveni~ko pravo na predmetot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, ne vlijae na moralnite, materijalnite ili drugite prava na avto­­rot na toa delo, dokolku so zakon ili so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The transfer of the right of ownership of the object from this Article, paragraph 1, shall not affect the moral, economic or other rights of the author of the work, unless otherwise provided by Law or contract.




^len 24


Art. 24

Vo zaedni~kiot imot na bra~nite drugari vleguva samo imotnata korist {to poteknuva od avtorskoto pravo.


Joint property of spouses shall include only the economic benefits deriving from the copyright.




^len 25


Art. 25

So prvata proda`ba ili drug vid prenesuvawe na pravoto na sopstvenost na original ili primerok od avtorskoto delo vo Republika Makedonija, {to se vr{i so izre~na ili premol~ena soglasnost na nositelot na pravoto, se smeta deka e iscrpeno pravoto na distribucija na toj original ili primerok na teritorijata na Republikata.


With the first sale or other type of transfer of ownership rights of an original or copy of a copyright work in the Republic of Macedonia, carried out by explicit or tacit consent of the right holder, it shall be considered that the right of distribution of such original or a copy in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia has been exhausted.




^len 26


Art. 26

Dokolku sopstvenikot na arhitektonski objekt ima namera toa delo da go preraboti, dol`en e taa prerabotka prvenstveno da mu ja ponudi na avtorot na izvornoto delo, dokolku istiot e `iv i dostapen na voobi~aen na~in.


If the owner of an architectural structure intends to modify that work he shall be obliged to offer that modification prior to the author of the original work if he is alive and available in a customary manner.

Dokolku avtorot neopravdano ja odbie ponudata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, sopstvenikot na deloto steknuva pravo na prerabotka, no e dol`en da gi po~ituva moralnite prava na avtorot.


If the author unjustifiably refuses the offer from this Article, paragraph 1, the owner of that work has gained the right of modification, but, however, he shall be obliged to respect the author's moral rights.




^len 27


Art. 27

Dokolku sopstvenikot na originalot na avtorskoto delo, imaj}i gi predvid okolnos­tite na slu~ajot, pretpostavi deka avtorot ima interes za negovo so~uvuvawe, e dol`en takviot original da ne go uni{ti, pred da mu go ponudi na avtorot, a ovoj da mu ja plati vrednosta na materijalot od koj e izraboten originalot.


If the owner of the original of the copyright work, bearing in mind the circumstances of the case, assumes that the author has an interest in its preservation, he shall be obliged not to destroy such original before it was offered to the author, and the author shall be obliged to pay the value of the material which the original has been made from.

Dokolku vra}aweto na deloto na avtorot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len ne e mo`no, sopstvenikot e dol`en, na soodveten na~in, da mu ovozmo`i na avtorot izrabotka na kopija od originalot.


If the return of the work to its author from this Article, paragraph 1 is not possible, the owner shall give opportunity to the author to make a copy of the original work in an appropriate manner.

Vo slu~aj koga avtorskoto delo, vo smisla na stav 1 na ovoj ~len, e arhitektonski objekt, avtorot ima pravo da go fotografira deloto, da mu se ovozmo`i pristap do deloto za kartografsko snimawe, odnosno premer na objektot i da pobara na svoja smetka da mu bidat dostaveni fotokopii od proektite.


In a case when the copyright work, from this Article, paragraph 1 is an architectural structure, the author shall have the right to take photographs of the work and to be enabled access to make a cartographic record of it, that is to make a measurement survey of the structure, and to demand the delivery of photocopies of designs at his own expense.




Oddel 4


Section 4
Ograni~uvawa na materijalnoto pravo


Limitations of the Economic Right




^len 28


Art. 28

Koristewe avtorsko delo bez prenesu­vawe soodvetno materijalno pravo mo`e da se vr{i samo nad objaveno avtorsko delo, vo slu~ai opredeleni so ovoj zakon, so nadomest (vo ponatamo{niot tekst: zakonski dozvoli) i bez nadomest (vo ponatamo{niot tekst: slobodno koristewe).


Usage of a copyright work without assignment of an appropriate economic right can be carried out only over already disclosed copyright work in cases determined by this Law, with remuneration (hereafter legal licences) and without remuneration (hereafter free use).

Koristeweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se vr{i vo soglasnost so name­nata i celta i voobi~aenoto koristewe na deloto, no da ne e pove}e od nu`no sprotivno na interesite na avtorot.


The use from this Article, paragraph 1, shall be carried out according to the purpose and the aim and to the customary use of the work, and not more than necessary against the interests of the author.

Pri koristeweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se naveduva izvorot i avtorot na deloto, dokolku toa e navedeno na koristenoto delo.


Through the use from this Article, paragraph 1, the source and the author of the work shall be named, provided these are mentioned in the work used.




Pododdel 1


Subsection 1

Zakonski dozvoli


Legal Licences




^len 29


Art. 29

Zakonski dozvoleno e koristewe avtorsko delo vo slednive slu~ai:


It shall be permissible by Law using a copyright work in the following cases:

- objavuvawe, odnosno reproducirawe delovi na avtorski dela, kako i dela od oblasta na fotografijata, likovnata i prime­netata umetnost, arhitekturata, dizajnot i kartogra­fijata, za nastavni celi i


- disclosure or reproduction of parts of copyright works as well as works of photography, fine and applied art, architecture, design and cartography, for teaching purposes and

- objavuvawe aktuelni napisi od dneven i periodi~en pe~at vo koj se rasprava za op{ti pra{awa, dokolku toa avtorot izri~no ne go zabranil.


- disclosure of articles on current topics in daily or periodical press discussing general issues if the author has not expressly prohibited.




^len 30


Art. 30

Zakonski dozvoleno e, radio i televi­ziski organizacii da vr{at radiodifuzno emituvawe na snimki na avtorski dela snime­ni so sredstva za mehani~ka reprodukcija ili sli~ni sredstva, osven na audiovizuelni dela.


It is permitted by law for broadcasting organizations to broadcast fixations of copyright works recorded by means of mechanical reproduction, or similar means, except of audiovisual works.




Pododdel 2


Subsection 2

Slobodno koristewe


Free Use




^len 31


Art. 31

Vo slobodno koristewe e avtorsko delo zaradi steknuvawe informacii od op{to zna~ewe, za celite na nastavata, za privatno ili drugo sopstveno reproducirawe, citi­rawe i drugi slu~ai soglasno so ovoj zakon.


A copyright work shall be in free use for the purpose of acquiring informations of general significance, for teaching purposes, for private and other individual reproduction, quotation and other cases, according to this Law.




^len 32


Art. 32

Zaradi steknuvawe informacii od op{to zna~ewe slobodno e objavuvaweto na:


For the purpose of acquiring informations of general significance, disclosure shall be free:

- dela {to se gledaat ili slu{aat vo tekot na izvestuvawe za dnevni nastani,


- for works that are seen or heard during reports on daily events;

- javni politi~ki govori i javni govori od raspravi pred dr`avni, verski i drugi organi i


- for public political speeches and public speeches before state, religious and other bodies; and

- dnevni novosti i vesti od pe~atot.


- for daily news and press informations.




^len 33


Art. 33

Za celite na nastavata slobodno e javno­to izveduvawe avtorsko delo:


For teaching purposes public performing of a copyright work shall be free:

- vo vid na neposredna nastava i


- in the direct teaching form; and

- na humanitarni manifestacii i na besplatni u~ili{ni prired­bi, dokolku u~esni­cite na manifestaciite, odnosno priredbite ne dobivaat nadomest.


- on humanitarian manifestations and at school performances to which admission is free, if the participants in these manifestations or performances are not remunerated.

^len 34


Art. 34

Slobodno e reproducirawe avtorsko delo najmnogu vo tri primeroci za:


Reproduction of a copyright work, if made in not more than three copies, shall be free:

- privatno koristewe od fizi~ko lice pod uslov, primerocite da ne £ se dostapni na javnosta i


- for private use by a natural person conditioned by the unavailability of the copies to the public;

- sopstveno koristewe od strana na javnite ustanovi (arhivi, biblioteki, kino­teki, kulturni, obrazovni, nau~ni i sli~ni ustanovi) pod uslov, reprodukciite da se napraveni od sopstven primerok.


- for internal use by public institutions (archives, libraries, film-archives and cultural, educational, scientific and similar institutions) conditioned for the reproductions to be made from their own copy.

Reproduciraweto vo smisla na stav 1 od ovoj ~len, ne se odnesuva na kni`evno delo vo obem na cela kniga (osven koga tira`ot e iscrpen pred najmalku dve godini), na kinematografsko i drugo audiovizuelno delo i fonogram, na grafi~ko izdanie na muzi~ko delo (osven so ra~no prepi{uvawe), na bazi na podatoci, na kompjuterska programa, kako i na arhitektonski objekt, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


Within the meaning of this Article, paragraph 1, reproduction shall not apply to a literary work to the extent of an whole book (except when the edition has been done up at least two years before), cinematographic or other audiovisual work or phonogram, graphic edition of a musical work (except a handwritten transcription), database, computer program, as well as architectural structure, unless otherwise provided by this Law.




^len 35


Art. 35

Zaradi pojasnuvawe, polemika i upatu­vawe, slobodno e citirawe avtorsko delo vo obem {to odgovara na namenata i celta na koristeweto.


For the purpose of clarification, debate or reference, it shall be free to quote a copyright work to the extent adequate to the purpose and the aim of use.




^len 36


Art. 36

Avtorskoto delo {to ne e od bitno zna~ewe po odnos na namenata na nekoj predmet pri iskoristuvaweto na toj predmet, e vo slobodno koristewe, kako sporedno.


The use of a copyright work of secondary importance in relation to the purpose of some object shall be free while the exploitation of the object.




^len 37


Art. 37

Slobodno e prerabotuvawe avtorsko delo, dokolku se raboti za:


Modification of a copyright work is permissible if it is a matter of:

- privatna ili druga sopstvena prerabot­ka, {to ne e nameneta i ne £ e dostapna na javnosta,


- a private or other individual modification not intended or available to the public;

- prerabotka vo parodija ili karikatura, dokolku toa ne doveduva do zabuna po odnos na izvorot na deloto i


- a modification into a parody or caricature, if this does not lead to a confusion with regard to the source of the work;

- prerabotka pri dozvoleno koristewe, a sprotivstavuvaweto na avtorot na prera­botkata e vo sprotivnost so na~eloto na sovesnost i ~esnost.


- a modification for a permitted use, and the author's objection to such modification is contrary to the principle of the reason and good faith.




^len 38


Art. 38

Slobodno e objavuvawe avtorski dela {to se nao|aat na javni izlo`bi, proda`bi, naddavawa, saemi i sli~no, vo katalozi za taa cel, od strana na nivniot prireduva~.


Copyright works displayed at public exhibitions, sales, auctions, fairs and alike shall be disclosed in catalogues for that purpose by the organizers thereof.




^len 39


Art. 39

Slobodno e koristewe avtorski dela {to trajno se izlo`eni vo parkovi, na ulici, plo{tadi ili drugi javni mesta, osven koga koris­teweto e vo trodimenzionalna forma, za ista cel kako i izvornoto delo i za postignuvawe ekonomska korist.


Copyright works permanently exposed in parks, streets, squares or other public places shall be used freely, except when the use is in a three-dimensional form, for the same purpose as the original work or for obtaining an economic benefit.

^len 40


Art. 40

Slobodno e koristewe avtorsko delo pred arbitra`i, sudski, upravni ili drugi dr`avni organi, vo obem {to e neophoden za izveduvawe dokazi.


Copyright work shall be used freely before an arbitration court, judicial, administrative or other State bodies, to the extent necessary for evidentiary purposes.




^len 41


Art. 41

Slobodno e koristewe avtorsko delo vo obem {to e neophoden da se proveri rabotata pri proizvodstvo ili proda`ba na fonogrami ili videogrami, aparati za nivno reprodu­cirawe ili objavuvawe, kako i oprema za priem na programi, vo proces na nivno proizveduvawe i prodavawe.


Copyright work shall be used freely to the extent necessary to test the operation at the time of manufacture or sale of phonograms or videograms, equipment for their reproduction or disclosure, as well as programs receiving equipment in the process of their manufacture and sale.




^len 42


Art. 42

Slobodno e koristewe delo od narodnoto tvore{tvo.


Works of folk literature and folk art shall be used freely.

Pri koristeweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se naveduva izvorot i potekloto na deloto. Negovo sakatewe i nedostojno koristewe, ne e dozvoleno.


On the use of this Article, paragraph 1, the source and origin of the work must be stated. Distortion and indecent use of the work is not permissible.

Za ostvaruvawe na pravata od stav 2 na ovoj ~len e nadle`en Institutot za folklor "Marko Cepenkov# - Skopje.


The "Marko Cepenkov" Folklore Institute in Skopje is authorised for implementation of the rights from this Article, paragraph 2.




Oddel 5


Section 5

Traewe na avtorskoto pravo


Duration of Copyright




^len 43


Art. 43

Avtorskoto pravo trae do istekot na rokovite utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


Copyright shall subsist until expiration of the terms as determined by this Law.

Po isklu~ok na stav 1 od ovoj ~len, odredeni moralni prava traat i po istekot na rokot na traeweto na avtorskoto pravo, soglasno so ovoj zakon.


As an exception of this Article, paragraph 1, certain moral rights shall subsist upon the expiration of the term of duration of the copyright, according to this Law.




^len 44


Art. 44

Avtorskoto pravo trae za vreme na avtoroviot `ivot i 70 godini po negovata smrt, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


Copyright shall subsist for the lifetime of the author and for 70 years after his death, unless otherwise provided by this Law.




^len 45


Art. 45

Koga deloto go realizirale pove}e avtori (koavtori), rokot na traewe od ~len 44 na ovoj zakon, se smeta od smrtta na posledniot `iv avtor.


Where the work has been created by a number of authors (co-authors), the term of duration as per Article 44 of this Law shall be calculated from the death of the last surviving co-author.

^len 46


Art. 46

Avtorskoto pravo na anonimni i psevdonimni dela trae 70 godini po zakonskoto objavuvawe na deloto.


Copyright of anonymous and pseudonymous works shall subsist for 70 years after the legal disclosure of the work.

Dokolku psevdonimot ne doveduva do zabuna za toa koj e avtor ili dokolku avtorot, vo rokot naveden vo stav 1 na ovoj ~len, go otkrie svojot identitet, se primenuva rokot od ~len 44 na ovoj zakon.


If the pseudonym does not cause a confusion as to the identity of the author, or if the author discloses his identity within the term referred to this Article, paragraph 1, the term from the Article 44 shall apply.




^len 47


Art. 47

Avtorskoto pravo na audiovizuelni i kolektivni dela trae 70 godini po zakonskoto objavuvawe na deloto.


Copyright of audiovisual and collective works shall subsist for 70 years after the legal disclosure of the work.




^len 48


Art. 48

Koga rokot, spored ovoj zakon, ne te~e od smrtta na avtorot ili avtorite, a deloto ne bilo zakonski objaveno vo rok od 70 godini od negovoto sozdavawe, avtorskoto pravo trae 70 godini po negovoto sozdavawe.


Where the term according to this Law does not run from the death of the author or the authors and the work has not been legally disclosed within 70 years from its creation, the copyright shall subsist for 70 years after its creation.




^len 49


Art. 49

Vo slu~aj koga rokot na traewe na avtor­skoto pravo, spored ovoj zakon, se smeta spored zakonskoto objavuvawe na deloto, a deloto e objaveno vo zbirki, delovi, prodol`enija i sli~no, rokot se smeta posebno za sekoj sostaven del.


In a case when the term of duration of the copyright, within the meaning of this Law, is calculated according to the legal disclosure of the work and the work is disclosed in collections, parts, instalments and alike, the term shall be calculated separately for each component.




^len 50


Art. 50

Nebitnite dopolnitelni izmeni na sodr`inata na zbirka ne go prodol`uvaat vremetraeweto na za{titata na avtorskoto pravo na zbirkata.


Insubstantial additional alterations to the contents of a collection shall not extend the duration of the copyright protection of such collection.

Kako nebitni dopolnitelni izmeni od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se smetaat dodatoci, bri{ewa ili preina~uvawe pri izborot ili rasporedot na sodr`inata na zbirkata, potrebni za nejzino natamo{­no koristewe na na~in {to go opredelil avtorot.


Insubstantial additional alterations from this Article, paragraph 1, shall be considered additions, deletions or alterations to the selection or the contents arrangement of the collection necessary for its further use in the manner determined by its author.




^len 51


Art. 51

Rokovite na traewe na za{titata na avtorskoto pravo utvrdeni so ovoj zakon, zapo~nuvaat da te~at od 1 januari od godinata {to sledi po nastanot, {to e osnova za presmetuvawe na rokovite.


The terms of duration of the copyright protection determined by this Law shall begin to run from the first of January of the year following the event, which shall be a basis for calculation of the terms.




^len 52


Art. 52

Moralnoto pravo na otka`uvawe od ~len 17 na ovoj zakon, trae dodeka avtorot e `iv.


The moral right of withdrawal from Article 17 of this Law shall subsist for the life of the author.

Moralnite prava za ozna~uvawe na avtorstvoto, za so~uvuvawe na celinata na deloto, kako i za sprotivstavuvawe na negovoto sakatewe od ~len 16 alinei 3, 4 i 5 na ovoj zakon, traat i po istekot na rokovite za traewe na avtorskoto pravo, utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


The moral rights of denotation the authorship, preservation the work integrity and objection to its deformation from Article 16, items 3, 4 and 5 of this Law, shall subsist on the expiration of the terms of the copyright duration determined by this Law.




^len 53


Art. 53

Koristeweto na avtorskoto delo e slobodno po istekot na rokovite za traewe na avtorskoto pravo, utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


The use of a copyright work shall be free on the expiration of the terms of the copyright duration determined by this Law.




^len 54


Art. 54

Za ostvaruvawe na pravata od ~len 52 stav 2 na ovoj zakon, e nadle`no soodvetno zdru`enie na avtori i Makedonskata akademija na naukite i umetnostite.


For the purpose of implementation of the rights from Article 52, paragraph 2, the relevant society of authors and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts shall be authorized.









chapter III







Oddel 1


Section 1

Op{t del


General Provisions




^len 55


Art. 55

Avtorskoto pravo kako celina e nepre­noslivo.


Copyright as an entirety may not be transferable.




^len 56


Art. 56

Avtorot ne mo`e da gi prenese moralnite prava na drugi lica.


The author may not assign his moral rights to other persons.

Za ostvaruvawe na moralnite prava na avtorot po negovata smrt, pokraj nasledni­cite, e nadle`no i soodvetnoto zdru`enie na avtori.


For the purpose of implementation of the author's moral rights after his death, the relevant society of authors shall be authorized, in addition to the author's successors.




^len 57


Art. 57

Avtorot mo`e, so dogovor ili na drug zakonski na~in, da prenese na drugi lica oddelni materijalni prava i oddelni drugi prava na avtorot, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The author may assign certain economic rights and certain other rights to other persons either by contract or in another legal manner unless otherwise provided by this Law.

