“I never before knew the full value of trees. Under them I breakfast, dine, write, read, and recieve my company” —Thomas Jefferson

Tree Line USA

Application Deadline: November 1.

Trees and Utilities National Conference

Each year The Arbor Day Foundation and the Utility Arborist Association sponsor a three-day conference. The conference brings together the nation's leading experts and practitioners in utility arboriculture and urban forestry.

Utilities are increasingly realizing the public relations and demand-side management advantages of fostering quality community forests. In addition to learning about what other utilities are doing to meet and exceed the Tree Line USA requirements, you will learn about the equipment, procedures, and programs of the future.

Learn More.

The Tree Line USA® program is sponsored by The Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and recognizes public and private utilities across the nation that demonstrate practices that protect and enhance America's urban forests.

Trees and utility service lines are integral components of every community. By necessity, they must co-exist in close proximity, and each in its own way is essential to our high standard of living.

The Arbor Day Foundation Tree Line USA program promotes the dual goals of dependable utility service and abundant, healthy trees in America's communities.

To meet these goals, criteria have been developed that highlight—for the consumer public as well as utility workers—key practices that need to be followed. Utilities that meet the three requirements of this program are publicly recognized for their contribution to better community forests. This recognition serves not only as an award to the conscientious employees who make it possible, it also makes a statement to the community at large about cooperation, goodwill and the need for continuous tree care.

Utilities which apply and are certified as a Tree Line USA will receive:

  1. a plaque
  2. a handsome Tree Line USA flag and
  3. the distinctive Tree Line USA prism for display.