“Trees are the Earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” —Rabindranath Tagore

Storm Recovery - Trees

Click here to download the Storm Recovery Kit

This kit contains information about how communities and individuals can save damaged trees after violent storms. All articles and artwork are downloadable for reprint.

Please credit all artwork: Arbor Day Foundation Illustrations

For use immediately after a major storm

In the Storm's Wake...
News release about the loss people feel when trees are damaged, discussing the idea that the community's trees are resilient, stressing safety and professional tree care, and urging patience and restraint.

For use as soon after a storm as possible

Can These Trees Be Saved?
News release and supporting illustrations showing how to make an initial determination as to whether or not a damaged tree can be saved. Artwork shows examples of typical damage and keys to making an informed decision.

Watch Out for Scam Artists Posing as Arborists
News release and illustration about how to select an arborist and avoid being a victim of unscrupulous fly-by-night “tree specialists.”

Tree First Aid After a Storm
News release and “how-to” illustrations stressing importance of safety measures after a storm, and showing pruning and other tree repairs that can be safely done by most home or property owners.

Storm follow-up stories

Trees & Storms: Other Cities Have Recovered
News release describing typical tree damage from major storms, and citing examples of how other communities recovered from such damage.

Reducing Tree Damage in Future Storms
News release and supporting illustrations showing characteristics of trees that can resist storm damage, how to prune trees to enhance strength and increase the likelihood that they will endure future storms without major damage.

The Value of Trees in a Community
News release and supporting illustrations about the aesthetic, energy, environmental, and economic value of trees in our communities.

The Importance of Urban & Community Forestry
News release describing the benefits of municipal tree-care programs, and describing the Tree City USA standards and program.

For additional information

How to Get More Information
A listing of additional information and additional downloadable files available through The Arbor Day Foundation and other sources.

University of Florida: Assessing Damage and Restoring Trees After a Hurricane

Lightning Damage in Trees
by Dr. Kim D. Coder, Arborist News - June 2004

Southern Center for Urban Forestry - Trees & Storm Resources
A list of collected resources, tools and links.

Treelink maintains an index of links to flood recovery resources.

This information is made possible by support from:

USDA Forest Service Arbor Day Foundation International Society of Arboriculture