Prenesuvaweto materijalni prava ili drugi prava na avtorot se vr{i vo pismena forma, dokolku so zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno. Dogovorot za prenesuvawe, {to ne e sklu~en vo pismena forma, ne proizveduva pravni dejstva.


The assignment of economic rights or other rights shall be carried out in written form, unless otherwise provided by Law. An assignment contract that is not concluded in written form does not produce legal effectiveness.

Spornite ili nejasnite odredbi na dogovorite od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se tolkuvaat vo interes na avtorot.


Disputed or dubious provisions of the contracts from this Article, paragraph 1, shall be interpreted in the author's interest.




^len 58


Art. 58

Odredbite od ~len 57 na ovoj zakon za avtorskite dogovori vo pismena forma, ne se odnesuvaat na dogovor za objavuvawe napisi, crte`i ili tekstovi vo spisanija, revii ili drug dneven i periodi~en pe~at.


The provisions concerning author's contracts in written form from Article 57 of this Law do not refer to contract for disclosing articles, drawings or texts in magazines, reviews or other daily or periodical press.




^len 59


Art. 59

Ni{toven e dogovor, odnosno odredba na dogovor, so koj avtorot na drugo lice mu gi prenesuva:


A contract or a contractual provision which the author has assigned to another person shall be null and void in:

- avtorskoto pravo, kako celina,


- the copyright in its entirety;

- moralnite prava,


- the moral rights;

- materijalnite prava vrz svoi idni dela i


- the economic rights to his future works;

- materijalnite prava na nepoznati vido­vi koristewe na avtorskite dela.


- the economic rights to yet unknown forms of use of the copyright works.




^len 60


Art. 60

Na dogovorite za prenesuvawe na avtorskoto pravo se primenuvaat propisite za obligacionite odnosi, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The regulations concerning obligatory relations shall apply to the copyright assignment contracts, unless otherwise determined by this Law.

^len 61


Art. 61

Sudsko izvr{uvawe nad avtorsko pravo ne e dozvoleno.


Judicial execution on copyright shall not be permitted.

Sudsko izvr{uvawe e mo`no samo nad imotnata korist {to pro­izleguva od avtorsko­to pravo.


Judicial execution shall be possible only to the material benefit arising from copyright.

Sudsko izvr{uvawe nad nedovr{eno avtorsko delo i nad neobjaven original na avtorsko delo ne e dozvoleno.


Judicial execution to uncompleted copyright work and to undisclosed original of copyright work shall not be permitted.




^len 62


Art. 62

Pravata {to spored ovoj zakon mu pripa|aat na avtorot, vklu~uvaj}i go i pravoto na sudska za{tita, mu pripa|aat i na drug nositel na avtorsko pravo, vo obem {to so zakon ili so drug praven akt mu se preneseni, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The rights to which the author is entitled to under this Law, including the right of legal protection, shall also belong to another copyright holder, to the extend assigned to him by Law or another legal regulation, unless otherwise determined by this Law.




^len 63


Art. 63

So dogovorot od ~len 57 na ovoj zakon, se prenesuva isklu~ivo ili neisklu~ivo materi­jalno pravo.


By the contract from Article 57 of this Law exclusive and non-exclusive economic right shall be assigned.




^len 64


Art. 64

Isklu~ivo materijalno pravo, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e pravo, nositelot na avtorskoto pravo da go koristi deloto, pri {to od koristewe se isklu~eni avtorot i bilo koe drugo lice.


Exclusive economic right, within the meaning of this Law, shall be a right for the copyright holder to use the work, which use the author or any other person is excluded from.

Neisklu~ivo materijalno pravo, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e pravo, nositelot na avtorskoto pravo, na dogovoren na~in, da go koristi deloto pokraj avtorot ili drugi nositeli.


Non-exclusive economic right, within the meaning of this Law, shall be a right for the copyright holder to use the work besides the author and other holders in agreed manner.

Dokolku avtorot sklu~i dogovor za neisklu~ivo pravo pred sklu~uvaweto dogovor za isklu~ivo pravo, nositel na pravoto e nositelot na isklu~ivoto pravo, dokolku me|u avtorot i nositelot na neisklu~ivoto pravo ne e poinaku dogovoreno.


If the author concludes a contract on non-conclusive right before concluding contract on exclusive right, the right holder shall be the holder of exclusive right, unless otherwise agreed between the author and the holder of the non-exclusive right.




^len 65


Art. 65

Dokolku so zakon ili so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno, se smeta deka so dogovor e preneseno neisklu~ivo pravo, za teritorijata na Republika Makedonija i za vreme {to e voobi~aeno za toj vid dela.


Unless otherwise determined by Law or by contract, it shall be considered that the non-exclusive right has been assigned by contract, for the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and for the time customary for such type of works.

Dokolku, vo smisla na stav 1 od ovoj ~len, ne e opredeleno koi oddelni prava se prenesu­vaat i vo kolkav obem, }e se smeta deka se preneseni onie prava i vo onoj obem {to e neophoden za postignuvawe na celta na dogovorot.


If it has not been determined which certain rights shall be assigned and the extent, it shall be considered that only those rights have been assigned, and to the extent, which is required for the achievement of the purpose of the contract, within the meaning of this Article, paragraph 1.




^len 66


Art. 66

Prenesuvaweto materijalno pravo ili drugo pravo na avtorot ne vlijae na prenesuvaweto na drugite prava, dokolku so ovoj zakon ili so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The assignment of an economic or other right to the author shall not affect the assignment of other rights, unless otherwise determined by this Law or by contract.

Prenesuvaweto na pravoto na reproduk­cija ne go sodr`i i pravoto na ~uvawe na deloto vo elektronska forma, kako i pravoto za tonsko ili vizuelno snimawe, dokolku so zakon ili so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The assignment of the right of reproduction shall not include the right of electronic storage, as well as the right of sound or visual recording, unless otherwise provided by Law or by contract.

Pri prenesuvaweto na pravoto na iznajmuvawe na fonogrami ili videogrami, avtorot go zadr`uva pravoto na soodveten nadomest pri sekoe iznajmuvawe. Od ova pravo avtorot ne mo`e da se otka`e.


On the assignment of right on rental of phonograms or videograms, the author shall retain the right to equitable remuneration for each rental. An author may not waive this right.




^len 67


Art. 67

Pri prenesuvaweto na pravoto na reprodukcija, se smeta deka e preneseno i pravoto na distribucija na primerocite na toa delo.


By assignment of the right of reproduction, it shall be considered that the right of distribution of such copies of the work has also been assigned.

Pri prenesuvaweto na pravoto na radiodifuzno emituvawe na dela, se smeta deka na radio i televiziskata (vo ponata­mo{niot tekst: RTV) organizacija £ se preneseni i pravata na:


By assignment of the right of broadcasting of works, it shall be considered that the rights have been assigned to the broadcasting organization (hereafter broadcaster) for:

- snimawe na deloto so sopstveni sredstva i za sopstveno emituvawe (efemerni snimki) i


- fixation of the work with its own means and for its own broadcasts (ephemeral fixations); and

- dostavuvawe na efemernite snimki do dr`aven arhiv, dokolku imaat isklu~itelna dokumentarna vrednost. Za toa organizaci­jata bez odlagawe e dol`na da go izvesti avtorot.


- delivering the ephemeral fixations to a state archive, if they are of exceptional documentary value. The organization shall be obliged to notify the author of such delivery without delay.




^len 68


Art. 68

Nositelot komu mu bilo preneseno materijalno pravo ili drugo pravo na avtorot, ne mo`e bez dozvola na avtorot, toa pravo natamu da go prenese na treti lica, dokolku so zakon ili dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


A holder who has been assigned to an economic right or other author's right may not, without the author's authorization, reassign that right to a third party, unless otherwise determined by Law or by contract.

Dokolku natamo{noto prenesuvawe na pravoto e posledica na statusnite izmeni na nositelot, negov ste~aj ili redovna likvida­cija, ne e potrebna dozvolata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


If the reassignment of the right is result of a change of status or bankruptcy or regular liquidation, the consent of this Article, paragraph 1, shall not be required.

Dokolku natamo{noto prenesuvawe na pravoto e dopu{teno bez dozvola na avtorot, soglasno so zakon ili dogovor, za avtorskite pobaruvawa solidarna odgovornost snosat prethodniot i noviot nositel.


If the reassignment of the right is allowed without the author's authorization, by Law or contract, the previous and subsequent holder shall be jointly liable for the discharge of author's claims.




^len 69


Art. 69

Vo slu~aj koga avtorskiot nadomest ne e opredelen, nadomestot se opredeluva spored voobi~aenoto pla}awe za opredelen vid dela, spored obemot i vremetraeweto na koriste­weto i vrz osnova na drugi bitni okolnosti.


In a case when the author's remuneration has not been determined, it shall be determined according to the customary fees for a particular types of works, according to the extent and duration of use and other relevant circumstances.

Dokolku so koristeweto na avtorskoto delo se ostvaruva dobivka, koja e zna~itelno pogolema od dogovoreniot ili opredeleniot nadomest, avtorot ima pravo da pobara izmena na dogovorot, {to }e mu ovozmo`i popravi~en udel vo dobivkata. Od ova pravo avtorot ne mo`e da se otka`e.


If the use of a copyright work effectuates a profit which is significantly larger than the agreed or determined remuneration, the author may demand a revision of the contract to provide him more equitable share of the revenue. The author may not waive this right.




^len 70


Art. 70

Vo slu~aj koga nadomestot e dogovoren, odnosno opredelen vo zavisnost od ostvare­nata dobivka od koristeweto na deloto, korisnikot na avtorskoto delo e dol`en da vodi soodvetni knigi ili druga evidencija, od koja mo`e da se utvrdi visinata na ostvarenata dobivka.


In a case when remuneration is agreed or determined in dependence of the revenue derived from the use of the work, the user of the copyright work shall be obliged to keep appropriate accounts or other documentation necessary for the determination of the amount of realized revenue.

Korisnikot na avtorskoto delo e dol`en da mu ovozmo`i na nositelot na avtorskoto pravo uvid vo evidencijata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len i da mu dostavuva potrebni izve{tai za ostvarenata dobivka vo voobi~aen rok, dokolku ne e dogovoren drug rok.


The user of the work shall be obliged to enable the copyright holder to inspect the documentation from this Article, paragraph 1, and shall deliver him necessary reports on the realized revenue in an usual term, unless another term has been agreed.




^len 71


Art. 71

Avtorot mo`e da go povle~e materijal­noto pravo, dokolku nositelot na isklu~ivo­to pravo vo nedovolna mera go ostvaruva ili voop{to ne go ostvaruva, a od tie pri~ini interesite na avtorot zna~itelno se o{te­teni.


The author may revoke the economic right, if the holder of the exclusive right exercises the right to an insufficient extent or does not exercise it at all, thereby significantly affecting the author's interests.

Avtorot ne mo`e da go ostvari povleku­vaweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, dokolku od nego poteknuvaat pri~inite za toa.


The author may not exercise the revocation of the economic right of this Article, paragraph 1, insofar the reasons for mentioned above are attributable to him.

Povlekuvaweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, ne mo`e da se ostvari pred istekot na dve godini od prenesuvaweto na materijalnoto pravo na deloto, pred tri meseci za prilog vo dneven vesnik, odnosno pred edna godina za periodi­~en pe~at.


The revocation of this Article, paragraph 1, may not be exercised before the expiration of two years from the time of assignment of the economic rights of the work, before three months in the case of daily newspapers article, or before one year in the case of periodical press article.

Avtorot mo`e da go ostvari povlekuva­weto spored ovoj ~len, dokolku mu ponudi na nositelot dopolnitelen rok za soodvetno ostvaruvawe na pravoto.


An author may exercise the revocation of this Article, insofar he has offered the holder an extra time period for an appropriate exercising of the right.

So ostvaruvawe na povlekuvaweto se gasi materijalnoto pravo na nositelot.


By exercising the revocation, the economic rights of the holder shall lapse.

Dokolku na~eloto na pravi~nosta go nalaga toa, avtorot e dol`en na nositelot na pravoto da mu isplati soodveten nadomest na {teta.


The author shall be obliged to indemnify adequately the right holder, if required by the principle of justice.

Avtorot ne mo`e da se otka`e od pravoto na povlekuvawe spored ovoj zakon.


The author may not waive the right of revocation provided by this Law.




Oddel 2


Section 2

Poseben del za prenesuvawe na avtorskoto pravo


Special Provisions for Transfer of Copyright




Pododdel 1


Subsection 1

Izdava~ki dogovor


Publishing Contracts




^len 72


Art. 72

So izdava~ki dogovor avtorot se obvrzuva da mu go prenese na izdava~ot pravoto na izdavawe na svoeto delo preku pe~atewe vo kni`en oblik, a izdava~ot se obvrzuva za toa da mu plati nadomest i deloto da go izdade.


By a publishing contract the author shall be obliged to assign the publisher the right of publication of his work by printing in a book form, while the publisher shall be obliged to pay a remuneration to the author therefore and to publish the work.

Izdava~kiot dogovor od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, ne go sodr`i pravoto na izdavawe na deloto vo elektronski oblik. Za izdavawe na deloto vo elektronski oblik se sklu~uva poseben dogovor.


The publishing contract of this Article, paragraph 1, does not include the right of publication of the work in an electronic form. A separate contract shall be concluded for publication of the work in an electronic form.

Izdava~ot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, ima pravo me|u ednakvi ponuduva~i, na prvenstvo na izdavawe na deloto vo elektronski oblik. Pravoto na prvenstvo iznesuva tri godini od dogovoreniot rok za izdavawe na deloto vo kni`en oblik. Izdava~ot pismeno se izjasnuva vo rok od 30 dena od priemot na ponudata od avtorot.


The publisher of this Article, paragraph 1, shall have a right of precedence among equal offerers for the publication of the work in electronic form. The right of precedence shall subsist for three years from the agreed term of publication of the work in a book form. The publisher shall give written notice within 30 days from the receipt of the author's offer.

So izdava~kiot dogovor mo`e da se prenese i pravoto na xebno izdanie, periodi~­no izdanie, odnosno izdavawe vo prodol`enija, preveduvawe i sli~no.


By a publishing contract the right to a pocket edition may be also assigned, to a periodical edition in instalments, to a translation and alike.




^len 73


Art. 73

Izdava~kiot dogovor sodr`i osobeno: vid na pravata {to se prenesuvaat, nivniot obem i vremetraewe, teritorijata na koja va`at pravata, rokot za izdavawe na deloto i avtorskiot nadomest.


The publishing contract shall include in particular: type of rights to be assigned, their scope and duration, territory of the rights' effectiveness, term for the publication of the work and author's remuneration.

Vo slu~aj koga nadomestot e dogovoren vo procent od malopro­da`­nata cena na prodade­nite primeroci na deloto, vo dogovorot se utvrduva nivniot minimalen broj pri prvoto pe~atewe. Ovaa obvrska ne e zadol`itelna, dokolku so dogovorot e utvrden minimalen nadomest, {to izdava~ot e dol`en da go pla}a, bez ogled na brojot na prodadenite primeroci.


In a case when the remuneration is agreed at a percentage of the retail price of the work's sold copies , the publishing contract shall specify their minimum number at the first printing. Such an obligation shall not be compulsory insofar the contract specifies the minimum remuneration that the publisher is obliged to pay, regardless of the number of sold copies.

Vo slu~aj koga nadomestot e dogovoren vo pau{alen iznos, vo izdava~kiot dogovor se naveduva tira`ot. Dokolku toj ne e opredelen ili ne mo`e da se utvrdi spored celta na dogovorot, drugi okolnosti ili obi~ai, izdava~ot mo`e da go izdade deloto vo tira` od najmnogu 500 primeroci.


In a case when the remuneration is agreed in a lump sum, the publishing contract shall specify the total edition. If it is not determined or cannot be specified from the purpose of the contract, or from other circumstances or customs, the publisher may publish the work in a maximum of 500 copies.




^len 74


Art. 74

Vo vremeto na va`ewe na izdava~kiot dogovor, avtorot ne mo`e da go prenese pravoto na izdavawe na deloto na ist jazik na drugi lica, dokolku so dogovorot ne e poinaku opredeleno.


During the validity period of the publishing contract, the author may not assign the right of publication of the work in the same language to other persons, unless otherwise provided by contract.

Pravoto na izdavawe novinarski napisi na ist jazik, avtorot mo`e da go prenese vo isto vreme na pove}e korisnici, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The author may assign the right of publication of newspaper articles in the same language simultaneously to several users, unless otherwise provided by contract.




^len 75


Art. 75

Dokolku so izdava~kiot dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno, izdava~ot e dol`en, pri narednite izdanija, da mu ovozmo`i na avtorot podobruvawe ili izmena na deloto, pod uslov, toa da ne predizvika zna~itelen tro{ok za izdava~ot i su{tinski da ne go menuva deloto.


The publisher shall be obliged to enable the author improvement or alteration to the work on subsequent editions, provided this does not cause significant expense for the publisher and substantially alter the work, unless otherwise determined by a publishing contract.




^len 76


Art. 76

Vo slu~aj koga deloto, po dostavuvaweto do izdava~ot, e uni{teno poradi vi{a sila, avtorot ima pravo na nadomest {to bi mu pripadnal, dokolku deloto bilo izdadeno.


In a case when a work is destroyed due to force majeure after delivery to the publisher, the author shall have the right of remuneration that would have been given to him if the work had been published.

Vo slu~aj koga poradi vi{a sila e uni{teno celokupnoto podgotveno izdanie, a pred da bide pu{teno vo promet, izdava~ot ima pravo da podgotvi novo izdanie, a avtorot ima pravo na nadomest samo za uni{tenoto izdanie.


In a case when an entire prepared edition is destroyed due to force majeure before it has been put into circulation, the publisher shall have the right to prepare a new edition, and the author shall have the right of remuneration for the destroyed edition only.

Vo slu~aj koga poradi vi{a sila e uni{ten del od podgotvenoto izdanie, a pred da bide pu{teno vo promet, izdava~ot ima pravo, bez isplata na nadomest da otpe~ati samo tolku primeroci kolku {to bile uni{teni.


In a case when a part of a prepared edition is destroyed by a force majeure before it has been put into circulation, the publisher shall have the right to print, without payment of remuneration, only as many copies as were destroyed.




^len 77


Art. 77

Izdava~kiot dogovor prestanuva vo slu~aj na:


The publishing contract shall terminate:

- smrt na avtorot pred zavr{uvawe na avtorskoto delo,


- if the author dies before the completion of the copyright work;

- iscrpuvawe na tira`ot na site dogovo­reni izdanija,


- if all copies of all agreed editions are sold out;

- istek na rokot na va`ewe na dogovorot i


- if the term of the contract has expired;

- drugi slu~ai utvrdeni so zakon ili dogovor.


- in other cases determined by Law or by contract.

Avtorot mo`e da go raskine izdava~­kiot dogovor, dokolku izdava~ot, otkako bilo iscrpeno prethodnoto izdanie, ne izdade novi dogovoreni izdanija vo rok od tri godini od denot koga avtorot go pobaral toa, osven dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


An author may rescind a publishing contract if the publisher, after the initial edition has been sold out, does not publish new agreed editions within three years from the date when the author requested it, unless otherwise provided by contract.

