“Trees are the Earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” —Rabindranath Tagore

Public Service Announcements

If you are having trouble downloading PSAs, or need one in a different format, please contact Mark Derowitsch, Public Relations Manager , at 1-888-448-7337 or

Video PSAs

Note: To view this video, you need:
  1. Flash Player 7 or higher.
  2. JavaScript enabled.

If you have both of these, the video you are trying to access does not exist. Please choose one of our other PSAs below.

  1. Current PSA

    1. New Nature Explore (60 Seconds)

  2. Archived PSAs

    1. Replanting Our National Forests (60 Seconds)

    2. Replanting Our National Forests (30 Seconds)

    3. Nature Explore (30 Seconds)

    4. Tree City USA (60 Seconds)

    5. Rain Forest Rescue and Songbird Migration (30 Seconds)

    6. Rain Forest Rescue and “The Road to El Dorado” (60 Seconds)

    7. Our National Tree (60 Seconds)

    8. Carly Says “Trees are Terrific” (60 Seconds)

To obtain any of our video PSAs in broadcast quality for your station, please contact

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