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PNW 081: Stormwater Management Directory
This flyer highlights the resources that land grant universities in the region have to address stormwater management. The directory addresses the stormwater management issues and lays out strategies to protect surface water quality. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 143: Using Rain Gardens: Reining in the Rain
This update highlights the benefits of rain gardens in the wetter areas west of the Cascades. The update also identifies construction guidebooks produced by WSU that can help homeowners establish their own rain garden. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 142: Regional Agent Training: NEMO Improves Stormwater Management
This update highlights a two-day training for Extension faculty that emphasized how NEMO strategies can be used to introduce Low Impact Development (LID) and other infiltrative methods into planning for new development and retrofitting older styles of construction to manage stormwater runoff. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 098: Stormwater Management (Satellite Conference) in Extreme Climates in the Western USA
This update highlights our fifth annual regional satellite conference which focused on stormwater management strategies in extreme western climates. Video segments highlighted stormwater management in Anchorage, Alaska and Tucson, Arizona. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 084: Stormwater Management from a Watershed Perspective – Extreme Western Climates
This flyer announces the upcoming (October 2006) satellite conference on stormwater. This conference will highlight stormwater management efforts in Alaska and Arizona. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 073: Stormwater Management from a Watershed Perspective
Over 4,000 people attended the "Stormwater Management from a Watershed Perspective" satellite conference at 180+ facilitated sites in October 2005. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 064: Stormwater Management from a Watershed Perspective
This flyer highlights our fourth annual satellite conference (October 2005) on watershed management. This time the topic is stormwater. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.
PNW 043: Helping Washington Weather the Storm Water of Growth
This flyer highlights programs that Washington State University has undertaken to deal with storm water issues in rapidly growing areas of western Washington. Much of this information is transferable to the entire PNW. Find out more by viewing an HTML version of the flyer here or by downloading the PDF flyer here.

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PNW Updates 141-150 | PNW Updates 131-140 | PNW Updates 121-130 |
PNW Updates 111-120 | PNW Updates 101-110 | PNW Updates 091-100 |
PNW Updates 081-090 | PNW Updates 071-080 | PNW Updates 061-070 |
PNW Updates 051-060 | PNW Updates 041-050 | PNW Updates 031-040 |
PNW Updates 021-030 | PNW Updates 011-020 | PNW Updates 0-010

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University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service
University of Idaho Water Quality Program
Northwest Indian College

Oregon State University Extension Service
Washington State University Extension Water Quality

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A cooperative program consisting of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
the Land Grant Colleges and Universities.

- a Regionally-Based National Network -

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USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CSREES PNW Regional Water Quality Program