Se smeta deka tira`ot e iscrpen vo smisla na ovoj zakon, dokolku brojot na neprodadenite primeroci e pomal od 5% od site dogovoreni izdanija, a vo sekoj slu~aj dokolku e pomal od 100 primeroci.


An edition shall be considered sold out within the meaning of this Law if the number of unsold copies is less than 5% of all agreed editions, and in any case if the number is less than 100 copies.

Vo slu~aj koga izdava~ot nema da go izdade deloto vo dogovoreniot rok, avtorot mo`e da go raskine dogovorot i da bara nadomest na {teta, a voedno da go zadr`i dobieniot nadomest, odnosno da bara isplata na dogovorniot nadomest.


In a case when the publisher fails to publish the work within the agreed time period, the author may rescind the contract and request to be indemnified, and also to keep the received remuneration or to demand payment of the agreed remuneration.

Vo slu~aj koga rokot za izdavawe na deloto ne e utvrden vo dogovorot, izdava~ot e dol`en deloto da go izdade vo voobi~aen rok, no najdocna vo rok od edna godina od denot na predavaweto na rakopisot.


In a case when a term for publication of the work has not been specified in the contract, the publisher shall be obliged to publish the work within the customary term, but not later than one year from the day of the delivery of the manuscript.




^len 78


Art. 78

Koga izdava~ot ima namera, po rokot od tri godini od dogovorenoto izdavawe na deloto, da gi prodade neprodadenite prime­roci na deloto kako hartija za prerabotka, a vo dogovorot ne e opredelen podolg rok, e dol`en, primerocite prvo da mu gi ponudi na avtorot za otkup, po cena {to bi ja dobil od proda`bata na primero­cite kako hartija za prerabotka.


Where a publisher intends to sell unsold copies of the work for pulping after a period of three years from the agreed publication of the work, and the contract does not determine a longer time period, he shall be obliged to offer the copies to the author first for purchase at the price that he would obtain if they were sold for pulping.




Pododdel 2


Subsection 2

Dogovor za javno izveduvawe


Public Performance Contract




^len 79


Art. 79

So dogovor za javno izveduvawe avtorot se obvrzuva da mu go prenese na korisnikot pravoto za javno izveduvawe na svoeto delo, a korisnikot se obvrzuva, za toa, na avtorot da mu isplati nadomest i deloto javno da go izvede.


By a public performance contract the author shall be obliged to assign to the user the right of public performance of his work, while the user shall be obliged to pay the author a remuneration and to perform the work in public.




^len 80


Art. 80

Dogovorot za javno izveduvawe sodr`i osobeno: vid, obem i vremetraewe na pravata {to se prenesuvaat, teritorijata na koja va`at pravata, na~inot i rokot za javnoto izveduvawe na deloto i avtorskiot nadomest.


The public performance contract shall include in particular: the type, scope and duration of the rights to be assigned, territory of the rights' effectiveness, the manner and time period for the public performance of the work and the author's remuneration.




^len 81


Art. 81

Korisnikot e dol`en da mu ovozmo`i na avtorot uvid vo javnoto izveduvawe na deloto i da obezbedi soodvetni tehni~ki uslovi za izveduvaweto, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The user shall be obliged to enable the author inspection in the public performance of the work, and to provide adequate technical conditions for the performance, unless otherwise provided by contract.




^len 82


Art. 82

Vo slu~aj koga korisnikot javno ne go izvede deloto vo dogovorniot rok, avtorot ima pravo da go raskine dogovorot i da pobara o{teta, kako i da go zadr`i ve}e dobieniot nadomest, odnosno da bara isplata na dogovoreniot nadomest.


In a case when the user does not perform the work in public within the agreed time period, the author has the right to rescind the contract and request to be indemnified as well to keep the already received remuneration or to demand payment of the agreed remuneration.




Pododdel 3


Subsection 3

Dogovor za nara~ka na avtorsko delo


Commissioning Copyright Work Contract




^len 83


Art. 83

So dogovor za nara~ka na avtorsko delo, avtorot se obvrzuva da go sozdade nara~anoto avtorsko delo i da mu go dostavi na nara~atelot, a nara~atelot se obvrzuva za toa da mu isplati nadomest.


By a commissioning copyright work contract, the author shall be obliged to create the commissioned copyright work and to deliver it to the person commissioning it, while the latter shall be obliged to pay a remuneration for it.

Nara~atelot ima pravo da ja nadgleduva rabotata i da dava upatstva, dokolku so toa ne navleguva vo pravoto na avtorot za slobodno tvore{tvo.


The person commissioning the work may supervise the process and give instructions, unless by doing so he infringes the author's right of creation's freedom.

Avtorot go zadr`uva avtorskoto pravo vrz nara~anoto delo, osven pravoto na distri­bucija, dokolku so zakon ili dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The author shall keep the copyright of a commissioned work, except the right of distribution, unless otherwise provided by Law or by contract.




^len 84


Art. 84

Kolektivno avtorsko delo (enciklope­di­ja, zbornik, baza na podatoci i sli~no) vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e avtorsko delo sozdadeno po inicijativa i organizacija na pravno ili fizi~ko lice kako nara~atel, a vo sorabotka na pogolem broj avtori, {to se objavuva i koristi pod ime na nara~atelot. Za sozdavawe kolektivno avtorsko delo se sklu~uva poseben dogovor.


A collective copyright work (encyclopaedia, anthology, databases and alike) within the meaning of this Law, is a copyright work created on the initiative and under the organization of a legal entity or natural person commissioning it through collaboration with a large number of authors, which is disclosed and used under the name of the person commissioning it. A special contract shall be concluded for the creation of a collective copyright work.

Se smeta deka na nara~atelot isklu~ivo i neograni~eno mu se preneseni materijal­nite prava i drugite prava na avtorite na kolek­tiv­noto delo, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


It shall be considered that the economic and other rights of the authors of a collective work have been exclusively and without limitation assigned to the person commissioning the work, unless otherwise determined by contract.




Pododdel 4


Subsection 4

Avtorsko delo od raboten odnos


Copyright Work in the Course of Employment




^len 85


Art. 85

Vo slu~aj koga avtorskoto delo e sozdadeno od rabotnik pri ispolnuvawe na svoite rabotni obvrski ili po upatstvo na rabotodavecot (vo natamo{niot tekst: avtorsko delo od raboten odnos), se smeta deka materijalnite prava i drugite prava na avtorot na toa delo, isklu~ivo mu se preneseni na rabotodavecot za vreme od deset godini po zavr{u­vaweto na deloto, dokolku so soodveten kolektiven dogovor, odnosno so dogovor za rabota ne e poinaku opredeleno.


In a case when a copyright work is created by an employee in the execution of his duties or on instructions by the employer (hereafter "copyright work in the course of employment"), it shall be considered that the economic and other rights of the author of that work have been exclusively assigned to the employer for a period of ten years from the completion of the work, unless otherwise provided by a collective contract or employment contract.

Po istekot na rokot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, materijalnite prava i drugite prava mu pripa|aat na rabotnikot, so toa {to raboto­davecot mo`e da pobara nivno povtorno isklu~ivo prenesuvawe, dokolku mu plati na rabotnikot pravi~en nadomest.


On expiry of the term of this Article, paragraph 1, the economic rights and other rights shall revert to the employee, while the employer may demand their new exclusive assignment, insofar he pays the employee an equitable remuneration.




^len 86


Art. 86

Po isklu~ok na ~len 85 na ovoj zakon:


As an exception to the Article 85 of this Law:

- rabotnikot go zadr`uva isklu~ivoto pravo da go koristi avtor­skoto delo od rabotniot odnos vo ramkite na svoite sobrani dela i


- an employee shall retain the exclusive right to use a copyright work in the course of employment as part of his collected works;

- se smeta deka materijalnite prava i drugite prava na avtorot na kolek­tivno delo i na bazi na podatoci se isklu~ivo i neograni~eno pre­neseni na rabotodavecot, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


- the economic and other rights of an author of a collective work or database, shall be considered to have been assigned exclusively and without limitation to the employer, unless otherwise determined by contract.









chapter IV







Oddel 1


Section 1

Audiovizuelno delo


Audiovisual Work




^len 87


Art. 87

Audiovizuelno delo, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e kinematografski, televiziski i video film, drugo audiovizuelno delo, kako i drugo delo izrazeno vo vid na povrzani podvi`ni sliki, so ili bez ton, bez ogled na vidot na nosa~ot {to gi sodr`i.


Audiovisual work, within the meaning of this Law, is a cinematographic, television and video film, another audiovisual work as well as another work expressed in a form of consecutive motion pictures, with or without sound, regardless of the nature of the medium which comprises them.




^len 88


Art. 88

Avtori na audiovizuelno delo, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, se: pisatelot na scenarioto, glavniot re`iser i glavniot snimatel, a kaj crtaniot film i glavniot crta~. Vo slu~aj koga muzikata e su{tinski element na deloto, za avtor se smeta i avtorot na muzikata.


Within the meaning of this Law, as authors of an audiovisual work shall be considered: the writer of the screenplay, the principal director and the director of photography, and, in animated films, the principal animator. Where music is an essential element of the work, the composer of the music is also considered an author.




^len 89


Art. 89

Crta~ot, odnosno avtorot na muzikata, koga ne se smeta za avtor na audiovizuelnoto delo spored ~len 88 na ovoj zakon, kako i scenografot, kostimografot, monta`erot i avtorot na maski, imaat avtorsko pravo samo vrz svoite pridonesi kon audiovizuelnoto delo (vo natamo{niot tekst: avtori na pridonesi).


The animator and the music composer when not considered as an author of an audiovisual work according to Article 88 of this Law, as well as set designer, costume designer, editors and make-up designer shall have copyright only on their individual contributions to an audiovisual work (hereafter "authors of contributions").




^len 90


Art. 90

Filmski producent, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e pravno ili fizi~ko lice koe vo svoe ime, za svoja ili tu|a smetka, vodi ili organizira proizvodstvo na audiovizuelno delo i e odgovorno za negovoto dovr{uvawe.


A film producer, within the meaning of this Law, is a legal entity which or a natural person who in his own name, at his own expense or at the expense of another manages or organizes the production of an audiovisual work and is responsible for its completion.




^len 91


Art. 91

Pravo na audiovizuelno prisposobuva­we e isklu~ivo pravo, izvornoto delo da se preraboti vo audiovizuelno delo ili da se vklu~i vo audiovizuelno delo.


The right of an audiovisual adaptation is an exclusive right to modify the original work into an audiovisual work or to include it in an audiovisual work.

So sklu~uvawe dogovor za audiovizuel­no prisposobuvawe se smeta deka avtorot na izvornoto delo, isklu~ivo i neograni~eno mu go prenesol na filmskiot producent: pravoto na prerabotka i vklu~u­vawe na izvornoto delo vo audiovizuelno delo, svoite materijalni prava i drugite prava na toa audiovizuelno delo, pravoto na negovo prevedu­vawe, audio­vizuelni prera­botki, kako i na fotografiite sozdadeni vo vrska so audiovizuelnoto delo, dokolku so dogovorot ne e poinaku opredeleno.


By concluding an audiovisual adaptation contract, the author of an original work shall be considered to have assigned, exclusively and without limitation, to the film producer: the right of modification and inclusion of the original work in an audiovisual work, his economic rights and other rights of that audiovisual work, the right of its translation, audiovisual adaptations as well as of the photographs made in connection with the audiovisual work, unless otherwise determined by contract.

Po isklu~ok od stav 2 na ovoj ~len, avtorot na izvornoto delo go zadr`uva:


As an exception to this Article, paragraph 2, the author of the original work shall retain:

- isklu~ivoto pravo na natamo{na prerabotka na audio­vizu­el­noto delo vo drug umetni~ki vid;


- the exclusive right of further modification of the audiovisual work into another artistic form;

- isklu~ivoto pravo na novi audiovizu­elni prisposobuvawa na izvor­noto delo po istekot na deset godini od sklu~uvaweto na dogovorot od stav 2 na ovoj ~len i


- the exclusive right of new audiovisual adaptations of the original work after the expiry of ten years from the contract conclusion of this Article, paragraph 2; and

- pravoto na soodveten nadomest od filmskiot producent, za sekoe iznajmuvawe videogrami so audiovizuelnoto delo.


- the right of appropriate remuneration from the film producer for every rental of videograms of the audiovisual work.

Avtorot na izvornoto delo ne mo`e da se otka`e od pravata navedeni vo stav 3 na ovoj ~len.


The author of the original work may not waive the rights mentioned in this Article, paragraph 3.




^len 92


Art. 92

So dogovor za filmska produkcija se ureduvaat odnosot na film­skiot producent so avtorite na audiovizuelnoto delo i avtorite na pridonesite, kako i odnosot me|u samite avtori, soglasno so ovoj zakon.


The relation between the film producer, the authors of an audiovisual work and the authors of contributions, as well as the relations between the authors themselves, shall be regulated by a film production contract, according to this Law.

So sklu~uvaweto na dogovorot za filmska produkcija, se smeta deka avtorite, isklu~ivo i neograni~eno mu gi prenesle na filmskiot producent site svoi materijalni prava i drugi prava na audiovizuelnoto delo, pravoto na prevod, audiovizuelnata prera­bot­ka, kako i na fotografiite sozdadeni vo vrska so toa delo, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


By making a film production contract, the authors shall be considered to have assigned to the film producer, exclusively and without limitation, all their economic rights and other rights of the audiovisual work, rights of translation, audiovisual adaptation and photographs made in connection with the work, unless otherwise determined by contract.

So sklu~uvawe dogovor za filmska produkcija, se smeta deka avto­rite na pridonesite, isklu~ivo i neograni~eno mu gi prenesle na filmskiot producent pravata za koristewe na pridonesite za dovr{uvawe na audiovizuelnoto delo.


By making a film production contract, the authors of contributions shall be considered to have assigned to the film producer, exclusively and without limitation, the rights to use their contributions for the completion of the audiovisual work.

Po isklu~ok na stavovite 1, 2 i 3 od ovoj ~len:


As an exception of this Article, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3:

- avtorite zadr`uvaat isklu~ivo pravo na natamo{ni prerabotki na audiovizuel­noto delo vo nekoj drug umetni~ki vid,


- the authors shall retain the exclusive right of further modifications of an audiovisual work into another artistic form;

- avtorite na pridonesite zadr`uvaat pravo svoite pridonesi kon audiovizuelnoto delo posebno da gi koristat, dokolku so toa ne se povredeni pravata na filmskiot produ­cent i


- the authors of contributions shall retain the right to use their contributions to the audiovisual work separately, unless by doing so they infringe the rights of the film producer; and

- avtorite go zadr`uvaat pravoto na pravi~en nadomest od film­skiot producent za sekoe iznajmuvawe na videogramite so audio­vizu­elnoto delo.


- the authors shall retain the right of equitable remuneration from the film producer for every rental of videograms of the audiovisual work.

Avtorite i avtorite na pridonesite ne mo`at da se otka`at od pravata navedeni vo stav 4 na ovoj ~len.


The authors and authors of contributions may not waive the rights specified in this Article, paragraph 4.




^len 93


Art. 93

Avtorite na audiovizuelnoto delo imaat pravo na avtorski nadomest, posebno za sekoe preneseno materijalno pravo ili drugo pravo na avtorot.


The authors of an audiovisual work shall have the right of author's remuneration separately for each assigned economic right or other rights of the author.

Filmskiot producent e dol`en najmalku edna{ godi{no da im dostavuva na avtorite na audiovizuelnoto delo izve{taj za ostvare­niot prihod i toa posebno za sekoj vid dozvoleno koristewe na deloto.


The film producer shall be obliged, at least once a year, to deliver the authors of an audiovisual work a report of revenue received separately for each form of authorized use of the work.




^len 94


Art. 94

Audiovizuelnoto delo se smeta za dovr{eno koga, soglasno so dogo­vorot me|u glavniot re`iser i filmskiot producent, e zavr{ena prvata standardna kopija na deloto, {to e predmet na dogovorot.


The audiovisual work shall be considered completed, when, according to the contract between the principal director and the film producer, the first standard copy of the work that is the subject matter of the contract is completed.

Uni{tuvawe na matricata na kopijata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len ne e dozvoleno.


The destruction of a master copy from this Article, paragraph 1, shall not be permitted.

Izmeni na kopijata na audiovizuelnoto delo od stav 1 na ovoj ~len se mo`ni samo po prethodna soglasnost na glavniot re`iser i filmskiot producent.


Alterations to the copy of the audiovisual work from this Article, paragraph 1, shall be allowable only after principal director and the film producer's approval.

Vo slu~aj koga nekoj od avtorite ili avtorite na pridonesite nema da go zavr{i svojot del kon audiovizuelnoto delo ili poradi vi{a sila toa ne mo`e da go napravi, nema pravo da se sprotivstavuva dadeniot del da bide koristen za negovo dovr{uvawe. Za ovoj del avtorot u`iva soodvetno avtorsko pravo.


In a case when one of the authors or authors of contributions does not complete his  part to the audiovisual work or is unable to do so due to a force majeure, he may not object the part to be used for it's completion. The author shall enjoy appropriate copyright on that part.




^len 95


Art. 95

Vo slu~aj koga filmskiot producent nema da go zavr{i audio­vizuelnoto delo vo rok od pet godini od sklu~uvaweto na dogovorot za filmska produkcija ili dokolku ne go distribuira zavr{enoto audio­vizuelno delo vo rok od edna godina po negovoto dovr{uvawe, avtorite mo`at da go raskinat dogovorot, dokolku ne bil dogovoren drug rok.


In a case when a film producer fails to complete an audiovisual work within five years from the making of the film production contract, or where he fails to distribute the completed audiovisual work within one year after its completion, the authors may rescind the contract, unless another term has been agreed.

Vo slu~ajot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len avtorite i avtorite na pridone­site go zadr`uvaat pravoto na isplata na nadomest.


In the case of this Article, paragraph 1, the authors and authors of contributions shall retain the right of remuneration.




^len 96


Art. 96

Na dogovorot za audiovizuelno prisposo­buvawe i na dogovorot za filmska produkcija, ne se odnesuvaat odredbite na ovoj zakon za pravoto na otka`uvawe od ~len 17 i za prenesuvawe na pravata od ~lenovite 65 do 68 na ovoj zakon.


The audiovisual adaptation contract and film production contract shall not be a subject to the provisions on the right of withdrawal from Article 17 or to the provisions on assignment of rights from Articles 65 to 68 of this Law.




Oddel 2


Section 2

Kompjuterska programa


Computer Program




^len 97


Art. 97

Kompjuterska programa vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e programa vo bilo koja elektron­ska izrazna forma, vklu~uvaj}i go i podgot­vitelniot materijal za negova izrabotka, dokolku e individualna i intelektualna tvorba na nivniot avtor.


A computer program within the meaning of this Law is a program in any expressed electronic form, including the preparatory material for its creation, provided that it is an individual and intellectual creation of it's author.

Ideite i koncepciite {to pretsta­vuvaat osnova za bilo koj element na kompju­terskata programa, vklu~uvaj}i gi delovite od programata {to ovozmo`uvaat povrzuva­we i interakcija me|u elementite na programskata i ma{inskata oprema (inter­fejsi), ne u`ivaat za{tita spored ovoj zakon.


The ideas and conceptions which constitute a basis of any element of a computer program, including the program components that enable connection and interaction between the elements of the program and the machine equipment (interfaces), are not protected under this Law.




^len 98


Art. 98

Vo slu~aj koga kompjuterskata programa e podgotvena od rabotnik pri izvr{uvaweto na svoite rabotni obvrski ili po upatstvo na rabotodavecot ili koga e podgotvena od avtor vrz osnova na avtorski dogovor za nara~ka, se smeta deka materijalnite prava i drugite prava na avtorot na programata, isklu~ivo i neograni~eno mu se preneseni na rabotoda­vecot ili nara~atelot, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


In a case when a computer programs created by an employee in the execution of his duties or on his employer's instructions, or where it is created by an author under a commissioning copyright contract, the economic rights and other author's rights to the program shall be considered assigned to the employer or the person commissioning the work, exclusively and without limitation, unless otherwise determined by contract.




^len 99


Art. 99

Dokolku so ~lenovite 100 i 101 od ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno, avtorot na kompjuterskata programa ima isklu~ivo materijalno pravo da ja koristi programata i da dozvoluva ili zabranuva koristewe na programata osobeno preku:


If it has not been otherwise determined by Articles 100 and 101 of this Law, the author of a computer program shall have the exclusive economic right to use the program and the right to authorize or prohibit the use of the program in particular by:

- reproducirawe, delumno ili celosno, nezavisno dali e vremeno ili trajno i nezavisno od sredstvata i formata, a {to e potrebno za vnesuvawe, prika`uvawe, koristewe, prenesuvawe ili ~uvawe na kompjuterskata programa,


- reproduction, partial or full, regardless of whether it is temporary or permanent and regardless of the means and form, which is necessary for the loading, display, running, transmission or storage of the computer program;

- preveduvawe ili bilo koja druga prera­botka, kako i reproduci­rawe na rezultatite od taa prerabotka, bez vlijanie na pravata na avtorot na prerabotkata i


- translating or any other modification as well as reproduction of the results of that modification without affecting author's rights of the modification; and

- distribuirawe na originalot na kompjuterskata programa ili nejzinite kopii vo bilo kakva forma, vklu~uvaj}i go i pravoto na iznajmuvawe.


- distributing the original or the copies of the computer program in any form, including the right of rental.

Avtorot mo`e so dogovor da gi prenese pravata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len na treti lica.


The author may also assign the rights from this Article, paragraph 1, to third parties by contract.




^len 100


Art. 100

Dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku oprede­leno, zakonskiot korisnik na kompju­terskata programa mo`e bez dozvola na avtorot da gi vr{i dejstvijata navedeni vo ~len 99 stav 1 alinei 1 i 2 na ovoj zakon, vklu~uvaj}i i ispravka na gre{kite potrebni za koristewe na kompjuterskata programa, soglasno so nejzinata namena.


Unless otherwise determined by contract, a legal user of the computer program may carry out the operations specified in Article 99 subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this Law without authorization of the author, including correction of errors necessary for running the computer program, according to its intended purpose.

Zakonskiot korisnik na kompjuterskata programa mo`e bez dozvola na avtorot da reproducira najmnogu dve kopii na progra­mata, dokolku e toa potrebno za nejzino koristewe.


The legal user of a computer program may, without authorization from the author, make a maximum of two copies of the program, if that is necessary for its use.

Zakonskiot korisnik na kopija na kompjuterskata programa mo`e bez dozvola na avtorot da go prou~uva ili testira raboteweto na programata, so cel da gi utvrdi ideite {to se osnovna karakteris­tika na bilo koj element na programata, dokolku toa go pravi pri vnesot, prika`uva­weto, koristeweto, prenesu­vaweto ili ~uvaweto, za {to e ovlasten.


The legal user of a copy of a computer program may, without authorization from the author, study or test the operation of the program in order to specify the ideas which are a basic characteristic of any element of the program, if he does so while performing any of the activities of loading, displaying, running, transmitting or storing the program that he is entitled to perform.

Za kompjuterskite programi ne va`at odredbite za pravoto na otka`uvawe od ~len 17, kako i za privatno ili drugo sopstveno repro­ducirawe od ~len 34 na ovoj zakon.


The provisions concerning the right of withdrawal and private and other individual reproduction from Article 34 of this Law, shall not apply to computer programs.

Odredbite od dogovorot {to se vo sprotivnost so stavovite 2, 3 i 4 na ovoj ~len se ni{tovni.


Contractual provisions contrary to the paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Article shall be null and void.




^len 101


Art. 101

Za reproducirawe na kodot i za promena na negoviot oblik, vo smisla na ~len 99 stav 1 alinei 1 i 2 na ovoj zakon, ne e potrebna dozvola na avtorot, dokolku toa e potrebno za dobivawe informacii potrebni za postignu­vawe na interoperabilnost na nezavisno kreirana kompjuterska programa so drugi programi, pod uslov da se ispolneti slednive uslovi:


Reproduction of the code and alteration of its form, within the meaning of Article 99, paragraph 1, items 1 and 2 of this Law, shall not require authorization from the author, insofar it is indispensable to obtain informations necessary to achieve interoperability between an independently created program and other programs, provided the following conditions are met:

- takvite dejstvija da gi vr{i nositel na dozvola ili drug zakonski korisnik ili vo nivno ime, od niv, za taa cel, ovlasteno lice,


- such activities to be carried out by the licensee or another legal user, or on their behalf, for that purpose, by a person authorized to do so;

- informaciite potrebni za postignuva­we interoperabilnost da ne bile prethodno dostapni na licata od stav 1 alineja 1 na ovoj ~len i


- the informations necessary to achieve interoperability have not been previously available to the persons from this Article, paragraph 1, item 1; and

- takvite dejstvija da se ograni~eni samo na onie delovi od izvor­nata programa {to se potrebni za postignuvawe interoperabil­nost.


- such activities to be confined only to those parts of the original program that are necessary to achieve interoperability.

Ne e dozvoleno informaciite dobieni preku primena na stav 1 od ovoj ~len da se:


Informations obtained through the application of paragraph 1 of this Article may not be:

- koristat za drugi nameni, osven za pos­tignuvawe na interopera­bil­nost na nezavisno kreirana kompjuterska programa,


- used for purposes other than the achievement of the interoperability of the independently created computer program;

- otstapuvaat na treti lica, osven koga toa e potrebno za postignu­va­we na interoperabilnost na nezavisno kreirana kompjuterska programa i


- conveyed to a third party, except when necessary for the interoperability of the independently created computer program; and

- koristat za razvivawe, proizvodstvo ili trgovija so druga kom­pju­terska programa, {to vo svojot izraz e sli~na vo su{tina ili da se koristat za bilo kakvo drugo dejstvo so koe se povreduva avtorskoto pravo.


- used for the development, production or trade of another computer program substantially similar in its expression, or for any other activity that infringes copyright.

Odredbite od ovoj ~len ne mo`at da se primenuvaat na na~in koj vo nerazumna mera bi go povredil avtorskoto pravo ili bi bil sprotiven na voobi~aenoto koristewe na kompjuterskata programa.


The provisions of this Article may not be applied in a manner that might unreasonably infringe the copyright or conflict with the customary use of the computer program.

Odredbi od dogovor {to se vo sprotiv­nost so ovoj ~len, se ni{tovni.


Contractual provisions contrary to this Article shall be null and void.




^len 102


Art. 102

Distribucija na kopija na kompjuterska programa ili poseduvawe kopija na kompju­terska programa za komercijalni celi, mo`e da se vr{i samo nad dozvolena kopija.


Distribution of a computer program copy or the possession of a copy of a computer program for commercial purposes shall be permissible only in the case of an authorized copy.




^len 103


Art. 103

Odredbite od ~lenovite 97 do 102 na ovoj zakon, se primenuvaat nezavisno od drugite pravni propisi za kompjuterska programa (propisite za pravata od industriska sopstve­nost, za{tita na konkurencijata, delovna tajna i sli~no).


The provisions of Articles 97 to 102 of this Law shall be applied regardless of the other legal regulations on computer program (such as regulations on the industrial property rights, protection against unfair competition, business secret and alike).






chapter V







Oddel 1


Section 1

Op{ti odredbi


General Provisions




^len 104


Art. 104

Srodni prava, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, se pravata na umetnicite-izveduva~i nad svoite izvedbi i pravata na fonogramskite, filmski­te i scenskite producenti, na RTV organizacii i na izdava­~ite (vo natamo{­niot tekst: producenti) nad nivnite fono­grami, video­grami, scenski dela, emisii ili izdanija (vo natamo{niot tekst: predmeti na srodni prava) opredeleni so ovoj zakon.


Related rights, within the meaning of this Law, shall be the rights of the artists-performers in their performances and the rights of phonogram, film and scenic producers, of broadcasters and publishers (hereafter producers) in their phonograms, videograms, stage works, broadcasts or editions (hereafter objects of related rights) determined by this Law.




^len 105


Art. 105

Odredbite od ovoj zakon za delovite na avtorskoto delo, za sodr`inata i definiciite na materijalnite prava, za odnosite me|u avtorskoto pravo i sopstve­ni~koto pravo, za ograni~uvawata na materijalnite prava, za presmetuvawe na traeweto na avtorskoto pravo i za prenesuvaweto na avtorskoto pravo, soodvetno se primenuvaat i na srodnite prava.


The provisions of this Law on parts of a copyright work, on the contents and definitions of the economic rights, on the relations between copyright and property right, on limitations of the economic rights, on calculation of the copyright duration and on transfer of the copyright shall appropriately apply to the related rights.




^len 106


Art. 106

Ostvaruvaweto i za{titata na srodnite prava, spored ovoj zakon, ne vlijae vrz ostvaruvaweto i za{titata na avtorskoto pravo.


The implementation and protection of related rights according to this Law shall not affect the implementation and protection of copyright.




Oddel 2


Section 2

Sodr`ina na srodnite prava


Contents of Related Rights




Pododdel 1


Subsection 1

Prava na izveduva~ite


Rights of Performers




^len 107


Art. 107

Umetnici-izveduva~i (vo natamo{niot tekst: izveduva~i), vo smisla na ovoj zakon, se: artisti, artisti-kuklari, pea~i, muzi~ari, igraorci i drugi lica koi so igra, pesna, tanc, govorewe, recitirawe ili na drug na~in, izveduvaat avtorski ili folklorni dela.


Artists-performers (hereafter performers), within the meaning of this Law, shall be: actors, puppet actors, singers, musicians, dancers and other persons who by acting, singing, dancing, declaim, reciting or in some other way perform author's works or works of folklore.

Kako izveduva~i, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, se smetaat i re`iseri na dramski pretstavi, dirigenti na orkestri, rakovo­diteli na horovi, majstori na ton, kako i varietetski i cirkuski umetnici.


Within the meaning of this law directors of theatrical performances, orchestra-conductors, choir directors, sound editors and variety and circus artists shall be considered performers.




^len 108


Art. 108

Izveduva~i vo sostavi, odnosno grupi kako, na primer: ~lenovi na orkestar, hor, tancov ili dramski ansambl ili drug vid grupa, se dol`ni da ovlastat eden od ~lenovite za svoj zastapnik, za davawe dozvoli potrebni za izveduvawe.


Performers in ensembles or groups such as: members of an orchestra, a choir, dancing or theatrical ensemble or other type of group shall be obliged to authorize one of the members as their representative for issuing licences necessary for performance.

Ovlastuvaweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, se dava vo pismena forma i va`i, dokolku e dadeno od mnozinstvoto izveduva~i vo sos­tavot, odnosno grupata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


The authorization from this Article, paragraph 1, shall be given in written form and shall be effective if it is granted by the majority of the performers in the ensemble or group from this Article, paragraph 1.

Odredbite od stavovite 1 i 2 na ovoj ~len, ne se odnesuvaat na re`iseri na dramski pretstavi, dirigenti i solisti.


The provisions of this Article, paragraphs 1 and 2, shall not apply to directors of theatrical performances, conductors and soloists.




^len 109


Art. 109

Izveduva~ite imaat isklu~ivo moralno pravo, pri najavata na izvedbata, odnosno na sekoja snimka i obvivka na snimka od toa izveduvawe, na voobi~aen na~in, da se navede nivnoto ime, psevdonim ili druga oznaka, i toa za:


Performers shall have an exclusive moral right to have their name, pseudonym or other designation denoted in a customary manner on the announcement of the performance and on every fixation and packaging of fixation of that performance as follows:

- individualna izvedba, imeto na izvedu­va~ot i


- in a solo performance, the name of the performer; and

- izvedba na sostav, odnosno grupa, imeto na sostavot, odnosno gru­pata, na umetni~kiot rakovoditel i na solistot.


- in a performance by an ensemble or group, the name of the ensemble or group, of the artistic director and soloist.




^len 110


Art. 110

Izveduva~ite imaat isklu~ivo moralno pravo da se sprotivstavat na sekakvo defor­mirawe, sakatewe ili menuvawe na nivnata izvedba, odnosno da se sprotivstavat na sekoe koristewe na nivnata izvedba {to mo`e da na{teti na nivnata li~nost, ~est i ugled.


Performers shall have an exclusive moral right to object to any distortion, mutilation or alteration of their performance or any use of their performance that could be prejudicial to their personality, honour or reputation.




^len 111


Art. 111

Izveduva~ite imaat isklu~ivi materi­jalni prava da ja koristat ili da dozvoluvaat ili zabranuvaat soodvetno koristewe na svojata izvedba osobeno za:


Performers shall have exclusive economic rights to use or to authorize or prohibit appropriate use of their performance in particular for:

- radiodifuzno emituvawe na izvedbata, osven koga izvedbata sama po sebe e radio­difuzna, odnosno se emituva kako snimka,


- broadcasting of the performance, except where the performance is a broadcast by itself, or it is a broadcast from a fixation;

- prenesuvawe na `ivata izvedba preku zvu~nik, ekran ili sli~na naprava, nadvor od prostorot ili mestoto na izveduvawe,


- live transmission through a loudspeaker, screen or a similar device, out of the space or place of performance;

- snimawe na izvedbata vo `ivo,


- fixation of the live performance;

- reproducirawe na snimkata na izvedba­ta na fonogrami i videogrami,


- reproduction of the performance fixation on phonograms and videograms;

- reproducirawe na izvedba snimena na fonogrami i videogrami na bilo koj na~in ili forma,


- reproduction of a performance fixed on phonograms and videograms in any manner or form;

- distribuirawe na fonogrami i video­grami so izvedbata i


- distribution of phonograms or videograms containing the performance;

- iznajmuvawe na fonogrami i video­grami so izvedbata.


- rental of phonograms or videograms containing the performance.

Vo slu~aj koga izvedbata se ostvaruva preku scenski producent, pravata na izvedu­va~ite gi steknuva scenskiot producent soglasno so ovoj zakon, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


In a case where the performance is realized by a scenic producer, the rights of the performers shall be obtained by the scenic producer according to this Law, unless otherwise determined by contract.




^len 112


Art. 112

Izveduva~ot ima pravo na del od nadomes­tot {to go dobiva fonogram­skiot producent za objavuvawe na fonogramot so negovata izvedba.


The performer shall have the right of a share in the remuneration received by the phonogram producer for the disclosure of a phonogram containing his performance.




^len 113


Art. 113

So sklu~uvawe dogovor za proizvodstvo na fonogrami ili video­grami, se smeta deka izveduva~ot, po odnos na svojata izvedba, mu gi prenel na fonogramskiot producent, odnosno na filmskiot producent pravoto na snimawe, reproducirawe, distribuirawe i pravoto na iznajmuvawe, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


By making a phonogram or videogram production contract, it shall be considered that the performer has assigned the phonogram or the film producer the right of fixation, reproduction, distribution and rental of his performance, unless otherwise determined by contract.

Nezavisno od dogovorot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, izveduva~ot ima pravo na soodveten nadomest od fonogramskiot producent i od film­skiot producent za sekoe iznajmuvawe.


Regardless the contract of this Article, paragraph 1, the performer shall have the right of appropriate remuneration from the phonogram producer and the film producer for every rental.

Izveduva~ot ne mo`e da se otka`e od pravoto utvrdeno vo stav 2 na ovoj ~len.


The performer may not waive the right specified in this Article, paragraph 2.




^len 114


Art. 114

Vo slu~aj koga nekoj od izveduva~ite nema da go dovr{i svoeto u~estvo kon audiovizuel­noto delo ili dokolku poradi vi{a sila toa ne mo`e da go napravi, nema pravo da se sprotivstavi delot od u~estvoto da bide koristen za negovo dovr{uvawe. Za ovoj del izveduva~ot u`iva soodvetni prava utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


In a case when some of the performers shall not complete his contribution to the audiovisual work or is unable to do so due to a force majeure, he may not object to the use of the part of his contribution for the completion of the work. The performer shall enjoy appropriate rights to such part specified in this Law.




^len 115


Art. 115

Vo slu~aj koga izvedba realizira rabot­nik pri ispolnuvaweto na svoite rabotni obvrski ili po upatstvo na rabotodavec (izvedba od raboten odnos), odnosite vo vrska so izvedbata se ureduvaat so sood­veten kolektiven dogovor, odnosno dogovor za rabota.


In a case when a performance is realized by an employee in the execution of his duties or on instructions by an employer (performance in the course of employment), the relations referred to the performance shall be regulated by an appropriate collective agreement or an employment contract.




^len 116


Art. 116

Pravata na izveduva~ot traat 50 godini od denot na izvedbata. Dokolku vo toj period snimkata od izvedbata e zakonski objavena, pravata na izveduva~ot traat 50 godini smetano od prvoto objavuvawe.


The rights of the performer shall subsist for 50 years from the day of the performance. If the performance fixation is legally disclosed during that period, the rights of the performer shall subsist for 50 years from its first disclosure.




Pododdel 2


Subsection 2

Prava na fonogramskite producenti


Rights of Phonogram Producers




^len 117


Art. 117

Fonogramski producent, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e fizi~ko ili pravno lice {to }e prezeme inicijativa i odgovornost za prvo snimawe na zvucite na nekoja izvedba ili drugi zvuci.


A phonogram producer, within the meaning of this Law, is a natural person who or a legal entity which undertakes an initiative and responsibility of the first fixation of the sounds of a performance or other sounds.




^len 118


Art. 118

Fonogramskiot producent ima isklu~i­vi materijalni prava svoite fonogrami da gi koristi ili da dozvoluva ili zabranuva nivno koristewe za: reproducirawe, prera­botuva­we, distribuirawe i iznajmuvawe.


The phonogram producer shall have exclusive economic rights to use or to authorize or prohibit the use of his phonograms for: reproduction, modification, distribution and rental.




^len 119


Art. 119

Vo slu~aj koga fonogramot, {to bil izdaden za komercijalni celi ili negovata reprodukcija se koristi neposredno za radio­difuzno emituvawe, odnosno za bilo koj drug vid objavuvawe, korisnikot e dol`en pri sekoe koristewe, da mu pla}a na fonogram­skiot producent soodveten ednokraten nadomest.


In a case when a phonogram published for commercial purposes or its reproduction is used directly for broadcasting or any other type of disclosure, the user shall be obliged to pay the phonogram producer an appropriate single remuneration for each use.

Fonogramskiot producent e dol`en na izveduva~ot na fonogramot da mu isplati polovina od nadomestot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The phonogram producer shall be obliged to pay half the remuneration of this Article, paragraph 1, to the performer of the phonogram unless otherwise determined by contract.




^len 120


Art. 120

Pravata na fonogramskiot producent traat 50 godini od denot na izvr{enoto snimawe. Dokolku vo toj period fonogramot bil zakonski objaven, pravata na producentot traat 50 godini smetano od prvoto objavu­vawe.


The rights of a phonogram producer shall subsist for 50 years from the day of fixation. If the phonogram has been legally disclosed during this period, the rights of the producer shall subsist for 50 years from its first disclosure.




Pododdel 3


Subsection 3

Prava na filmskite producenti


Rights of Film Producers




^len 121


Art. 121

Filmskiot producent od ~len 90 na ovoj zakon ima isklu~ivi materijalni prava da gi koristi ili da dozvoluva ili zabranuva izdavawe videogrami od svoeto audiovizuel­no delo.


The film producer from Article 90 of this Law, shall have exclusive economic rights to use or to authorize or prohibit publication of videograms of his audiovisual work.




^len 122


Art. 122

Filmskiot producent ima isklu~ivo pravo na reproducirawe, distribuirawe, iznajmuvawe i javno prika`uvawe na svoite videogrami.


A film producer shall have an exclusive right of reproduction, distribution, rental and public presentation of his videograms.




^len 123


Art. 123

Pravata na filmskiot producent traat 50 godini od denot na zavr{uvaweto na snimkata. Dokolku vo toj period videogramot bil zakonski objaven, pravata na filmskiot producent traat 50 godini smetano od prvoto objavuvawe.


The rights of the film producer shall subsist for 50 years from the day of completion of the fixation. If the videogram has been legally disclosed during that period, the rights of the film producer shall subsist for 50 years from the first disclosure.




Pododdel 4


Subsection 4

Prava na scenskite producenti


Rights of Scenic Producers




^len 124


Art. 124

Scenski producent, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e pravno ili fizi~ko lice koe vo svoe ime organizira podgotvuvawe i izveduvawe na scensko delo.


A scenic producer, within the meaning of this Law, is a natural person who or a legal entity which in his own name organizes the preparation and performance of a stage work.




^len 125


Art. 125

Scenskiot producent, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno, ima isklu~ivi materijalni prava da gi koristi ili da dozvoluva ili zabranuva koristewe na scenskoto delo za:


The scenic producer, unless otherwise determined by contract, shall have exclusive economic rights to use or to authorize or prohibit the use of the stage work for:

- radiodifuzno emituvawe na scenskoto delo,


- broadcasting of the stage work;

- prenesuvawe na scenskoto delo preku zvu~nik, ekran ili sli~na naprava nadvor od prostorot ili mestoto na izveduvawe,


- transmission of the stage work through a loudspeaker, screen or similar device out of space or place of performance;

- snimawe na scenskoto delo vo `ivo,


- fixation of a live performance of the stage work;

- prerabotka na snimka na fonogram ili videogram,


- modification of a phonogram or videogram fixation;

- reproducirawe na snimkata na scen­skoto delo na fonogrami ili videogrami,


- reproduction of the fixation of the stage work on a phonograms or videograms;

- distribuirawe fonogrami i videogra­mi na scenskoto delo i


- distribution of phonograms and videograms of the stage work; and

- iznajmuvawe fonogrami i videogrami so scenskoto delo.


- rental of phonograms and videograms containing the stage work.




^len 126


Art. 126

Scenskiot producent ima pravo na del od nadomestot {to go dobiva fonogramskiot producent za objavuvawe na fonogramot so scenskoto delo.


The scenic producer shall have the right of a share in the remuneration received by the phonogram producer for the disclosure of the phonogram containing the stage work.




^len 127


Art. 127

So sklu~uvawe dogovor za proizvodstvo na fonogrami ili videogrami, se smeta deka scenskiot producent, po odnos na deloto, mu gi prenel na fonogramskiot producent, odnosno na filmskiot producent pravoto na snimawe, reproducirawe, distribuirawe i pravoto na iznajmuvawe, dokolku so dogovor ne e poinaku opredeleno.


By making a phonogram or videogram production contract, it shall be considered that the scenic producer has assigned to the phonogram producer or the film producer the right of fixation, reproduction, distribution and rental of his work, unless otherwise determined by contract.

Nezavisno od dogovorot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, scenskiot produ­cent ima pravo na sood­veten nadomest od fonogramskiot produ­cent i od filmskiot producent za sekoe iznajmuvawe.


Regardless to the contract from this Article, paragraph 1, the scenic producer shall have the right to an appropriate remuneration from the phonogram producer or the film producer for every rental.

Scenskiot producent ne mo`e da se otka`e od pravoto utvrdeno vo stav 2 na ovoj ~len.


The scenic producer may not waive the right specified in this Article, paragraph 2.




^len 128


Art. 128

Pravata na scenskiot producent traat 20 godini od denot na prvoto javno izveduvawe na scenskoto delo.


The rights of the scenic producer shall subsist for 20 years from the day of the first public performance of the stage work.




Pododdel 5


Subsection 5

Prava na RTV organizacii


Rights of Broadcasting Organizations




^len 129


Art. 129

RTV organizacija, ima isklu~ivi mate­rijalni prava da gi koristi ili da dozvoluva ili zabranuva koristewe na svoite emisii za:


A broadcasting organization shall have exclusive economic rights to use or to authorize or prohibit the use of its broadcasts for:

- radiodifuzno reemituvawe, vklu~uvaj­}i i odlo`no emituvawe i emituvawe preku satelit,


- rebroadcasting, including secondary broadcasting and broadcasting through satellite;

- objavuvawe na javni mesta so naplata na vlez,


- disclosure at public places against payment of admission charge;

- kablovska distribucija na svoite emisii (istovremeno ili odlo`­no),


- cable distribution (simultaneous or secondary);

- prenesuvawe po individualno barawe (on demand) na snimkite na emisiite na individualni pretplatnici i javen pristap do snimkite na emisiite vneseni vo kompjuterski bazi na podatoci so posredstvo na liniska mre`a (on line),


- transmission on individual demand to individual subscribers and public access to broadcasts' fixations entered into on-line computer databases;

- snimawe,


- fixation;

- reproducirawe na snimkite,


- reproduction of the fixations;

- distribuirawe na snimkite,


- distribution of the fixations;

- fotografirawe, reproducirawe i dis­tribuirawe na fotografi­ite od snimkite,


- photography, reproduction and distribution of the fixations' photographs;

- distribuirawe signali na programata preneseni preku komuni­kaciski sateliti od strana na drugi emituva~i, kabelski i drugi dis­tributeri i


- distribution of a program signals transmitted through communication satellites to other broadcasters, cable and other distributors; and

- uvezuvawe i distribuirawe snimki na emisii ili nivno repro­ducirawe vo dr`ava vo koja ne e propi{ana za{tita na pravata na RTV organizacii.


- import and distribution of broadcast fixation or their reproduction in a state where protection of the rights of broadcasting organizations is not provided.




^len 130


Art. 130

Pravata na RTV organizacii traat 50 godini od denot na prvoto radiodifuzno emituvawe.


The rights of broadcasting organizations shall subsist for 50 years from the day of the first broadcast.




Pododdel 6


Subsection 6

Prava na izdava~ite


Rights of Publishers




^len 131


Art. 131

Pravno ili fizi~ko lice {to zakonski }e izdade avtorsko delo vo kni`en oblik (vo natamo{niot tekst: izdava~) ima isklu~ivi prava na svoeto izdanie, soglasno so ovoj zakon.


A natural person who or legal entity which legally publishes a copyright work in a book form (hereafter publisher) shall have exclusive rights on his edition according to this Law.

Izdava~ot ima isklu~ivo pravo da dozvoluva ili zabranuva negovite izdanija da bidat reproducirani od drugo pravno ili fizi~ko lice, pod ime na liceto po pat na fotografirawe, kopirawe i bilo koj drug na~in na umno`uvawe. Vo slu~aj da dozvoli reprodu­cirawe, na reproduciranoto izdanie zadol`itelno se naveduva imeto, psevdo­nimot ili oznakata na izdava~ot na koristenoto izdanie. Ova pravo ne vlijae na ostvaruvawe­to na pravoto na avtorot.


The publisher shall have an exclusive right to authorize or prohibit his editions to be reproduced by another natural person or legal entity, under the name of the person, by photography, copying or other forms of duplication. In a case when the publisher gives an authorization for reproduction, on the reproduced edition shall be denoted the name or the pseudonym or designation of the publisher of the used publication. This right shall not affect the implementation of the author's rights.




^len 132


Art. 132

Izdava~ koj prv pat zakonski }e izdade neobjaveno delo vrz koe isteklo avtorskoto pravo, u`iva za{tita ednakva na materijal­nite prava i drugite prava na avtorot utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


A publisher who shall for the first time legally publish a previously unpublished work in which the copyright has expired shall enjoy protection equal to the economic rights and other author's rights specified in this Law.




^len 133


Art. 133

Izdava~ koj }e izdade objaveno kriti~ko ili nau~no delo vrz koe istekle avtorskite prava, u`iva za{tita ednakva na materijal­nite prava i drugite prava utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


A publisher who shall publish a previously published critical or a scientific work in which the copyright has expired, shall enjoy protection equal to the economic rights and other rights determined by this Law.




^len 134


Art. 134

Pravata od ~lenovite 131 stav 2, 132 i 133 na ovoj zakon traat 25 godini od zakonskoto izdavawe na deloto.


The rights of Article 131, paragraph 2, Articles 132 and 133 of this Law shall subsist for 25 years from the legal publication of the work.









chapter VI







Oddel 1


Section 1
Op{ti odredbi


General Provisions




^len 135


Art. 135

Avtorot mo`e svoite moralni, materi­jalni ili drugi prava da gi ostvaruva li~no ili preku zastapnik.


The author may administer his moral, economic and other rights either personally or through an agent.

Odredbite od ovaa glava {to se odnesu­vaat na ostvaruvawe na avtorskoto pravo, odnosno avtorot, soodvetno se prime­nuvaat i na srodnite prava, odnosno na nositelot na srodnoto pravo.


The provisions of this Chapter which refer to the administration of copyright, that is to the author, appropriately shall apply to the related rights, that is to the holder of the related right.




^len 136


Art. 136

Avtorskoto pravo se ostvaruva oddelno za sekoe avtorsko delo (vo natamo{niot tekst: individualno ostvaruvawe) ili dokolku so ovoj zakon e opredeleno, zaedno za pove}e avtorski dela od pove}e avtori (vo natamo{­niot tekst: kolektivno ostvaruva­we).


Copyright shall be administered separately for each copyright work (hereafter individual administration) or, if determined by this Law, jointly for a number of copyright works by several authors (hereafter collective administration).




^len 137


Art. 137

Ostvaruvaweto na avtorskoto pravo preku zastapnik, go opfa}a zastapuvaweto na avtorot vo:


The administration of copyright through an agent shall include representation of the author in:

- pravnite raboti i odnosite so nosite­lite na pravata, odnosno ko­ris­nicite na negovoto delo, vklu~uvaj}i go i pribiraweto avtorski nadomest i


- legal matters and relations with the rights holders, that is the users of his work, including the collection of author's remuneration; and

- postapkite pred sudovite i drugi organi zaradi za{tita na negovoto avtorsko pravo.


- legal proceedings before courts or other bodies, for protection of his copyright.




Oddel 2


Section 2
Kolektivno ostvaruvawe


Collective Administration




^len 138


Art. 138

Kolektivnoto ostvaruvawe na avtorsko pravo se vr{i samo za obja­veno avtorsko delo.


The collective administration of a copyright shall be carried out only for already disclosed copyright work.

Kolektivnoto ostvaruvawe na avtorsko pravo sodr`i:


The collective administration of copyright shall consists of:

- prenesuvawe neisklu~ivi prava za koristewe avtorsko delo,


- assignment of non-exclusive rights for the use of copyright work;

- pribirawe i raspredelba avtorski nado­mestoci od koristeweto na avtorskoto delo i


- collection and distribution of authors' remuneration of the use of the copyright work; and

- ostvaruvawe za{tita na pravoto pred sudovi i drugi organi.


- accomplishment of the protection of the right before courts and other bodies.




^len 139


Art. 139

Kolektivno se ostvaruvaat slednive prava:


The following rights shall be collectively administered:

- objavuvawe nescensko muzi~ko i nescen­sko kni`evno delo (mali prava),


- disclosure of non-scenic musical and non-scenic literary works (small rights);

- pravo na sledstvo i


- resale rights;

- kablovsko reemituvawe na avtorski dela, osven emituvawe od RTV organizacii, nezavisno dali se raboti za nivnite sopstveni prava ili pravata im se preneseni od drugi nositeli na prava.


- cable rebroadcast of copyright work, except broadcasters' own transmission, regardless of whether the rights concerned are their own or have been assigned to them by other rights holders.




^len 140


Art. 140

Kolektivno mo`e da se ostvaruvaat i slednive prava:


The following rights may also be collectively administered:

- reproducirawe na muzi~ki i kni`evni dela na fonogrami i videogrami (mehani~ki prava),


- reproduction of musical and literary works on phonograms and videograms (mechanical rights);

- iznajmuvawe na fonogrami i video­grami,


- rental of phonograms and videograms;

- objavuvawe, odnosno reproducirawe delovi na avtorski dela, kako i dela od oblasta na fotografijata, likovnata i primenetata umet­nost, arhitekturata, dizajnot i kartogra­fijata, za nastavni celi,


- disclosure or reproduction of parts of copyright works, and works of photography, fine and applied art, architecture, design and cartography, for teaching purposes;

- objavuvawe aktuelni napisi od dneven i periodi~en pe~at vo koj se rasprava za op{ti pra{awa, dokolku toa avtorot izri~no ne go zabranil,


- disclosure of articles on current topics in daily and periodical press about general questions, unless explicitly prohibited by the author;

- reproducirawe, javno prika`uvawe i drugo objavuvawe dela vo ramkite na propa­gandnite emisii vo traewe do 60 sekundi i


- reproduction, public presentation or other disclosure of works in commercials that last for no more than 60 seconds; and

- reproducirawe na avtorski dela izlo­`eni na javni mesta, za komercijalni celi.


- reproduction of copyright works exhibited in public places for commercial purposes.

Kolektivno mo`e da se ostvaruvaat i drugi vidovi na koristewe na avtorskite dela, dokolku e vo interes na avtorite.


Other forms of use of the copyright works may be also collectively administered if it is in the authors' interest.




^len 141


Art. 141

Kolektivno ostvaruvawe vr{at zdru`e­nija na avtori osnovani za taa cel (vo natamo{niot tekst: zdru`enie).


Collective administration shall be carried out by associations of authors established for that purpose (hereafter collecting society).

Zdru`enieto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, raboti so neprofitna cel i mo`e da vr{i samo kolektivno ostvaruvawe.


The collecting society of this Article, paragraph 1, shall be a non-profit association and may carry out collective administration only.

So zdru`enieto upravuvaat ~lenovite, vo soglasnost so statutot na zdru`enieto.


Collecting society shall be managed by their members according to the statute of the society.




^len 142


Art. 142

Statutot na zdru`enieto sodr`i osobe­no odredbi za:


The statute of a collecting society shall contain the following provisions in particular:

- ime, {to ne mo`e da bide identi~no so ime na drugo zdru`enie,


- a name of the society, which may not be identical to a name of another society;

- vidovi prava {to se ostvaruvaat,


- types of rights that shall be administered;

- uslovi za steknuvawe i prestanok na ~lenstvo,


- conditions for acquisition and loss of membership;

- upravuvawe so zdru`enieto, vo zavis­nost od kategoriite na nositeli na avtorski prava (avtori na izvorno delo po vidovi i `anrovi, avtori na prerabotkata, avtori na prevodot i sli~no, naslednici, izdava~i, rabotodavci), kako i vidovi ~lenstvo (redov­no, vonredno, vremeno, po~esno i drugo),


- categories of rights holders (authors of original work by types and genres, authors of modification, authors of translation and alike, legal heirs, publishers, employers) and categories of membership (regular, irregular, temporary, honorary and alike) on which the management of the collecting society depends;

- ~lenarina spored kategorii prava i vidovi ~lenstva,


- membership fees, according to the categories of rights and the type of membership;

- prava, dol`nosti i odgovornosti na ~lenovite,


- rights, duties and responsibilities of the members;

- organi na zdru`enieto, nivna nadle`­nost, izbor i razre{uvawe,


- bodies of the society, their competence, election and dismissal;

- proceduralni pra{awa,


- procedural matters;

- osnovni na~ela za raspredelba na avtorskite nadomestoci me|u avtorite, odnosno nositelite na pravata,


- fundamental principles of remuneration' distribution among the authors or rights holders;

- nadzor vrz finansiskoto i materijal­noto rabotewe i


- supervision of the financial and economic administration; and

- na~in na raspredelba na imotot na zdru`enieto vo slu~aj na negov prestanok.


- the manner of disposal of the assets of the society in the event of its cessation.




^len 143


Art. 143

Zdru`enieto se registrira vo nadle`en organ, a po~nuva so rabota po izdadena dozvola od Ministerstvoto za kultura.


The collecting society shall be registered in a competent body, and shall commence work upon a licence issued by the Ministry of Culture.

Ministerstvoto za kultura ja izdava dozvolata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, dokolku zdru`enieto gi ispolnuva slednive uslovi:


The Ministry of Culture shall issue the licence of this Article, paragraph 1, if the collecting society fulfils the following conditions:

- da ima sedi{te vo Republika Make­donija,


- to have a headquarter in the Republic of Macedonia;

- da e otvoreno za site avtori,


- to be open to all of the authors;

- statutot da e vo soglasnost so ovoj zakon i


- the statute to be in accordance with this Law; and

- da se obezbeduva efikasno i ekono­mi~no ostvaruvawe na pravata na celata teritorija na Republikata.


- to provide efficacious and economical administration of rights in the whole territory of the Republic.

Pri utvrduvaweto na uslovite za efikasno ostvaruvawe na pravata od stav 2 alineja 4 na ovoj ~len, Ministerstvoto za kultura gi ima predvid osobeno: brojot na avtorite koi sklu~ile dogovor so zdru`e­nieto, obemot na koristeweto na avtorskite dela, odnosno brojot na mo`nite korisnici, na~inot i sredstvata so koi zdru`enieto ima namera da gi postigne svoite celi, na~inot i u~estvoto na ~lenovite vo organite i odlu~uvaweto, na~elata za raspredelba na avtorskite nadomestoci me|u avtorite, kako i mo`nostite za ostvaruvawe na pravata vo stranstvo.


In establishing the conditions of efficacious administration of rights of this Article, paragraph 2, item 4, the Ministry of Culture shall consider in particular: the number of authors who have entered into a membership contract with the collecting society, the scope of the use of authors' works or the number of possible users, the manner and means which the collecting society intends to achieve its aims with, the manner and participation of the members in the bodies and decision making, the principles for distribution of remuneration among the authors, as well as the possibilities of administration of rights abroad.




^len 144


Art. 144

Ministerstvoto za kultura izdava dozvola na zdru`enieto vrz osnova na javen konkurs {to se objavuva vo "Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija#.


The Ministry of Culture shall issue a licence to the collecting society on the basis of a public competition published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.

Za kolektivno ostvaruvawe na utvrde­nite prava od ~lenovite 139 i 140 na ovoj zakon, za ist vid avtorski dela, po pravilo se izdava dozvola samo na edno zdru`enie.


For the purpose of the collective administration of rights from Articles 139 and 140 of this Law for the same type of copyright works a licence shall be issued generally, to one collecting society only.

Ministerstvoto za kultura izdava dozvo­la so re{enie, protiv koe e dozvolena `alba. Po `albata odlu~uva Vladata na Republika Makedonija.


The Ministry of Culture shall issue a licence in the form of a decision against which appeal is allowed. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia shall decide on the appeal.

Kone~noto re{enie od stav 3 na ovoj ~len se objavuva vo "Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija#.


The final decision of this Article, paragraph 3, shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 145


Art. 145

Ministerstvoto za kultura }e ja odzeme izdadenata dozvola, dokolku zdru`enieto ne gi ostvaruva obvrskite utvrdeni so statutot i ovoj zakon. Vo toj slu~aj Ministerstvoto za kultura prvo pismeno go opomenuva zdru`e­nieto i mu opredeluva rok od najmalku 30 dena za otstranuvawe na utvrdenite nepra­vilnosti.


The Ministry of Culture shall revoke the issued licence, if the collecting society fails to exercise the obligations specified in the statute and in this Law. In such a case, the Ministry of Culture shall first give the collecting society a written warning and shall set a time limit of at least 30 days for the collecting society to eliminate the irregularities.

Za odzemawe na dozvolata, Minister­stvoto za kultura donesuva re{enie, protiv koe e dozvolena `alba do Vladata na Republika Makedonija. Odzemaweto po~nuva da va`i po istekot na 30 dena od denot na objavuvaweto na kone~noto re{enie vo "Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija#.


The Ministry of Culture shall revoke the licence in the form of a decision, against which an appeal to the government of the Republic of Macedonia is permitted. The revocation shall become valid 30 days after the day of publishing the final decision in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 146


Art. 146

Zdru`enieto donesuva op{ti akti i tarifi za koristewe na avtorskite dela.


The collecting society shall adopt general regulations and tariffs for the use of copyright works.

So dogovori me|u zdru`enieto i koris­nicite mo`at da se utvrdat i drugi posebni tarifi.


By agreements between the collecting society and the users may be specified other special tariffs.

Zdru`enieto gi dostavuva tarifite do Ministerstvoto za kultura na soglasnost. Tarifite, za koi e dadena soglasnost, se objavuvaat vo "Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija#.


The collecting society shall submit its tariffs to the Ministry of Culture for approval. Approved tariffs shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 147


Art. 147

Zdru`enieto donesuva pravilnik za raspredelba na avtorskite nadomestoci, vo soglasnost so statutot i so ovoj zakon.


The collecting society shall adopt regulations for the distribution of the author's remuneration, in accordance with the statute and this Law.

So raspredelbata se ostvaruva prin­cipot za pottiknuvawe i pomagawe na tvore{tvoto.


By distribution the principle of promotion and support of creation shall be implemented.

Za pokrivawe na tro{ocite na zdru`e­nieto mo`e da se koristat najmnogu 30% od pribranite avtorski nadomestoci.


No more than 30% of the author's collected remuneration may be used to cover the costs of the collecting society.

Zdru`enieto go dostavuva pravilnikot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len do Ministerstvoto za kultura za soglasnost. Pravilnikot, za koj e dadena soglasnost, se objavuva vo "Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija#.


The collecting society shall submit the regulations of this Article, paragraph 1, to the Ministry of Culture for approval. The approved regulations shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 148


Art. 148

Zdru`enieto go ostvaruva avtorskoto pravo vrz osnova na dogovor so avtorot.


The collecting society shall administer the copyright on the basis of a contract with the author.

Dogovorot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len gi sodr`i osobeno: ovlastuvaweto za ostvaruva­we na pravata, vidot na deloto, pravoto {to se ostvaruva, vremetraeweto na dogovorot i posebnite prava vo slu~aj na neostva­ruvawe na dogovorot.


The contract of this Article, paragraph 1, shall include in particular: authorization for the administration of rights, the type of work, the right that is to be administered, the duration of the contract and the special rights in the case of defaulting in contract.

Za vremeto, za koe, kolektivnoto ostva­ruvawe na avtorskoto pravo spored zakon ili so dogovor e preneseno na zdru`enieto, avtorot nema pravo individualno da gi ostvaruva tie prava.


For as long as the administration of the copyright has been assigned to a collecting society, either by Law or by contract, the author may not administer those rights individually.

Pravata od ~len 139 na ovoj zakon, nadle`noto zdru`enie gi ostva­ruva po sila na zakon i nezavisno dali e sklu~en dogovor so avtorot.


The rights from Article 139 of this Law the authorized collecting society shall administer by force of Law regardless whether a contract with the author has been made.




^len 149


Art. 149

Zdru`enieto vodi postapki za ostvaru­vawe na avtorskoto pravo pred sudovite i drugi organi vo svoe ime, a za smetka na avtorot i za toa e dol`no da go izvestuva avtorot.


The collecting society shall conduct proceedings for administering of the copyright before courts and other bodies in its own name but at the author's expense and shall be obliged to inform the author about.




^len 150


Art. 150

Dokolku avtor pobara ostvaruvawe avtorsko pravo od zdru`e­nieto, soglasno so ovoj zakon i so statutot na zdru`enieto, zdru`enieto ne mo`e da go odbie baraweto.


If the author requests the collecting society to administer a copyright, the collecting society may not refuse to do so according to this Law and the statute of the collecting society.




^len 151


Art. 151

Zdru`enieto e dol`no, sekoga{, na barawe na avtorot, da mu dava podatoci za ostvaruvawe na negovoto pravo.


The collecting society shall be obliged, any time on the request of the author, to provide him informations about the administration of his right.

Na barawe na korisnikot, zdru`enieto e dol`no, soglasno so svoite akti, da sklu~u­va dogovori za prenesuvawe neisklu~ivi prava za koi e ovlasteno da gi ostvaruva.


The collecting society shall be obliged, at the request of a user, to enter into a contract for the assignment of non-exclusive rights that it is authorized to administer, according to its regulations.

Dokolku strankite od stav 2 na ovoj ~len ne se dogovorat za visinata na nadomes­tot, se smeta deka soodvetnoto pravo e preneseno, dokolku onoj koj{to go bara, uplati na smetka na zdru`enieto ili vo sudot, iznos {to zdru`enieto go presmetuva spored svoja tarifa.


If the parties of this Article, paragraph 2, fail to reach agreement on the amount of remuneration, the appropriate right shall be considered assigned insofar the person requesting it has paid on a collecting society's account or to the court an amount as calculated by the collecting society according to its tariff.




^len 152


Art. 152

Organizatorot na kulturno-umetni~ki i zabavni priredbi, kako i drugite korisnici na avtorskite dela, se dol`ni, od soodvet­noto zdru­`enie, prethodno, da dobijat dozvola za javno izveduvawe, odnosno obja­vuvawe na avtorskite dela, vo slu~aite navedeni vo ovoj zakon, a vo rok od 15 dena po izveduvaweto, odnosno objavuvaweto, na zdru`enieto da mu dostavat pregled na site izvedeni, odnosno objaveni dela i da uplatat iznos soglasno so tarifata na zdru`enieto.


The organizer of cultural, artistic and entertainment performances as well as other users of copyright works shall be obliged first to acquire, from the relevant collecting society, an authorization for public performance or disclosure of the copyright works, in cases specified in this Law, and to submit to the collecting society a list of all works performed or disclosed and also pay an amount according to the tariffs of the collecting society, within the period of 15 days after the performance or disclosure.

Na barawe na avtorot ili zdru`enieto, organot za vnatre{ni ra­boti go zabranuva izveduvaweto, odnosno objavuvaweto na avtorskoto delo, dokolku organizatorot prethodno ne dobil dozvola soglasno so stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


On request of the author or the collecting society, the internal affairs body shall prohibit the performance or disclosure of the copyright work insofar the organizer has not received an authorization according to this Article, paragraph 1.

RTV organizaciite se dol`ni edna{ mese~no da mu dostavuvaat na nadle`noto zdru`enie pregledi na emituvanite avtorski dela.


The broadcasters shall be obliged to submit to the competent collecting society, once a month, a list of the broadcasted copyright works.

Sopstvenikot na originalnite likovni dela i rakopisite na kni­`evni i muzi~ki dela, odnosno organizatorot ili posrednikot na proda`­bata na ovie dela, e dol`en da mu dostavuva na nadle`noto zdru`e­nie podato­ci za prodadenite dela, za prodava~ot i za maloproda`nata cena, vo rok od 30 dena po izvr{enoto prodavawe.


The owner of the original works of fine art or manuscripts of literary or musical works, or the organizer or agent of sale of such works shall be obliged to submit informations regarding the sold works, the vendor and the retail price to the competent collecting society within 30 days of the sale.




^len 153


Art. 153

Koga vr{eweto na opredelenata dejnost e povrzano so steknuvawe pravo od ~len 139 na ovoj zakon, nadle`niot organ za izdavawe dozvola za vr{ewe na dejnosta, nema da izdade dozvola, dokolku vr{itelot na dejnosta prethodno ne sklu~il dogovor so nadle`noto zdru`enie.


When the exercising of a certain activity is connected with the acquisition of rights from Article 139 of this Law, the competent body shall not issue a licence for exercising such activity insofar the person performing it has not previously concluded an contract with the competent collecting society.




^len 154


Art. 154

Sekoj ~len na zdru`enieto mo`e, vo rok opredelen so statutot, da pobara uvid vo godi{niot finansiski izve{taj i izve{­tajot na nadzorniot organ na zdru`enieto.


Any member of the collecting society may demand, within the time limit determined by the statute, an inspection in the annual financial report and the report of the supervisory board of the collecting society.

Mnozinstvoto ~lenovi na zdru`enieto mo`at da pobaraat eden ili pove}e nadvore{ni nezavisni stru~ni lica, da go pregledaat rabo­teweto na zdru`enieto.


The majority of members of a collecting society may demand that one or more independent experts inspect the operation of the society.




^len 155


Art. 155

Nadzor nad kolektivnoto ostvaruvawe na avtorskoto pravo i na srodnite prava se vr{i soglasno so ovoj i so drug zakon.


The exercise of the collective administration of copyright and related rights shall be supervised according to this and other Laws.

Zdru`enieto e dol`no da go izvestuva Ministerstvoto za kulura za sklu~uvawe dogovori so zdru`enija na korisnicite i za sklu~uvawe dogovori so stranski zdru`enija {to vr{at ista dejnost, kako i za izmena na statutot.


The collecting society shall be obliged to notify the Ministry of Culture of agreements entered into with associations of users and with foreign associations of identical activities, as well as of a change in the statute.

Dokolku Ministerstvoto za kultura ne se proiznese vo rok od dva meseci od dostavuvaweto na aktite opredeleni so ovoj zakon za koi e potrebna soglasnost od Ministerstvoto, se smeta deka soglasnosta e dadena.


If the Ministry of Culture does not reply within two months from the submission of the acts determined by this Law, which Ministry's approval is necessary, it shall be considered that the approval has been given.






chapter VII







Oddel 1


Section 1

Op{ti odredbi


General Provisions




^len 156


Art. 156

Lice, ~ii prava spored ovoj zakon se povredeni, mo`e da pobara za{tita na pravata i nadomest na {teta, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


A person whose rights under this Law have been infringed may demand protection of his rights and claim indemnity, unless otherwise determined by this Law.

Nositelot na pravoto mo`e da pobara za{tita od stav 1 na ovoj ~len i koga se zakanuva vistinska opasnost od povreda na pravata spored ovoj zakon.


The right holder may also demand protection of this Article, paragraph 1, when there is a serious threat of infringement of the rights according to this Law.




^len 157


Art. 157

Koga postojat pove}e nositeli na nekoe pravo od ovoj zakon, sekoj od niv mo`e da pobara za{tita na pravoto vo celost.


When there are several right holders from this Law, each of them may demand protection of the right in it's entirety.

Koga postojat pove}e storiteli na povredata na nekoe pravo od ovoj zakon, sekoj od niv odgovara za povredata vo celost.


When there are several infringers of a right as per this Law, each of them shall be liable for the infringement, in it's entirety.




^len 158


Art. 158

Se smeta deka nekoe lice gi kr{i isklu~ivite prava, spored ovoj zakon, koga proizveduva, uvezuva, poseduva za komer­cijalni celi, distribuira, iznajmuva ili na drug na~in koristi bilo kakvi sredstva:


A person shall be considered to be infringing the exclusive rights according to this Law, when he manufactures, imports, possesses for commercial purposes, distributes, rents or in other way uses any devices:

- ~ija edinstvena ili prete`na namena e neovlasteno otstranuvawe ili o{tetuvawe tehni~ka oprema ili kompjuterska programa, {to se koristi kako zakonska za{tita od neovlasteno koristewe i


- whose sole or main purpose is, unauthorized removal or damage of technical equipment or computer program that is used as legal protection against unauthorized use; and

- {to ovozmo`uva ili pomaga, koga za toa nema ovlastuvawe, javnosta da prima kodirani radio ili televiziski programski signali.


- that makes possible or assists, without authorization, the public to receive encoded broadcasters program-carrying signals.




Oddel 2


Section 2

Gra|ansko-pravna za{tita


Judicial Protection




^len 159


Art. 159

Nositel na pravoto, za povreda na pravata od ovoj zakon, mo`e da pobara:


When the rights from this Law have been infringed, the right holder may demand:

- na tu`eniot da mu se zabranat podgo­tovkite za povreda, samata povreda {to e vo tek i idnite povredi,


- to have the infringer prohibited in preparations for infringement, the infringement itself and future infringements;

- tu`eniot da ja otstrani sostojbata {to nastanala so povredata,


- to have the infringer eliminate the situation caused by the infringement;

- da se uni{tat ili prerabotat protiv­pravnite primeroci i amba­la`ata ili izved­bata i drugi predmeti na za{tita spored ovoj zakon,


- to have unlawful copies and their packaging or the performance or other objects of protection according to this Law destroyed or altered;

- da se uni{tat ili prerabotat matrici­te, negativite, plo~ite, ka­lapite ili drugi sred­stva so koi povredata bila izvr{ena,


- to have the master copies, negatives, plates, moulds or other devices that have been instrumental in the infringement destroyed or altered;

- da se uni{ti ili preraboti oprema {to edinstveno ili prete`no e nameneta za povreda na pravata spored ovoj zakon, {to e vo sopstvenost na tu`eniot i


- to have the equipment whose sole or main purpose has been the infringement of rights according to this Law, which is owned by the infringer, destroyed or altered; and

- presudata da se objavi na smetka na tu`eniot vo javnite glasila vo obem i na na~in {to }e gi opredeli sudot.


- to have the judgement published in the public media at the expense of the infringer, to such extent and in such manner as the court may determine.

Odredbite od stav 1 alinei 2 i 3 na ovoj ~len ne se odnesuvaat na arhitektonski objek­ti, osven dokolku uni{tuvaweto ili prerabot­kata na objektot po odnos na okolnostite na slu~ajot se opravdani.


The provisions of this Article, paragraph 1, items 2 and 3, shall not apply to architectural structures, unless the destruction or alteration of the structure is justified by the circumstances of the case.

Nositelot na pravoto mo`e da pobara tu`eniot ili sopstvenikot, namesto barawata, da mu gi otstapi primerocite ili sredstvata od stav 1 alinei 3 i 4 na ovoj ~len.


Instead of demands, the holder of right may demand that the infringer or owner convey to him the copies or the devices as of this Article, paragraph 1, items 3 and 4.




^len 160


Art. 160

Dokolku materijalno ili drugo pravo ili srodno pravo, spored ovoj zakon, e povredeno so namera ili krajna nebre`nost, nositelot na pravoto mo`e da pobara vo gra|anska postapka isplata na dogovo­reniot ili voobi~aeniot nadomest za toj vid koristewe, zgolemen za 200%, nezavisno dali zaradi povredata pretrpel imotna {teta (gra|anska kazna).


If an economic or other right or a related right according to this Law has been infringed either intentionally or through gross negligence, the right holder may demand in civil proceedings payment of an agreed or the customary remuneration for such use, increased by 200%, regardless of whether he has suffered actual pecuniary damage as a result of the infringement (civil penalty).

Pri odlu~uvaweto po baraweto za pla}a­we kazna od stav 1 na ovoj ~len i odmeruvaweto na nejzinata visina, sudot }e gi ima predvid site okolnosti na slu~ajot, posebno stepenot na vinata na tu`eniot, izno­sot na dogovore­niot ili voobi~aeniot nadomest, kako i preventivnata cel na kaznata.


When deciding on the claim for payment of punitive damages of this Article, paragraph 1, and determining the amount thereof, the court shall take into account all the circumstances of the case, and in particular the degree of culpability of the infringer, the amount of agreed or customary remuneration, as well as the preventive purpose of the penalty.

Dokolku imotnata {teta e pogolema od kaznata, nositelot na pravoto ima pravo da pobara razlika do celosnoto obe{tetuvawe.


If the pecuniary damage exceeds the amount of penalty, the holder of right shall be entitled to claim the difference up to the full amount of the full indemnity.




^len 161


Art. 161

Pri povreda na moralno pravo i pri nepostoewe na imotna {teta, sudot mo`e da presudi na avtorot ili na izveduva~ot da im se isplati pravedna pari~na o{teta za pretrpena povreda na negovata li~nost, ~est i ugled, odnosno za neimotna {teta, dokolku utvrdi deka okol­nostite na slu~ajot, posebno stepenot na povredata i nejzinoto traewe toa go opravduvaat.


In a case of infringement of moral right and in absence of pecuniary damage, the court may award an author or performer equitable monetary indemnity for the infringement of his personality, honour and reputation, or non-pecuniary damage, if it finds that the circumstances of the case, and especially the degree of damage and its duration, justify this.




^len 162


Art. 162

Dokolku nositelot na pravoto prijavi deka do{lo do povreda na negovoto isklu~ivo pravo spored ovoj zakon, sudot, na negov predlog, mo`e da opredeli privremeni merki zaradi obezbeduvawe pobaruvawa spored ovoj zakon, a osobeno:


If the rights holder reports that his exclusive right under this Law has been infringed, the court may, on the holder's proposal, determine provisional measures to secure claims according to this Law, and in particular:

- da se zaplenat, isklu~at od promet i so~uvaat primeroci, sred­stva, oprema i dokumenti vo vrska so niv,


- to seize, remove from circulation and to reserve copies, devices, equipment and relevant documents;

- da se zabranat dejstvija na eventualni povredi ili nivno prodol­`uvawe i


- to prohibit activities of eventual infringement or their continuance;

- da se donesat drugi sli~ni merki.


- to adopt other similar measures.

Dokolku postoi osnovano somnenie deka za{titata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len podocna ne mo`e da se ostvari, sudot mo`e da gi izre~e i da gi izvr{i merkite od istiot stav, bez prethodno izvestuvawe i soslu{uvawe na sprotivnata strana.


If there is a well found suspicion that protection of this Article, paragraph 1, may not be realized later, the court may pronounce and execute such measures without prior notification and hearing of the adverse party.

Postapkata za privremeni merki e itna.


The procedure for provisional measures shall be summary.

Za postapkata za donesuvawe na privre­meni merki se primenuvaat propisite za izvr{nata postapka, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The regulations for executive procedure shall be applied in the procedure for adoption of provisional measures, unless otherwise determined by this Law.




^len 163


Art. 163

Dokolku nositelot na pravoto prijavi deka negovoto isklu~ivo pravo od ovoj zakon e povredeno i deka postoi osnovano somnenie deka dokazite za taa povreda }e bidat uni{­teni ili deka podocna ne }e mo`e da se obezbedat, sudot, na negov predlog, mo`e da gi obezbedi tie dokazi bez prethodno izvestu­vawe i soslu{uvawe na sprotivnata strana.


If the right holder reports that his exclusive right under this Law has been infringed and that there is a well found suspicion of destroying the infringement's evidence or an impossibility to secure such evidence later, the court may, on the holder's proposal, secure such evidence without prior notification and a hearing of the adverse party.

Obezbeduvaweto na dokazite od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, mo`e da opfati pretres, odnosno uvid na prostoriite, dokumentacija­ta, inven­tarot, bazite na podatoci, kompju­terskite programi ili drugi raboti, pregled i odzema­we dokumenti, soslu{uvawe svedoci, naodi i izjavi od stru~ni lica.


The securing of evidence of this Article, paragraph 1, may include search or inspection of premises, documentation, inventories, databases, computer programs and other sources, the examination and seizure of documents, the hearing of witnesses, findings and statements by experts.

Odlukata, so koja e prifaten predlogot za obezbeduvawe dokazi, zaedno so predlogot, £ se vra~uva na sprotivnata strana pri samo­to obezbeduvawe na dokazite, a dokolku toa ne e mo`no, toga{ koga }e bide mo`no. Prigovorot protiv odlukata ne ja odlo`uva odlukata.


The decision which proposal for securing evidence has been accepted with, together with the proposal, shall be delivered on the adverse party at the time of the actual securing of evidence or, if it is not possible, when it becomes possible. A plea against a decision shall not suspend the decision.

Postapkata za obezbeduvawe dokazi e itna.


The procedure for securing of evidence shall be summary.

Za postapkata za obezbeduvawe dokazi se primenuvaat propisite za procesnata postap­ka, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku oprede­leno.


The regulations for civil trial procedure shall be applied in the procedure for securing evidence, unless otherwise determined by this Law.




Oddel 3


Section 3

Merki za obezbeduvawe za{tita


Measures for the Enforcement of Protection




^len 164


Art. 164

Nositelot na pravoto mo`e da pobara od licata koi imaat bilo kakva vrska so povredata na pravata spored ovoj zakon (proizveduva~, pe~atar, uvoznik, konsignator ili sopstvenik, odnosno imatel na primero­ci, predmeti na srodni prava ili sredstva so koi bilo povredeno pravoto), bez odlagawe da mu gi dostavat podatocite i dokumentite vo vrska so povredata.


The right holder may demand from persons who are in any way connected with an infringement of rights recognized by this Law (manufacturer, printer, importer, consignor or owner, or holder of copies, objects of related rights or means which the right was infringed with) to deliver informations and documents in connection with the infringement immediately.

Obvrskata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len ne se odnesuva na slu~ai koga se ispolneti uslo­vite za povlekuvawe izjava ili odgovor na oddelni pra{awa vo procesnata postapka.


The obligation of this Article, paragraph 1, shall not apply in cases where conditions exist that allow withdrawal of statement or answer to particular questions in the civil trial procedure.

Dokolku licata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, ne gi dostavat podatocite ili dokumentite so koi raspolagaat, odgovaraat za nadomest na {teta {to nastanuva zaradi nedostavuva­weto.


If the persons of this Article, paragraph 1, fail to deliver informations or documents in their possession, they shall be liable for any recompense for damage caused by failure of delivery.




^len 165


Art. 165

Dokolku nositelot na pravoto prijavi deka so uvoz na opredelena stoka vo dr`a­vata, negovoto isklu~ivo pravo spored ovoj zakon e povredeno, carinskite organi, na negovo barawe, mo`at da gi opredelat sled­nive carinski merki:


If the right holder reports that his exclusive right according to this Law has been infringed by the importation of certain goods in the state, the customs authorities may, on his demand determine the following customs measures:

- nositelot na pravoto ili negoviot zastapnik da ja pregleda taa stoka i


- the right holder or his agent to inspect the goods; and

- stokata da se zapleni, da se isklu~i od promet ili da se skladira na bezbedno mesto.


- the goods to be seized, removed from circulation, or stored in a secure place.

So baraweto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, nositelot na pravoto e dol`en da im dostavi na carinskite organi detalen opis na stokata, potrebni dokazi za svoite isklu~ivi prava i nivnata verojatna povreda. Na barawe na carinskite organi, nositelot na pravoto e dol`en da polo`i kaucija za {tetata {to bi nastanala so tie merki.


Together with the demand of this Article, paragraph 1, the right holder shall be obliged to deliver to the customs authorities a detailed description of the goods, necessary evidence of his exclusive rights and their presumable infringement. On the customs authorities' order, the right holder shall be obliged to provide a security against damage that may be caused by such measures.

Carinskite organi se dol`ni, za donese­nite merki, vedna{ da gi izvestat uvoznikot i prima~ot na stokata. Carinskite organi }e gi ukinat donesenite merki, dokolku nositelot na pravoto vo rok od deset dena ne podnese tu`ba ili ne zapo~ne nekoja druga postapka za izvr{uvawe na donesenite merki.


The customs authorities shall be obliged promptly to notify the importer and the recipient of the goods of the measures adopted. The customs authorities shall rescind the measures adopted insofar the holder of right does not file a suit or initiate some other proceedings for executing the measures adopted within ten days.




^len 166


Art. 166

Zaradi obezbeduvawe dokazi ili od drugi pri~ini avtorot, odnosno nositelot na pravo spored ovoj zakon, mo`e da registrira i deponira originali ili primerok na svoe delo, fonogram, videogram ili predmet od nekoe drugo svoe pravo kaj zastapnik, odnosno zdru`enie.


In order to secure evidence or for other reasons, the author or the right holder according to this Law may register or deposit originals or a copy of his work, phonogram, videogram or an object of his another right at an agent or an association.




^len 167


Art. 167

Nositelot na isklu~ivo avtorsko pravo od ovoj zakon, mo`e da go ozna~i originalot ili primerocite od svoeto delo so oznaka © pred svoeto ime, psevdonim ili oznaka i godinata na prvoto objavuvawe.


A holder of an exclusive copyright of this Law may denote the original or copies of his work with the symbol © before his name, pseudonym or designation and the year of the first disclosure.

Nositelot na isklu~ivo pravo na fonogram spored ovoj zakon, mo`e da go ozna~i originalot ili primerocite na svojot izdaden fonogram ili obvivkite so oznaka  p  pred svoeto ime, psevdonim ili oznaka i godinata na prvoto objavuvawe.


A holder of an exclusive right on phonogram according to this Law may denote the original or copies of his published phonogram or their containers with the symbol p before his name, pseudonym or designation and the year of the first disclosure.

Dokolku ne se doka`e sprotivnoto, isklu­~ivite prava na delata, odnosno fonogramite, mu pripa|aat na liceto ozna~eno soglasno so stavovite 1 i 2 na ovoj ~len.


Unless the contrary has been proved, the exclusive rights on works or phonograms shall belong to the person indicated according to this Article, paragraphs 1 and 2.

Odredbite od ovoj ~len nemaat vlijanie vrz nastanuvaweto i za{titata na pravata spored ovoj zakon.


The provisions of this article shall not affect the establishing and protection of rights according to this Law.




Oddel 4


Section 4

Kazneni odredbi


Penal Provisions




^len 168


Art. 168

So pari~na kazna od 34.000,00 do 300.000,00 denari, }e se kazni za prekr{ok pravno lice koe:


A fine to the amount between 34.000,000 and 300.000,00 denars for misdemeanour shall be imposed on any legal entity which:

- bez prenesuvawe na soodvetno materi­jalno pravo od avtorot, vo slu~ai koga takviot prenos e potreben spored ovoj zakon, reprodu­cira, distribuira, izdava, iznajmuva, javno izveduva, javno prenesuva, javno prika`uva, javno izlo`uva, radiodifuzno emituva, radiodifuzno ree­mituva, prerabo­tuva ili audiovizuelno prisposobuva delo, odnosno primeroci na deloto ili na drug na~in neovlasteno koristi avtorsko delo (~len 19),


- without assignment of an appropriate economic right by the author, in cases when such assignment is required according to this Law, reproduces, distributes, publishes, rents, publicly performs, transmits to the public, presents to the public, publicly exhibits, broadcasts, rebroadcasts, modify or audiovisually adapts a work or copies of a work or in another way without authorization uses a copyright work (Article 19);

- bez naveduvawe na izvorot i potekloto, so sakatewe ili na drug na­~in, nedostojno koristi delo od narodnoto tvore{tvo (~len 42 stav 2),


- without mentioning the source and origin, by distortion or in another way, indecently uses a work of folk literature and folk art (Article 42, paragraph 2);

- bez naveduvawe na imeto, psevdonimot ili druga oznaka na avtorot ili so naru{uvawe na integritetot na celinata na deloto ili so deformirawe ili so drugo koristewe delo na na~in {to mo`e da na{teti na li~nosta, ~esta i ugledot na avtorot, koristi delo na koe istekla za{titata na avtorskoto pravo (~len 52 vo vrska so ~len 16 alinei 4 i 5),


- without mentioning the name, pseudonym or other designation of the author, or by disturbing the integrity of the work or distorting it or by another use of a work in a way that may damage the personality, honour and reputation of the author, uses a work the protection of whose copyright has expired (Article 52 referred to Article 16, items 4 and 5);

- ne vodi soodvetni knigi ili druga evidencija za visinata na ostvarenata dobivka vo slu~aj koga nadomestot e dogovoren ili opre­delen vo zavisnost od ostvarenata dobivka ili ne ovozmo`i uvid vo evidencijata ili ne dostavuva izve{tai za ostvarenata dobivka na nositelot na avtorskoto pravo (~len 70),


- does not keep appropriate accounts or other documentation of the amount profit sum gained in case where the remuneration has been agreed or determined depending on the profit gained, or does not enable the inspection of the documentation, or does not submit reports of the profits gained to the holder of copyright (Article 70);

- distribuira kopija na kompjuterska programa ili poseduva, za komercijalni celi, kopija na kompjuterska programa {to e ili mo`e da se pretpostavi deka e nedozvolena kopija (~len 102),


- distributes a copy of a computer program or possesses, for commercial purposes, a copy of a computer program which is or can be presumed to be an unauthorized copy (Article 102);

- bez prenesuvawe na soodvetno isklu­~ivo pravo od nositelot na srodno pravo (izvedu­va~ot ili producentot) vo slu~ai koga prene­suvaweto e potrebno spored ovoj zakon, javno izveduva, reproducira, distribuira ili iznaj­muva snimki od izvedbata, scenskoto delo, fonogramite, videogramite ili izdani­jata (~lenovi 108, 111, 118, 122, 125, 131, 132 i 133),


- without assignment of an appropriate exclusive right from the holder of related right (performer or producer), where such assignment is required by this Law, publicly performs, reproduces, distributes or rents fixations of a performance, stage work, phonograms, videograms or editions (Articles 108, 111, 118, 122, 125, 131, 132 and 133);

- bez prenesuvawe na soodvetno isklu~i­vo pravo od RTV orga­nizacija, vo slu~aj, koga takviot prenos e potreben spored ovoj zakon, snima, reproducira, distribuira snimki od programata ili na drug na~in koristi snimki (~len 129);


- without assignment of an appropriate exclusive rights by a broadcasting organization, where such assignment is required by this Law, records, reproduces, distributes fixations of a program or in another way uses fixations (Article 129);

- odbie kolektivno ostvaruvawe na avtor­sko pravo i srodno pravo koga toa }e go pobara nositelot na avtorsko pravo ili srodno pravo (~len 150),


- refuses collective administration of the copyright and related right where this is requested by the holder of copyright or related right (Article 150);

- ne dava podatoci za kolektivnoto ostva­ruvawe na avtorsko pravo i srodno pravo po barawe na nositelite na pravata ili ne sklu~i dogovor za prenesuvawe na neisklu~ivite prava (~len 151 stavovi 1 i 2),


- fails to give informations on the collective administration of copyright and related right when such informations is requested by the holders of rights, or fails to enter into a contract for the assignment of non-exclusive rights (Article 151, paragraphs 1 and 2);

- proizveduva, uvezuva, poseduva za komer­cijalni celi, distribuira, iznajmuva ili za drugo koristewe, bilo kakvi sredstva, ~ija edinstvena ili prete`na namena e bespravno da se otstrani ili o{teti tehni~ka oprema ili kompjuterska programa, {to se upotrebuva kako zakonska za{tita od neovlasteno koris­tewe (~len 158, alineja 1) i


- manufactures, imports, possesses for commercial purposes, distributes, rents or for another use, any kind of means whose sole or main purpose is to unlawfully remove or damage technical equipment or computer program that is used for legal protection against unauthorized use (Article 158, item 1); and

- proizveduva, uvezuva, poseduva za komer­cijalni celi, distribuira, iznajmuva ili na drug na~in koristi bilo kakvi sredstva, koi ovozmo`uvaat ili pomagaat javnosta da prima kodirani radio ili televiziski programski signali, a koja za toa nema ovlastuvawe(~len 158 alineja 2).


- manufactures, imports, possesses for commercial purposes, distributes, rents or in another way uses any kind of means that enable or facilitate the public to receipt encoded radio or television program-carrying signals without authorization (Article 158, item 2).

So pari~na kazna od 1.700,00 do 50.000,00 denari }e se kazni i odgo­vornoto lice vo pravnoto lice i poedinec koj vr{i samo­stojna dejnost ili profesija, za prekr{okot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


A fine to the amount between 1.700,00 and 50.000,00 denars shall be imposed on the institutional legal representative of a legal entity and a self-employed individual for a misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1.

So pari~na kazna od 1.000,00 do 50.000,00 denari, }e se kazni i fizi~ko lice za prekr{o­kot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


A fine to the amount between 1.000,00 and 50.000,00 denars shall be imposed on a natural person for a misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1.

Za prekr{okot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, na pravnoto lice, odnosno na poedinecot koj vr{i samostojna dejnost ili profesija, }e mu se iz­re­~e i za{titna merka zabrana na vr{ewe na dejnosta vo traewe od tri meseci do edna godina, a na soodvetnoto zdru`enie }e mu se odzema dozvolata za kolektivnoto ostvaruvawe na avtorskoto pravo i srodnite prava i za{titna merka odzemawe na primerocite na avtorskoto delo od alineja 1, kopiite od kompjuterskata programa od alineja 5, snimkite na izvedbata, odnosno scenskoto delo, kako i fonogramite i videogramite od alineja 6, snimkite na programite od alineja 7, kako i sredstvata od alineite 10 i 11 na ovoj ~len.


For the misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1, a legal entity or a self-employed individual shall be pronounced a provisional measure - prohibition on conducting his activities within a time period of three months to one year, and the appropriate collecting society shall be revoked of its licence for collective administration of the copyright and related rights and a provisional measure - seizure of the copies of a copyright work of item 1, the copies of a computer program of item 5, the performance or stage work fixations as well as the phonograms and videograms of item 6, the program fixations of item 7 as well as the means of items 10 and 11 of this Article.

Za prekr{okot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, na fizi~ko lice }e mu se iz­re­~e i za{titna merka odzemawe na predmetite od stav 4 na ovoj ~len.


For the misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1, a provisional measure - seizure of objects from this Article, paragraph 4, shall be imposed on a natural person who commits a misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1.




^len 169


Art. 169

So pari~na kazna od 34.000,00 do 150.000,00 denari, }e se kazni za prekr{ok pravno lice koe:


A fine for misdemeanour to the amount between 34.000,00 and 150.000,00 denars shall be imposed on a legal entity which:

- nema da mu ovozmo`i na avtorot uvid vo javnoto izveduvawe na deloto ili nema da mu obezbedi soodvetni tehni~ki uslovi za izveduvaweto (~len 81),


- does not enable the author to inspect the public performance of the work or does not provide adequate technical conditions for the performance (Article 81);

- na nadle`no zdru`enie nema da mu dostavi vo opredelen rok preg­led, odnosno podatoci za koristenite dela (~len 152 stavovi 1 i 3) i


- does not submit a list or informations on works used to the competent collecting society within the determined time limit (Article 152, paragraphs 1 and 3); and

- na nadle`no zdru`enie nema da mu dostavi vo opredelen rok podatoci za proda­deni originali na likovni dela i rakopisi na kni`evni i muzi~ki dela, za prodava~ot na originalite i rakopisite (~len 152 stav 4).


- does not submit informations on the sale of original works of fine art and manuscripts of literary and musical works, about the vendor of originals and manuscripts to the competent collecting society within the determined time limit (Article 152, paragraph 4).

So pari~na kazna od 1.700,00 do 34.000,00 denari, }e se kazni i odgo­vornoto lice vo pravnoto lice i poedinec koj vr{i samos­tojna dejnost ili profesija, za prekr{okot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


A fine to the amount between 1.700,00 and 34.000,00 denars shall be imposed on the institutional legal representative of a legal entity and a self-employed individual who commits a misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1.

So pari~na kazna od 1.000,00 do 33.000,00 denari, }e se kazni fizi~ko lice, za prekr{o­kot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


A fine to the amount between 1.000,000 and 33.000,00 denars shall be imposed on a natural person who commits a misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1.

Za prekr{okot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, na pravnoto lice, odnosno na poedinecot koj vr{i samostojna dejnost ili profesija, }e mu se izre~e za{titna merka zabrana za vr{ewe na dejnosta vo traewe od tri meseci do edna godina.


A legal entity or a self-employed individual who commits a misdemeanour of this Article, paragraph 1, shall be pronounced a provisional measure - prohibition on conducting his activities within a time period of three months to one year.




Oddel 5


Section 5






^len 170


Art. 170

Upraven nadzor nad ostvaruvaweto na ovoj zakon vr{i Ministerstvoto za kultura, soglasno so ovoj i so drug zakon.


Supervision on the implementation of this Law shall be carried out by the Ministry of Culture, according to this and another Law.

Koga ovlasteno lice (vo natamo{niot tekst: inspektor) pri vr{e­we na nadzorot osnovano se posomneva deka e napraven prekr{ok, so re{enie privremeno gi odzema predmetite {to bile koristeni ili nameneti za izvr{uvawe na prekr{okot ili bile sozdadeni so prekr­{okot, soglasno so ovoj zakon.


When an authorized person (hereafter inspector) in the course of his supervisory activity well founded suspects that a misdemeanour has been committed, he shall temporarily seize the objects that have been or are intended to be used for the commission of a misdemeanour, or have been created by such a misdemeanour, by decision, according to this Law.

Inspektorot, predmetite {to privre­meno gi odzel, istovremeno so predlogot za poveduvawe postapka za prekr{ok gi predava na nadle`niot organ za prekr{o~na postap­ka.


The inspector shall submit the temporarily seized objects, together with a writ for institution of misdemeanour proceedings, to the competent authority in misdemeanour proceedings.




^len 170 a


Art. 170 a

Inspektorot od ~len 170 stav 2 na ovoj zakon ima legitimacija.


The inspector from Article 170, paragraph 2, of this Law, shall have a legitimation.

Inspektorot e dol`en pred vr{eweto na inspekcijata da se legitimira.


The inspector shall be obliged to identify himself before exercising the inspection.

Obrazecot na legitimacijata i na~inot na nejzinoto izdavawe gi propi{uva ministe­rot za kultura.


The Minister of Culture shall stipulate the printed form of legitimation and its issuing.









chapter VIII







^len 171


Art. 171

Za{tita spored ovoj zakon u`ivaat avtori i nositeli na srodni prava koi se dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija odnosno imaat svoe sedi{te vo Republikata.


Authors and holders of related rights who are citizens of the Republic of Macedonia or have their headquarter in the Republic of Macedonia shall enjoy protection, according to this Law.

Stranski avtori i stranski nositeli na srodni prava u`ivaat ed­nak­va za{tita kako i licata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, dokolku taka e opredeleno so me|unaroden dogovor ili so ovoj zakon ili ako postoi fakti~ki recipro­citet.


Foreign authors and holders of related rights shall enjoy the same protection as persons of this Article, paragraph 1, insofar as this is provided by international agreement or this Law, or where factual reciprocity exists.

Nezavisno od drugite odredbi od Glava osma na ovoj zakon, strancite u`ivaat za{tita po ovoj zakon vo odnos na moralnite prava vo site slu~ai, a vo odnos na pravoto na sledstvo, pod uslov na fak­ti~ki recipro­citet.


Regardless the other provisions of Chapter VIII of this Law, foreigners shall enjoy protection under this Law with respect to the moral rights in all cases and with respect to the right of resale royalty only where factual reciprocity exists.

Reciprocitetot go doka`uva onoj koj{to se povikuva na nego.


Reciprocity shall be proved by the person who bases his claim thereon.




^len 172


Art. 172

Za{tita spored ovoj zakon u`ivaat stranski avtori:


Protection under this Law shall be enjoyed by foreign authors:

- koi imaat prestojuvali{te vo Repub­lika Makedonija,


- who are domiciled in the Republic of Macedonia;

- na dela {to prv pat se objaveni vo Republikata ili objaveni vo Republikata vo rok od 30 dena od denot koga bile prv pat objaveni vo druga dr`ava,


- of works first disclosed in the Republic of Macedonia or disclosed in the Republic of Macedonia within 30 days of having been first disclosed in another country;

- na audiovizuelni dela, ~ij producent ima svoe sedi{te ili pres­tojuvali{te vo Republikata i


- of audiovisual works whose producer has his headquarters or domicile in the Republic of Macedonia; and

- na arhitektonsko ili likovno delo, koe kako nedvi`nost, odnosno negov sostaven del se nao|a na teritorijata na Republikata.


- of work of architecture or fine art as an immovable property or its integral part located on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.

Dokolku avtorskoto delo go sozdale pove}e avtori, za{tita po ovoj zakon u`ivaat site avtori, dokolku najmalku eden od niv ispolnuva eden od uslovite od stav 1 na ovoj ~len.


If the copyright work has been created by several authors, the protection according to this Law shall be enjoyed by all of them if at least one of them meets one of the conditions of this Law, paragraph 1.




^len 173


Art. 173

Za{tita po ovoj zakon u`ivaat stranski izveduva~i:


Protection under this Law shall be enjoyed by foreign performers:

- koi imaat prestojuvali{te vo Repub­li­ka Makedonija,


- who have a domicile in the Republic of Macedonia;

- ~ii izvedbi se ostvaruvaat na terito­rijata na Republikata,


- whose performances take place in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia;

- ~ii izvedbi se snimeni na fonogrami, {to u`ivaat za{tita spo­red ovoj zakon i


- whose performances have been fixed on phonograms that enjoy protection under this Law; and

- ~ii izvedbi se prezemeni vo emisiite na RTV organizacii, no ne so cel da bidat snimeni na fonogrami, {to u`ivaat za{tita spored ovoj zakon.


- whose performances have been taken over in the programs of broadcasting organizations, but with no intention of being fixed on phonograms, that enjoy protection under this Law.

Dokolku vo izvedbata u~estvuvaat pove}e izveduva~i, za{tita spo­red ovoj zakon u`ivaat site, dokolku najmalku eden od niv e dr`av­ja­nin na Republika Makedonija ili ima prestojuvali{te vo Repub­likata.


If several performers take part in the performance, a protection under this Law shall be protected by all of them if at least one of them is a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia or has a domicile in the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 174


Art. 174

Za{tita, spored ovoj zakon, u`ivaat stranski proizveduva~i na fonogrami i filmski producent, ~ij fonogram ili videogram e prv pat snimen vo Republika Makedonija.


Protection under this Law shall be enjoyed by foreign producers of phonograms and film producers whose phonogram or videogram has been first fixed in the Republic of Macedonia.

Za{tita, spored ovoj zakon, u`iva stranski izdava~ vo odnos na svoite srodni prava, dokolku izdanieto bilo prvpat izdadeno vo Republikata ili bilo izdadeno vo Republikata vo rok od 30 dena od denot koga bilo prvpat izdadeno vo druga dr`ava.


Foreign publisher in respect of his related rights, shall enjoy protection under this Law insofar the edition has been first published in the Republic of Macedonia or published in the Republic of Macedonia within 30 days of having been first published in another country.




^len 175


Art. 175

Za{tita, spored ovoj zakon, u`iva stranska RTV organizacija {to gi prenesuva svoite programi preku predavateli {to se nao|aat na teritorijata na Republika Makedonija.


Protection under this Law shall be enjoyed by foreign broadcasting organization that emits its broadcasts through transmitters located on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 176


Art. 176

Za stranski nositeli na srodni prava, koi u`ivaat za{tita spored ovoj zakon, va`at rokovite za vremetraewe na tie prava soglasno so ovoj zakon, a istekuvaat najdocna do denot do koga trae za{titata vo dr`avata ~ii{to se dr`avjani ili vo koja imaat sedi{te, no ne podolgo od rokovite utvrdeni so ovoj zakon.


The time periods provided for protection of rights according to this Law shall apply to foreign holders of related rights who enjoy protection under this Law, and shall expire on the day on which the protection expires in the country of which are citizens, or where their headquarter is located, but not longer than the time periods determined by this Law.




^len 177


Art. 177

Za{tita, spored ovoj zakon, u`iva stranski avtor i stranski nositel na srodno pravo, ~ie delo, izvedba ili predmet na srodno pravo e objaveno vo Republika Make­donija preku satelit, dokolku soodvetni programski signali vo neprekinat komunika­ciski sinxir, {to vodi do satelitot i nazad do zemjata vo Republikata, se vneseni pod kontrola na nadle`na RTV organizacija.


Protection under this Law shall be enjoyed by foreign author and foreign holder of related right whose work, performance or object of related right is disclosed in the Republic of Macedonia through satellite, insofar the appropriate program-carrying signals are entered into an unbroken communications sequence to a satellite and back to the earth in the Republic of Macedonia, are under the control of the competent broadcaster.

Za{tita, spored ovoj zakon, se ostvaruva nezavisno dali e ispolnet uslovot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len, dokolku:


The protection, according to this Law shall also be enjoyed, regardless whether the condition of this Article, paragraph 1, has been fulfilled or not, if:

- vo Republikata se nao|a priemno-otpremna stanica, od koja se pre­nesuvaat programskite signali ili


- the receiving station which program-carrying signals are transmitted by, is located in the Republic of Macedonia; or

- RTV organizacijata {to nara~ala emituvawe preku satelit e so sedi{te vo Republikata.


- the broadcaster that has ordered the broadcast by satellite has its headquarters in the Republic of Macedonia.




^len 178


Art. 178

Avtorite i nositelite na srodni prava, koi nemaat dr`avjanstvo ili ~ie dr`avjan­stvo ne mo`e da se utvrdi - apatridi, u`ivaat ednakva za{tita spored ovoj zakon kako i dr`avjanite na Republika Make­donija, dokol­ku imaat prestojuvali{te vo Republi­kata.


Authors and holders of related rights who have no citizenship or whose citizenship cannot be determined - stateless persons, shall enjoy the same protection under this Law as the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia if they have a domicile in the Republic.

Licata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len koi nemaat prestojuvali{te vo Re­pub­likata ili dokolku toa ne mo`e da se utvrdi, no imaat nu`no smes­tu­vawe vo Republikata, u`ivaat ednakva za{tita kako dr`avjanite na Republikata.


Persons of this Article, paragraph 1, who do not have a domicile in the Republic of Macedonia or such cannot be determined but have a necessary residence in the Republic shall enjoy the same protection as citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

Licata od stav 1 na ovoj ~len koi nemaat nitu prestojuvali{te nitu nu`no smestuva­we vo Republika Makedonija, vo Republikata u`ivaat ednakva za{tita kako dr`avjanite na dr`avata vo koja imaat prestojuvali{te ili nu`no smestuvawe.


Persons of this Article, paragraph 1, who have neither domicile nor necessary residence in the Republic of Macedonia shall enjoy the same protection as citizens of the State in which they have a domicile or necessary residence.

Odredbite od ovoj ~len se odnesuvaat i na stranski avtor i na stranski nositel na srodni prava, koi spored me|unarodnite dogovori ili propisite na Republika Makedonija, ima status na begalec.


The provisions of this Article shall apply equally to foreign authors and foreign holders of related rights having the status of refugees under international agreements or the regulations of the Republic of Macedonia.









chapter IX







^len 179


Art. 179

Ministerstvoto za kultura go raspi­{uva konkursot od ~len 144 na ovoj zakon zaradi izdavawe dozvola za kolektivno ostvaruvawe na avtorskoto pravo i srodnite prava, vo rok od edna godina od denot na vleguvaweto vo sila na ovoj zakon.


The Ministry of Culture shall announce a competition from Article 144 of this Law for the purpose of issuing a licence for collective administration of copyright and related rights, within one year of the day of entering into force of this Law.

Dokolku vrz osnova na konkursot od stav 1 na ovoj ~len ne izdade dozvola, Minister­stvoto mo`e da izdade privremena dozvola za kolektivno ostvaruvawe na opredeleni prava, na pravno lice {to ne gi ispolnuva uslovite od ~len 142 na ovoj zakon. Vo privremenata dozvola se opredeluva rokot i uslovite za privremeno kolektivno ostvaru­vawe.


If the Ministry does not issue a licence regarding to the competition of this Article, paragraph 1, it may issue a temporary licence for collective administration of specific rights to a legal entity which does not fulfil the conditions from Article 142 of this Law. The temporary licence determines the term and the conditions for temporary collective administration.




^len 180


Art. 180

Zdru`enie {to pred donesuvaweto na ovoj zakon kolektivno gi ostvaruvalo avtor­skite prava od ~lenovite 91 i 93 na Zakonot za avtor­skoto pravo ("Slu`ben list na SFRJ# broj 19/78, 34/78, 24/86, 75/89 i 21/90), mo`e da prodol`i so rabota bez dozvola na Minister­stvoto za kultura, s¢ dodeka Ministerstvoto za kultura ne izdade dozvola za kolektivno ostvaruvawe na istite prava na drugo zdru`enie {to gi ispolnuva uslovite od ovoj zakon.


An association that has been collectively administering rights from Articles 91 and 93 of the Law on Copyright (Official Gazette of SFRY) Nos. 19/1978, 34/1978, 24/1986, 75/1989 and 21/1990) prior to the enactment of this Law may continue to do so without the permission of the Ministry of Culture until the Ministry issues a licence for the collective administration of such rights to another collecting society that meets the conditions of this Law.

Tarifite, odnosno pravilnicite na zdru`enieto od stav 1 na ovoj ~len doneseni pred vleguvaweto vo sila na ovoj zakon vrz osnova na ~lenot 91-a od Zakonot za avtorskoto pravo ("Slu`ben vesnik na SFRJ# broj 19/78, 34/78, 24/86, 75/89 i 21/90), se dostavuvaat do Minister­stvoto za kultura vo rok od 30 dena po vleguvaweto vo sila na ovoj zakon, zaradi soglasnost.


Tariffs or regulations of the society of this Article, paragraph 1, adopted before entering into force of this Law on the basis of Article 91a of the Law on Copyright (Official Gazette of SFRY Nos. 19/1978, 34/1978, 24/1986, 75/1989 and 21/1990) shall be submitted for permission to the Ministry of Culture within 30 days of the entering into force of this Law.




^len 181


Art. 181

Odredbite na ovoj zakon za nadomest za objavuvawe fonogrami (~lenovi 112 i 119) }e se primenuvaat po dve godini od denot na vlegu­vaweto vo sila na ovoj zakon.


The provisions of this Law concerning remuneration for disclosure of phonograms (Articles 112 and 119) shall apply after two years of the day of entering into force of this Law.




^len 182


Art. 182

Odredbite na ovoj zakon ne se odnesu­vaat na dogovori ili dejstvija za koristewe {to bile sklu~eni ili izvr{eni pred negovoto vleguvawe vo sila, dokolku so ovoj zakon ne e poinaku opredeleno.


The provisions of this Law shall not apply to contracts or activities for use concluded or accomplished before it enters into force, unless otherwise determined by this Law.




^len 183


Art. 183

Odredbite na ovoj zakon za kompjuterski programi i bazi na poda­toci se primenuvaat i za kompjuterski programi i bazi na podatoci sozdadeni pred denot na negovoto vleguvawe vo sila, dokolku so toa ne se posega vo dogovorite i pravata sklu~eni ili steknati do toj den.


The provisions of this Law concerning computer programs and databases shall also apply to computer programs and databases created before the day on which this Law enters into force, unless it affects the contracts and rights concluded or acquired prior to that day.




^len 184


Art. 184

Ovoj zakon se primenuva za site avtorski dela i izvedbi na izve­duva~i, {to vo momentot na negovoto vleguvawe vo sila u`ivale za{tita vrz osnova na Zakonot za avtorskoto pravo ("Slu`ben list na SFRJ# broj 19/78, 34/78, 24/86, 75/89 i 21/90).


This Law shall apply to all copyright works and performers' performances that, at the time of its entering into force, have enjoyed protection under the Law on Copyright (Official Gazette of SFRY Nos. 19/1978, 34/1978, 24/1986, 75/1989 and 21/1990).

Ovoj zakon se primenuva i na predmeti na srodni prava, dokolku do denot na vleguvaweto vo sila na Zakonot ne izminale 20 godini od denot koga prv pat bile zakonski izdadeni, odnosno snimeni.


This Law shall also apply to objects of related rights if, 20 years have not expired from the time of their first legal publication or fixation to the day of entering into force of this Law.




^len 184 a


Art. 184 a

Aktot od ~len 170 a na ovoj zakon, ministerot za kultura }e go donese vo rok od tri dena od denot na vleguvaweto vo sila na ovoj zakon.


The Act from Article 170a of this Law shall be pronounced by the Minister of Culture within a time period of three days from the day of entering into force of this Law.




^len 185


Art. 185

So denot na vleguvawe vo sila na ovoj zakon, prestanuva da va`i Zakonot za avtorskoto pravo ("Slu`ben list na SFRJ# broj 19/78, 34/78, 24/86, 75/89 i 21/90).


On the day of entering into force of this Law, the Law on Copyright (Official Gazette of SFRY Nos. 19/1978, 34/1978, 24/1986, 75/1989 and 21/1990) shall cease to apply.




^len 186


Art. 186

Ovoj zakon vleguva vo sila osmiot den od denot na objavuvaweto vo "Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija#.


This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia.













1. Universal Copyright Convention, adopted in Geneva on September 1952, revised at Paris on July 24, 1971;

- Law on Ratification of the Universal Copyright Convention, (Official Gazette of SFRY, 54/73) - Taken over from former SFRY on the base of succession;

2. The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, Paris Act of July 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979;

- Law on Ratification of the Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works, of March 12, 1975, Belgrade (Official Gazette of SFRY, 14/75 and 14/86) - Taken over from former SFRY on the base of succession; By Notification Berne No. 187 revoked the reservation of nonapplication of the Article 8 from the Convention;

3. Rome Convention, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations, at Rome, October 26, 1961;

- Law on ratification of the Rome Convention, International convention for the protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organisations, (Official Gazette of RM, 50/97) - With reservations of nonapplication of the Article 5 (1) (c) according to Article 5 (3) of the Convention and Article 12 according to Article 16 (1) (a) (i) of the Convention;

4. Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms, of October 29, 1971;

- Law on Ratification of the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms, (Official Gazette of RM, 47/97);

5. Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme - Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite, at Brussels on May 21, 1974 (Official Gazette of SFRY) - Taken over from former SFRY on the base of succession.


* * *


1. WIPO Copyright Treaty, of December 20, 1996; and

2. WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, of December 20, 1996; Provisions of the both Treaties incorporated.






1. Council Directive on the legal protection of computer programs, No. 91/250/EEC of May 14, 1991;

2. Council Directive on rental right and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property, 92/100/EEC of November 19, 1992;

3. Council Directive on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission, 93/83/EEC of September 27, 1993;

4. Council Directive harmonizing the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights, 93/98/EEC, of October 1993;

5. Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 11, 1996 on the Legal Protection of Databases (referred to databases in the part of provisions of databases as copyright work. Sui generis right of databases not incorporated yet).





1. Council Recommendation on the rules referred to the copyright matters in the field of satellite and cable television, No. R (86) 2;

2. Council Recommendation on sound and audiovisual private reproduction, No. R (88) 1;

3. Council Recommendation on the measures against piracy in the field of copyright and related rights, No. R (88) 2;

4. Council Recommendation on the rules referred to copyright matters in the field of reprography, No. R (90);

5. Council Recommendation on the legal protection of the encoded television broadcasts, No. R (91) 14.





1. Agreement on Trade - Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement, 1994)